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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Levi shuddered violently; the frost biting at his heels and the tips of his exposed fingers. He rubbed them vigorously together, trying to generate some amount of heat without her to hold. The true extent of it hadn't sunk in yet, and he still found himself turning to talk to the empty imprint in the passenger seat. Images of her corpse being thrown so unceremoniously to distract the walkers burned in his thoughts. He actually believed, to some measure, that it was too cold to cry; he cursed New York, and he cursed the fact his car hadn't started soon enough, and he cursed the fact he was stuck camping in the middle of nowhere trying to leave the state. He wasn't even sure if he had, he was on autopilot; and being alone just reinforced the fact he was in survival mode. Calmly, he went to working on the exhaust of his car; it was stalling due to the cold he'd exposed it to. It was a relatively nice car, used but pristine and clean except for the dried guts under the wheels. He took this time, waiting for the engine to warm up enough to continue on his journey, to refill the gas, clean the car, and reminisce. Without her it seemed that this hell was all too real, and without her he could feel the painful memories of 'you are not good enough' and 'you could not save her' come rushing back to him. Levi sat on top of the car's hood; his knuckles white from holding his baseball bat so tightly.

He knew he wasn't the only person who grew up this way- so emotionally damaged that it seemed like broken bones didn't hurt as much as the names he was called. She saw that he grew up to think nobody could ever fall in love with him; that nobody could make him feel as though the sun and the moon and the stars were something to be contemplated, and that the faces passing by in the city weren't but gray blurs. Reflecting on this, Levi mentally concluded he would be lonely forever in this new world. He felt surrounded, closed in, and suffocated; even though he was completely alone. He could no longer hear the hungry groans of the herd, but in his mind there was a flurry of ideas and comments. It must've only been days, but it felt like years since she'd been gone; so he tried to empty himself to feel nothing at all, since nothing hurt more than this foreboding grief. Pulling his coat a little closer, he hunched in on himself; glasses fogged over and black hair sticking to his forehead. Rusty with blood. So his broken heartstrings bled the blues, billowing up in black smoke that poured out his ears, nose, and eyes. Fogging his glasses, he could not see anything but gray blurs. Gray blurs, like passing people, and missing faces, and murky glass. He felt himself breaking, yanking the prescription bottle out of his heavy coat. Levi sunk into a tidewave of anti-depressants and anti-anxieties, downing the dosage he was meant to take every day to prevent these obsessive outbreaks.

Without her, there was almost no point. He'd tried to wean himself off, and he'd been able to self-comfort with his fiancee as a safety net. Now, he had no one to remind him that there was air around him that he could breathe, or that if he came out of a reclusive state he could see that the sun was still shining. Once he felt the pit of loss fade into a blank slate, he slid off the hood of his car and got into the front seat, locking the doors, checking the supplies, and trying to rev up the engine again. Levi didn't even realize that tears were streaking tracks in the dirt on his face. He cleaned his glasses off, and gave the key a final jerk before hearing the car rumble to life. A wry smile crossed his face as he sped off, leaving behind the sensitive love he once felt and instead icing his heart over while the heat rushed to his head and streamed out in rivers down his cheeks. Levi didn't know quite where he was going, he just knew he was better stocked than most anyone he'd ran into, and that he had enough gas to go far away. That, he concluded, was where he'd go. He'd head to warmer weather, and he'd find Felix and his sister. Surely, they couldn't be too far. He'd never gotten her exact address, and had long forgotten just where she was, but he knew that they were the only connection he had left. Even if he died doing it, he had to keep a reason to live.


The pickup roared, and he yelled obscenities every which way as she pulled out of the driveway; it was careless and sloppy, nearly spinning off the ditch, she tried to back out and leave. Mason had stormed after her, as though he had to blame someone for the outbreak ruining his holiday. As if the idea of people turning into monsters didn't scare her enough, he'd gone so far as to burn her hands with the water she was boiling for dinner. Of course, he'd call it an accident; that he didn't realize it was steaming when he knocked it over in rage. He'd deny that he hit her that hard too. Delaney could already feel a bruise forming up on her cheekbone and under her eye, her wrists still fading yellow and black from the night before. It wasn't that he was all bad, he brought home the nicest gifts and said the sweetest things. It was just that when he had his bad moments, he was bad. Or, so she told herself; she knew that her sweet highschool honey was somewhere under this calloused bastard. The adrenaline was pumping through her body so profoundly that she had the will to ignore the fact her hands felt skinless and her mouth bled profusely.

He wasn't necessarily as mad that she was leaving as he was that she took his shotgun off the wall, fired one into the ceiling, and ran out the door with his duffle bag. Not only that, but she'd been planning this ever since the TV broadcasted the warning. She'd slowly snuck suitcases in the red pickup, a monstrously sized vehicle that she had to jump to get into with her short legs and stout frame, and he hadn't suspected a thing. Mason kicked and screamed like a toddler until she managed to get herself out of the rut, trying to apologize frantically as she sped down the snowy road. Delaney left him in a cloud of car fumes and drove blindly through the Kansas countryside. Her untamed curls were falling out of the loose bun on the back of her head, a tangle of lovely brown locks cut short into a stacked bob long before the apocalypse. Her straight brows were knit together in concern, or some sort of demented rage; her heart told her to go back, but her head told her to move on. Delaney squeezed her eyes shut, the aching in her tailbone and back becoming more and more apparent as she got farther away from Mason.

The woman had to find people, she needed a secure place to settle in and a safe barrier to prevent Mason from finding her. Not to mention, if those creatures described on the news were really such diligent killers, she knew that she couldn't drove forever. She only prayed she wouldn't have to face any of them alone, knowing full well that while she was an excellent shot; it was different when it was someone you once knew. Pursing her chapped lips, she nodded her head as if to reinforce her actions and validate her thoughts. She was not crazy, he was abusive, and she was not abandoning him, she was escaping for her own good. Still, the excitement was short term and she felt more and more vulnerable as she drove farther away; in no particular direction.

(I tried to leave them relatively vague since I don't know where anyone is yet)
Providing she was travelling East through the countryside, just off of the main interstate she could see the the smoke of a campfire rising up into the air. ((NPC, but still adds RP))


Delaney had driven until she heard the car beep, indicating she'd taken a full tank and brought it down to nearly nothing; she could go a few more miles this way, but now she was losing herself in the Eastern countryside. She hadn't even cleaned off the crusted blood off her jaw or checked to see if the bruise's swelling went down. She'd only stopped to rub ointment on her burnt hands. They were bright red, patching in areas and beginning to scab where the tender skin had been torn from Mason's nails. It'd caused her to bite down on her tongue, resulting in the ungodly amount of blood from her mouth; that with her habit of gnawing away her lower lip made for a ghastly sight. The makeup she'd put on earlier today had been rubbed off everywhere except her eyes, which still had smudged eyemakeup on it.

Looking ahead, she saw rings of smoke in the sky. It was distant, but she should be able to make it, just barely. Driving in that direction, she continued in relative silence and concern until her car lost all its gas but a quarter of a mile away from the fire. Sitting in her car, she rummaged in the trash for something warm. She had primarily brought Mason's clothes, since nothing of hers was really that useful except for her skirts and pants and shoes. Spare a few undershirts, most of her clothes were Mason's plaids, flannels, sweaters, and coats. Delaney coughed hoarsely, pulling on another layer of plaid before the army jacket that'd been passed down through the Wiltz family. It was so old and beaten, but still held the right amount of charm and warmth for her to deem it a worthy companion. Mustering up strength, she locked the car once she stepped out; her boots laced tightly and her bodily abuse hidden by the massive clothes she wore. Delaney cautiously stepped towards the fire, bringing her duffel bag and shotgun; ready to fire.
There'd be two men and a woman sitting around the camp fire, the man gently picks at the strings of an old flat-top guitar - dents and scratches in the wood, but still it somehow sounded very melodic and peaceful. It was quiet strumming of numerous chords that eventually kicked off into a nice little riff. The other two merely watched him as he played, but before they knew it, he started singing in his all so wonderful countrified voice.

"Almost heaven... West Virginia... Blue ridge mountains, Shenandoah river..." He sung softly - John Denver's 'Country Roads' - How fitting. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Delaney was still cautious, wondering why they'd take to singing at a time like this; sure, they were in the middle of nowhere, but certainly those creatures were nearby. Somehwhere. She hadn't seen anything but a few moving figures in the distance on her way down, and it only made her drive faster. Hardly able to tread lightly, she stepped on a loud branch and broke the song with a resounding crack. Coming out of the shadows, gun still in hand, she looked at the two from a relatively safe distance to see what they were like. "I don't want to shoot." She said, Kansas accent heavy as she tried her best to use that intimidating husky voice Mason used on her. However, it came out a feeble mewl and faded by like a passing breeze.
The guitar gave off a shrill sound as he messed up on one of the chords when he heard her voice. He looked off towards her and then gently set the guitar down against the truck that was just beside the first tent. He held up both of his hands and slowly began to approach her - he was middle aged, if not that, then mid-forties. He smiled a grin at her, one gold tooth sparkling in the moonlight.

"Hey there, sweetheart..." He greeted, looking over her a few times. "You ain't lookin' so good... You need some help...?" He asked softly, glancing back at the other two for a moment. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Elizabeth and Brian sat in the bed quietly. No zombie had entered the house they were in, yet. Brian looked at his sister and whispered

"What are we going to do when the horde goes away?"

"I don't know yet, maybe go to the countryside or somewhere with a fence"

"What about the others? Maybe we could make a group"

"Brian I know that you think-"

"Maybe they are not bad people, just people trying to survive just like us. We have more chances if we are with other people"

"We'll see kid"
Tommy looked at Jared, "Walked." He smiled a little and continued North, there is a Dairy Queen in a town a few miles down the road." His watch started to beep, he turned it off quickly and checked the time, then looked at Jared. "Happy New Year, Kiddo." As they walked he looked up at the stars, "Thats what I love about the Texas country side. The stars. Nothing will ever be as pretty as the stars." He sighed, "Wish I could just fly off man, go up there. Fuckin' travel the universe. How awesome would be that be?"

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The woman withdrew, her curls bouncing as she planted one foot firmly behind her; ready to shoot in case something, or someone, lunged at her. A part of her wanted to say she was fine, and if they could spare a little gas she'd be mighty grateful. She could act as though she got in a fight, surely they couldn't decipher why she was so beaten up. Clearing her throat, she tentatively stepped up to the light of the fire; just barely within a 7 foot radius of the strangers looking at her. He had a gentle voice, and such an amicable tone; but she didn't want to risk anything with Mason surely looking for her, if he wasn't burning the house down in rage. Taking a hasty breath, Delaney caved into their help, mentally concluding that she wasn't much a fighter to begin with. "I could use some gas... My car ran out a little while back." She said softly, shoulders slumping and face dropping; but her dark brown eyes stayed locked on them.
"Well... We've got enough to spare, I guess." He said, smiling. "You want some medical stuff to take care of those wounds? You ain't gettin' far if they get infected, sweetheart." He muttered, opening the back of the truck and revealing a few jerry cans and a few small gas canisters. (@TheHarlequinnCat)


Woodruff, Wisconsin - 12:00am

Alex looked around them all in the darkened room and smiled faintly after glancing down at his watch. "Happy New Year, everyone..." He smiled, Carl hugged him tightly and then leaned back on his lap, looking up at him. Eric went and turned on a small lamp in the corner of the room to light them up a little.

".. Alex..." Carl muttered.

"Yeah, buddy?" He whispered, ruffling his hair.

".. Are we gonna' stay at the house forever like you said?" He asked him, Alex was hoping at this point that Carl didn't want to stay in this place any more. It was about time that they relocated anyway - it'd be far better to go somewhere that had plenty of room and had a higher defence. Alex sighed and hugged him again.

"I don't know, pal... I don't think so. It's starting to get a bit dry here, isn't it?" He said to him with a light-hearted smile. He said nothing in response. Eric went over and hugged them both, wishing them a Happy New Year. Yeah. Happy. Like that was happening. "Happy New Year, Skyler." He said to her. Suddenly, they heard gunshots out on the street - some crazy old man had ran out in his PJ's from his house with semi-automatic Remington rifle.

"COME ON YOU COMMIE BASTARDS!" He screamed at the top of his lungs as he began spraying into the crowd. Some bullets went off and struck houses, going in through the windows and doors. Carl screamed in terror and Alex quickly dived to the ground with him and Eric at his side; he held them close to the ground and did his best to comfort them - the old man kept on spraying and spraying, shooting in through the windows of the house Brian and Elizabeth were holed up in as well - eventually, magazine after magazine, the horde was mostly gone, and now there was only a few stragglers left - how much more convenient could it be. The poor bastard's heart gave away right there and then and the zombies swarmed him; as soon as Alex heard him screaming he kept the two other boys at Skyler's side and then dashed outside, running over to him. He shot the three zombies that had climbed on top of him and then looked down at him - he was a choking and bleeding mess. Tears lined his eyes, but he seemed so... Peaceful.

".. I'm sorry, old man..." He whispered as he raised the gun and capped the poor old dying soul in the head; he leaned over and picked up the Remington R-15 rifle and inspected it for a moment, followed by searching the guy's corpse to look for some magazines - he found two, and nothing more. He quickly dashed back inside the house and hoped that any survivors - if any - that were nearby had heard the chaos, that they'd stay well away. (@EmilyPower, @Aryn Harris)
Delaney nearly blushed, this man was stuck on calling her sweetheart and she couldn't decide if she liked it or hated it. There was almost something ominously off about how sickeningly kind he was being, and she couldn't easily make out his features in the dark. Approaching the fire, she allowed her gun to drop and her guard to lessen. "Thank you." She murmured, reaching out to take one; her poorly managed burns were extremely evident, even in the dim firelight. She couldn't make out either of their features, and strained to see who was who.


Levi had decided his plan of action, avoiding people at all costs. He drove regardless of it being night or day, not caring to sleep anyways with the night terrors he faced. He could hear them tearing her flesh, and if he'd been but seconds sooner he was sure he could've- No. Now was not the time to think about that. Levi continued, already out of New York heading South to hide out until he could devise a way to contact his sister without his cell phone available. The plan now was to head to warmer weather so he could survive long enough to find where she was, since he knew that they were smart enough to flee as soon as the report came on; there was no way he could find her without her wanting to be found. Felix was more predictable than his sister, and Levi (in the short time he'd met his sister's fiance) assumed that the man would want to go somewhere abstract where most people wouldn't think to go- Thus, improving their chances of surviving. Levi refused to ponder the idea that either of them died, they were his hope for now.
The man went and got a first aid kit from the back of the truck and then went over to crouch down in front of Delaney. "Where are you hurt? We ain't the sort of people to send the injured back out on the road without some sorta' aid." He smiled softly, the fire glistening in his eyes. Crickets chirped in the nearby field - it was like a big family camping trip, only more... Apocalyptic. The man hadn't said anything to the other two since Delaney had arrived, which was rather strange, but whatever. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Delaney looked to the other two, who had exchanged a glance; which she assumed was to either her or this man offering her aid. She nodded slowly, haphazardly, and the bewildered expression on her face only grew as she whispered "My arms are burnt..." She didn't care to mention the bruises, or the aches, or the pulsations in her head from where he'd knocked her into the wall. She cautiously took a seat close to the others, but not too close, recoiling from being too close to the man. He was bigger than she was, he didn't seem meaner; but the tired aged lines on his face were accentuated by the fire and she couldn't help but wonder what Mason was doing. Would he be happy if she returned for him? Delaney shifted, gaze boring into the flames. She felt regret bubble within her. She had left her husband. In the apocalypse.
Elizabeth wakes up Brian who had fallen asleep a few minutes ago. He opened his eyes and looked at his sister, hoping he knew the reason of why she woke him up. He asked her if she could wake him up as soon as the new year started.

"Happy new year Brian"

Elizabeth said with a calm voice

"Happy new year Liz"

Brian hugged his sister until they heard gunshots. Brian screamed and Elizabeth covered his ears as she looked out and saw the old man shooting until all the zombies where dead. They got out of the house and looked at the poor old man.

"He got shot... Which means the other survivors are nice Lizzy!"

"Brian, why do you want to find a group so badly?"

"Because if one of us dies the other one won't be alone"

Elizabeth thought about it and she kept quiet while searching the corpses looking for anything useful


Brian shouted hoping someone would answer.

(@Aryn Harris @DrTrollinski )
"Alright... Let me help you out with that..." He said softly, opening up a tub of ointment; he got some on his hands and slowly applied it to the burned areas on her arms for a few minutes before taking some bandages from the kit and then wrapping her arms up; he stuck it down with some medical tape and then looked up at her, giving a half-smile. "That should do ya' just fine..." He said softly.


Alex walked back out of the house and looked over at Brian and Elizabeth. "Over here!" He called out to them both. (@EmilyPower, @TheHarlequinnCat)
Brian and Elizabeth heard someone answer and Brian left running without thinking it twice. Elizabeth ran behind him hoping the people who called them weren't dangerous.

"Brian! Wait!

Brian ignored his sister and reached the house.


(@DrTrollinski )
Alex slowly creaked the door open and looked down upon the child that had been calling. He looked younger than Eric, so he was absolutely amazed by his presence. He put on a friendly smile and looked down at him.

"Hey, buddy..." He said softly. (@EmilyPower)
Skyler takes a deep breath as she hears the gunshots. Her mind momentarily flashes back to Afghanistan before she shakes her head, quickly ridding the memories. She watches Alex run out of the house and she grabs Carl, gently pulling him towards her, and she glances at Eric.
Brian looked at the guy and smiled. He was happy to see another survivor who was not a crazy old man shooting zombies int he middle of the night. Elizabeth ran behind Brian trying to catch him. She saw the boy in the door who looked her age. She pulled Brain behing her and looked at the guy again.


Brian got closer to the guy and smiled

"I´m Brian and she is my sister Lizzy"
Delaney nodded, now avoiding his sympathetic gaze. She internally sighed in relief when he didn't ask what had happened, she hardly understood it herself. Wincing as the gauze pressured them slightly, she withdrew and pulled her arms in against her stomach. She'd been feeling very strange lately, her stomach had been bloated (probably due to her horrible eating habits these day), she had vomited in the mornings and even a few times after eating certain things. Hoping that she wasn't infected somehow, she decided to hide these symptoms. Delaney was sure stress was doing this to her, she'd frequently been so stressed she lost chunks of her hair and she'd puked from how upset her stomach was. Anyways, everyone gained weight and got sick during the winter. She just hoped this massive plague wasn't worldwide, and that it'd pass; surely everyone was panicking. Delaney pondered the government pleading for everyone to stay indoors, and mentally shot back that some people were better off out with the plague than inside with people. Now, the woman looked to the others.

"Who are you guys?" She informally asked, tone brightening as she looked up. She still had that somber overall beaten-puppy appearance, her large doe eyes inquiring deeply.
"Heeey,over here!"

She screamed towards the 2 people that left for the other house.

"Caitlyn no,the zombies will hear us.You're lucky we're upstairs."



"Why didn't the man on the horse come inside?"

"He just didn't come to us,I don't think he was speaking english,sweetie."

Gunshots insued on the streets.

"Caitlyn get down!"

He rushed and pulled her away from the window.

She got scared and started crying

"Now now Caitlyn I'm sorry,I didn't mean to scare you...I didn't want you to get hurt by the bullets"

She began to calm down and hugged Matty tightly.

"Shh sweetheart,It's ok I won't let them hurt you."

After the long burst of shots there came one more and it was over.Matty looked outside the window and noticed the 2 from earlier and a new face.

"Ay,mate.Got any more room for two?"

Alex took one glance at the little girl and sighed. "Yeah, sure. Go inside." He said softly, running his eyes over Brian and Elizabeth again. (@DryPunishment)
Matty picked up Caitlyn and his stuff and got out of the house

"We have a buttload of supplies and guns"he said showing him his assault rifle

"Nothing to worry about,really.I'm Jazz and this is Caitlyn"

"Hello,mister!I'm Caitlyn!"

She said with a shy smile on her face

His tactical equipment came to eye immideately as well as his accent.

The little girl on the other side didn't have a particular accent.
"Hey there, little one." He smiled at Caitlyn and then darted his head off towards the house. ".. Head inside and meet my two brothers. Nice to meet you both, and all." He said to them; he still had Brian and Elizabeth to talk to. "They're in the kitchen, by the way." He added. (@DryPunishment, @EmilyPower)
"Cheers!"he said while heading inside the house.


He made his way to the kitchen and saw the people

"Hey guys,I'm Jazz and this is Cait.Anyone hungry"He said as he let Caitlyn down.She didn't say much because she was shy,but she kept looking at Carl.He was the only other child there.

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