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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Delaney didn't understand why, because wouldn't they be colder? But, she did not argue- stripping down to her oversized t-shirt; shaking like a leaf. She'd never been so cold in her life before, the snow soaking deep into her bones; making them clang together as she trembled violently. Not quite as tired as Brad, since she'd managed to sleep earlier, Delaney crossed every limb around the other to conserve what little warmth was left. "There's a c-c-clothes st-" she choked on her own words, shivering too much to get the words out quite right. Instead, she just slowly began to hobble towards where the store was. There was nothing that sounded nicer now than a long hot bath, but she knew she couldn't be so lucky as to find hot running water easily now. 
@DrTrollinski (haha I also posted random inspiration stuff in sign ups sorry xD )
He stopped her and draped his arms around her body, he pressed himself against her and gasped. "If there was one fuckin' thing I learned in school... Blood rushes to the heart quicker when you're this cold..." He said softly, surprisingly, his chest was fairly warm. They were exchanging body heat - unless she didn't have any, if that was the case, Brad just put one foot in the grave for her. "You need... Heat applied around your body, or you're as good as dead, sweetheart." He stuttered out, still shivering. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Delaney tensed, visibly; she just froze up and stayed like that, eyes wide and body stilling completely. Spare a few convulsive shakes, she stayed as stiff as a board and waited; body preparing for some sort of abuse, to which she couldn't control. The fear wasn't so much that he'd hurt her, but it was an overall terror that sunk into the gut of her stomach; and the warmth was almost enough to make her forget it, but it welled up until she was warm enough to decisively survive; which she began to withdraw.

"Jesus..." He shivered after he touched her and felt how cold she was. "I know this ain't the best thing to hear right now, but how the fuck are you alive..." He whispered, leading her off towards the clothes store. Half way there and Brad collapsed onto the floor in a flurry of coughs, curling up into a ball. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
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Delaney hadn't had the energy to smile at his comment, but upon his collapse she turned around. "Brad!" Worried and unsure of what to do, she clutched his hand, "Pull through, Brad." She whispered, hoping to God he didn't die on her. It wasn't that she couldn't handle herself, surely with her skills she could; but, she was so much weaker alone and psychologically prone to getting hurt. Trying her best to motivate him the rest of the way, they eventually made it to the clothing store. "C'mon." She whimpered, hoping he didn't turn on her somehow.
Suddenly, she was jolted awake.

The hatch began to rattle and that was when Nor woke up abruptly, her eyes snapping open. She hadn't even realised that she'd fallen asleep. She yawned, rubbing her eyes blearily. She was suddenly aware of the fact that she may be about to die, on this rooftop, all alone. Something thumped against the hatch again, obviously intending to break it through force. Was it the zombies? It had to be! It had to be!

"Ack!" Nor backed away, until she was gripping the edge of the building with her hands. Where was she supposed to run to? There was a reasonably sized gap between this building and the next that she probably wouldn't be able to clear in a single jump. There was a long drop down to the alleyway between the buildings and if she fell/jumped down, she'd probably break every bone in her entire body.

"Ack!" Nor yelped again, as the hatch broke open. She had to do something fast. She stood up, gripping her baseball bat so hard that her hands began to ache, contemplating what to do.

She turned and looked at the next building, wondering if she could clear the jump. Maybe. She didn't even have time to prepare for the jump at all, she just threw herself off the building towards the next one. There was a moment of a panic where she regretted that decision, all her decisions leading up to this point and everything she'd ever done. Then, she'd crashed through a window and landed in somebody's front room. She'd been intending to leap upwards, to the next roof. Instead, she had fallen diagonally downwards and crashed through the window of one of the upper floor apartments. Glass shards jabbed at her skin, clinging to her hair. There was a long sharp cut across her face that was beginning to bleed. But it was no matter because she was alive, thank the gods. She looked around, wondering if there was anything in this apartment that she could borrow. She headed to the kitchen, finding no signs of life or unlife anywhere.

Nor rummaged through the fridge, finding out of date food that'd definitely make her sick. She'd found some odd cheese and some hard bread on the side, which she nibbled on as she peered around. She walked around the apartment for a bit, checked that the door was still in place and locked. She found another, thicker jacket that was obviously designed for someone older than her and pulled it on. She drank some cruddy water from the tap. Then, she curled up on the sofa and went to sleep, weapons lying beside her.
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".. Yeah, I'm fine... Jesus. I've spent so much time thinkin' it'd be you keelin' over, but now look at me - It's what I get for bein' the tough guy, ain't it?" He spluttered, a small streak of blood running from his bottom lip and tricking down his chin to stain his shirt. He must have hit his head on the way down. The last thing he needed right now was a concussion, so all they could do was pray that that didn't happen after he hit the solid floor like that. Once they were in the clothes store he sat down on one of the square cushion chairs that were in the center of the store. He took a shaky and struggled deep breath - the cold had really got to him. ".. I think I'm gettin' hypothermia." He stated out of nowhere, lying down and placing his head on the chair behind him. ".. Get dressed yourself. I'll be fine..." He whispered. (@Fallen from Heaven)
She was getting used to the lack of sleep. She snapped awake as soon as she heard the faint murmur of voices nearby. It was weird, her ears had gone awfully alert. She supposed it was because it was so quiet that she could hear the voices in the distance. Abruptly, Nor sat up and picked up her knife. She went to the window and

peered out of it, rubbing the glass with her sleeve to get rid of grime.

"People..." she whispered, pressing her face to the window so she could see down the street. It had to be people. Unless the zombies had learnt how to talk, which Nor was pretty sure was impossible. She strapped her knife to her belt, picked up her baseball bat, before leaving the apartment.

It only occurred to her as she was hurtling down the stairs as fast as she could that these people might not be good. They were strangers too, American strangers. She'd seen those stories on the news about kids in America getting mugged or raped or killed. She stumbled on the stairs, terrified at the thought. She paused. Nor knew that you shouldn't talk to strangers but these situations should be an exception, right? She'd never survive on her own. With a thump, she hit the bottom of the stairs and then she was stuck with a decision. Should she go and greet potential strangers that may or may not kill her? Or should she just hang around here until this whole thing blew over? She sighed.

Wielding her baseball bat, Nor crossed the hallway and nudged the door open with her foot, finding it unlocked. Well, that wasn't good. She frowned through the small gap in the door, looking out. She was completely unsure of whether she should be overjoyed to see people or terrified.
".. We'll draw out the sonsa' bitches with our old trick." The old man whispered to him. Thirty seconds later and they reached the door of the apartment building; he slowly creaked the door open and poked his head inside. ".. St. Germain Sheriff's Department... We heard a smash, anyone home?!" He called out, listening out carefully as he slowly brought his rifle in through the door. (@Fallen from Heaven)
Understandably, Nor screamed and stumbled backwards. She'd never seen a gun in real life before; in movies, sure, but not in real life and certainly never pointed at her.

"ARGH!" Nor yelped as she backed into the stairs and tumbled over backwards, letting out another small scream. Then, she slapped both hands over her mouth. She was drawing way too much attention to herself and her location.

"Please, don't shoot me!" she squeaked, "Please!" (@DrTrollinski)
The man looked to the younger one who dashed up the stairs with his M4. As soon as he got to the source of the scream he pointed the gun right at her and ran his eyes over her, a little spark lighting up in them. "You bit?!" He said, inching closer and getting the gun right in her face; the old man also came up and aimed the rifle down at her. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"No?" Nor closed her eyes tightly, raising her hands in surrender, "I didn't get bit. Anyway, I thought it was vampires that bit you, not zombies!" This was turning into the worst (and possibly last) day of her entire life.

"Please, don't shoot!" she repeated, "Please!" Her eyes flicked between the pair in fear, wondering if they would shoot. They couldn't just kill her for no reason... Right? (@DrTrollinski)
As soon as she saw him get up she came up to him,grabbed his shoulders and smacked him against the wall.

"I'm not the one trying to steal your supplies...It's clear to me that you and your friend didn't come to say hi!Where is he now,huh?"

She smacked him again. Clearly all those years in boxing made her a lot stronger than she looks.


She wasn't breaking eye contact and with her hands on his shoulders she could anticipate any move the man might try.

"You think you can come in here and just steal all my stuff? Were the zombie heads on the damn walls not convincing enough? The large 'KEEP THE FUCK OUT' written on the walls of the motel? The planks everywhere ? I've been trying to lock this place up for ages!"

Matty woke up. The sleep was so good, he couldn't ask for more.

He came downstairs into the kitchen and noticed the two guys,but he ignored them. His interest was getting to the guitar.

He grabbed it sat down on a stool and started playing away.


His face seemed peaceful,he was smiling slightly.

The young man face-palmed. "Are you fucking kidding me, kiddo? Have you not been outside?" He leaned over and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her to her feet. "What are we gonna' do?" He said, looking to the old man. The old man shrugged and shook his head..

"Whatever you want." He muttered, the man kept hold of her and lead her back into one of the apartments, slamming the door shut behind the three of them. He forced her to sit down on the couch and then stood in front of her, sighing. "Now. There's one thing you're going to do if you want to make it through this." He said sternly. (@Fallen from Heaven)


"Oh GOD. PLEASE." Eric slowly stood up and laid his hands across the strings of the guitar half-way through the song, muting them. "That's REALLY nice and all, but for the love of god, I have too much of a headache to be listening to the guitar at--.." He looked up at the clock. "Six in the morning, okay?" He groaned and backed away, leaning against the counter. ".. As soon as I'm feeling better, you can play all you want - but right now, there's kids asleep, and I don't need Carl crawling up my ass at this hour." He added. (@DryPunishment)
Matty slowly raised his head and looked Eric in the eye with an utmost look of displeasure.His frown was so curved it surpassed every serpentine he ever drived through back in England.

"Ok!" he said while getting his face back to normal.

"I need a drink...not alcohol.I'd rather not have a headache later..."

She frowned. She'd been outside; she'd been outside many loads. And she didn't like being dragged around. She could walk by herself, she didn't need to be held by the arm like a child that might go running off otherwise. She listened as he spoke, still frowning.

"Look who's gone all high and mighty all of a sudden." Nor said, but she listened intently, "What do I need to do?" (@DrTrollinski)
"Funny. Want a shovel so you can take some more digs?" He took the guitar and set it down against the counter. ".. We've made that out of tune by playing it over the past while. I can hear it... D-string and the low E-string..." He observed, shaking his head as he ran his hand through his hair. He flicked the pot of coffee on and boiled it; he poured two cups and then set one down in front of Matty, sighing as he also sat at the table; he looked over his shoulder at Alex, whom of which was still passed out on the floor. He sipped his coffee and sighed again. ".. Where's Caitlyn?" He asked, he'd barely seen her away from Matty since they arrived here. (@DryPunishment)


".. Firstly, you're going to help me gather something--.." He hesitated for a moment. "This is Frank." He motioned his hand off towards the old man. ".. I'm James." He added after a few moments. He lead her through one door which lead to a hallway, followed by leading her into one of the bedrooms where there was a double bed, a wardrobe, and a dresser. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Okay. Nor. I mean, I'm Nor." she said, "Uh... What are we gathering exactly?" She could only make a guess that it would be supplies. That's what those people in movies always did.

"Actually..." Nor stopped where she was, looking at him suspiciously, "Hold on a second. Why should I do anything you say?" (@DrTrollinski)
"I left her in the room with Carl last night...I don't know if she likes to sleep alone or not,but I figured it would be a win-win situation for both of them.She's probably still sleeping.And for the guitar? I used to know how to tune it back by listening to one of those old electronic phones beeping...it was beeping the same note over and over and at one point I would find the note on the guitar." He grabbed the cup and took a healthy sip."I don't usually drink coffee,but who am I to refuse your hospitality? Anyway,so I got to know this dude...30-ish or something,I don't know what he's doing right now...but the point is he taught me how to tune the guitar by that little beeping noise on the phone...crazy stuff."

He turned to Alex while taking a sip.

"Told him not to go over the top...but who ever listens to a cheeky brit anyways?"

"Because from what I've seen, you don't know squat - Take it to heart that I was nice enough not to shoot you in the face, sugar." He nodded towards the wardrobe. "Look for jackets and shit like that. We need whatever. Colder than a motherfucker out there." He said, looking out of the window; he went to stand by the door, the rifle by his chest. (@Fallen from Heaven)


"I can tune by ear to just about any level of tuning... Open D tuning, drop D, double-drop D, drop C, open C, open G - Everything I need to play the songs I know, to be honest." He shrugged and sipped his coffee. "With the Brit-to-Yank thing, I think it's a hate-hate relationship most the time. I don't think I've ever seen anyone from either side listen to the other unless it was in politics. The lovely people of this country would usually talk some bullshit about the Queen, or about tea and all that, same goes for a lot of people in good old UK. It was always 'fat', 'burger', 'fries', 'fat fuck' - That's the way it's been for as long as I can remember." He chuckled softly under his breath and glanced around. ".. Except us, of course." He added. (@DryPunishment)
"Well...I certainly am not drinking tea right now...and you aren't fat."

He sipped again.

"Want breakfast?"

"I think I better wait to throw up first." He groaned, gulping another swig of his coffee; he rubbed the side of his face with one hand and then looked down at Alex again. (@DryPunishment)
"Suit yourself then...I'll go ahead and get myself some pork and beans...got plenty."

He got up and grabbed his bag,not even looking he grabbed pork and beans and he took the can opener Carl gave him earlier.

"Now...Let's see."

He opened the can and got himself a spoon.

Matty started eating.

"Tell me when you want some." He said with his mouth half full.

"Alright." Nor said, eyeing his gun nervously. She was not arguing with an armed sheriff in the middle of an epidemic. She pulled the doors of the wardrobe open and began to rummage through it.

"I don't know why you can't do this yourself. I'm not your slave." Nor said, "Do you have a fear of wardrobes or something? Because I can't think of any other reason why you'd need me to do this for you." She threw a jacket at him, "Catch." (@DrTrollinski)
"Okay." He raised the rifle once again, aiming it at her. "Now there's one other thing you're going to do for me." He smirked as he pressed himself against the door. "Take the clothes off." He demanded, flicking the gun up a little. (@Fallen from Heaven)

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