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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Skyler glances over at the little boy and gives a small frowns. "Did you have a nightmare?" She asks the boy in a soft gentle tone. She stands up and cautiously approaches the boy.
Tommy just shrugged, "Where you headed? There is nothing in Tyler but infected." Tommy looked the guy over and frowned a little, then looked toward the town he'd just left, "Nothing but Infected and death. But hey, its better than Dallas, so its got that going for it I guess." He shrugged, "Dallas fucking tanked, cops starting turning on the uninfected. Shit got crazy real fast."
(Guys Google told me Matty's trip will take 2 hours so I'm gonna wait until you decide it should turn 5 am)
Elizabeth looked out the window and saw at least 10 zombies outside. Elizabeth packed her things and waked up Brian.

"Wake up Brian! We have to go"


Brian heard the loud moans and got up as fast as he could. He packed his things and grabbed his hammer. They both got out of the house and ran. They stopped running and they slowly walked in the streets of woodruff Wilsonsin
Somewhere in Arizona- 11:53 pm, New Year's Eve

How long had she been driving? It seemed like every minute was an hour. Maybe it was just her and the fact that she hadn't taken her foot off the pedal since she left the gas station. Carter remembered that it had been still light out. Which was good for looking over her shoulder. Even though it was the desert, the virus had reached the one spectacle of civilization that was within fifty miles one way and seventy-five the other.

There were six. Three men, one woman, and two children. Carter couldn't erase their faces out of her head and it didn't help that every time she looked over to the passenger seat, their blood was drying on the blade of her antique spear. She had forgot to clean it; rushing to loot all their oil and supplies, and dumping them into the truck bed. She barely managed to tie the tarp down over it with how much her hands were shaking.

But now hours out, there was nothing but sand, asphalt, and stars. The radio managed to pull in a rough broadcast, making the only noise in the cab that kept her awake. Cities were falling by the hour. At this point, it was some of the smaller ones. All the big ones had been infected the first few days. She didn't care about them. The one that mattered most hadn't been listed yet. She still had time...
The sound of hooves on pavement echoed through the empty streets. The rhythmic clop helped keep Isam's pace as he held his gun in one hand, and his horse's reins in another. The horse was part thoroughbred, and wider than the slim Arabians he was used to. Being on the mare's back for long hours at a time made his body ache. Isam had to get out of the saddle every once and a while.

He was half in a daze, mostly from lack of sleep, and maybe a little bit from hunger. But exhaustion and an empty stomach was something he was used to. The man's life hadn't been an easy one. He had been poor from the time he was born, struggling to survive in Iraq's unforgiving lands. As a traveler, his meals were few and far between. Not many people had taken pity on him, as they all were struggling themselves. Isam was used to being alone, used to the cold shoulder, and used to hardship.

That said, this whole 'apocalypse' thing hadn't changed his life too much. He'd had a few good years. When Isam had come to America, he had feared that he would never find a job. He didn't speak the language, and most Americans had been trained by media to hate his people. It was fortunate for him that he had met Omar: an Arab farmer who was hiring farm hands. Isam's work on the farm hadn't been easy, but his board was free and the meals were big and cheap. His scrawny body grew muscular and well nourished. His life fell into a comfortable pattern.

The virus took that comfort away from him, but to be honest, Isam saw it coming. Being the cynical man that he was, Isam hadn't expected his happiness to last forever. Sooner or later, something had to happen.

He was pulled from his thoughts at the sound of a wet grunt. Isam looked up to see a body corpse shambling its way towards them. His horse let out a nervous nicker as he dropped the reins and went to smash the creature's head in with the butt of his gun. Isam had learned to saved his bullets for emergencies. Sound drew the creatures to him.

When he glanced around to see a few more undead corpses staggering towards him, Isam climbed back into his saddle and urged his horse into a steady trot. One or two of the things weren't all that threatening, but a herd of them was a nightmare. Isam had seen it before; they had a mob mentality at its worse. The clopped of his horse's hooves on the road would draw more, so he guided the mare onto the grass median to quiet the sound.

Being out at night like this wasn't the best idea. Isam knew he would have to find shelter soon, but he needed to get through this city first.
Carl anxiously eyed Skyler when he saw her. It felt like it had been so long since he saw another person, let alone another adult. He was completely lost for words, but managed to force a quick nod while tears continued to roll down his cheeks. (@Aryn Harris)
Skyler gives him a small reassuring smile. "You wanna know what I do when I have nightmares? I always keep a bear with me... His name is teddy. He was my little brothers, and he gave him to me when I left for my first trip to Iraq.... So whenever I have a nightmare, Teddy is right there ready to keep me safe..." She murmurs quietly, reaching into her backpack and grabbing the small stuffed animal.
He looked at it for a moment and continued hugging the blanket, sniffling and quickly wiping his eyes a few times, he scooped the blanket further up off the ground and merely nodded again, the quiet sobs still ensuing. (@Aryn Harris)
"And now I think it's time that Teddy keeps you safe. He's quite good at that." She says, smiling, as she hands him the stuffed animal.
He lets go of the blanket and then slowly reaches out, taking hold of the teddy with both hands, he slowly hugged it and sniffled. ".. How old is your little brother?" He squeaked quietly. (@Aryn Harris)
"I was maybe 20 years old when he gave it to me... He was about 7 years old... He would be... About 15 now." She says and runs her fingers through her hair.
"Wow..." He stated softly, swept over by awe. He picked up the blanket it one hand and then walked over to sit beside her, he wrapped the blanket around himself and hugged the teddy while looking at her. "Where is he?" He asked gently as he glanced around for a moment and sniffled. (@Aryn Harris)
".. Oh..." He said, bowing his head for a moment. Alex stood up and walked over to him and crouched in front of him.

"This is Skyler..." He said to him, he then turned to her and gave a soft smile. "This wonderful little guy you've been talking to," He ruffles his hair which causes him to giggle. "This is Carl."

"Hi, Skyler..." He smiled shyly at her, pulling the blanket up to his eyes. Alex looked saddened, he leaned over to Skyler.

"Thank you. It it's not always easy to calm him down like that, he's been bad over the last few days." He whispered to her, followed by going back to his seat. (@Aryn Harris)
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A small group of walkers began to trail behind him, forcing Isam to pick up the pace. If he could outrun them, he wouldn't have to fight them. He urged his horse into a full gallop down the street. With the big city starting to fade behind them, Isam could tell they were approaching the suburban outskirts. Buildings and offices gave way to houses and yards.

The Arab man took a sharp turn down one street and rode full gallop forward. It was dark out; he could barely see in front of him. Corpses shambled towards him in the dark night. The man almost ran over a couple of bodies that were walking down the road. He pulled back on his reins quickly, his horse giving a frightened whinnie as it stopped in its tracks.

Isam looked down at the two, a male and female, who appeared to be very much alive now that he was closer. He glanced back at the crowd of corpses that had gathered to chase him, then back down at them.

"Egri!" He said urgently, trying to tell them to run. The man spoke little English. Luckily for them, most people knew what to do by now when the dead began to chase them.
11:53 PM near Woodruff,Wisconsin.

Caitlyn sits in the passanger seat next to Matty.

"Where are we going daddy?"She said softly while still half asleep.

Matty didn't know what to say.

"Daddy?"She repeated and looked towards the driver.

Caitlyn gets scared and raises her voice

"You're not daddy!Where's daddy?"

She then looks around and notices her mother's not there either?

"Where's mommy?Mister where are my parents?"

Matty lowers his mask and puts his hood down.

"They left for a trip...a-and they've let me take care of...you until they came back..."

Clearly those words were hard to let out

"But they didn't tell me they were going.Where are they?"

"Some boring grown-up place...most likely."

"But this is our car.How do they go there then?"

"By...plane.By the way,Cait love I'm Matty.Nice to meet you!"

"Hello Matty.You sound funny,are you not from here?"

"Well,Caitlyn I'm from the UK,or England.I recently moved to the United States."

"Are you a soldier,mister Matty?You look like a soldier."

"I used to be in the special forces back in England.I'm retired but they let me keep my some of my gear."

"Ooo,Where are we going?"

"We're going to visit a friend of mine in Woodruff,we're almost there too."

"Grandpa lives in Woodruff too.Can we stop and say hi?"

"I'm not sure,Caitlyn.He might be sleeping right now...It's almost New Year"

"Okay,mister.Can we do that in the morning?"

"I'm not sure about that Cait,darling.You remember the PSA from the TV earlier today?"

"Mhm.It said to keep inside and to wash our hands,and not to talk to anyone and...uhm...I can't remember anything else"

"It also said a very dangerous virus broke loose and now people are being brainwashed by it...kind of like a zombie.You know what a zombie is right?"

"Daddy said to never watch zombie movies until I'm older...I'm only 3 now."

"Well,a zombie is pretty much someone who makes weird noises,has very pale skin,and bites other people."

"Why would they bite other people?"

"Because the virus tells them to so he can spread and infect other people."

"But why does the virus want to infect others?"

"That's how he makes babies,he infects someone and then that someone bites another man or woman to help the virus spread its babies."

"Did mommy and daddy bite each other to have me?"

Unless they're into that sort of stuff "No not really,humans have babies in a different way"


"We'll talk about that later.Okay sweetheart?"

"Okay,mister Matty!How old are you?"

"I'm 25,dear."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

Matty frowns a little as he thinks about the last moments in which he saw his girlfriend alive,before all this happened.


(They're getting close to you guys
@DrTrollinski @Aryn Harris)
Elizabeth and Brian searched the houses in Woodruff Wisconsin. They were low on supplies and the only thing they found in the houses was rotten food and canned dog food. When they finished searching they found 3 bullets, a screwdriver, two bottles of water and a first aid kit. They headed towards the last house in the street. Brian saw one of the dead and Elizabeth killed it for him. Elizabeth tried to open the door with no success.

"It's locked"

"Do you think there is someone inside?"

"I don't know, turn on your flashlight"


"We have to continue looking"

They turned on their flashlights and started looking around the street

(@DrTrollinski @Aryn Harris )
Caitlyn looks in the back seats and is a little shocked



"Is that a real gun?"


"But daddy said it's dangerous to keep loaded guns"

"Yes but I don't want anyone biting me or stealing our stuff so that's more for a show than for anything else"

"Why would anyone steal from us?"

"Well since everyone turned to biting each other and becoming zombies the people who did not become zombies think it would be a great opportunity to do what they want,and some people aren't nice"

"Is that why my parents went on a trip?"

Matty sighs

"Yes,love,that's exactly why."

As he cruised around the town looking for his friend's house he noticed some lights by another house.

"Are those people robbing the house?"

"I think they're looking for supplies...I guess so yeah."

"We have to stop them Matty!"

"Do we really have to?"

"You have a gun,you can do it"

"Is that guy on a horse"he said as he stopped the car

"He's got a whole horde behind him.Get out of the car we're going inside the house"

Matty grabbed his bag and got out rushing towards Cait and picking her up

"All of you inside the house NOW!"
The Island

((At random points during the RP I will be introducing major NPC's that will have an affect on the survivors IF they're to run into them. I expect you all to RP this accordingly; this doesn't mean all run out and find the bad guys, it means wait until you have a valid reason to stumble across them - All rules apply.))

"Interesting..." He grumbled as he inspected the map in front of him. He nodded at the man that had done the work and smiled for a moment, taking a deep, wheezy breath. "How many people do we have stationed at each blockade?" He asked.

"Uh--.. We have five men, sir. Twenty three more inside the town, including myself and you."

"I see..." He slowly stood up and walked over to the map, scratching his chin as he inspected it for a moment.

Minocqua, South of Woodruff.


"Cars... Boats, water source, the house we're in now... Our storage..." He turned and smiled at him. "You see, Weston? I knew that when we took you up from that camp you were in - as much as you didn't want to come - I knew that you'd be of use... It's amazing how a group of just over thirty managed to do this in a few days, isn't it?" He chuckled. "You say... There was twenty three people in the town, correct?" He asked.

"Uh, that's correct, sir." Weston replied with a nod.

"Well. We can call that twenty two." He said as he quickly whipped out his .357 Magnum Revolver and shot him right between the eyes. "You've been a great use to me, Westy. Sorry it had to end this way." He smirked while looking down at the deadened body on the ground. Yes, he had everything he needed now. An island to himself and his friends, plenty of food, vehicles, water sources, boats, barricades on every exit. It was a fine establishment so far.

((This place is about twenty minutes south of Woodruff. It's called Minocqua, so don't forget that :) ))

(@Stew, @DryPunishment) 
Eric heard the shouting from down the street and carefully went onto his knees on his bed, peeking out the crack in the curtains at what was going on. He saw a few people out there, and one lot of the undead - he figured it was best not to interfere right now, seeing as he and his family were safe and he was currently out of sight. (@DryPunishment)
''We gotta move people come on!"

He looked around the house and went towards a window

"Oh I hope you don't have an alarm!"

"Matty,what are hou doing?"

"Making sure we're safe,love."

After a few failed attempts to open the window,Matty broke the window and removed most of the broken glass away from the window.

"Allright we're good"

He put Cait inside carefully not to hurt her and climbed in getting a small cut on his jacket.Fortunately it was only the jacket.

He tried removing some of the smaller pieces for the others.

"You three hurry up if you want to live".Matty gestured his hand at them to come quick.
(You might want to tag whoever the RP involves to avoid confusion. Go ahead and do that now in another post @DryPunishment)
Eric watched him break the window of the house not far from their own and then sighed, taking a deep breath as he lied down on his bed and covered his eye-line with his forearm. (@DryPunishment)

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