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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Carl remained clung onto Skyler but looked off towards Caitlyn in awe - She was the only other kid that was relatively close to his age.

"We've already ate." Eric said boldly out of nowhere, giving a curt nod at Jazz. He glanced around everyone and took a deep breath, clearly not a very trusting person. He seemed rather on edge.

"Hi..." Carl raised one hand and waved at them both. (@DryPunishment)
"Hello little guy.What's your name?"

Caitlyn waved back at the little boy shyly.

"If you already ate then I think you won't mind if Cait and I eat too.What do they call you big guy?And who might be this charming young lady?"

He looks in her general direction putting his rifle down and opening his duffel bag.

(@DrTrollinski @Aryn Harris)
".. My name's Carl..." The little one said shyly. Eric stood up and went over to sit closer to Carl and Skyler.

".. I'm Eric. Carl and Alex's brother..." He murmured, looking around. There was a brief silence and then Carl looked to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Eric! Play a song!" He said happily, Eric closed his eyes tightly and shook his head.

"No way." He said, Carl whined and slouched over towards him away from Skyler, lying across his lap and looking up at him.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease?" He begged, holding onto Eric's shirt. Eric squirmed and grunted in annoyance.

"Fine! Just get off me. Please?!" He snarled, Carl giggled and quickly wriggled away from him and sat beside Skyler again; Eric went out of the room and went upstairs, returning a few minutes later with his Western Guitar; it had a shoulder strap attached; he had it over his shoulders, obviously. He sat down on the farthest chair and readied the guitar on his lap. (@DryPunishment, @Aryn Harris)
"I wish I had my saxophone...I'd play you some old world blues right now...Caitlyn dear do you want beans,pineapple or peaches?By the way,nice meeting you all"

He got the cans out and awaited Cait's answer.


Matty started looking around for a knife

"Got a can opener?I stabbed a walker with mine and I'd rather not do anything to the food."
Carl shrugged and hopped up before walking over to one of the counters in the kitchen; he began rummaging through it until he managed to find the can opener; he ran over to Matty and held it out towards him, giving a shy smile. (@DryPunishment)
He took the can opener and thanked Carl.

Matty opened the canned peaches and got out another can of pork and beans and opened in too.

"Are you sure you guys don't want anything?"

He said as Caitlyn was munching on the peaches.
Elizabeth and Brian stepped inside the house looking at the others.

"Hi I'm Brian and she is my sister Lizzy!"

Brian said while waving at the others
"We're fine." Eric answered for them, starting off a gentle riff on a guitar. "As par my brother... I'm going to be singing a song for you... This is a song about--.. About a journey. A journey of looking for something, or someone... Because out there, I suppose there's always that one special thing that we're looking for." He stated softly, followed by changing the riff he was playing entirely. After a few seconds of playing the guitar he started singing. His voice was refined - it was perfect, the result of years of vocal practice. His guitar-playing was fantastic as well. He didn't even need to look at the guitar despite all of the complex picking patterns and chord changes that he was performing. Brian and Elizabeth walked in as he started playing and singing.


"And now I know... The only compass that I need... Is the one... That leads back to YOU." He stopped playing and singing right there, finishing the song off. (@DryPunishment)
"Hey Brian hey Lizzy,you guys hungry?

He said motioning to the cans

"I'm Jazz and this is Caitlyn"

"But you're Matty not Jazz..."

"Yeah but I really like that nickname...fine.Guys I'm Matty."

As soon as Eric finished the song he and Caitlyn applauded the performance.


"It was so pretty."
Brian waved at Jazz and Caitlyn.


"We already ate"

Elizabeth said while clapping at the performance.

"That was really nice Eric"

"Thanks... It's taken me years to master it, but... I got there eventually." Eric smiled around at them all; Carl clapped along with Caitlyn and Matty.

"Yeah, well done." Alex said awkwardly, patting Eric on the shoulder. Judging by the bruises on their bodies, it's obvious they had been fighting, either with someone else or each other. (@DryPunishment) 
"Eric do you mind if I try playing the guitar too?I'm a little rusty but I think I can handle."

"You can play too?"

"You're kidding,right.Cait-honey I was in a band once,it didn't last long unfortunately.As of right now I can play the saxophone,the guitar and bits and pieces on the piano."
Skyler glances over at the newcomers and stands up. She runs her fingers through her hair and sets her backpack down by her chair before sitting down in it. Her legs cross and she also crosses her arms.
He takes the guitar and strumms a couple notes and does a short fingerstyle rythm to accomodate with the guitar.

"Allright,here we go."

Matty starts with some high notes and repeats them a few times before playing the notes that form "Pure Imagination"


Carl went back to Skyler and tugged on her arm while listening to the guitar. ".. I'm tired..." He whispered.

"Very nice, man. Simple but beautiful." Eric said gently. (@DryPunishment, @Aryn Harris)
Matty grinned at Eric's statement.

"We were called 'The Brighton's Brightest".When you think about it every band name sound stupid,but that was and still is on a whole new level of stupid.Thanks man,If we find a sax or another guitar I'm gonna challange you to a jam session."

"That was so beautiful,Matty."

Skyler nods her head and stands up, Carl still in her arms. "Where's his bedroom?" She asks Alex, as she gently rubs Carl's back in a soothing manner.
"We all share one room. Room at the end of the hallway. He has the only bed in the room." He smiled at her.

"A challenge? Man, we'd be better off playing together as a duo. I think we're around the same skill level." Eric said to him, shrugging. (@DryPunishment)
Skyler nods her head and follows his directions. Once she gets to the room and walks in and gently places him down on the bed.

Matty brings his fist out to Eric expecting a brofist.
He tucks himself in and sighs, looking up at Skyler. ".. Is everyone gonna' die...?" He asked in worry, pulling the blanket up to his eyes.


He's hesitant, but eventually gives him a fist bump. (@DryPunishment, @Aryn Harris)
"If you guys want I'll keep watch first,but Caitlyn needs a place to sleep."

Matty returned the guitar to Eric and turned his head towards Caitlyn which was asleep.

"Hmm,guess that saves me the trouble."

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