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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Jared shakes his head,

"Not one to talk, eh?" He chuckles as he glances around,

"Well, if you want to join me, I'm heading into Tyler." He says as he spots a couple of zombies.

"Nothing there, just passed through." Tommy looked at the man, "I'm going north, feel free to tag along." He shrugged and started to walk away. "Oh, the supermarket in Tyler burned down too, so there is literally nothing there." He laughed and kept walking
Jared thought for a second before following,

"Where do you think we should head?" He asks,

"I don't have a backpack, all I have are two guns and an instrument." He glances around while walking.

"North." Tommy pointed and shrugged, "I've always wanted to go to Wisconsin... See The Packers play." He smiled, "I'm a cowboys fan, but you can't beat Packers fans, that stadium always looked like fun."
The Good Old Sniper Blues

"Mhm... Got one two hundred yards... Not carryin' much, a gun, maybe some food... Take the shot?" He young redneck man muttered as he watched the lone survivor walk down the street towards the building they were on top of. The other man peered down at him and then nodded.

"Do it." He said, and before they knew it, the cracking sound of a bullet was sent across the county as the lone survivor's heart was burst clean open. That shot was loud, but it sent them both into laughter.


(@Stew, @DrCompton
(That town is directly North of Tyler. Have fun :) )
Elizabeth grabbed Brian's hand and they ran towards an empty house. Elizabeth was about to break the window until Brian stopped her.

"We can't make more noise"

"We have to get inside and hide!"

"What about the other guy? The one in the car?"

"Forget him! Stand back!"

Elizabeth grabbed a rock and threw it to the window. Braking it completely.

Elizabeth and Brian got inside the house and moved a shelf to cover the giant hole. They ran upstairs to a big

Bedroom and they Locked the door behind them

(@DryPunishment )
(@EmilyPower - Did Brian and Elizabeth break into the house mine and Aryn's character is in, or...? Also, on your CS, Brian should be a 'Justin' - Did you change that, or something?)
DrTrollinski said:
(@EmilyPower - Did Brian and Elizabeth break into the house mine and Aryn's character is in, or...? Also, on your CS, Brian should be a 'Justin' - Did you change that, or something?)
They entered a house that was nearby and I did change his name

Eric sat up again and looked out of the window to see the boy and woman go in through the window. He sighed. It wasn't even midnight yet and there was chaos on the streets. Couldn't they just have a peaceful new year? (@EmilyPower)
"Are you serious?Ay,Prince Charming!You coming or what?"

He gestured towards Isam to hurry up before the walkers got him.

"Matty what's happening?"

"They're coming for us sweetie,and if the guy on the horse doesn't hurry up I'm gonna close the window without him!And it seems lolly and her kid decided it would be a good idea to attract more walkers."

Matty got away from the window and started to drag a closet towards the window ,but he looked at Isam once more

"Last call,horse whisperer,before I close it up"

@Metronome )
Outside Covington, Kentucky - 10:43 am, New Year's Day

In the distance, Carter could just make out the familiar buildings. It was a sight for sore eyes. Or rather severely sleep-deprived eyes. After she had made it out of the desert, she ran into a mostly deserted town. All that was left was a old couple and their black lab, who welcomed her in heartily, especially with her jackpot of supplies. Unfortunately, the town was surrounded by the diseased. There was no way she would get back out in her truck. Conveniently, the old man was a pilot and nearest air field was only 2 miles away. So, with a trade of some oil and half her food stock, she managed to convince him to take her as far east as he would go.

Even though she attempted to get some Z's on the flight, the faces of savaged people she had speared flashed through her mind and made her restless. Immediately after landing in a farm's cleared out corn field, she scoped out the place till she found it empty and then took off in another truck with her half of the supplies.

After another grueling four hours of driving, she now could just see a hotel with a flickering light in the distance. She definately didn't trust it completely, but at least it would have a place to sleep and a door that locked. With a long exhausted yawn, she turned off the road into the parking lot.
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10:45 P.M.

New York, New York

When Jason arrived at his group's base (a skyscraper in Manhattan), he gave the supplies to the Marcus, the de facto leader of his group, then walked over to Marissa, who was lying down on a bed that Jason and Marcus had brought in, the group would cycle the use of the bed, and today, it was Marissa's turn "Hey baby..." he said to her, "I brought you something, I'm sure you'll like it..."

Marissa turned her back to Jason, she had been very cold to him lately, she knew he was trying, but for some reason, she couldn't help but be mad at him. For what, she didn't know, but she was mad all the same, "I don't want it, whatever it is..."

Jason knew she would do this, "okay... I'll just leave it here, in case you change your mind..." He lay the chocolate bar down on the bed behind her, "if you need me for anything, I'll be talking to Marcus..."

"I'm sure I won't need you..." Marissa said, coldly

Marcus was stressed out, every time Marcus went out for supplies, he brought less and less, and it quickly got to the point that the supplies Jason brought were no longer enough replace the ones that they used; soon, they would need to move on from NYC... and Marcus didn't know where they could go, or what they could do after.

Jason walked over to Marcus, apprehensive about whether or not Marcus would be aggravated, "Marcus... I know I wasn't able to bring very much, but the whole city is running out of.. well, running out of everything! We can't stay here much longer, not without going cannibal..."

Marcus rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Well, what do you suggest? Where would we go? Did you even think it through before opening your mouth?" Marcus knew that Jason was only a kid, but he also knew the need to think things through... to have a plan, and then to execute that plan, as precisely and accurately as possible.

In fact, Jason had NOT thought of a plan, "I don't know... I don't know where we could go, all I know is my free-running, I don't no anything about survival, but I do know that without food... medicine... clean water, we will ALL die, without a doubt, so we need to make a plan soon... or else Johnny will start to eat us..." Jason glanced at Johnny, a 300 pound muscle builder, who happened to be glaring at Jason at the exact moment that Jason had mentioned him.

"Fine, " Marcus said, "We'll leave the city, head west, to California, unless you have something to say about that." He glared at Jason, daring him to argue.

"West? To California, don't you think that's a little far, I mean, sure, if it was just strong people that could walk a lot... but we have seniors, how do you expect them to make the trip?" Jason looked at Mrs. McCready, a 98 year old woman who was once the principle of his elementary school, but retired when she hit 70, and to her husband, who had been in the Military to the age of 55, and had retired after losing his foot in Vietnam.

"You said yourself, if we stay here, we die, and all you know is free-running, you don't know anything but the rooftops of NYC, I trained in San Diego, and vacationed all over California in the 90's, I know the lay of the land; we can survive there."

Unsatisfied, Jason walked away from Marcus, there was no point in arguing further, only to prepare for the trek...

"Everyone? Can I have your attention? Jason returned from his run with some... disturbing news, We'll have to leave New York, due to there being no more food or medicine, now, there are a couple of choices we have here; stay and die, or leave New York. We will leave for a long, long walk to California, where we can survive in the wildernesses, if we're smart, we can scavenge for supplies in cities on the way, but we need to get there as soon as possible, in fact, I want everyone packed and ready to go at dawn, and I want every last supply picked up and packed as well."

"California?!" Marissa said in disbelief, "What makes him think we can survive there any better than here?"

"He apparently knows 'the lay of the land' better than New York... he thinks that we can survive there better... I tried to argue, but he wouldn't listen.. it's best to just do as he says for now."
Conner was sitting just at the tree line, staring at the strange camp that had gathered. His bow was strung and in his left hand, his other one was resting on a quiver of arrows he had fashioned himself. They were not fancy things, but after his first couple of batches, he realized how necessary precision was. They were straight pieces of wood without any imperfections, the fletching looked to be made of turkey or some other large bird's feathers, and had a flint arrow head tightly tied onto the tip of each one. The problem with flint, he had found, was that it was sharp, it broke easily compared to most other stone. His World War Two bayonet was in an animal skinned sheath at his side. There had bee had lot o noise lately, mostly gunshots. But he had never seen a shot fired until now, killing the man where he stood. He must have done something wrong to be killed. Oh well, they were a problem to him, a threat. He could not take them on out in the open. No, he would come in under the cover of darkness and make them as comfortable as possible to try and drive them away. He was thinking about this as a wolf might, this was his land and they were trespassing on it. They would either drive him off, or him they.
"How many children have we got here?" He asked his most trusted man in the town.

"I think four, sir." He replied, the man froze and shook his head after a few seconds.

"You think? Or you know? He demanded, the man slowly backed away towards the door and gulped.

"I'll go and do a body count right away, sir Kane." He stuttered, followed by exiting the room and running down the set of metal stairs to go across the town and see how many men, women, and children they had here. He was going to get it right this time. "So... Some crazy old codger that's gone off the radar in the woods, a man who doesn't know how to count, and winter right around the corner. What could POSSIBLY go wrong." He said out loud to himself, sighing. 
(http://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-beginning-of-the-end.63569/page-5#post-1947608 @Aryn Harris)
4:30 A.M.

New York, New York

As the sun rose over New York, Marcus sat on the ledge of the building, breathing in the morning air, apprehensive about the move he chose to impose on the group. Am I doing the right thing? he thought to himself. Before his mind could come to an answer, Marcus' daughter came out of the open door that led to the inside of the building, "Daddy?" she asked, "Why are we going to Califonia?"

Looking in the eyes of the six year old girl, Marcus said, "Because daddy wants to protect you... and, sweetheart, it's 'California' not 'Califonia...". He loved that little girl, she was his reason for breathing, even if he ended up dying, he would die happy if only that little girl could live a happier life than him...

Jason had woken soon after Marcus, and had seen him walk upstairs to sit on the roof. Jason simply sat in his sleeping bag, counting the breaths and watching Marissa slept, Why are you acting like this? what's wrong? All I want to do is make it all better, I know I can't... but it would help if you would just talk to me..." He had laid there until he knew that the sun had risen, "Come on everyone!" Jason said, poking and prodding the eight, still-sleeping forms of the party, "We need to wake up, it's almost time to go!" He may be seen as an ass for waking everyone, but he feared that Marcus would be worse, perhaps yelling at them or throwing things at them to wake them... he was, in his own little way, protecting them. He woke Marissa last, "baby?" he whispered in her ear, "baby, it's time to wake up... we have to get ready to leave, now."

Marissa woke to the whispering voice of Jason in her ear, and under normal circumstances, she would think it romantic and sweet that he waited to wake her last, and did it in such a gentle way, but for some reason, it only annoyed her now... before this virus hit, Jason was so distant... he seemed not to care, and for some reason, it made Marissa want to get closer, but now that Marissa was the only one Jason lived for, she didn't want to be... no matter how many times she said she wanted him to be before. "I know... I get it Jason, just let me wake up!" she said to him, wanting to kiss him, but also wanting him to get away, if she stayed like this, she would probably explode...
In Annandale, directly west of New York, everything is overrun, but that is unknown to most of the survivors except the ones who are there. The highway is the direct route out of the east side; that's where they've taken residence, a stretch of a highway, both sides blocked off by vehicles - it was temporary, but safe.


(@Roger Greyson)


"What was that?" Carl squeaked as he heard the smashing that wasn't too far down from the house they were in; he scrambled up from his chair and dashed over to Alex, hopping up onto his lap while hugging him with one arm and the teddy bear with the other. Alex took an anxious sigh as he pulled the blanket around him and glanced around the kitchen.

"I don't know, bro... Don't worry... Think happy thoughts." He said softly in encourage, Carl nodded frantically and looked at him, tears filling his eyes again.

"I'm not scared! I promise!" He whimpered, his bottom lip curling over. Alex was so sick of how Carl had been trying to prove his bravery and usefulness to him and Eric - He was only young, and only expected him to sit back and let them keep him safe. Alex forced Carl's head against his chest and began rocking from side to side, sitting in pure silence.

".. Skyler. Get the light off, quick." He whispered. (@Aryn Harris)
Skyler smiles gently at Alex and nods her head. "Hi Carl." She murmurs, smiling softly at him. "It's very nice to meet you." She frowns when she sees Alex go to the window. "What's wrong?" She questions.
".. Lights..." Eric said quietly, continuing to look out the window. ".. We've got a horde of 'em all out there. Hit the lights. Please." He begged quietly, crouching down by the window and continuing to discreetly peer out of it. (@Aryn Harris)
Skyler nods and does as she's told. She crouches down and slowly makes her way over to Alex. "Go get your other brother. I'll keep watch..." She murmurs.
Staring at the man that ran off to who knows where for a little bit, Conner turns back to the woods, towards safety. You'd be surprised how few of those biters go into the woods. Probably because it's so quiet here, so he had come up with. He had nocked an arrow now, and looking for a meal that might cross his path. His soft hide boots silently stepped across the forest floor, barely causing a sound. The downside, however, was that he could feel almost everything through those boots. Thistles, aren't a problem. But anything bigger then the thorns of those weeds and he'd feel it. Suddenly, a hare bolted, almost out from under his feet. Quickly drawing the arrow to his cheek, he aims, adjust for lead, and fires. The arrow streaked across the gap, and imbedded itself in the side of the hare. That was dinner almost ready.
(Alex is the older brother. Eric's the one at the window, he's second youngest, and Carl's the youngest :P I'm going to assume that was a typo, but they're all in the same room right now :P )

Alex slowly rose up with Carl in his arms, holding him tight. Eric walked over to him and whispered to him.

"Who the hell is she?" He demanded.

".. Eric... Now's not the time. Please..." Alex said softly, rubbing Carl's back in a gentle manner while his head was set on his shoulder. ".. Carl's terrified... We don't need to fight about trust issues now." He added, perching himself on the chair closest to Skyler, Eric also sat down beside him and looked off at Carl, rolling his eyes.

"Baby..." He muttered arrogantly, Alex sent one arm away from Carl and jabbed Eric in the ribs, causing him to grunt. He shut up after that. Alex held Carl close again once the lights went out. (@Aryn Harris, @EmilyPower)

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