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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"Because it's not even been a week since everything went to shit and still everyone's getting at each other's throats like a pack of wild dogs. We're not the sort of people to just get you down and then shoot you in the head." He said, slowly glancing around the little hospital ward. (@Beowulf)
11 walkers, 12 walkers...she lost count already. Rotten heads flying around the motel she holed up in.

"You think you can come here and take my shit?"

She yelled at the guy in room 8. He was alone,yet she saw a second man enter with him.

"Where's your buddy, you fuckface? He's no longer with you?"

She was talking to the guy and kiling walkers one by one at the same time.

"I'm talking to you, dipshit!"

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Grunting a response, Conner looks around the room as well. It wasn't anything special, just a clean looking room and the bed with a window looking outside. Guess that was a plus to the whole thing. How high up was he? Looking back at the man, he says "What is it that you want from me. If you aren't into killing people on sight, you could have set me free once you knew you had your point across."
"That's not the point. We don't kill people needlessly. Tell me, who looked like the bad guys in that situation? You, or them? Those guys were out for the night, watching over the town, and then a guy tries to kill them. Seriously, who's in the wrong there?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
"Fine, I was in the wrong. But think about it from my point of view. I've been living by myself in those woods ever since my family died. And every person I had met wanted to kill me. When that happens, you start to think that everyone is after you, that wveryone is trying to screw you over. And I've seen groups like you before, and most tried to kill me as soon as they saw me. How many of you wanted to kill me once you knew I was there?"
"The only reason people wanted you dead is because you stalked us and ran around with a bow, you fucking idiot." He said sternly. "Some of these people. They've been living here their whole lives - You don't judge a book by its cover, buddy. We're not the dipshits who tried to screw you over, are we?" He said, before anything else could be said, the door swung open and a boy ran in, perhaps aged around seven or eight; he ran up to the doctor after looking at Conner for a moment.

"Dad! Kane said I could help everyone build the fence, and stuff!" He said excitedly, clenching his hands by his chest. The doctor looked at him and ruffled his hair - it was short, brown hair - he had hazel eyes and was thin as a post but looked as healthy as ever.

"That's great, son... Be careful, don't nail your hand to a board or anything." He joked with him, the boy laughed and then shook his head.

"I won't, dad." He said, grinning; he went to dash out the room but his father grabbed his hand.

"Forgetting something, aren't you?"

"Oh," The boy quickly hugged him tight for a few moments and then pulled away, smiling at him. "Better?" He said, still grinning at him. He turned and looked at Conner for a moment and his grin faded to a soft smile, he raised one hand and waved for half a second. "Hi, mister." He said shyly, his father patted him on the arm and nodded towards the door.

"Run along, pal." He said, the boy nodded and dashed out of the room.

"Sorry about that." (@Beowulf)
Conner stared blankly after the boy. He had a kid like him once, full of energy and wanting to do everything. But he was gone now. Did people really see him as a crazy man running out in the wild with a bow? The most shocking part of that was that people thought he was crazy. He didn't think he was crazy. "Guessing this Kane fellow is your leader."
"We all have." he echoed hollowly. "Can you uncuff me? I'll chew my damn arm off if I have to, legs to." Conner said. He didn't expect to be uncuffed. And he doubted that the window and door were unlocked.
"You lost a lot of blood - You're lucky to be alive." He said as he walked up and slowly uncuffed each and every limb. "I don't recommend that you move just yet." He went back to his feet. Conner's body was too frail, it was so weak and deprived, as if he hadn't eaten for weeks on end. Just trying to sit up would make his head feel dizzy. That's how much blood he lost from those bullet wounds - his wounds felt swollen with the slightest muscle movement, as if someone had stuck a hundred knives into every part of his body. He was nearby cripped, his legs almost completely numb. ".. Sorry about my son, by the way. I tell him not to come in when I'm working here, but... You know, kids will be kids." He chuckles under his breath. (@Beowulf)
The guy wasn't responding.

"Are you fucking deaf?" She hit the window with her fist three times

"Dude,are you okay?"

The man was squirming.He was clearly not dead...yet.

"Are you bit?Holy shit..."

She entered the room.

"You stay there." She said with a confused look.

"You stay there or I'll bash your head in with this"

Tina kept the bat up and ready to hit.She noticed an open gash in his leg.

"Is that where they bit you? It doesn't look like a bite...Holy crap you're losing blood...Why did you come here?"

"Yah, kids." Conner replied before attempting to sit up. He only made it about half way before dropping back down. 'Well, there goes an escape.' he thought to himself as he panted slightly in the bed.
"Water." he said, once again not using many words. Like hell he'd not at least try getting up. And like hell if he'd taken something that would numb the senses.
It'd been a while since she'd seen anyone that was actually alive. It was much more common to come across the dead and decaying, collapsed in damp alleyways and half way down streets. They hadn't made it. Nor, however, had. She'd made it this far on her own in a foreign country. She was pretty downright proud of herself, as she tore down the street. The eeriest part of this was the quiet. The moments where it was so silent that it made your eardrums throb as you tried to hear something, anything. Because if it was quiet, that meant something was going to happen. It was like somebody in a horror movie saying "What's the worst that could happen?"- it meant disaster. Quiet and peacefulness only meant something awful would happen soon. Which was why Nor was more than a little unnerved as she reached the end of the street and turned into an alleyway. Dead end. She turned back and headed back the way she came, slow and alert this time.

She'd been doing pretty well since the whole epidemic began. Well, she thought she was doing pretty well. She had two weapons to fend off the walkers, the zombies, whatever the hell you want to call them. At first, she'd struggled to get her head around the idea of these things attacking her- it sounded like something out of a movie. But she learnt pretty fast that this was nothing like the movies. It was pretty easy to die out here; especially if you're a fourteen year old girl wielding a baseball bat and a kitchen knife. Nor reached the middle of the street and looked around. There was no way of knowing where they'd attack you, so you had to be on your guard at all times. She was alone in what obviously used to be a pretty bad part of town. The blocks of apartments were run down and crumbling away at their foundations. Who would live in such a place by choice?

Debating for a while about whether up was a good way to go, Nor kicked open the first door she came across and crept into the bottom floor of the apartment; a sort of lobby, if you will. She found the cruddy stairwell and began up it, holding her breath. Not just because she was worried about being attacked but because this place smelt disgusted. And as she breathed in, the air tasted disgusting on her tongue and made her shudder. She raced up the first flight of stairs and tackled the second with ease. But she couldn't help getting the feeling that she was trapping herself in here with no means of escape.

"Oh... Crap..." That was the moment Nor realised she was screwed. Because she'd left the front door wide open. She picked up the pace a little, tearing up the stairs. She couldn't help looking around as she ran. There were doors with numbers stuck to them and names scrawled underneath. There were pictures hung on the walls. The wallpaper was shabby and hanging off the wall. It was horrifying to look at; to think people had lived here, died here. She found a hatch that lead to the roof and with the help of a nearby step ladder, forced it open. Higher ground was always good.

It was considerably colder on the roof, Nor realised, as she climbed up and shut the hatch behind her. She shivered in the cold, pulling her jacket tighter around her. She dislodged her knife and it clattered onto the roof, towards the edge.

"NO!" Nor yelled, diving for it and catching with the tips of her fingers. She breathed heavily. She couldn't afford to loose her weapons right now, not while she was alone. When she'd caught the knife, it'd sliced the top of her fingers. Not deep enough for any permanent damage but bad enough for her to cringe and suck on her fingers to get rid of the blood. That was just one of the many injuries that she'd acquired from her own carelessness. She knelt up, still a little too close towards the edge of the roof and looked out over the city. Her number one priority right now was food. Because she had basically none of it. She could drink disgusting, murky water from rusted taps but she couldn't find any food. It'd been weeks since she'd eaten anything other than moulding bread and cold cans of soup that she'd scavenged from run down apartments just like this one. If anything killed her today, it'd probably be the hunger. Or the loneliness.

She couldn't take anything that she couldn't carry with her and that was becoming an issue. Just to make her life more difficult, Nor was just a little too picky. She didn't want to wear clothes that belonged to dead people or even steal blankets from her bed. She was being ridiculous but it just felt so wrong.

"So ridiculous..." Nor muttered, shivering in the cold despite the fact that she was sitting on top of a building full of clothes and blankets. She crawled away from the edge a little, towards the centre of the roof. She hadn't been able to risk sleep for a while, only sleeping for mere minutes before snapping awake again. And sitting there, cold and hungry and tired and hurt, Nor felt more pathetic then she ever had in her entire life.
(Thank you. I have a lot of spare time on my hands- as you know. And I didn't know where everyone was in the roleplay, so I was just really vague location wise ^.^ Where are we supposed to be right now? @DrTrollinski)
(It's up to you entirely. Any state you want. Even if you don't start in the same place as us, I organize NPC RP for people outside of the home state. But most of us are in Woodruff, Wisconsin. :) @Fallen from Heaven)
(Well, I don't know American geography that well... .-. I'll be somewhere in Wisconsin too, I guess? @DrTrollimski)
Nick was dazed, confused, and a bit bewildered by this woman coming in so abruptly. His brows furrowed and he glanced around himself in a newfound haze, shaking his head as soon as she began to mention the possibility of a bite. "No... No. I ain't bit." He murmured, still trying to take everything in; he would've continued to be furious if he wasn't so shocked by what seemed to have happened. Then she began to threaten him, going so far as to bring a bat with herself. "Hey! Listen, lady, you don't need to be like that! I'll be on my way-" He then hissed beneath his breath, a gentle rasp that was so delicately placed it was hard to believe he was spitting out the words 'F-cking bitch.' She was so quick to turn on him, when he wasn't doing anything- If anything, he should be the one threatening her. If he only had his gun... So many questions too, like she just had to know everything at once; shooting off one after the next, and in his disheveled state it was hard to keep track of what came in which order. Face flushing, he ignored her command and struggled to stand; clearly unable to be much of a threat gunless and wounded and alone. However, he would've been an equal opponent against her if he wasn't so disoriented- She was only an inch shorter than him, but he had firm footing and a ruthless frantic fighting style that often meant he was all or nothing. It was something West had poked fun at him for, when they'd roughhouse Nick would only win if he was motivated enough. Then, when the apocalypse hit and the first of the undead came at them; Nick had settled for jumping on them like a banshee, drilling his knife into their skulls with such ferocity that West was afraid for his well being. The young man stumbled slightly, leaning all his weight onto his right side and jutting one hip out. Nervously, he looked to the bathroom as the groaning from within got louder- it was only one, but it could've been drawing more for all he knew. Cursing quietly, he looked at the blood around him; it looked like more than it was, most of it from his nose. The gash in his leg was deep, but not enough to maim him; just enough to make moving a challenge.



Delaney didn't quite hear the last bit of what Brad said, but she understood that they had a ways to travel and it wouldn't be an easy journey. Squinting her eyes, she looked around; they were in dangerous territory, and she didn't like it. They had to get out, but she kept walking despite the dull pain throbbing through her entire body.

They walked for maybe another hour until they came across a service station; Brad was shivering and pale by the time they got there - he didn't even hesitate to turn and push through the doors that lead into it. Fast food restaurants, a clothes store, and bathrooms at the back. It was ice-cold in here, too. The stunning fact that no one had taken up residence in this place was unbelievable; he slammed the doors shut behind him and tore off his hats, scarves, his coat, and his sweater - everything was soaked through aside from his t-shirt. "S-Strip down to your shirt--.." He shuddered, looking around, his eyelids heavy and his eyes themselves weak and diluted. He hugged himself. "We're--.. We're gonna' fuckin' d-d-d-die if we stay like this. M.. Make it quick." He added, forcefully rubbing his arms with his hands. (@TheHarlequinnCat)

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