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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"We've got a couple'a live ones just there over yonder, D." He stated softly, slowly lining up the sights of his rifle on one of their heads. ".. Two of 'em, couple hundred yards... May I?" He asked.

".. No.. Mess with 'em for a while." The other man said softly, chuckling as he shuffled over to him.


"Ah, that's nice." Alex said, smiling. He lead him into the bedroom at the bottom of the hall; in the room there was one bed and two mattresses on the floor. In the bed, little Carl was fast asleep. "Set up your sleeping bag on the floor somewhere and that should be fine. (@Stew, @DrCompton)
"Chalupa Batman." Tommy smiled and made his way into the industrial site, the crouched down behind a building and Tommy looked up toward the only good spot for a sniper to be to watc that three way street. "Up there. Assume there are two, most good sniper teams have two people. The faster we get closer, the better, we need to take away his range advantage. All you have is a shotgun right? Nothing long range?" Tommy ducked behind the building, out of view of the sniper's nest. (@Stew @DrTrollinski)
Jared stays close to Tommy and ducks behind the building with him,

"I have a High Standard pistol but that can barely count as medium range." He says as he un-holsters the pistol,

"So to answer your question, no, nothing long range." Jared holsters the pistol again.

(@DrCompton @DrTrollinski)
"How many shots do you have?" Tommy pulled his 5-7 out and pulled the magazine out, "Ive got 14. We'll have to do a cover and advance manuver." He smiled a little, "Do you have a knife? If we're out of ammo I want to be able to kill these bastards quick."
Jared pulls out two extra clips from a pouch on his belt,

"I have 3 full clips, including the one that's in the gun right now." He then puts the clips back into the pouch and proceeds to start pulling shotgun shells out of the same pouch,

"I have 17 shells." He puts the shells back,

"I do not have a knife, I do have a baseball bat however." He holds up his arm with has a baseball bat with a strap on it which poses as a sling for the baseball bat.

".. They're currently hidin' out just there--.." The man said softly, the other went over and watched the following side of the building.

"You watch that side, I'll watch the other... We'll nab the fuckers as soon as they peak their heads out." He whispered. (@Stew, @DrCompton)
Zombies,zombies and zombies.After a while Matty's eyelids became gradually heavier with each passing second,minute...hour.

Matty snaps from the sweet embrace of sleep.It was calling him.

No time to sleep.After some more time his eyelids were trying to get him asleep again.Half-way through closing them for good he bolted up on his feet.

Can't fall asleep like this.He thaught to himself.

He went to Elizabeth.

Getting closer to her he says

"Psst,don't worry it's me,Matty.Seen anything interesting?"

(@EmilyPower )
"Elizabeth almost screamed when she heard matty talking. She had almost fallen asleep too.

"Nah, nothing interesting yet. Did you find anything?"

(@DryPunishment )
"Let me have the bat, you can keep the shotgun. So I'll fire 3 two shot bursts to get you to the red building right over there. Zig zag. Then you'll fire the same thing so I can move up the that building over there."
Jared nods and slides the bat's strap off his wrist, he hands him the bat and readies his shotgun,

"Alright, I'll trust you to cover me." He says as he gets ready to run.

"Only walkers,what time is it,anyway?"

Matty looks around for a clock while also keeping an eye out looking through the front door window.

(@EmilyPower )
"Oh, they'll rear their ugly little heads soon, don't worry..." One man grinned, watching the eastern side of the building.

"What if they're armed?"

"Who cares? Unless they've got a sniper of their own they ain't comin' close to hittin' us..." He said, shuffling along to the further side of the building, remaining unseen and quiet. It's clear that he and his friend have been in this sort of situation before. Well, not to the guys on the ground it isn't, as they're not exactly capable of seeing these guys just yet. (@Stew, @DrCompton)
Skyler sighs softly, leaning back in her chair. She glances over at Matty and Elizabeth before taking another drink of her water.
Woodruff, Wisconsin - 3:02am

Carl slowly woke up and went to Alex's side, shaking his shoulder. ".. Alex--.. Get up--.. I gotta' use the bathroom..." He whined, shaking him continuously; Alex groaned and pulled the blanket further over his body, rolling over.

".. Get Eric to take you--.." He murmured, closing his eyes again. Carl hated getting Eric to take him to the bathroom - it was the same before everything went to hell as well. Eric got such a foul mood whenever Carl tried to wake him up. Regardless, he needed to go really badly so he quickly dashed to Eric's side and crouched in front of him. He poked his chest and sighed.

"Eric..." He whispered, Eric groaned quietly and gently batted his hand away.

"Eric... Get up... I gotta' pee-ee..." He whimpered while going onto his knees and shaking Eric's body with both hands; Eric moans and quickly reaches up with one hand, harshly pushing Carl's chest and sending him to the ground; he went down with a whimper and quickly scrambled back up to his feet and slowly walked out of the room - the hallway upstairs was dark, so he ran to the bathroom and went in, flicking the light on and slamming the door shut.

A couple of minutes later he came back out, his hands washed and his body finally relaxed - he himself was more upset, though. Although Eric had been like that before, it still upset him every time. He heard people talking downstairs, so he figured he'd go and cry on someone's shoulder - he wandered off downstairs and looked around. The moment he saw Skyler sitting at the table he ran up to her and hugged her, burying his face in her stomach while letting out a sob. (@Aryn Harris)
Skyler's eyes widen in surprise, but she quickly lifts him up into her arms. "Hey, what's wrong? You're okay..." She whispers soothingly into his ear. She pulls him closer to her as she stands up, gently rubbing his back.
Matty's head tilted as he saw Carl darting through the hallway and into Skyler's stomach.

"Anything wrong?" He whispered.
"Nuh-uh--.." He sobbed and shook his head, holding onto her tightly. "I wanted--.. I tried to wake Eric up, 'cause--.. 'cause I needed to pee and--. and I wanted him to take me to the bathroom--.. But--but he pushed me over and I had to go alone and I was scared!" He cried into her shoulder, tears streaming down his face and dampening her clothes. (@Aryn Harris)
"It's okay buddy, shh..." She says, continuing to rub soothing circles on his back. "Yeah, everything is fine." She says to Matty. "I know you were scared... Where's Teddy?" She asks softly.
Matty smiles in the dark and says

"He must've really missed a motherly figure,Skyler.Don't worry Carl he didn't mean to."
"Alright, well let's go get him..." She murmurs, and smiles at Matty before walking towards the bedroom they were all using.
"Do you want to go back to sleep in your room?" She asks softly. "Or do you want to just come downstairs and hang out for a little bit?" She asks another question and walks into the room, walking over to the bed.
".. I wanna' sleep... I'm tired..." He said softly. His arms still gripped her tightly despite how close to the bed they were. It just showed how fragile and deprived of a parental figure he was. (@Aryn Harris)
Skyler nods her head and gently lays him down on the bed, carefully maneuvering herself out of his grasp. "Do you want some water?" She asks in a whisper.

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