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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

He shrugged. ".. It's fine." He choked out, looking away from her and off into the kitchen. "You didn't know. It's fine." He added. (@Fallen from Heaven)
".. I don't know... My mom went out, she went walking to school... Never saw either of them again. I was alone." He sighed, glancing around and then looking back to her. He wiped his eyes and shrugged. ".. Shit happens, right?" He said, taking a deep breath. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Yeah... Shit happens..." Nor sighed, "I'm sorry for your loss." She bit her lip, "I... What's important now is making sure that we survive. We can mourn once this epidemic thing is over." (@DrTrollinski)
"IF it's ever over." He said, sighing. "You want some help getting a shoe on your bad ankle?" He asked. "We should head out soon, once I've gathered everything up that we need." He said with a faint smile. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"It will end eventually." Nor shrugged, "And yes, please. I... Putting a shoe on is going to hurt a lot, isn't it?" She sighed. She was very much looking forward to leaving this place. (@DrTrollinski)
"Yeah, it is..." He helped her back to the living room and sat her down, followed by crouching in front of her and pulling the sneaker wide open, the laces incredibly loose. "Okay... You'll have to help me here. If it gets too painful let me know. Just try and get your foot in as far as you can." He said to her, placing the sneaker over her toes. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Okay." Nor said, slowly easing her foot into the shoe. It hurt a little, not enough to be classified as pain. It was only when she'd got almost her entire foot in and her heel brushed against the back of shoe, that she yelped.

"I'm okay!" she said, in a strained voice. She closed her eyes tightly and forced her foot into shoe, wincing. God, it hurt.

"... Okay..." Nor said, exhaling heavily, "I'm fine." She bent over and began to tie her shoe laces, cringing as the shoe rubbed against her lower ankle. But it was fine. (@DrTrollinski)
".. Alright, good. Rest up for a minute and I'll go and gather everything." He said, going into the kitchen and stuffing his backpack full of dried and canned foods; he also stuffed any bottled water into it as well, as well as some utensils. He then went upstairs to get some more essentials. (@Fallen from Heaven)
Nor sat on the couch and waited, looking around the room. Nothing looked out of the ordinary here; you wouldn't even be able to tell there was an epidemic going on, that people here had died, judging by this house. Everything looked so normal. Nor almost didn't want to leave. (@DrTrollinski)
He soon came back from upstairs with a fully packed backpack; he helped Nor to her feet and gave her a shoulder to lean on to walk out of the house. "Good to go?" He asked. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Yeah." Nor nodded, "Let's go. Thank you for letting me come with you." She leaned against him, gratefully. She gripped her baseball bat tightly in her hand, ready to hit the crap out of anyone that crossed them. (@DrTrollinski)
"You're welcome." He lead her through to the garage and helped her into the passenger seat of the truck; he took a small remote from the the bench that was in the garage and then pressed a button on it - the garage door slowly rose up. "You good to go? Need ANYTHING before we go?" He asked. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"No, I'm fine." Nor said. She buckled her seatbelt and stared straight ahead, feeling an odd mix of fear and excitement.

"Do you think we'll get attacked?" she couldn't help asking, as the garage door rose. (@DrTrollinski)
"I certainly hope so, Nor." He sighed as he pulled out of the garage and began driving down the snow-covered street. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Yeah, that would be pretty good. This whole things makes you realize how empty you'd be without people, doesn't it?" He said, sighing while staring off into the snowy mist that was beginning to engulf the area around them. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Actually, this thing makes me wonder why God put sickness on this earth and why he allows these things to happen to innocent people." Nor sighed. (@DrTrollinski)
"It's why I turned by back on religion a long time ago. Everything that happened made me question whether or not the almighty was real or not - after all of this, it's hard to stay faithful." He said, squinting to look out of the window and past the snow. (@Fallen from Heaven) 

"So. What do you plan to do now?" The doctor asked him, sitting back down in his seat. (@Beowulf)
"It's true. But it's nice to think that's there's someone you can pray to for help, isn't it?" Nor said, "A sliver of hope that there's someone watching over us." (@DrTrollinski)
"Everyone has something to pray to, sometimes it's just not a God. The man upstairs must have heard enough of my prayers to last a lifetime." He replied. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Well, so far I'm going to try and stay alive. Can't do much else, what with being your prisoner and all." he replied. Now why did the man have to ask such a stupid question like that? "Now, what's your name so I know who I'm talkin' to. Mine's Conner."

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