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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Delaney ran to where Brad had set her shotgun, grabbed it and did as he had; except there wasn't even a scream from her precision, just the sound of a body dropping. Despite her mishaps and personality downfalls, she was an excellent shot; the one thing from Mason that benefited her more than anything.

((sorry it's short ^^))
".. Okay--.." He dashed and grabbed his rifle from beside the chair and kicked the door open, holding his revolver in one hand and his rifle in the other; he dashed out into the store area with her and glanced around. Two bodies outside the door, one body with a pin-point bullet hole in its chest, and the other with its head near enough off of its shoulders. The head was a mess, clearly caused by the shell of a shotgun. He ushered her around the corner where they saw Jay and Andrew. They were both dead, sat up against the counter where the cash register sat. They were sat hand in hand, their eyes open and staring into nothingness, and their throats slit. Of course there was a massive pool of blood under the both of them. "Oh, Jesus..." He muttered in pure shock as he ran to their front and looked at them both, bowing his head and shaking it slowly. ".. Jesus Christ..." He choked. (@TheHarlequinnCat
"Oh-ho, baby." Alex said as Eric pulled out two larger glasses from the cupboard and stumbled over to the table, setting them down in front of him. Alex sloppily poured two half-glasses and slid one to Eric, whom of which meandered back to his seat and got ready to drink it down.

"Why did we never drink before, Alex?" He slurred out slowly, Alex shrugged and chuckled.

"I don't fuckin' know, Eric... I wish we did, though... This is fun..." He chuckled before bashing his glass off of Eric's own. "Chug." He stated calmly, and with that, both he and Eric threw back the glasses and began drinking down the whiskey that was in them. They didn't stop. They just went on, and on, and on until both glasses were empty - if the rest of the shots didn't have them on the floor, this was certainly going to. Eric coughed furiously as he set the glass down on the table and then looked at Alex, he stared at him blankly before setting his head down on the table, giggling uncontrollably to himself. (@EmilyPower, @Aryn Harris)
Delaney gasped, nearly dropping her gun; retching to puke, but once again not throwing up anything but a feeble ball of water and milk. She wiped her mouth on her sleeve, and watched Brad; unable to choose to apologize or to let him mourn on his own. "We have to get out of here." She croaked, fighting the urge to dry heave until she did puke what little remained in her stomach.
He reached up with one hand and gently brushed their eyes shut. ".. God bless. May ya'll rest in peace." He whispered gently, followed by taking the knife from Andrew's belt. He nodded to her as he stood up, helping her through the pool of blood to be careful that she didn't slip straight over; once they were out of the store, there was that horrible feeling that Delaney knew. It was the feeling of being watched. She had felt it on the previous night - they weren't alone out here, and it felt like there was a dozen pair of eyes staring right at them. He glanced back towards his truck that was just up the street and saw how vandalized and broken it was, the tires flat, the windows smashed, and the paint scraped. ".. Bastards ruined our only way out of here." He slung his rifle over his back and then grasped her shoulder with his now free hand, turning her to the right. "We'll move down the street to the nearest building. Keep your eyes open." He said quietly, followed by beginning to lead her off down the street, their feet crunching through the snow in an almost reckless manner. (@TheHarlequinnCat
"God... I've gotta' piss..." Eric murmured, his head still rested on the table. Alex shook his head and let himself slump back over the back of his chair. ".. Think I can get up the stairs... Alex...?" He asked, Alex just shook his head slightly.

"No... No, you can't... The stairs are broke..." He muttered quietly, sighing to himself. "Go out the back door..." He said, Eric slowly nodded and rose up from his seat, slowly drifting towards the door and falling against it. He laughed to himself for a moment and then finally managed to creak the door open; he took one step out of it, his back fully visible; before the people in the kitchen knew it, he was occupied in emptying his bladder out onto the snow in the back yard. After a minute, he was still stood there, Alex slowly looked over his shoulder and stared at him, followed by glancing down at his watch. He looked back towards the table and slumped over the back of his chair again.

"Alex..." Eric muttered quietly, still stood relieving himself at the back door.

".. What..." He groaned in response.

"Does your... Does your ass feel numb...?" He asked out of the blue, Alex slowly looked over at him and gently raised one eyebrow.

"Uh... I guess? I don't know..." He said, and a whole minute later Eric was finally done and walked back into the kitchen, slamming the back door shut. He walked back in and then fell over, his back slamming against the door. He just sat there and placed one hand over his stomach, his head against the solid surface.

".. I think it means we're gonna' die, Alex..." He stated in a slurred voice. ".. Do you think we're gonna' die?" He asked. Alex's head dropped and went onto the table with a slam.

"Yeah, man..." He murmured, taking a yawn and deep breath. (@Aryn Harris, @EmilyPower)
Delaney breathed, just barely, "They're watching us. They know." She suddenly seemed to border utter fear and an order of 'stay alert.' She had her duffle with her, minding that she had to have at least something for them to survive. Glancing around every second or so, she had her gun ready; and she had proven herself a good shot despite all the other problems surrounding her personality. She picked up the pace, making sure they wouldn't come too close. Whispering, she asked "Do they go in the woods? We have a better chance against the walkers than them."
".. They go anywhere, sweetheart... Why do you think I made the other two come with me to find you? It doesn't matter where you go... They'll chase you until you're dead, they're dead, or you get far enough away from 'em to stop 'em givin' chase. They didn't see the good in ya', or your reasons... They were throwin' you to the dogs to let you get raped and beaten, and eventually killed... Fuckin' savages... Rumors go that these fuckers were around long before any of this started, a bunch of... Native white Americans that were born into some sort of tribe somewhere. Very few sightings, apparently... At first they were a big damn urban legend, then there was the missin' persons reports, then the bodies, and now this... I never wanted to believe these spooks existed... I remember when I was travellin' through this area as a kid. I was with my parents, but the rumours were goin' around like a creepypasta on the internet. I screamed. I cried my god damned eyes out when we came near the fields..." He shuddered for a moment after he spoke, anxiously looking around as he held his revolver angled upwards so that he was ready to bring it down and shoot at any given time.

(@TheHarlequinnCat - That's my last post for tonight. Reply and I'll get back to you in the morning - Have a good night!)
Elizabeth looked at Alex and Eric and rolled her eyes

"Go to sleep, you're both drunk"

She said while looking around. She looked at the bottle and sighed

"You are going to have the biggest hangover and when you do I'm not gonna take care of you"
"Eh, whatever..." Eric mumbled, bowing his head and taking a deep breath. Alex didn't say anything, his head was still on the table - neither of them were moving, nor would Elizabeth be able to carry either of them. It didn't look like they were moving for a good few hours. (@EmilyPower) (Seriously, last post. Night!)
Delaney hissed, quiet enough that maybe even Brad didn't hear her "We can take 'em." This was so bizarre, it had been roughly one day since she left home and here she was in what felt like an entire other world. She wouldn't be surprised if she woke up in a cold sweat to see Mason sleeping soundly beside her. She noted that his high tension, and molded herself to up hers a notch and match his intensity; rifle at the ready. Anyone who got within ten feet of her would have their head blown off their shoulders; her eyes were wide and nearly shook with anticipation, but she held the perfect stance and posture as she walked on. It was the only thing she was good for in this apocalypse, and thank god for Mason wanting his wife to shoot. She wanted to ask if they were leaving, or how long until they could leave this territory; but she chose to stay silent, on the slim chance these savages were provoked by conversation. She couldn't read Brad's thoughts, only his tense body language; as though he knew there was an oncoming storm. Or maybe he picked it up from her, she'd been ready to shoot since she stepped outside the gas station; knowing full-well now what the men had intended, as if she couldn't figure that out herself. 
He carried on advancing forward, his pace slowly picking up over time to the point where they were almost jogging. It was clear, the worry that he had had also affected Delaney, it would in any situation - if one person's nervous, then there's no reason why the other person shouldn't be. It was almost as if they were safe for just a couple of minutes, just safe from the savages, but then it happened. They heard a trail of footsteps run by almost exactly behind them. Brad spun around in a jump and held his gun up, scanning around behind them - there was nothing.

"They're messin' with us..." He said in a brisk whisper. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Delaney's brows furrowed and she scowled. "A car... We need a car." She mused, keeping her voice quiet as they trailed downwards.

(Done in my phone pre school sorry)
"We won't survive in the cold. There's no cars we can take around here without gettin' nabbed by these bastards..." He rushed her down the street and ran in through the door of a building that appeared to be an apartment building. It was freezing outside despite the warm clothes they had. "We need to hole up here for an hour or so..." He said softly, looking around. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
The small woman's eyebrows furrowed, and she complied easily; muttering "We're like sitting ducks in here." She wondered if Brad meant for them to eventually sneak by them, they could've had some secret sneaky schedule he'd deciphered. Delaney hadn't the slightest clue what it was; the apartment was as cold, if not colder than, the streets outside. Clearing her throat, she rubbed her arms and brushed her fingertips against her chapped lips; gently picking at the skin there. Suddenly, she felt the strongest hunger punch at her gut; so strong she nearly convulsed in on herself. Instead, she moaned weakly as her stomach rumbled quietly.
"We can search a first floor room for food and water. We won't survive without those - We might be able to find some blankets, too. Just keep your eyes peeled." He said in a whisper as he lead her up the first small flight of stairs and into one of the rooms that was left wide open. On first glance, the place was empty, but the furniture and everything else looked untouched - there were no groans or shambling corpses walking around, so their best bet was here. He ushered her inside and shut the door, followed by bolting it shut. He walked into the small kitchen area and tried the hobs on the stove - gas flooded out of them, which was a good sign. "There's still workin' gas lines here..." He went up into the cupboards and dug through them, pulling out canned vegetables, beans, and finally, the prize possession - Straight up Frank'N'Beans. He held them out in front of her and smiled. "We're eatin' diamonds of the apocalypse, sweetheart." He mumbled, setting it down on the counter. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
The woman didnt say anything in response, only nodded meekly and slunk her way after him. She was on edge, even in the apartment; rightly so, on account of the lurkers and savages about. She then mused, "Guess the real monsters are human." Delaney seemed a little lost in her own mind, before snapping back when he found the beans. Smiling, she chirped "If we find any meat I can make a mean chili."
"Yeah... They always have been." He muttered quietly as he took a can opener from the drawer and quickly opened up the tin; he pulled out a pan and poured all of the frank and beans into it, followed by putting it atop the stove. "A chilli would be nice, I could use somethin' hot in this cold weather." He chuckled gently as he turned the gas on and took a wooden spoon from the drawer, stirring the food slowly. ".. So... Where did you start off? Not sure if I ever got that detail, but were you born and raised here? Or some other state?" He asked. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Delaney shrugged halfheartedly, "Born and raised in Kansas, if you couldn't tell." She giggled a bit to herself and then faded at the realization of how dark their situation was. She pushed her hair behind her ear, "How safe are we in here tonight? I'd like to check if the water's running and maybe get a good night's sleep." Delaney rummaged through the pantries, eventually stumbling on a corn meal mix; but noting they couldn't be lucky enough to have the perishables to add in, she set it back down. Moving on, she found old digestive biscuits, with the chocolate coating. Smiling, she brought her finding back to the table. "Dessert." She crooned, face flushed from the cold.
"Well, sugar. It's about seven in the morning now, but ya'll can sleep till afternoon. I'll keep watch." He said as he poured the frank'n'beans into two bowls alongside some spoons; he carried them over to the couch and sat beside her, handing one bowl to her. "Eat up, gotta keep up strength if we want to even make it a quarter of a mile on foot in that cold." He said, tucking into his own food. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Delaney looked out the window, "Hm... I almost forgot that it ain't morning." Her brows furrowed, and then she took her beans; scarfing them down before settling into nap.

(Sorry I have class)
(And im going to bed. I'll post when I get up.) 
Brad sighed as he finished off his beans and placed the bowl down on the coffee table; he then went and sat beside the sleeping Delaney so that he could keep watch. The fact that the curtains that lead to the balcony were open unnerved him. He got up and slowly pulled them shut, scanning the area outside like a hawk, in search of anything that posed as a threat to them. There was nothing. Yet. He sat beside Delaney again and ended up crashing out instead of keeping watch, his but light sleeping didn't keep him for long - he lasted for twenty minutes before waking up with a bout of anxiety. He glanced around rapidly. The doors were still bolted shut - they were fine, but he was by no chance falling asleep again. (@TheHarlequinnCat
Conner woke up in the early hours of the morning, cuffed to a hospital bed with all of his wounds stitched and bandaged. (@Beowulf)



DrTrollinski said:
He reached up with one hand and gently brushed their eyes shut. ".. God bless. May ya'll rest in peace." He whispered gently, followed by taking the knife from Andrew's belt. He nodded to her as he stood up, helping her through the pool of blood to be careful that she didn't slip straight over; once they were out of the store, there was that horrible feeling that Delaney knew. It was the feeling of being watched. She had felt it on the previous night - they weren't alone out here, and it felt like there was a dozen pair of eyes staring right at them. He glanced back towards his truck that was just up the street and saw how vandalized and broken it was, the tires flat, the windows smashed, and the paint scraped. ".. Bastards ruined our only way out of here." He slung his rifle over his back and then grasped her shoulder with his now free hand, turning her to the right. "We'll move down the street to the nearest building. Keep your eyes open." He said quietly, followed by beginning to lead her off down the street, their feet crunching through the snow in an almost reckless manner.  
"God... I've gotta' piss..." Eric murmured, his head still rested on the table. Alex shook his head and let himself slump back over the back of his chair. ".. Think I can get up the stairs... Alex...?" He asked, Alex just shook his head slightly.
"No... No, you can't... The stairs are broke..." He muttered quietly, sighing to himself. "Go out the back door..." He said, Eric slowly nodded and rose up from his seat, slowly drifting towards the door and falling against it. He laughed to himself for a moment and then finally managed to creak the door open; he took one step out of it, his back fully visible; before the people in the kitchen knew it, he was occupied in emptying his bladder out onto the snow in the back yard. After a minute, he was still stood there, Alex slowly looked over his shoulder and stared at him, followed by glancing down at his watch. He looked back towards the table and slumped over the back of his chair again.

"Alex..." Eric muttered quietly, still stood relieving himself at the back door.

".. What..." He groaned in response.

"Does your... Does your ass feel numb...?" He asked out of the blue, Alex slowly looked over at him and gently raised one eyebrow.

"Uh... I guess? I don't know..." He said, and a whole minute later Eric was finally done and walked back into the kitchen, slamming the back door shut. He walked back in and then fell over, his back slamming against the door. He just sat there and placed one hand over his stomach, his head against the solid surface.

".. I think it means we're gonna' die, Alex..." He stated in a slurred voice. ".. Do you think we're gonna' die?" He asked. Alex's head dropped and went onto the table with a slam.

"Yeah, man..." He murmured, taking a yawn and deep breath. (@Aryn Harris, )
(@Aryn Harris)
10:32 A.M.

New York, New York

After everything was packed and ready to go, Marcus had sent Jason out as a scout to see how they could leave the city, and as far as Jason could see, the safest way was the highway, to the west, despite the cars that could hold any number of dangers, from the infected... to sharp objects that could cut and disable the members of his party... still, it was the only place he could see that didn't have gigantic hordes of the infected, all standing shoulder to shoulder.... waiting for their next meal. He started on the rooftops on the path home.

When Jason returned, Marcus had been waiting, arms crossed, for about thirty minutes, "what took so long, we've been ready for three hours!" Marcus didn't even listen to Jason's answer, he really just wanted to know if there was a way out of the city, "whatever," he said before Jason could answer, "Is there a way out?"

"There is... but it's kind of risky, riddled with obstacles... I don't know if all of us could make it across..." Jason said, looking at Mrs. and Mr. McCready, "but, it seems to be the only way out of the city not overrun by... them..."

"Fine..." Marcus said, "we'll go through that path, where is it?" Marcus asked, annoyed that Jason was being so squirmish about the plan.

"It's through the highway... there are a lot of cars abandoned and some were in car crashes, but as far as I can see, there are none of the infected."

Marcus turned to the rest of the group, "Is everyone ready?" he asked, "Is everything packed and ready to go?" When he got a nod from everyone in the group, he said, "great, let's get going then"

When the group reached the highway, Marissa got an uneasy feeling, she couldn't tell whether or not it was because of something she ate, or if she knew something was wrong. She jogged ahead to Marcus, "Marcus..." she said, "Something feels wrong... I don't think we should keep going..."

"Not to be rude, little girl, but I have your boyfriend scouting ahead to see if there is any danger, he'll tell us if something's wrong, which so far, isn't."

As he scouted ahead, Jason saw nothing wrong on the path they chose to take, the highway mostly clogged with non-operative cars, some twisted and bent beyond recognition, and some perfectly intact, albeit with their owners dead inside. He was swinging from one streetlight to the next, thankful that the lights extended away from the pole which supported them, as it gave him a place to swing from... this would be a lot harder.. and more dangerous without them. He saw no danger ahead, so he headed back to the group to spend some time with Mari
Delaney was out, stirring just barely whenever he came near her; as the couch's weight shifted and she murmured incoherent words. Strings of sweet nothings that didn't seem to have any significance whatsoever, just a gentle hum of her voice through slow methodical breathing. It took a few more hours, maybe more, maybe less, for her to finally wake up; groggily stretching and slowly rising from the couch. It seemed that now, she was more tired than ever- and any sleep was a blessing, a blessing that she spared no time in taking. Glancing to Brad, she gave a weak smile; without much heart behind it. With that, she went to nibbling on the chocolate-dipped digestive biscuits. "What's the plan?" She questioned, partly to him and partly to herself. Without the others, Brad wasn't making a group decision; It was both of them forced to decide how to escape this on their own. She was sure things could only get worse, since the government hadn't done much to step in yet from what she'd heard. It was the small increment of hope she held on to.

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