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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"I was in the SAS, had rich parents that didn't give a crap about me...and after some time as I said I came to the States..."

Caitlyn rolled around in bed catching Matty's attention for a bit.

"She's not mine Alex..."

(Sorry for the delay but i fianlly arrived home @DrTrollinski )
"She isn't? You never had any kids then?" He asked him, looking around for a moment before drifting his eyes back to Matty. (@DryPunishment)
"No,never had any kids...my girlfriend died a week ago...I found Caitlyn in her home,her dad turned and I think the gory mess I found next to her father was her mother...I couldn't let her starve there...or worse,get eaten by those things.I even cleaned up the scene when I got her out of the house.She doesn't know they're dead,Alex."

A tear rolled down his face.

"I hope I'm doing the right thing,I never had the chance to become a father.I guess I do now..."

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"Well even if you aren't a dad you make a great one" she smiled at Matty. Her face became serious and she looked around

"What did you tell her... To cover their death?"
".. You're doing fine, man... She's still with you, ain't she?" He said to him, giving a half smile. (@DryPunishment)
"Thank you...I told her they went on a trip somewhere.I bet one of these days she'll ask me when they'll come back...I don't know what to say then.Most of the kids won't have a normal childhood anymore."

Matty sighed.

"I explained to her that since the outbreak,the ones who weren't infected could do whatever they can cause there's no one to stop them so she assumed that's why her parents went on a vacation without telling her.She was asleep when I took her out of that house so she didn't see the blood everywhere.One day she's gonna ask what really happened to her parents...that is if I'll still be alive.I like her.If anything happens to me..."

He hesitated and then remained silent.

(@DrTrollinski @EmilyPower )
"We'll see... Carl's going to be growing up in this world, and that kills me... He's such a sweet and innocent kid. It's a shame that things are the way they are, but... We'll see how things go. He just needs people - Me and Eric can't be parents to him, I know that much... I mean, look how he hung onto Skyler all night - Our parents have been dead for a few days, but look... He's deprived of having parents already." He explained softly, rubbing his forehead with one hand. (@DryPunishment)
"Yeah... I dont know if Brian can handle all of this. He is already changing. He already asked me to teach him how to schoot a gun" She said while looking at her hands

(@DryPunishment )
".. I'm going to teach Carl... It's necessary, Elizabeth... It's the harsh truth, but he wants to adapt to what's going on - The difference between learning how to shoot is the difference between life and death sometimes." He sighed softly. (@EmilyPower)
" Yeah... I know I have to let him grow up but part of me wants him to stay just like he was before everything happened." She explained "I guess being parents is not as easy as I though, now we have to take care of our brothers." She chuckled
Skyler nods her head. "Go for it." She murmurs, and walks towards an open door. She looks in and sighs in relief when in is the bathroom. She walks in and starts to look through the cabinets and below the sink. Her eyes wander to her hands, and she notices that she has band aids, ace bandages, gauze, and Neosporin. 'It's not that much, but we still have other houses to look at.' She thinks to herself.
Eric walked through to the bedroom once again and went past the bedsheet on the floor. He sighed as he began digging through the dresser at the far end of the room, lookin at some of the tshirts his friend owned. He smiled as he pulled some of them out and inspected them - they were the crazy kind. T-shirts with the labels of 'Sex Machine', 'Look At Me Now', and 'I'm With Stupid' printed on the front; he didn't really find anything that suited his fancy, but his own was covered in blood. He dug through it until he found a clean, short-sleeved, and dark grey t-shirt in there. It was plain. He quickly threw off his own one and then slipped on that one, smiling for a moment. He then got up and went over to the walk-in closet where there was numerous things that he could have used. Two things caught his eye - two camo backpacks. He had no idea where his friend got them, but they were very military-grade. Then again, his friend had a habit of getting hold of things he wasn't meant to have. He picked them both up and loaded one bag full of some of the goodies that his friend had hidden away; the infamous pornographic magazines, some old memorabilia, and other trinkets that held sentimental value. Finally, he picked up his friend's signature leather jacket and slipped it on.

".. Thanks, Jake..." He whispered, smiling for a few moments while sighing. He then walked out of the room to rejoin Skyler in the bathroom. ".. Hey. I've got everything I need." He said as he slung one bag over his shoulder. (@Aryn Harris)
Skyler looks over at him and nods her head. "Alright. Let's see if they have some food and water, then we'll go search through neighboring houses." She replies.
"Yeah, sure..." He says, he leads her down to the kitchen and glances around. "Heh, I remember whenever I came over here, Jake's mom would always make a huge effort... She just made a feast rather than a dinner." He chuckled softly and sadly for a moment; he walked over to the fridge and stepped past the body of the woman on the ground before swinging the fridge open - power was still on, but everyone knew it wouldn't be for long. He pulled out a large bottle of lemonade and one large bottle of water. "That's the only useful stuff in the fridge... You might want to check the cupboards for any canned and dried food, stuff that ain't gonna' rot quickly." He suggested, shrugging as he loaded the two bottles into the other empty bag. (@Aryn Harris)
Adter eating his meal, Conner wiped away the grease on his mouth and stood up. He had nothing better to do, and the camp near here was the most exciting thing at the moment. So, reatringing his bow, he silently moves towards the camp. They knew he was out there, he made no move to try and hide that he existed by taking what their snares caught, but he wasn't dumb enough to stand out in the open. Oh,if someone was looking they could see him, but most people ignored what they didn't want to see.

(@DrTrollinski )
".. Mhm--.. There was some smoke not too long ago..." The man said, his forehead lined with sweat. "The old fucker's out there somewhere... We just need to wait. One guy ain't ever gonna' be able to take down nearly thirty armed men, it just ain't happening." He said quietly, his rifle sticking discreetly out of the side of the window.

".. If you say so..." His accomplice said with a shrug, leaning back in the chair he was sitting in. (@Beowulf)
He had made it once more to the edge of the woods, but stayed within their safety. Now, he wasn't good at military stuff or what are good defenses, but he could tell these people wanted to stay. Who was looking into the woods right now? Looking for him? Probably at least one. Now where would that one be? He couldn't be dumb enough to go into the cliche places, high up. But just in case, he quickly scanned the taller buildings. He thought he saw something, but couldn't be sure if it was harmless or not.

(@DrTrollinski )
There was no one on the rooftops. It all seemed too silent and it was far too dark for him to see a single thing from his angle. The windows of all the high buildings seemed clear and empty. There were no signs of any people whatsoever; the whole town was just in darkness with not a single sound or light being let off. (@Beowulf)
Delaney's body lay limp inside the gas station, propped up against a wall. Her oversized army jacket hung off one shoulder, revealing her husband's now-dirtied plaid shirt, and underneath that she wore two more undershirts to keep herself relatively warm. Clearly, she did not come from the wealthiest home on account of the fact she didn't have any particularly useful clothes without layering; but, then again, she had to be as inconspicuous as possible when leaving the house. Her bandages had remained intact, the mysterious man having done a good job on the wrapping, but rings below her fingertips shined red where the bandage didn't cover. In the sickly light of the gas station, the bruises under her eyes were more evident. Trailing from her cheekbone to the bottom of her left eye, the skin was finally lessening its swelling; but still remained a painful purplish black hue. Her jeans had been sodden from hitting the ground, still wet on the knees, and her boots were muddied beyond comprehension. She had managed to hit the ditch's muddy cold water when they dragged her towards the wall of a nearby building. Delaney's finger twitched, and she murmured something incoherent in her deep sleep; seeming to be fighting her body's own defense mechanism. In this light, she nearly looked worse off than before; her lips a mixture of dried brown and orange from blood that trailed down her chin, and her neck revealed faded yellow marks.

(I don't think she'll be up till the morning ^^' @DrTrollinski )


Levi had been driving long enough, no longer in New York and cutting corners against Pennsylvania to end in Ohio. His greenish-gray eyes, indistinguishable between a dark blue or a murky jade, were darkened by insomnia. They were circled with a rainbow of purple, red, black, and blue; rubbed raw from crying and pained from staying up for 4 days. It must've been catching up with him now, since he swayed and his head lolled; the road becoming all the same, as he forgot what he was even looking for. His mind was drifting, but only because it'd been so many miles since he ran into any lurkers; truthfully, he'd probably driven past more hitchhikers than anything. The man started to slow, wishing that he could've had a right-hand man to take over so he could continue making progress. It would've been smart to take 20 minute nap intervals throughout the day, but he was growing to paranoia without someone else to watch his back while he did so; even if he woke to the sound of a pin hitting the floor. Thankful that he at least had a dark, easily hidden, small car, he pulled over into the brush; setting the car up for a speedy getaway, and making sure there was nothing to draw people or zombies near to him. He knew he was in a good enough pass that it'd be strange to see either kind, and he drifted off; sinking into his coat, holding onto himself, looking defensive even in dreaming. He wouldn't be out long, having the alertness of a predator and the speed of prey.
Seemed like he was just seeing things. But it was dark now, he could cause some mischief. Nocking an arrow, he steps out of the tree line and makes his way towards the improvised wall. If only he could move one of the cars, creat an opening, they might be driven out by the walkers.

(@DrTrollinski )
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(The walls aren't made out of cars. They're proper barricades. The cars have been left elsewhere.)

He thought he saw movement in the trees. He quickly turned and aimed the rifle off in that direction, a drop of sweat falling from his forehead. He could have only been seeing things in anxiousness, but he wasn't taking chances.

"Get five men down at the main entrance. Quietly. And make sure they're hidden."

"Why?" He asked as he slowly rose up from his chair.

"Because I fuckin' saw something move. Now do it, or I'll turn and shoot you in the god damned face." He threatened, the man sent his arms up in the air for a few moments before throwing them back down at his sides and shaking his head as he walked out - he quietly gathered up five armed men and discreetly lead them over to the far gate that was near where the boss had accordingly 'seen movement' - this was like a game of battleships right now. He set them up on either side, either leaned against the wall or crouched down behind abandoned cars. (@Beowulf)


"Jesus Christ... Did they do that to her?" One of the men said, gently scratching the back of his head.

"Did you see any of them fuckin' punch her? Look at all that, the bruises, the marks, the black eyes - Did you see ANY of those savages do that?!" He yelled, his arms at his side. The other man gulped and shook his head.

"N-.. No... I didn't, no..." He said, looking around. "Man, just fuck her. She stole from us - We shouldn't have wasted ammo tryin' to save her ass." He said, walking over to the window to look out of it. He leaned forward onto the frame and took a deep breath.

"We ain't leaving her to die. It's not us - Look at when we found you! Did we owe you ANYTHING?" He asked brutally, the man gave a long pause and then a quick sigh.

"No. No, you didn't."

"Exactly. So shut the fuck up and start lookin' around for somethin' we can use here. The power's still on, so take advantage of that while you can. Get me everything you can get, heat up some milk, get some bags of ice and napkins, get whatever you can here!" He ordered, the man sighed again and pushed himself away from the window; he dragged the woman of the three along with him to look for everything that had been asked for, and, as expected, he found it - some ice, some warm milk, napkins, and some bottled water. It was lucky that they had access to all of this, otherwise, there was the high possibility that Delaney would be a lot worse for wear come tomorrow morning. If she lived that long.

"She's not coming with us." He said as he set the items down in front of him.

"I never said she was." He replied in a monotone and dry voice. He picked up the glass of warm milk and then reach forward, opening up her mouth and gently squeezing the bottom of her neck to allow the fluid to go down without any trouble, he slowly tipped the warm milk down her throat to replenish some of her body heat, and after that, he got the bag of ice and a napkin. After a few moments, he had some ice cubes tied up in one of them and he gently applied it to either of her eyes to hopefully bring down some of the swelling; he also put it on her cheekbone for a while as well. When he saw her fingertips he sighed, and also placed the ice on them for a while as well - once he was done with all of that, he took a clean napkin and dabbed some water onto it from the bottle, and with that, he went ahead and wiped all the blood away from her face and lips, as well as any that had found its way onto her body and arms. ".. That should do fine, but there's somethin' else I'm gonna' need you to do." He said to the man and woman. They both looked at him and said nothing for a few moments.

".. And what might that be?" He asked.

"Go into town and get her some clothes. You can be there and back in just over an hour." He said, the man grunted and shook his head, applying both go his hands to the back of it.

"I can't believe I'm actually about to do this. I think I'm going crazy..." He said, chuckling in disbelief throughout his sentence.

"Aren't we all?" He replied as he slowly picked up Delaney off the ground and began walking towards the small little office room at the back of the gas station - it was convenient, actually. It was evident that someone had stayed here for a night. There was a mattress on the floor, no blankets or sheets, nor any pillows - the room was stripped clean without even so much as an empty can. Whoever was here last obviously didn't have room for the mattress. He kicked the door shut and then set Delaney down on the mattress, following that, he slipped off his winter coat and gently covered her upper body over. Now it was a matter of time and waiting. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Skyler nods her head again and begins to search through the cabinets. She finds two cans of corn, some mandarin oranges, and peas. "Alright. Do you know if they had any guns?" She questions.
(I knew cars where involved somewhere.)

Connr heard something, like snow being crunches under careless feet. Quickly diving behind cover, he holds his bow at the ready. What was that noise? It wasn't just his imagination, or was it? Perhaps he was finally losing his sanity, about time. Peaking around the abandoned car that dove behind, a red truck, quarter ton, he looks for what made the noise. He thought he saw something, but the Darkness was as much a hinderance as it was a help.
".. I think his dad kept something upstairs in their room. I don't know, though." He said. "I'll wait here if you want to go and take a look." He offered. (@Aryn Harris)


They heard a thud. But they didn't react. They just looked at each other and gave a quiet nod. The two that were sheltered behind the car slowly and quietly went into a prone position to get a look under it with their rifles. They were aimed directly at the source of the noise - No one else made noise - the ones at the wall slowly crouched down and covered not only the direction of the noise but also any other accessible angles. (@Beowulf)

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