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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

(Me either. We'll call him... Dominic xD )

Kane looked across to Dominic and raised one eyebrow, whom of which gave a nod to him. Kane looked down at him again and sighed. "What did you have in mind, buddy?" He sat down at the foot of his bed. (@Beowulf)
"You guys don't know much, not trying to insult you. I know how to make things, boots, clothes, bows and arrows even. I'll teach your people how to make those things until I get better." (@DrTrollinski )
".. Bows and arrows would be nice... Guns could be saved for emergencies that way. What do you make the clothes out of? And for what age groups?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
"Make 'em out of animal skins of course. Guess you could adjust the size to fit you better, usually just have to make them to fit myself. And you'd be surprised how warm a rabbit skinned coat is." Conner said. "It's the bows that are the tricky part. You got to find a branch, but I prefer saplings, that are flexible enough to bend, but rigid enough to want to snap back to how they were. Almost lost an eye when one of them broke apart on me." (@DrTrollinski )
Kane looked back to Dominic and frowned, but then smiled as he looked back to Conner. ".. I'm sure we can give it a shot. But before we do that. I want to ask you something... Are you going to take the first chance you get to slit our throats in our sleep?" He asked, looking him dead in the eye. (@Beowulf)
"Nope. Dominic over there convinced me otherwise. Take my word for it or keep me locked away, do what ever. It's your community not mine. You know, you guys seemed like right asses while I was out in those woods." Conner rambled on. They did seem like a bunch of jack wagons, but Dominic was a nice enough guy once Conner got past the he's-one-of-them thing.
"They just get a bit riled up with that sort of thing. Wouldn't you? If you had a guy shooting at you with a bow while you were minding your own business - Hell, if it wasn't for myself and Dominic here, they would have put one in the back of your head." He chuckled darkly and looked around, sighing. "Alright, I'll trust you, and I'll make sure the people here do, too. You got any questions for me?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
'Already went over that' Conner thought as the man stated almost the same thing as Dominic. "I just need you to keep the few that still won't like me to from putting a knife or bullet in my back." he replied after the man was done. "Oh, and when might I be able to move around and what might I be trusted with?" (@DrTrollinski )
DrTrollinski said:
"They just get a bit riled up with that sort of thing. Wouldn't you? If you had a guy shooting at you with a bow while you were minding your own business - Hell, if it wasn't for myself and Dominic here, they would have put one in the back of your head." He chuckled darkly and looked around, sighing. "Alright, I'll trust you, and I'll make sure the people here do, too. You got any questions for me?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
(Uhhhh I'm not in this guys...)
(JESUS IM RETARDED. I'm sorry. I tagged you for some reason xD @Soul OMU) 
"Well... Once you're up and about, I recommend you do two things - One. Get shaved and go hit the showers. No offence, of course. You can ask someone to show you where they are - they're in the police station just up from here; usually we have people shower in groups - obviously we don't mix children with the adults unless they're female. The last time we went with child-and-man we had a bit of an... Incident, which could have gotten messy. We'll make an exception and let you shower separately when you're up and moving about." He said, smiling a little. The whole incident he was talking about may have been about that man that Conner saw him shoot, of whom Dominic had previously explained. "And shave as well, other than that, get changed into some clothes that are more... Native to this town, if you don't mind. People will appreciate you more if you respect the way of life here, but no one will hold it against you. Just ditch the beard and you should be fine." He chuckled light-heartedly. (@Beowulf)
Laughing loudly, Conner strokes the beard the man wanted gone. "I'm not going to shave this, my wife always said I looked better with some hair on my face. But if you can find anything my size, I'll wear it." He was getting into a rather good mood now, now that he knew these people weren't all bad. "And who was the guy I shot at, hope he's alright. Either way, I need to go apologize to him." At the last part, he tried once more to get up, got a bit farther then before, and then was forced to go back down. "Oh, and one more thing, is there a wheel chair anywhere? I refuse to just sit here in this bed." (@DrTrollinski )
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(I'll fill you in when I get up tomorrow morning :) )


"Ah, gotta' keep the missus happy, right?" He chuckled and ran his hand across his hair. "Yeah, it'd be appreciated. The guy you'll be wanting to apologize to is a Kendrick... Shit, what's his last name, Dom?" He asked him, turning to the doctor.

"Uh...Slater, I think."

"Yeah, that's it! Kendrick Slater. Big buff black dude - Ain't nothin' to be scared of, you'll see him kickin' a soccer ball around with the kids and having snowball fights when he's free." He smiled. (@Beowulf)
"Alright then, now where is that wheel chair so I can do it before I forget." As he said this he looked around, as if a wheel chair had suddenly appeared. "I'll bloody crawl there if I have to. Wait a minute, you said he's a big buff fella'. Now you did also say that he's pretty nice, but I doubt he doesn't hold a grudge towards the guy who shot an arrow at him." (@DrTrollinski )
"Don't worry. We've got a hands-off policy - We don't fight here, we've had one fight since the start of this, and that's only because a guy insulted another guy's dead brother. They both got some time in the cells - they're friends now; you'll be fine." He said, he nodded to Dominic who ra off to a back room and came back a few moments later pushing a wheelchair; he sat it beside Conner's bed and locked it in place. Kane stood up and helped Conner sit up, followed by putting his arm over his shoulders so he could lean on him. "What's your name, anyway?" He said, grunting as he helped him spin on the bed and into a sitting position - Conner's head felt light at that, and just by looking at him Kane could tell how he felt. He wasn't letting him move just yet. (@Beowulf)
"Give me a sec." he said as he waited for the light headedness to go away. Once it was bearable, he said "Names Conner. And you are?" he asked as he slowly sat down, thankful of the help that was offered. "And when might that stop happening?" Conner asked once more, but this time about the light headedness. (@DrTrollinski )
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".. I'm Kane. Try and ignore how evil the name is." He said, chuckling as he helped him down onto the chair. He looked hopefully up at Dominic who looked at Conner.

"Shouldn't take too long - Keep a steady intake of fluids and let your blood build back up. You'll be fine after a couple of days." He said, nodding. (@Beowulf)
"Alright then. Guess I should just keep this then." he said as he shook the water bottle. "Now, off we go to find Kendrick Slater." And pointing forward like a captain or a general, he tries to get going with one hand, finds that it is rather tiring, and waits for Kane or Dom to give him a push.
"Let me help you out with that." He said, Kane took hold of both handles at the back and then began pushing him, slowly easing him down the stairs. Once they got outside they were met by the bitter snow that was thankfully more calm in this area. He pushed him down the sidewalk, and, just like he said, they saw one tall black man getting bombarded with snowballs. (@Beowulf)
"Jesus he's massive." Conner muttered into his beard before shouting at the man. "Are you Kendrick Slater? Guessing you are by the way you're getting pelted by those snowballs." As they got closer, he lowered the volume from less of a shout to more of a talk. "Listen, I'm sorry for shooting at you. I thought you people would be a bunch of ass holes that would want me dead, so I decided to try and put an end to that." (@DrTrollinski )
Kendrick's smile quickly faded as he dropped the snowball and slowly walked up, before he could even get a word out a snowball hit him right in the face, his cheek instantly going red as his face got covered in snow.

"Oh, hell! You got me, you got me!" He yelled at the kids that were throwing them at him, they all burst out into laughter and he also chuckled as he wiped it from his face. He blinked heavily and then nodded at Conner. ".. Oh--.. It's cool. There was just a lot goin' on that night - We were all shittin' some bricks, you feel me?" He said, shrugging thereafter, his buff shoulders seeming to block out the sun. Holy shit, this guy was a tank of pure muscle. This guy was perhaps towering at 6ft 4" - He fit a lot of the stereotypes, but seemed like a decent guy overall. (@Beowulf)
"Trust me, I was the one shitting bricks. I thought you were the only one there." Conner said, chuckling at what he said and at what the kids did. "I certainly got the worst end of the deal there though, didn't I. It's water under the bridge now anyway. Now, there is a war to be won for you. I doubt the kids have been still while we've been talkin'." At the last sentence, he stared pointedly at a young girl who seemed to be determined to make the largest snowball she could throw before he was done talking to Kendrick. (@DrTrollinski)

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