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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Delaney took a deep breath, someone finally asking her what she'd thought for so many years. "I guess it's because I love him." Bitterly her conscience snapped back; Loved him enough to cheat on him. Just as she said it, she immediately regretted it. Did she love him? True love wasn't what she had. She reworded what she said, hoping they overlooked the awkward confession "He's all I have left." The next thing she said sunk in, because it was true. Who else did she have? It had been her and Mason, both of their parents had either passed from old age or faded out of their lives. She hadn't been close to her neighbors, spare Mason's 'friend' she'd slept with. Sinking into her own misery, she sighed and felt tears begin to well up in her eyes.
".. I knew a girl in college. She had a boyfriend... Or, she called him that, but... He was one of those guys. He took out all of his sadness, and his loneliness on her..." His voice turned into more of a sincere snarl as he stared across the room. "She always said she loved him, you know... Every. Damn. Time someone pointed it out, it was the same thing... She loved him because she was scared, not because she loved him - One day, the police took him away from her, and as soon as he got out she went back because she was scared. And she died, sweetheart. I hate to be blunt, but he killed her... He stabbed her, took all her money and went on the run." He shook his head as he shuddered, looking around at the other two who had fallen silent. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Matty heard to commotion downstairs."God damn alcohol..."he murmured to himself.

"Matty?...what's happening?"

"Nothing sweetheart...they're just...drinking,probably."

"I thought someone got inside."

"Don't worry,love I'll go check it out."

Before Matty got the chance to get up Caitlyn jumped on his back

"Can I come with you?"

"Sure thing,love."

He got up and went down the hallway

@DrTrollinski @Aryn Harris )
Skyler gives a small smile and sits down. She puts her shot glass on the table and shakes her head. "No more drinks for me please." She murmurs.
Matty went down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Got any issues,guys?"

Caitlyn was holding him tight on his back.

"Ah, alright." Alex said to Skyler. "Ah! Matty!" He said, chuckling. "Want a drink?" He asked him, laughing as he poured himself and Eric more shots. (@DryPunishment)
"You guys need to stop,you're making too much noise as it is already.No I don't want a drink"

His tone slightly upped at the last sentence.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Awwwwww...." Eric moaned with a grin as he leaned back in his chair, downing his freshly poured shot with a quiet gasp. "Chill, bro... We'll party quietly." He said, laughing a little. (@DryPunishment)
"I could hear you from upstairs...with my door closed!You guys are drunk."

Matty would ask to just keep it down,but them being drunk would mean he would just talk to the walls around them.

(@DrTrollinski )
Delaney began defending him while her head agreed, but she had to speak from her aching heart. "Mason wouldn't kill me. He ain't never killed in his life." Her eyes told another story, though, it was a mix of 'I need closure' and 'Don't make me remember'. She went quiet, watching the older man watching her; he was aged with wisdom, even though he must've been in his young fourties. She wasn't even thirty, yet. Giving up, whatever spark of defensive fire in her died out entirely, and she nodded. "What should I do?" She asked him, privately and intimately; ignoring the other two. She had already lost her dignity, and then ruined whatever reputation she could've built up, and trust; she accepted her place at the bottom of the pile and asked for instruction without any other drive to send her running.
"Hey..." Eric fluttered one hand around and shook his head. ".. Close your door. We'll be quiet, I promise." He said in a whisper; Alex was already busy pouring them another shot. Eric took it and held it in his hand while smiling up at Matty. "No worries, my friend... It's New Year's Eve--.." He paused. "New Year's Day." He corrected himself. "And we're just having a few drinks... Go and--.. Let Caitlyn sleep at the other end of the bed as Carl, or somethin' - It's in the back room, it's quiet." He smiled and drank down the shot alongside Alex. (@DryPunishment)


He looked at her for a moment and kicked his left foot up onto his right knee, scratching the stubble on his chin while thinking for a moment. "Think of it like this, sweetheart. If he's got the fuckin' nerve to beat and abuse you before you ran away, how do you think he'll react if he finds you AFTER you ran away from his ass?" He said softly, shaking his head while looking around the room. "Motherfucker will either kill you, or beat you and leave you for dead - Here's what you should do - the world's shit, cheese-steak." He addressed her as 'cheese-steak' - A compliment? It was certainly new. "You've gotta' assume that the bastard's dead, and you need to move on and find some other man to keep you safe in this shit storm. Your best bet's to head North, well away from here. Think, if he knows that you came this way, if he's looking for you, he'll COME this way, won't he?" He said, shrugging. "You go up north, and it's gonna' be like finding a needle in a haystack." He explained, giving a sure nod thereafter. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
"Allright boys...take care then...just...don't make me come down agian,okay?I trust you guys."

He then went inside the room where Carl was sleeping and quietly let Caitlyn down on the other side of the bed

"You be nice,okay love?"


"That-a girl..." He kissed her on the forehead and let her sleep there.

Matty closed the door and went back to sleep in the other bedroom.

@DrTrollinski )
Carl stirred when Caitlyn was placed down at the other end of the bed. The room was in pure darkness, and Carl, like most young children, had never been a fan of the pitch blackness that was called night time. He couldn't stand sitting in a dark room - he felt unnerved. Regardless, over the past couple of days his resistance to the dark had gotten stronger but also got weaker at some points; he rolled over to face the wall, hugging his teddy bear again as a gentle smiled formed on his lips. (@DryPunishment)
Carl barely woke up when he heard Caitlyn speaking; he kept his eyes closed tightly but smiled as he snuggled up into the fetal position once again. ".. Okay..." He whispered in a tired and half-asleep voice. (@DryPunishment)
The young woman repeated, "Head North." She seemed to be fading out into her own thoughts. Again, easily read; she was trying to figure out a plan of action without the guts to carry through with it alone. Instead of asking where she could find a partner to go North with her, she just asked "What about your group?" More inquiring what they were doing, and what their plan was. She could tell that Brad must've been the only one who liked her remotely, on account of the other's wary glowers. She wondered if she would act the same with a town of savages so close.
"Oh, fuck no!" The man by the door (Andrew) yelled suddenly, lurching away from the door and readying himself. Brad quickly held up a hand.

"Don't worry about him, sweetheart..." He said gently, before frowning and looking at Andrew. "And you, shut the fuck up. Not only are you makin' yourself look like a damn asshole, but you're gonna' draw those damn savages in again, I bet." He snarled, Andrew huffed and slowly backed up against the door again. ".. We have a group of our own, yeah... That's why I was so generous with the meds, didn't care too much about the fuel, either." He explained, glancing at the other two. He watched in suspicion for a moment as the woman (Jay) walked over to Andrew and whispered something to him.

".. I'm just gonna' show Jay where the bathroom is." He stated, followed by exiting the office with her and slamming the door shut.

"Be careful!" Brad shouted out, followed by leaning back in his chair. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Delaney had tensed up so much she looked about ready to break, her arms had immediately flung up into a defensive mode from the man (Andrew). Even Brad's loud voice made her flinch, and she didn't have the chance to even see if there was an increment of pity from either male. She had an awfully strong desire to just sit down with Jay; a woman who didn't tower at least a foot over her. Delaney looked down, and once they left the room, she dropped her defensive position and meekly told Brad "I don't think I'm welcome here... This is why my best bet is going back."
"Going back to die?" He inquired softly. "They don't want you here because you stole from us, but that's just that - I don't care that you stole, it was the dead of the night, you were half-dead, and you didn't know us. I would have done the same--" He stopped talking as he heard the harsh sound of several cans and bottles falling off of a shelf within the store section of the garage. He slowly rose to his feet while withdrawing his magnum revolver from his belt. He held it in both hands and slowly aimed it at the door. ".. I recommend you get those new clothes on. Like. Now." He stated, his tongue going slowly across his top lip as he locked his gaze on the door in front of him. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Matty now fell asleep. ((and so will I soon enough,goodnight guys))
Delaney nodded, grabbing her clothes and fleeing to the closest private space she could occupy; changing everything but her undershirt and jacket. She was good at changing fast; She was good at following orders. So she managed to get into those clothes in what must've been under a minute, jumping out to aid him out-of-breath and ready to do anything. Her jacket hung loose over thicker flannel and drier jeans. She threw her old boots back on; but the woolen socks she wore made it so the cold didn't hurt as much.
((Have a nice night, man. See you tomorrow :) )) 
"Okay..." He whispered as he walked up and pressed his ear against the door. He urged her to come closer. When she did, she heard slow bursts of shuffling behind the door and leading towards the exit of the gas station. ".. What do you think that is...?" He asked her, taking a quiet and steady deep breath. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Delaney whispered, "Is it them?" She listened closely; her 'them' very vague, but Brad knew exactly who she was referring to. She breathed shallowly, taking to orders like a duck to water. She was a perfect soldier, except the part where she didn't seem to have a mean bone in her; she was just a rabbit-hearted girl, jumping around her problems.
Footsteps were heard approaching the door. Brad took a deep breath of relief but then lunged back as a sudden knife tore through the wooden door and stuck out between both of their faces. He raised his gun again and quickly fired off a bullet, which resulted in a ferocious scream being emitted that slowly faded to silence as the sound of something hitting the ground resonated through the air. (@TheHarlequinnCat)

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