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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

It took a few moments to register what he'd said. Even then, she continued to stare at him blankly.

"Um... What?" Nor frowned at him. She couldn't have heard him correctly, could she? (@DrTrollinski)
"You heard me, bitch." He snarled as he grabbed her by the hair and threw her onto the bed. "You're gonna' do what I say, or I'm gonna' shoot you in the fuckin' face." He snapped, looking down the sight of his rifle. (@Fallen from Heaven)
Her eyes widened as she fell on the bed, yelping as he pulled her by her hair.

"I'm not taking my clothes off for you, you pervert!" Nor snapped, sitting up, "What the hell is wrong with you? We could be dead tomorrow and you're trying to see teenage girls naked?!" (@DrTrollinski)
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"You bet your sweet little ass I am." He climbed onto the bed and pinned her down by her throat. "Are you gonna' do as I ask, or am I gonna' have to do it for you?!" He screamed, saliva flying off into her face. Did he not know about the rule of surveying your opponent? She still had her weapons on her, and he was giving her the opportunity to reach down and grab them; the rifle was aimed off of the bed - this could get very ugly for either of the parties that were involved. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"I..." Nor winced, choking, "You're hurting... Me..." She struggled for breath. Slowly, she reached down and grabbed her knife. She drew it slowly, trying not to draw his attention to it. Then, she made a stab for his chest. (@DrTrollinski)
His grip loosened as the blade penetrated his chest. He gasped for air and blood instantly poured from his mouth and dripped down onto her chest and face. He tightened his grip again in the last burst of life that he had, full-on choking her - He wasn't going down just yet. (@Fallen from Heaven) 
After watching Matty eat for a few minutes Eric felt his stomach turn over inside of him; he quickly jumped up, hopped over Alex, and then dashed out of the back door; he stood on the step just outside the door and leaned over, placing his hands on his knees whilst taking heavy and struggled deep breaths - He felt awful, his eyes were watering and he could feel it coming. He stayed there until he finally vomited up a bright orange liquid that was made up of everything he'd drunk on the previous night - it went on for a couple of minutes - It melted the snow on the ground like acid to skin. He stayed bent over, taking a several deep breaths and wiping his mouth. After he'd had some fresh air - and emptied his stomach - he went back inside and sat down at the table, groaning as he sipped his coffee again - his face was a vulgar pale now.

".. I'd like some breakfast, please..." He choked, groaning again. (@DryPunishment)
Nor tried to scream but found that she couldn't. She could only make a series of choking noises and gasps as he squeezed the breath out of her. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't breathe! She tried to wriggle free but she wasn't strong enough and everything was beginning to go black and fuzzy around the edges. No, no, no. She couldn't pass out now.

"Get... Off..." she choked, stabbing frantically with her knife, unable to even see what she was doing anymore. (@DrTrollinski)
While Eric was out puking his guts out Matty opened another can of pork and beans.

When he came in Matty nodded towards the opened can and looked for another spoon.


He threw the spoon at Eric expecting him to catch it.

"Wanna know why I don't drink?"

He caught it and began slowly tucking into the can. "Because it kills brain cells? Cripples your liver? Makes you feel like shit? I don't know, hit me." He sighed, relieved to have a taste of food in his mouth at long last. (@DryPunishment


She was completely doused in this guy's blood by now, and his hands finally fell frail and his deadened body fell on top of hers, blood pouring all over her. In a sense he'd been considerate - he'd taken her to a room where she could get clean clothes. I don't think he expected it to end like this, though. His idle eye was looking blankly into her own, his face and chest cut to pieces, his chest was gushing the most blood - she could feel the warm liquid rushing down her body and soaking her clothes. His M4 had fallen to the ground beside the bed. (@Fallen from Heaven)
She could breathe again. Nor breathed heavily, closing her eyes for a few minutes to think over what has just happened. Then, she opened her eyes and found James' dead body on top of her.

"Aaahhh... Aaarghhh... AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Nor screamed, kicking his body away. She'd killed someone... She'd killed an actual living person.. And she was gonna have to live that guilt for the rest of her life, now. Shuddering, she realised that she was covered in blood; his blood. She was soaked in it from head to toe. She sat up, wiping the sweat from her forehead and smearing blood across her head and into her hair.

"Crap..." she muttered, getting up on shaky legs. But she knew that she couldn't stop moving- not now, not ever, not until all this was over. Tears rolled down her face as she rummaged through the wardrobe for clean clothes. There was nothing that'd fit her but that didn't matter.

"You get what you want." Nor told the dead body, as she changed into the new clothes, "I hope you're happy, pervert." She could do nothing about the blood on her skin that was beginning to dry into a crusty layer. She picked up his gun from the hand, disliking the way it felt in her hand. She stuck it in her belt, alongside her knife and picked up her baseball bat, before leaving. She stumbled along, still a little breathless. (@DrTrollinski)
"Hit you,huh? Allright...so me,my mates and our girlfriends got down to this club once when I got a promotion...2 or 3 years ago. There was this bloke who was eyeing my girlfriend the entire night.I literally could not look to the side and not see this dude staring at my girlfriend,I think at one point he was drooling.Anyway we had this tradition...I was a heavy drinker before and it would take a lot of shots to get me drunk,but after like 3 or 4 shots of vodka I was almost passed out. This bloke comes to my girlfriend and tries to flirt...he fails but the fucker begins touching her and stuff. When I turned around I got so pissed. I got up from my seat and told the guy off,he got mad and sucker punched me. He couldn't hit for shit,I barely got knocked a few feet back. Then I come at him and punch him right in the jaw,so hard that I dislocated it. He lost a few teeth,but he was still at it.

I punch him in the eye and falls over. I didn't stop there...I got on top of him and I rained punches on the guy's face. He needed an ambulance. After I woke up at home that morning I got one of the worst hangovers. However the dude I hit was on the news. I hit him so much I fucked up his eyeball.

Know what happened next? I almost lost my place in the SAS. I was pretty violent when drunk,but never did I beat up a bloke so bad...I don't need to tell you what my parents did the next day...so I decided not to drink anymore.Now you know."

".. That's heavy, man..." He said after a brief pause, sighing softly. (@DryPunishment) 
She couldn't forget about the old man who was armed with a rifle. He didn't come running to her screams, so it was obvious that they'd pulled this sort of thing off before. He was probably waiting right outside the door. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"No alcohol for me soon..." He said in a jokingly manner. "...or....ever for that matter."
Where'd he go? He had to be around here somewhere, that old man. Nor hoped that he didn't try anything. She crept down the corridor, a hand against the wall to steady herself. Well, she had a gun now and- even though she didn't know how to use it- it would probably come in handy. (@DrTrollinski)
Alex groaned as he slowly began to awake; he sat up from the floor and pushed himself up against the counter. "Oh, shit..." He moaned, rubbing his head. ".. Jesus Christ... What a night... What time is it?" He asked. (@DryPunishment)


There was a creak on one of the floorboards outside the door. (@Fallen from Heaven)
Nor let out a small yelp and backed away from the door. She'd have to find another way out. There was a window; maybe she could escape through that? She went over to the window and struggled with it for a few seconds, before sliding it open. (@DrTrollinski)
The old man heard this yelp and quickly busted through the door, looking around slowly with his rifle at the ready. (@Fallen from Heaven)
Nor didn't even have time to think about what she was doing. She ducked out of the window and fell down onto the street, hitting a few windowsills on the way down. She tried to land on her feet, which was a bad decision. Her left ankle cracked and then, she fell over, laying on the sidewalk.

"Fuck." she muttered, lying on her face. She knew she'd have to get up and run in a second. (@DrTrollinski)
When he heard the bumps he ran into the room and saw 'James' body lying there. He roared in fury and then ran to the open window, looking down to the sidewalk to see the girl lying there. "Hey! You little slut! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" He screamed at her. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Not a slut..." Nor muttered, pushing herself onto her knees. Uneasily, she stood up and nearly fell over again. Her eyes watered in pain. She whimpered pathetically as she began to stagger forwards, each step hurting even more than the last. (@DrTrollinski)
He wasn't done making her suffer just yet. He shot a bullet right beside her - it ricocheted of the ground with a loud ping. (@Fallen from Heaven) 
".. Yeah, sure..." He muttered, he pulled himself to his feet and walked over to the table, sitting beside Eric. (@DryPunishment)
Matty pulled another can of pork and beans from his bag and opened it

"Can you look for a spoon yourself? There aren't anymore in this counter."

"You must be looking in the wrong drawer..." Alex groaned and stood up, walking over to a drawer and pulling it open. Within seconds he had a spoon out of it; he went back over to the table and slid the can to his front, starting to eat. (@DryPunishment)
Nor shrieked and tried to pick up the pace, trying to run. But she couldn't. She just hobbled along at a slightly faster and way more painful pace. Tears streamed down her cheeks and her vision swam before her. She had to get away. She had to. (@DrTrollinski)

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