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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"Most people can figure out that you shouldn't eat poisonus food." Nor shrugged, "And any idiot knows that you shouldn't drink contaminated water. You'd die or catch cholera or something." (@DrTrollinski)
"Not everyone knows how to identify it though, eh?" He said. Suddenly a crow flew out of nowhere and hit the windscreen, a cloud of black feathers shooting out as its dead body bounced off. "Shit!" He yelped, gripping the steering wheel tightly. "Fucking crows... Christ, I hate those things." He shuddered. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Jesus, Mary and Joseph..." Nor muttered, her heart pounding, "That was freaking terrifying... I thought we were gonna die..." It sounded stupid but it had really made her jump. (@DrTrollinski)
"Well, crows are associated with death, so don't put your cards down yet." He said, he sounded half joking but also half serious - He seemed to be quite a superstitious if not religious. (@Fallen from Heaven)
Nick's stone expression faltered, brows knitting upwards, and he sighed a little softer than before. His entire aura was this tricky balance between insecurity, anxiety, and depression; mixed in with short bursts of seething rage, it made him a very unpredictable individual. There had been moments where everyone expected him to freeze up in the face of danger, and his kill-count exceeded anyone elses. Then there'd been times when everyone relied on his knowledge, and he nearly got everyone killed. Some may consider this enough to make him untrustworthy, but to someone like West, it was obvious that this man was one of the most devoted; who just had more slip-ups than anything. He wore his heart on his sleeve, and instead of maturely blocking out the put-downs- he reacted violently. "I'm a bit of a..." He paused, looking for a word that wasn't liability. The same words echoed in his head, resounding louder and louder- He remembered hearing that word the first time, when he'd first fucked up a kill. His grandfather said it to their neighbors;- and since then, he was called that more than not. "Challenge." His lips pressed into a thin line.

Nick recalled the night he learned to refer to himself as a challenge instead of a liability, three out of their eight members had been quietly mulling over that day. His name had risen into the conversation, and when West heard them pondering his worth; he stepped in to say, 'Nick ain't a liability.. He's just a challenge sometimes.' The words cut into his heart more than mended it, even if it'd been a harmless remark.

Snapping back to reality, Nick shook his head and sniffed; the cold making him feel under the weather.

"Got anything I can wrap my leg in?" He asked, his louder, harsher, voice dropping down to its more natural soft rasp. His voice was anything but smooth, it was a low hum of crackling hisses- but so delicately placed it almost changed that fact. There was a slip of his TN accent, something that he consciously tried to avoid. It wasn't enough to be too startling though, but the pain was blurring out his thoughts surrounding that. Trying to sound like his grandfather was something Nick was almost too good at; he wanted that commanding voice, naturally loud and clear, and the straight level-headed businessman accent. But, despite his efforts, he sounded like his mother; delicate voice, harsh words, bad temper.


Delaney pulled out of her small bag the coffee shop food and then two hot coffees; she smiled, as that was the most extravagant of her finds. "The machines still worked." She stuttered out, shaking as she took a sip; the coffee was bitter and bland, definitely not a good cup. The scalding liquid burned the inside of her mouth as she swallowed; but she didn't care. "I also found water, two books, and some blankets." She lifted the blankets, obviously someone else's on account of the brown bloodstains at the corners. "Someone else was holed up here, they had a good establishment... But I think they died of hypothermia." She half-warned, half-coddled, to him. Pulling out the blankets, she draped two over their shoulders and then one to wrap them up together. Slowly drinking her coffee, she felt afraid to sleep; as if she feared Brad could die in his sleep, and turn on her.

She coughed feebly, the mucus rising in her chest; she mentally prayed she wasn't coming down with anything. Delaney's bruises had completely flattened, no longer swelling to distort her features; but they were still sickly colored with black and blue. She'd been lucky enough to be able to wipe off the dried blood at the apartment, but it still stained her skin orangish brown where she'd smeared it around. Looking up to him, she reflected; it had been only two days, or so, and she felt like years had gone by. The eternal winter, the howling storm, the murderous strangers- And she had time to wonder if Mason survived. Reminding herself that they'd had such a warm hearth, she fantasized about being at home on the nights Mason worked; alone wrapped in grandma's knit blankets, drinking a cup of hot cocoa, sitting by the open fire. Exhaling slowly, Delaney breathed into her coffee cup; trying to imagine it.

@DryPunishment @DrTrollinski
"I ain't lettin' you die. It's all a myth." He said, he looked at her and gave a half smile. "Relax." He said as he looked back to the road. And that's when it seemed to have come out of nowhere. He literally shit a brick as he saw the idle and abandoned rover parked in the center of the road; he shrieked and quickly spun the car off to the side; it spun around in circles on the icy road until they hit the edge of the hilltop and went sliding down in it towards the little stream - they were going head first. He stuck his arm out and held it across her, closing his eyes as they hit the bottom - she got held back, but he flew forward and knocked himself clean out on the driver's wheel. Fucking crows. (@Fallen from Heaven)


".. Thank you..." He said as he held the cup of coffee in his free shaking hand. He coughed a couple of times and even looked like he was about to burst out into tears before he sipped his coffee. He put his free arm around her upper body and leaned in beside her, the blankets draping over him; he set his forehead down on her shoulder and kept his face hidden. ".. I'm sorry..." He whimpered in a weak voice. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Nor screamed in terror and kept screaming, until she ran out of breath. Then, she took a deep, shaky breath. She was alive. In fact, she wasn't even injured. That was when she looked over.

"No, no, no, no. Jeff, you got to wake up!" she slapped him, "WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP." Luckily, she was smart enough to check for a pulse and found one thankfully. He was just unconscious.

"You have to wake up." she said, shakily, "Please." (@DrTrollinski)
"You're in no position to be giving orders, my friend. Try saying please and maybe I'll consider it." He snapped, standing up and walking over to the counter that was just across the room. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"You're not fine!" Nor said, "Your head's bleeding! Did we bring any medical stuff? Are you okay? Do you feel dizzy or anything? ANSWER ME, DAMNIT." She was panicking a little, though she wasn't sure why. They were both alive and fine. Why was she panicking? (@DrTrollinski)
"Sure.Not here.I either drag you to my crib or you stay here...coming to my crib would mean you leaving the weapons under the bed here..."

She got up dusting off her hoodie.

"Or...what's left of it.Your call."

Looking sharp,she didn't smile. Poker faces were her forte. She crossed her arms and looked demanding. She carefully raised her left eyebrow.

"You sound cute when you're not angry..." She smirked faintly.

She lowered down and put her arms on her knees.

"What's it gonna be tough guy? Coming with me?"

"Like hell I will. It's your choice on whether you just want me to lay here or for me to do something. In all honesty, I'd like to do something while I'm stuck here." Then he saw him walk towards a counter. He couldn't see what was on it, the guy was blocking the view with his body. 'Well s**t.' he thought, immediately going to the worst.
"Like what? You'd struggle to even jerk off with the amount of blood you've lost. Tell me EXACTLY what useful things you could do while you're sitting there on death's door." He demanded. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"You could contract a brain tumour and die! I've read about it in the newspaper. I don't want you to DIE!" Nor said, finding the bag and rummaging through it. Eventually, she found some bandages and pulled them out.

"I've never done this before." she sighed, "Keep still." She bit her lip and began to bandage his head, her hands shaking. (@DrTrollinski)
"How do you think I got those clothes I was wearing. I didn't find those in a store. Same with my shoes, best ones I made to date. What I can do, is teach. There, I told you what I can do. Now see where I can be used. Hurry it up, death may open that door and drag me in yet."

".. I believe the correct term's 'develop' a tumour. I'm not going to die, okay? Stay calm." He held one of her wrists when he noticed her shaking. "Seriously. Calm down, you're going to stress yourself out." He said, looking out of the window at the smoke bellowing out of the engine. (@Fallen from Heaven) 
"We have clothes here. And shoes - We have everything, a water supply to wash clothes - Look. Like I said. It's not my decision to tell you whether or not you can do any of that with any of us. But, if you try asking me again, I sure might consider it." He said, smiling in an almost sarcastic manner as he took a seat that was more distant from the bed. (@Beowulf)
"Develop... I knew that..." Nor said, "Let go of me, I'm fine! I'm not stressed. We just nearly died, why would I be stressed?!" She forced a small laugh, "I'm fine, I'm... Fine.." She finished bandaging his head and slumped back in her seat, breathing heavily.

"Fucking crows..." she muttered. (@DrTrollinski)
He gently touched the bandage and then also leaned back in his chair, sighing as he put a hand on her shoulder. "Now what the fuck are we going to do." He said. The Chevy wasn't going anywhere, the snow was heavy and fast, and there was nowhere else they could go. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"You're gonna run out eventually. Wear holes in your shoes and boots, and you're gonna run out of bullets. I know how to make the things that make life more comfortable. Well, except for bullets." The last part he admitted reluctantly.

"If you can't do anything, then get out of here. As you said yourself, I can't even jerk off. Let alone want to with you watching." Once more he made a feeble shooing motion with his hands.

"You really are an ungrateful son of a bitch, aren't you? What, is 'thank you for saving my stupid ass' too much for you?" He snarled, shaking his head. (@Beowulf)
"Just a little." And once more he tried to shoo the man out. Some peace and quiet would do him good, help him plan to get out. But then there was the fact that he could barely move. Guess it was a bridge he'd cross when he got there. (@DrTrollinski)

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