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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Again, she nearly fell over as the bullet whizzed past her head. But she knew that if she fell over, she likely wouldn't get up again. She stumbled along, looking for something that'd help the phenomenal amount of pain that she was in. She gritted her teeth and kept going. (@DrTrollinski)
"You know what'd be awesome?"

As he got their attention he nodded to the guitar with begging eyes.


Another gunshot went off, but this time it wasn't from behind her. It was from in front of her. A loud slam was heard as the old man's body fell from the window and splatted onto the street below. Where the hell did that bullet come from? (@Fallen from Heaven)


"No." Eric and Alex replied in unison.

".. I need to retune it anyway. It's too early, man. Not now..." Eric said, gulping down some more beans. (@DryPunishment)
Nor stopped where she was, to look around in surprise. Who had-? Stopping was a mistake because it put way too much weight on her ankle. She fell onto her knees, sobbing. It wasn't fair! What had she done to deserve any of this?! (@DrTrollinski)
A man ran up, perhaps in his late twenties. He had a scoped rifle slung over his shoulder, he dropped down in front of her, shouting "You alright?!" before he did so. He had blonde hair - long blonde hair - He was clean shaven, slightly pale, too. Dressed in winter clothes from head to toe. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Uh... I guess?" Nor said, "Did you shoot him? Because, if so, I think you just saved my life." She smiled, weakly. She really thought she was going to die for a few minutes there. But she'd come out of it with only a couple of injuries. Though, she supposed, it was too early to be relieved. This guy could kill her any second. She struggled to her feet, wincing. (@DrTrollinski)
".. Christ... What the hell happened to you? You hurt?" He asked, inspecting her from top to bottom. (@Fallen from Heaven)
She couldn't even pretend to be fine. She wiped her eyes and sniffed.

"... Yeah." she shrugged, "I... I was attacked." She looked around, "We shouldn't just stand out here in the open, though. We'll get killed." (@DrTrollinski)
"Okay... I've got a place not far from here. I heard the shots and came running - thought there was some folks having trouble with walkers. Who was that old guy? You know him at all?" He asked her, leading her down the sidewalk. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"No." Nor said, "I... No." She'd been about to tell him everything that happened and then realised that she didn't want to. She didn't want to talk about it.

"I didn't get your name, stranger." she said, gritting her teeth. Every time she stood on her left leg, it burnt like it was on fire and she had to hold back waves of tears. (@DrTrollinski)
"Nor. Nor Abernathy." she said, "Are you going to kill me? Because I'd rather you just killed me now then forcing me to walk all the way to your home and then kill me." (@DrTrollinski)
"If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't have saved you, would I?" He stated. "Don't worry... How did that guy end up shooting at you anyway?" He asked. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"So... There was that guy and another guy. The other guy tried to... I think rape me? I'm not sure. So... I stabbed him." She held up her bloody knife as evidence, "And then that the older guy got mad and tried to kill me, so I climbed out of the window. And then, you showed up. That's about it." Nor shook her head, "I didn't want to kill anyone. He attacked me." (@DrTrollinski)
"Shit, you climbed out from high up? Did you not get hurt on the way down? You a cat, or something?" He asked, chuckling softly under his breath. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"No, I'm very much human, I assure you." Nor managed a small smile, "I hurt my ankle. I landed badly on it. Twisted it or broke it or something." She shrugged, "I got hit on the way down too but.. Didn't hurt that much." (@DrTrollinski)
".. Jesus, you shouldn't be walking on it if you've injured it. You'll cripple yourself, for Christ sakes." He went to her side and threw her arm around his shoulders so she could take some weight off of it. "If it was broken, you'd be screaming right now. Trust me." He added. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"I do trust you. And it's fine, I'm fine." Nor insisted, "But... Thanks for your help, anyway. I really am fine." She leant against him and, she couldn't lie, it did feel better to put less weight on her ankle.

"You don't mind that I killed someone?" Nor frowned, "Doesn't that bother you?" (@DrTrollinski)
"You did what you needed to do... I'm not holding that against you." He said softly, turning the corner of the sidewalk and leading her into a Cul De Sac. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Okay, good." Nor said, still feeling horribly guilty about it, "You know, you can just ditch me here in the street. I'll be fine on my own now. Probably." (@DrTrollinski)
"No, no... It's fine, don't let it get to you. I'm not sending you out on a bad ankle. How old are you, anyway?" He asked. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"I just don't want to be a burden to you." Nor said, "And I'm fourteen." She said it with such pride, sticking out her chin, as if it were a medal she'd been awarded. (@DrTrollinski)
".. Fourteen? Impressive, kid. You've done alright for the week this has been going on - Where's your parents?" He asked her. (@Fallen from Heaven)

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