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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Skyler gently shushes him and shakes her head. "If anyone's the murderer it's me." She murmurs, thinking about how many people she had killed while she was overseas.
Elizabeth looked at Alex and then looked at the window. She noticed some people were gone and she looked back at Alex.

"Have you seen Skyler or Eric?"
He continued quietly sobbing onto her shoulder, holding her whole body tightly with both of his arms. After several minutes of him just sobbing and bawling he sniffled a few times and wiped his eyes having calmed down a fair amount. He keeps his head set on her shoulder for a while and then takes a deep breath. ".. Okay..." He whimpers quietly. (@Aryn Harris)


"Yeah, they went out looking for--.. For food, and stuff. Only nearby houses." He said to her, followed by nodding at the bottle. "Feel like doing a shot with me?" He asked her, giving a simple smile. (@EmilyPower)
"Okay... Now I don't mean to be insensitive, but you know the layout of the house... Where do they keep their medical supplies?" She asks softly.
Alex pours her a shot and then pours one for himself as well, handing one to her. "Cheers." He said as he raised the glass into the air for a moment followed by quickly knocking back the shot. (@EmilyPower)


".. I know where some stuff is... I think they keep a first aid kit in the bathroom and in the kitchen..." He nodded and sniffled before standing up and walking over to the bed, ripping the sheet off of the mattress on the bed and walking over to his friend's body. He quickly swept it down over his body and sighed, taking a deep breath. ".. I remember when I was about seven or eight I was over here... I got cut on something, I think it was on something outside. His mom helped me get all fixed up with the first aid kit that was in the bathroom. Best bet is to look there first..." He shrugged at her and picked up her knife, leading her into the bathroom. ".. Look around. I need to clean up..." He said, he turned on the slow-running water via the faucet and began washing his hands and face, followed by washing the knife as well. "If you take a look around the house, mind if I go back to the bedroom real quick? There's some stuff I want to look for." He said quietly. (@Aryn Harris)
"Cheers" Elizabeth said while raising her cup and drinking the shot. She coughed a little but then the coughing stopped. She looked at the empty cup and smiled.

"My parents would have killed me if they saw me drinking" She her smile became bigger and she laughed a bit

"They would freak out if they saw me doing anything dangerous or stupid, my ex boyfriend used to get drunk all the time. One time he arrived to out house drunk and hit me, My dad broke his nose and his arm. I´m still laughing about that night"

Elizabeth´s smile dissapeared

"Sorry, Alcohol talk. I should probably go back to guarding the house"
"Are you sure? What if another crazy guy comes and starts shooting stuff? Ah... yeah I´m seventeen. Yeah... Brian is a great kid, I dont know what I would do without him"
"Don't worry... That was McCormick. When I was fifteen he was already losing it. His exact words to me were 'You must be getting on to be about ten years old now, sonny' - My family knew him for most of our lives, he was an ex-army veteran, or something. Brian reminds me a lot of Carl, to be honest." He smiles and shrugs. "But that's just me." He adds. (@EmilyPower)
Elizabeth chuckled when she heard about McCormick.

"Sonny? Why did he call you Sonnny? Really? Well, if Carl is funny and friendly then Brian is the same person as Carl"
"I have no idea..." He chuckled. "But yeah, Carl's the most friendly person out of the three of us, he'll make anyone laugh as well." He smiled. "What did you do before the world went to shit? Anythin' other than school?" He asked. (@EmilyPower)
"Well I used to work in a gaming store... the ones that used to sell stuff related to video games instead of the actual video games, the only reason of why I got hired was because my friend Jeremy told my boss I was the biggest gaming nerd in our school." She smiled a bit

"The only thing I did besides working and playing video games was playing in the lamest band you will ever hear. What did you do before everything went to shit?"
".. I worked out, mostly... Had a part-time job, went to school... Then over the vacations I spent my time at home mostly playing video games with Eric and Carl." He said softly, chuckling. "What about Brian?" He asked. (@EmilyPower)
"Brian went to school and he was in the soccer team" She smiled, remembering how the world was before everything broke down.
"Sporty kid, eh?" He said, looking around. "Carl wanted to play some sort of sport. I promised him I'd take him to get him signed up next summer - He wanted to play soccer mostly, I think." He shrugged and took a deep breath. ".. You born and raised in Wisconsin?" He asked. (@EmilyPower)
"If Brian's up for it, I'm sure Carl would love to have him teach him once it gets a bit warmer outside." He smiled and poured them both another shot, quickly drinking it down. (@EmilyPower)

(I'm going to bed now - I'll see you tomorrow, guys!)
Conner had reached his campsite for the week. It wasn't anything special, just some sticks and leaves. But it sure did work. Having little trouble getting a fire going, he skinned and prephared the hare for a good cooking. And it would have a nice smoky flavor to, lucky him.
Matty started snoring,it was probably a good sign.After some time he stopped.

Caitlyn squirmed a little and tugged on Matty's hair,subsequently waking him up.

Matty looked around the room.

"What time is it?Are they still out"

(@DrTrollinski @EmilyPower )
"Yeah, they're still out. It hasn't been long, man. They've been gone, maybe... Twenty minutes?" He said as he knocked back another shot. He was starting to look quite drunk. (@DryPunishment)
"You know...you should probably stop drinking. It's damgerous to get drunk in situations like these..."

"Ah, fuck it. It's New Year's and I'm celebrating--.." He looked across at him and then to Elizabeth before finally putting the cap back on the bottle. "But you're right... I should probably save some for Eric, too... I said I'd share." He coughed and looked around the room for a moment. (@DryPunishment)


A man walked into Kane's office. ".. Any sign of him, boss?" He asked, Kane grunted from looking down the scope of his rifle and shook his head.

"No." He replied coldly.

"Surely he's not doin' any harm--.. We've got a lot of people. What does it matter?" He asked, Kane said nothing for a moment, tempted to just turn around and shoot him right there and then. He held back, though.

"He's on our land. This town we're in. That land is native to OUR town. Not the other way around. The old bastard ain't gonna' be livin' off berries forever - I'll get him, don't you worry." He said, looking back down the rifle. (@Beowulf)
"What's your story,Alex? As you can probably tell I'm not from these parts...I came to the US a year and a half ago."

(@DrTrollinski )
"Born and raised here. Went to school. Got a job. Worked out. Spent a lot of time with Eric and Carl... And here I am." He said simply, leaning back in his chair. (@DryPunishment) 
"What about you? What sorta' stuff did you do?" He asked. (@DryPunishment)

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