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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Tina looked at him and a muffled giggle came.She kicked the door open pushing the zombie to the wall with the door and repeatedly hit the walker with the door until it's head popped.With each hit on the zombie she said

"Having...*THUMP*...trouble*THUMP* with *THUMP* your *THUMP* leg? *THUMP* AAAH!" One final hit before the walker was crushed and its body hit the cold ground. The door was in ruin.

"Look...I don't care if you came here to take my stuff,but I'm not giving you the chance to leave and tell your group I'm here and then come up guns blazing in my motel."

Suddenly she sat on the ground and leaned on the wall.

"Good...good...I'm calm"

There came the deep breath in and out.

"You gonna hit me or what?"

Carl slowly awoke. He was cold, half of his body was uncovered by the blanket seeing as Caitlyn had the most of it; he wanted more sleep, and didn't have any other option but to move his pillow beside her own and carefully lie down beside her to share the blanket; he was more comfy and warm almost instantly; he looked at Caitlyn's face and took a deep breath of slight shyness. He shut his eyes to drift off to sleep again, but he needed to pee. Not badly, but enough for him to need to go. It didn't look like he'd get much more sleep after all.

".. So...You thrown up yet...?" Alex asked as he scooped some more frank and beans into his mouth. Eric remained silent for a moment as he gulped down the rest of his coffee; he continued eating and didn't make the effort to look Alex in the eye.

".. Check out the back door." He said, Alex frowned and shook his head.

"I'd rather not." He said. "Jesus, Matty... How drunk did me and Eric get last night?" He asked him, scratching his light-stubble on his chin. (@DryPunishment)
Matty giggled.

"When I left you guys,you were still a little okay...after that...I could only hear you hitting the floor and the tables with your big dizzy heads."

He gulped down the last bite of his meal.

"I wonder what the kids are doing."

"Probably sleeping, man... Carl sometimes gets up at this time to either come and jump on me, Eric, or our parents to tell us that he needs the bathroom, but some days have their exceptions." Alex said, chuckling softly as he slurped some more of the beans off of the spoon. (@DryPunishment) 
(@DryPunishment - I forgot to post it. I'm so sorry.)
Delaney went silent, she stayed quiet; the entire room dead (pardon the pun) except for their quivering exhales. She couldn't imagine travelling alone, especially with the banshees out there. Shaking her head, too cold to cry or scream or do much anything, she whispered "I can't do this alone." She could've gone on how he should've left her when his groupmates rejected her, and she stole, and then when she was attacked. Delaney couldn't go back on this, she basically owed her life three times over to this man. Her mind vacantly wandered back to Mason, she was too far from him to go back; unless she could find a car, which it seemed like the best option. She'd rather be with him than starving and cold.


Nick didn't move a muscle, not letting his guard down as she killed the creature; the only thing that changed was the twitch in his brow as he stood, shaking slightly, waiting to attack. Clearly, he had not had easy experiences with lurkers; but not many people had. They made him positively ill, absolutely disgusting in every which way; and yet, he couldn't bring himself to kill them properly. He either ran away, panicked and acted rash, or he would go to kill them; in a method that was less calculated and more spastic. However, it was an art in itself; such a sporadic murder, and if he didn't have a gun then he was close enough to be covered in guts for the next week. When she came down, entire personality changing as she explained herself and tried to open up his shell. Hell, he was like a grenade ready to go off- ever since the apocalypse he'd been seething through every bit of heartache, and he was practically hollow inside.

"No." He lowered the axe, eyes casting down the slightest bit. "I'm going to Wellington. It's some place up North, a refuge." He bluntly tried to describe it. West was heading there, and had told him that it was really because of the little girl. It was her best chance of survival,
He reached out and gently took hold of her hand in his own cold and shaking one. He gave a broken smile up at her alongside a quick nod as tears began to flood his eyes. ".. Thank you." He choked. ".. I've done by best, sweetheart... I'm sorry if this is puttin' you down." He whispered, he glanced around at some of the coffee shops and fast food stores that were inside the service station, with a shaky sigh he nodded to her and pulled out his revolver, holding it by his side - he was too shaky to aim at anything that was even at a short distance, but if anything happened, he'd be ready. "I'd love to help, but I've got no strength... There should be some food around here somewhere, in any one of these stores... Water, too. Find whatever you can... We need to rebuild strength and rest up here for a while until the snow calms down a bit..." He stated, looking out of the glass doors which only revealed a blizzard of fast-travelling snow. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
"Wellington? What makes you be so sure it's there?"

She leaned her head on the wall,letting go of the bat and hugging her knees.

"If you do find it....you think they're gonna take you in as soon as you knock on their doors? They'd never let people like me in..."

She took in some more deep breaths,slowly letting the air fill her lungs.

She looked rather sad.



"I wonder what Cait's gonna do when she wakes up..."

He took a bottle of water from his bag and drank some.

Matty gestured at the guys inviting them to drink too.

(@DrTrollinski it's allright.i think i'll go to sleep now.)
".. I'm good, bro." Eric said, but Alex snatched the water up like a thirsty dog and gulped down several mouthfuls. He set the bottle back down in front of Matty and cracked a faint smile.

"Thanks." He muttered. (@DryPunishment - Night, man!)
Nick kicked at the ground sheepishly with his hunting boots, scuffed up old things that he was eternally grateful to own now. Not exactly to make her feel better, more to reflect on and project out his own self-loathing and insecurity, he rasped "You think they'd want me either? ..." He didn't chuckle, but the smallest smirk tugged at one side of his lips. Then he was empty again, whatever glimmer of interest and zeal he had suddenly drifting out in a sigh of "I'm goin' for someone else. Meet up with 'em, y'know?" The depression grabbed up and clutched his heart, sinking with put-downs of 'you're selfish', and 'he left you here to die', and 'he planned this'. Liability.


Delaney shook her head again, vigorously this time; her soaked curls retaining no bounce. "I ain't letting you die on me." She demanded, like a whiny child; then went to scrounge up what little she could. On the way, there were a few undead as she salvaged up the things she and Brad needed to make it (especially Brad); but it wasn't easy to kill them silently. They were bloated fat things, so heavy they couldn't move much anyways; but she stabbed through four zombie skulls to get food, and was too cold to care much anyways. The cold had slowed her down, but it also slowed down the zombies; they were sluggish and lazily lashed out at her, to which she was able to merely bash them with her rifle so they'd fall. From there it took a kick to the head, or the fall, to crack their fragile bones. Returning after a prolonged period of searching, she came with food and blankets; water, and a stray book to read. "Brad?" She asked softly, looking at his still form.
He had his eyes closed but he gave a raspy deep breath through his nose, sending a mist out through the air in front of him. A slight bit of color had returned to his face now, showing that he must have warmed up in just the slightest. A faint smile lit up his face and he cracked his eyes open a little, looking up at her. ".. Hey... We should sit beside each other to insulate the heat a little more. It's what penguins do, I think." He chuckled a little and forced himself into a more upright position, giving a long groan as he did so. ".. What did you find?" He asked. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Grunting in either thanks or just acknowledgement, Conner took the water and greedily gulped it down. Once it was finished, he calmly wiped the few drops off of gis mouth. H wasn't going to thank him out right, this guy just stitched him up. But this man did save him, so he had to do something.

(Sorry. Quick recap if important for me. @DrTrollinski )
She listened to him as she was calm now.

She kept looking at the ceiling.

"Well then...good luck with your bum leg...and why wouldn't they let you in? You seem pretty normal to me..."

Tina looked around the room more.

"You were really rash with that axe...you're in no shape to fight right now and if you did try something I could've easily overpowered you. You're lucky I'm not a bitch..."

She looked at him with a slight frown.

Hesitantly, Nor closed her eyes. Exhausted, she fell into a deep sleep immediately and the pain in her ankle faded away, as she began to dream.

It was complete chaos downstairs. There'd been yelling and screaming and glass shattering; Nor had thought nothing of it and had just assumed that it was a party that'd got out of order. But if they didn't quiet down soon, the police were going to get called on them. She tried her hardest to go back to sleep, closing her eyes tightly and covering her ears with her pillow, but it was impossible with all the racket going on. She sighed and sat up, giving up on sleep and turning her TV on.

"... Epidemic. You are advised to stay inside and keep your doors firmly locked. This is an international announcement." the broadcaster was saying.

"Huh?" Nor muttered, "Epidemic?" That was when she heard the stairs creaking and loud thumps. Something hammered on her door and her heart quickened. She crept out of bed, to the door. It wasn't really wise to open it. But... But... She had to. Otherwise, they'd break the door down. She opened it and screamed at what she saw.

She screamed and woke up, soaked in sweat and breathing heavily. She was still alive. Okay, that was good. Being alive was good.

"Jesus... Fucking... Christ..." she muttered. (@DrTrollinski)
"Whoa! You okay?" He ran over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Christ... You're sweating. You good?" He asked. (@Fallen from Heaven - Fuck, forgot to post it, I'm sorry -.-)
"I... I'm fine. Bad dream. That's all." Nor shrugged, "No big... Not big deal..." She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, "Nothing happened while I was asleep, right?" (@DrTrollinski It's fine. I do that all the time ._.)
"No, no... Nothin' happened." He said, looking around the house. "You didn't get a full hour, so you can head back to sleep if you want." He said; the ice pack had been taken off of her ankle and the swelling had gone down immensely. An injury like that always got worse before it got better. It was still bruised and ached like crazy, but at least it was evident that there was no break. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"No!" Nor said, quickly, "I mean, no. No, I've... I've had enough sleep. I'll be fine." She nodded, smiling, "Thank you for looking after me." She sat up, wincing as she moved her ankle. It still hurt like hell but at least it didn't look as bad anymore. (@DrTrollinski)
"Okay... I think there's some clothes upstairs that're more your size, so I'll go and grab those for you." He said, sighing; he wandered out of the room and went upstairs and into a bedroom - the room was very girlish, pink, boyband posters, a walk-in-closet that was full of just about everything, from stuffed animals to old pairs of shoes - he did his best not to break down when he was going through the closet and picking up a coat, a scarf, a hat, and some gloves; he also got some normal clothes from the dresser - a long-sleeve shirt, a sweater, some jeans, and a pair of socks. Before he went downstairs he went into another room and began digging through the drawers - he knew his mother used a support sleeve for her elbow that she injured - it'd fit over Nor's ankle just fine; when he finally found it he returned downstairs and placed the clothes down at the foot of the couch, followed by sitting down beside her ankle. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"... Thanks." Nor said, "Um... Why do you have-? Actually, nevermind. I don't want to know. Is that thing for my ankle?" She pointed to the support sleeve, "And, um, can you, like, look away while I get changed?" She blushed. (@DrTrollinski)
"Yeah, I can... And don't think I'm a guy who collected girl's clothes." He said, looking slightly offended. " They're my--.. They were my sister's." He said, gently sliding the sleeve onto her ankle and folding it over to fit it into place; it was secure now - it kept a slight amount of pressure on the ankle but supported it just as well. This would stop any more damage from occurring. ".. Make sure you don't sleep with that on." He mumbled, followed by slowly drifting out of the room and closing the door over. (@Fallen from Heaven)
Were? Oh. Nor bit her lip, realising she'd crossed a line. She got changed as quickly as she could, her eyes watering as she stood on her ankle. But after a few seconds she adjusted and the pain reduced until it was just a dull throbbing. When she was done, she limped over to the door and opened it.

"I'm done." she said, quietly, "And I'm sorry that I upset you." (@DrTrollinski)

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