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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Delaney decided not to overstay her welcome once the group seemed to react to her question, or maybe they just didn't hear her hoarse quiet tone. The woman pushed back one curl behind her ear, but it bounced back to hang in her face. She waited for them to fall asleep, the man who helped her was on watch. When he went to 'take a leak', she took the opportunity to hijack the bag containing all the gasoline they'd saved up. She felt rather guilty, but ran with it through the snow. Not looking back once, she made it to the pickup and filled it up. Her hands were bandaged tightly, and aching horribly. She shook just enough to spill some on the snow, and hissed a quiet cuss before jumping in the car and driving sloppily down the road. Nearly going off the edge again, she quickly got up to the highest speed she could and continued her way East; hoping that they wouldn't be able to catch up to her.

((Ooh Delaney's being a two-face))
She nods her head and walks out of the room, and grabbing her water from the kitchen table. She walks back to the bedroom and places it next to him.
".. Thanks, Skyler..." He whispered, taking up the water and taking a sip of it; he placed it back down and then set his head down on the pillow, looking up at her. ".. Are you gonna' stay with us forever?" He asked softly.


"DON'T GO THAT WAY!" He screamed out to her - He didn't seem to care that she'd stolen from them, but by the time he had the chance to shout out she couldn't hear him. He sighed and shook his head, followed by going back to his camp and grasping his loaded shotgun. She didn't steal all the fuel they had, in fact, she'd barely scratched the surface. The reason he was so generous? He had somewhere else to go back to. Somewhere that had more than they could use. He was going to take her there, but she lost that chance, and now she had sent herself to death.

As she sped along the highway, after around five or ten minutes she goes over a harsh bump and the metal tires of her car are heard screeching along the road. (@Aryn Harris, @TheHarlequinnCat)
Delaney nearly tipped the car into a roll with that screech, slamming her brakes hard enough to make her slam into the steering wheel. She would've puked had there been anything left in her stomach. Retching emptily, she locked her doors and looked up to make out what was going on. Slowly backing up, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, she noted that there were creatures here- The retched monsters the news had been abuzz about. Not only that, but the road was cracked and demolished with potholes. Delaney breathed in sharply, going back over the bump that had nearly knocked her out the windshield. For the first time in her life, she was thankful she wore her seatbelt and reckoned that karma must be real.
Skyler gives him a small smile. "I don't know, kid. That's up to your brothers." She says softly, trying not to wake anyone up.
Matty looks back at Elizabeth "Should we go get the gu-?"

She was asleep.
It didn't feel right there. The creatures were the regular, yes. But it was quiet. Too quiet. There was something incredibly off - All she could hear was whispers within the tall grass on either side, but she couldn't see anything. (@TheHarlequinnCat)


"Oh... Okay... I hope they do let you stay--.. You're nice to me." He smiled shyly at her before sipping the water again. (@Aryn Harris)
Delaney felt panicked, she continued to back out; straight line backing down the road back the way she came, refusing to turn the car around yet. She sensed there was trouble about, but didn't want to risk running into the people she stole from. Again, she felt so incredibly vulnerable and in the back of her mind she felt that Mason would've known just what to do. Even though he was a maniac, he wasn't dumb and he could've gotten out of this. Tears began to come out the corners of her eyes, because Mason wouldn't have gotten into this situation in the first place. Maybe she should go back to him, swallowing the lump in her throat, she started to turn the pickup around to head back.
She wasn't turning any truck around. The tires were completely shredded, the front two had a thick roll of barbed wire right around them - She must have went the wrong, wrong way. It was a living nightmare. The whispers began to get louder. (@TheHarlequinnCat)


".. Goodnight..." He whispered in a yawn as he shut his eyes again, a soft smile on his face as he curled up into a ball and hugged his teddy bear again. (@Aryn Harris)
"Good night, kid." She murmurs and walks out of the room and heading back for the kitchen. She looks over at Matty and runs her fingers through her hair. "I can take watch if you're tired." She states. (@DryPunishment )
Delaney sat in the car, just waiting for whatever would happen to happen. She figured that if she got out, she wouldn't last very long. Not to mention, she wasn't particularly fit even if she was a great shot. Opening a window could allow for something to get in, so she waited and held her breath; trying to shrink into nothing and hope whatever this was could hold off until the morning. The world was against her, and she fumbled with her cell to see if she had service. She had to call Mason, he could help her, right? He was strong, and he was reliable spare the part where he beat her from room to room. Hands shaking, she felt as though she might lose it at any second.
Since Elizabeth was asleep Matty looked around to find a blanker or something,he was such a sucker for these things.He went in the bathroom and found a big puffy towel he comes back and puts it on her to trap some warmth on there.

I'm such an idiot.

@EmilyPower ) 
"That would be great,Skyler"

Matty couldn't believe his ears

"I'd really appreciate that."

(@Aryn Harris )
Skyler gives a small smile and nods her head. "It's not a problem. Do you want some water?" She asks, remembering she had at least 3 other bottles left.
A scream emitting from several people is suddenly heard as both doors of the truck fly open. They moved so quick and so fast; one of them dashed up the hood of the truck and scrambled up to the roof of it, stamping on it repeatedly. (@Aryn Harris)
"And then the gifts just keep coming"

He nodded even though he had some left in his duffel bag.

"If you want the gun I can pass it to you.Thanks for your kindness."

(@Aryn Harris )
Skyler frowns as she hears the screams and she immediately stands up, knocking her chair over in the process. She doesn't care about being careful not to wake anyone up anymore. "That gift will have to wait... Get down." She says to Matty and glances out the window. She grabs her service weapon and quickly loads it, making sure the safety was off.
Delaney shrieked, dropping her phone just as it got through to call Mason after five failed attempts. The woman recoiled and jumped to the backseat, taking her duffle and shotgun and going out the back window. She just barely made it with this new weight lying on her stomach, to which she had to suck in to get out. Then she fired rapidly, irrationally, at the shadows coming up at her; hitting a few, but too hasty and dark to be as accurate as she would've in the day.
Skyler smiles and stands, rummaging through her bag and pulling out a water bottle. She hands it to Matty and shakes her head. "I have my service weapon. Thank you though." She murmurs and sits down, looking out the window.
Then there was silence. She was left sitting there in the peace and quiet. But she had the feeling she was being watched from all angles. The grass surrounding the roads began to rustle furiously. What the hell? How many of these... Savages were there? It all stopped. It just all went quiet with not even so much as the crickets chirping. (@TheHarlequinnCat)

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