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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Matty takes a sip of water and puts the bottle down on the counter and sat down leaning on the couch next to Caitlyn.He rested his head on his hands,which were on his knees.Matty fell asleep quietly.
Delaney backed away, taking this opportunity to grab a few other supplies from the back of the truck before sprinting back down the dark street. She heaved after only 5 minutes, having to stop as the adrenaline died out; it had given her the strength to run a surprising amount of the length she'd driven. Choking on the air around her, she had to slow down to a speed-walk; hearing nothing but the whistling wind around her. It was relatively uninhabited here, she had no idea what had just nearly gotten her. She knew that she had no car, and getting back to Mason wouldn't happen unless she could call him. Tears streamed down her bruised face, and she felt so hopeless; turning around every now and then to point her gun at the empty darkness around her.
Skyler sighs softly and leans back in her seat. She grabs the dog tags that are around her neck and takes a deep breath as she runs her thumb across them.
She ran, for sure. But she was followed. Just when she thought she was safe, it happened. Footsteps dashed through the snow and suddenly she was on the ground and defenceless. A blade was pressed against her throat - before she could even react to the bald, shirtless, and pale man that was sat on top of her, five more had circled them both. Who the hell were these people? What did they want? She knew one thing. That knife was near enough cutting her skin already, any sudden movements and she'd be done for. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Delaney stayed very still, and remained very quiet. This wasn't the first time she'd had a blade pressed to her throat by a man, she knew the drill; stay compliant and very quiet. Closing her eyes for but a second, she opened them to observe the people around her. Delaney didn't even tremble, she was as stoic as a statue despite the internal dread she felt. Her heart hammered in her chest, and her eyes were massive and imploring as they flitted from figure to figure. Delaney waited..
Skyler closes her eyes softly and looks down at the ground. She softly begins to sing I just Came Back From War by Darryl Worley.
Four of them slowly approached and grabbed her arms and legs. They dragged her up and pinned her against the wall. She was unable to move from the wall. The one with the knife slowly approached and began breathing in her face from mere inches away. His breath was atrocious - it was just rotten, he slowly sniffed her and a horrid grin slowly went across his face. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Delaney blocked out the smells and sounds around her, retreating into her happy place in her mind. She didn't close her eyes just yet though, she just waited and waited and waited. It seemed like forever that they just watched her, as though they could devour her at any second. She knew she wouldn't be able to move anyways, fighting was useless. So she mentally prayed to God that if she got out of this, she would never be so brash to get in this situation again. She prayed that if she escaped, she would go back to Mason and she would let him protect her; he was strong and he wouldn't have let these men take her.
"Welcome back,Skyler...sadly it isn't how you remebered.I was dispatched in the desert a few times back then too,but they mostly kept me home in England.Sometimes I miss my boys...I wonder where they are right now.I hope they're safe back in Europe."

Matty had problems with his sleeping as of late.He would randomly wake up at times.He hoped it was nothing serious.

(@Aryn Harris )
Skyler jumps slightly and looks over towards Matty. "Thanks..." She murmurs. "And I'm sure they're fine... They're with family, right?"
The man that was stood in front of her slowly drove his tongue up her neck and side of her face, stopping at her hairline. He grinned again and hopped about on the spot for a few moments, but then he ran up and forcefully grabbed her by the cheeks with one hand and harshly slammed her head against the wall, staring psychotically into her eyes as he slowly rose the blade towards her throat. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
"I sure hope so..."

"Haven't heard from them since I moved here to the US"

He sighs.

"It all happened so quick..."
"We should talk more in the morning,Wake,me up if you see anything peculiar.Goodnight."

Matty burries his head in his arms.
Alex slowly sat up from his mattress; he'd been waking up a lot in the early hours of the morning since this whole thing started, and typically, he tripped over Eric who grunted but also got up - Alex walked downstairs and sighed, not knowing that Eric wasn't far behind him - he began digging through the cabinets in the kitchen; he finds a bottle of whiskey and chuckles to himself.

".. I hope you're going to share that with me." Eric said jokingly, rubbing his eyes as he sat down at the table. Alex looked over his shoulder and then picked up two shot glasses, followed by sitting opposite him. He looked around the others in the room and then smiled.

"It's New Year's, after all. May as well have a bit of a celebration." He smiled. (@DryPunishment, @Aryn Harris)
Delaney now chose to close her eyes and disappear, feeling fragments of her soul shut down as she wished to willingly put herself to death. Her ears rang and her head felt as though it were on fire, but she didn't do anything; limply sinking into his grasp. It was revolting, this indignity she faced. A part of her now wished that Mason or that group she stole from could come be her rescue, but she knew that was such a far fetched dream it'd never come true.
Skyler looks over at them and shrugs her shoulders. "I can go for a shot." She murmurs, not having had a shot since the last time she was on leave. She walks over to the table and sits down, still occasionally looking out the window.
"I'm sorry to rain on your guys' parade,but I don't drink,not anymore. Anyways, Happy New Year."
Elizabeth woke up gasping for air and touching her throat. She looked around until she realized it was just a nightmare. She looked out of the window searching for any danger. She was afraid she missed something important. She got up and looked at the others.

"Hey what did I miss?"
The knife pressed against her throat. But that's when it happened. A gunshot shot through the air and the aggressor's head popped clean open, his blood and brains spraying up her face and against the wall, he fell to the ground, and before she knew it, three people had come over the horizon and were going guns blazing. The five others that had surrounded her all dropped to the ground. (@TheHarlequinnCat


Alex got another shot glass out and poured one for Skyler; he poured one for himself and Eric and handed them to them both. (@Aryn Harris)
Skyler looks at the shot and quickly finishes it. "I'm going to go check other houses. Look for food, medical supplies, everything we might need. Anyone up for coming with me?" She questions, standing up and checking to see if her service gun was loaded and making her her knife was still in it's place around her thigh.
Delaney yelped out as the corpse slid down her body, closing her eyes tightly, she tried to see who was coming to her aid. Stumbling forward, she saw only red and black spots; and with that she hit the ground with a blunt thud. The woman had passed out, from shock or famine or the hit to her head- it was unclear which, but probably a combination of the three.


Levi continued to drive, only stopping a few times to refill the car. He hadn't slept since she died, but he did know that he had to keep in motion so he couldn't ponder what he could've done to save his fiancee. The man was headed easily wherever he wanted. (Just open; he can go anywhere)
".. I will." Eric said softly. "I want to choose the first house. There's something I need to do. Please." He asked quietly, sighing. He downed his shot and near enough choked, slamming his chest as it felt like it was burning his insides. He coughed and wiped his eyes. (@Aryn Harris
The three walked up and dragged her into the nearest building which happened to be a gas station. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
He ran upstairs and grabbed his metal baseball bat and his two butterfly knives with the leg holsters; he slipped them on and then went back downstairs to join Skyler. ".. I'm ready. It's the house across from this one. Mind if we go there first?" He asked him. (@Aryn Harris)

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