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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

He patted her on the shoulder and sighed. "I'm sorry... We've all lost a lot." He said. By now they were outside a house; he pushed the door open and lead her through to the living room, sitting her on an incredibly comfy leather, feather-stuffed couch. "Can I get you anything? You want something to eat or drink?" He asked. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Yes!" Nor said, "I mean.. If that's alright, I'd like something to eat, please. Or... Anything to eat, really. I don't honestly care what it is. I'll eat anything." She lay back on the couch, glad to be sitting down properly with no risk of being killed. Probably. (@DrTrollinski)
"Sure." He walked out into the kitchen, got a bottle of water, and then opened up a can of frank and beans. He heated them in the microwave for a minute - he was one of the lucky few to still have power and gas - and then took a fork from the drawer to put it in the bowl. He carried both items back through to her and placed them down on the coffee table. "There." He said. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Thank you!" Nor said, picking up the fork and poking at her food for a few moments. Checking for poison. Then, she started eating.

"So, how old are you?" she asked. (@DrTrollinski)
"I see." Nor said, thoughtfully, "Where'd you get the gun? Oh wait, I forgot. Every goddamn America has a gun." She rolled her eyes, grinning. (@DrTrollinski)
"Yep, of course I have a gun..." He chuckled softly and then sat down beside her, sighing. "I'm heading further east. You're free to tag along. I've got an old Chevy out in the garage, so we can get there fast." He said. (Also, check AftS when you're free :) @Fallen from Heaven)
"I'll come with you. It's not like I have many options right now, is it?" Nor said, "When you say further east, where specifically? Tell me and I'll pretend to know where it is." (@DrTrollinski)
".. Until we hit another town. We need to relocate - I don't want to stay here, no way. Too many memories." He sighed. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Okay." Nor nodded, "I'm cool with relocating." She unscrewed the cal from her bottle of water and sipped it. It was so good to have water that she hadn't drank straight from a rusted tap.

"When will the epidemic be over? Do you know?" Nor asked. (@DrTrollinski)
He remained silent for a moment and then looked around, shaking his head. ".. It won't. Even if it did, it'd never end for me." He said, sighing. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"That was morbid." Nor said, "You should be more positive. You're alive. I think the people you lost would be glad that you're alive and making the most of it. You should live FOR them." She smiled. (@DrTrollinski)
"I guess." He said. "Let's see your ankle. Put it up on the couch." He said to her, turning to face her. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Okay." Nor said. Wincing a little, she lifted her leg up onto the couch and stretched it out. Her ankle was ringed with purple and black bruises.

"Ow!" she said, surprised at how much it hurt, "What's wrong with it? Can you tell?" (@DrTrollinski)
"Well, we know for a fact that nothing's broken or severely damaged, or you wouldn't have been able to even limp down that street." He said, gently cupping his hands around it and feeling it with his thumbs. "Just a sprain, I think. You'll just have to take it easy for a couple of days - I think we had some ice packs in the fridge, I'll go and get you one." He said, he hopped up and then walked out of the room, going into the kitchen and taking an ice pack out of it - it was the kind that was put in lunchboxes, and stuff. He wrapped it in a dish cloth and then carried it back through, gently setting it around her ankle. "Leave that there for a while." He said. (@Fallen from Heaven)
She winced at the sudden cold on her sore ankle.

"So... I have to sit around on my ass until it gets better?" Nor sighed, "That's what you're saying?" Great, she was stuck now. If any walkers came for them, she was screwed. If anyone attacked them, she was screwed. Just great! (@DrTrollinski)
"No. You just need to keep the weight off of it for a while. Regain your strength, let the swelling go down, and then we'll make a move. But right now, you just need to stay rested for a while? You had a decent sleep recently?" He asked. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"I don't need sleep." Nor scoffed, "I'm fine without it; it takes up too much time and we might not have much time left so..." She shrugged, "And I don't want to go to sleep and never wake up again." (@DrTrollinski)
"Relax. I'll keep watch. Just sleep for an hour, okay? I'll wake you up - neither of us are bitten or scratched. We're fine." He said softly. (@Fallen from Heaven)
Delaney was quick to get dressed, not warming up immediately when the layers of oversized winter clothing went on her; she knew it would take time. But Brad was so big that it must take him at least twice as long to get warm enough, and there wasn't much she could do about that. Nimble and light, she made it her duty to bring him all the extra-larges and the thickest things she could find in the humble store.

(Sorry it's been a rough day and I'm braindead after work + school. My anxiety has been exhausting with the stress of today... -_- )


One hit to the wall and he knew she meant business, and he mentally noted that she was stronger than him in this particular moment. Cursing out through gritted teeth, he fought back- shoving her hard enough to make her stumble away from him. "Fuck off. I haven't taken any of your shit- Like it's worth anything, anyways." He muttered to himself, glancing around the dark little apartment. This was where all the particularly eerie zombies dragged themself around, the people alive here hardly distinguishable as dead, undead, or still alive. Every person who came here drugged themselves up, most of them lying in a purple haze in puddles of their own piss; slowly being eaten away at, but too far gone to notice. Sometimes, but just sometimes, he was told that there wouldn't be drugs to numb out the junkies; so they'd go absolutely livid, tearing at their own skin and unable to cope with the harsh reality.

Nick knew he'd gotten lucky in being able to push her back, luckily able to use his upper-body strength against her. Ducking any blow she tried to plant on him, he felt his anger surge up; "Like I asked to be left in this shithole with you!" With that loud exchange of mutual fury, the bathroom door pulsed rapidly as the creature inside responded to the noise. Body tensing, Nick's brilliant eyes flitted nervously from her to the door; the groaning got louder, more frantic, and he knew that it would stir the others (wherever they may be). Although, he doubted they'd pass by here; he didn't know the area well enough, and with an injury he wouldn't push his luck. If West had been here, he would've killed that zombie before it could've notified any others; and if others had come, he'd reason with this psycho-lady and wring what sliver of hope was left in the situation. But, Nick? No, he chose to push back at her and avoid proper reasoning; because he was as quick-tempered as she, if not worse. The only difference was that he was jumpy, unstable, unpredictable- A liability.

"Fuck." He practically snarled, eyes gazing up at Tina from beneath his ball cap; the stark contrast of vibrant icy blue against his filth-covered face showing such a profound expression. He was deciding; To run, to kill, or to fight- Whichever way, it couldn't end well. Despite his thoughts swirling within his mind, his face was almost unreadable; no indication of what he'd do. Like a cornered animal, he pulled his axe from behind him; body hunched just enough to give him that beastly appearance, stature preparing for Tina to lunge- the weight, however, unevenly shifted onto his uninjured side.


(anyone wanna RP with Levi? I can make him drive somewhere)
"Thank you--.." He said, taking hold of the clothes she brought him and slipping them on. ".. I don't--.. I think you should leave me, I'll just slow you down." He confessed, his pale lips softly quivering as he looked up at her; he shot his half-closed eyes around the service station and took a shaky sigh as he hugged himself. (@TheHarlequinnCat)

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