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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"Yeah, me too. I just played those in my spare time - My sister played them with me on weekends." He chuckled a little, but the chuckle faded into more of a saddened one as he looked off into the snow. ".. What about you? Any brothers or sisters?" He asked. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Thank you much." Conner said as he looked around his room. It was a nice place, certainly better then his lean-to shelter. "Oh, and before you go, I had some hides at my camp. If you could send some of your people out there to get them, I can have a bit of a head start on things." And after giving him the directions to his camp, he sits in the middle of the room, admiring his new puxuries. (@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah, I suppose so." He smiled at her. "You want a blanket, or something?" He offered. (@Fallen from Heaven)
He tossed her one of the blankets with a smile and then shrugged. "I don't know... It'd be better if it was the middle of the summer. Then again. The smell of hot rotting corpses makes me feel sick just by thinking about it." He said. (@Fallen from Heaven)
Currently in Bismarck, North Dakota.

Hunter huffed in pain as she collapsed slightly, having been moving around on her injured ankle for almost a few hours was a bad idea on her part, especially when they didn't have time to stop but she knew Riley would make her so that they could wrap her ankle and take a look at it. Currently Riley was out getting some supplies while Cece and Hunter were to wait. Hunter didn't like how quiet it was, especially since usually you were hear the odd groan of a walker.

Riley currently searching through a small hospital for more bandages and maybe something to help keep Hunter's ankle still so it wouldn't have to work so hard. She froze for a moment when she heard the soft click of a gun and a cold barrel against her back.
Delaney thought about what was going on, listening to him cry; she felt tears come down her own icy cheeks, warming up her eyes and making her nose runny. But she did not react like he did, she felt as though she were staring into the void; death was imminent and she was playing hide-and-seek with the Grim Reaper. Her eyes were glassy, vacant, as she stared at nothing in particular. Murmuring, just barely louder than her breath, "We're going to die." She faded back into a mute daze; slipping back into slumber, as her body tried to conserve what energy it could. Her head dropped onto Brad as she faded back into dreaming.


Quietly, Nick cursed; the anger spurting up within his chest. His footsteps could be heard following in her shadow, then, and even though he didn't tell her; she could figure that he'd brought his melee weapons with him, since he didn't have any gun anyways. Tina probably could've deduced that even if he had a gun, it would've been pulled out before this moment. Sniffling, he focused on moving forward; the only thing that gave him the strength to get through this ordeal was the idea of finding West. It was so far-fetched, since he wouldn't have necessarily known if West even got out of the pharmacy- But he had to assume the man would, and that he wouldn't be unfaithful to him. Unfaithful? Nick got sidetracked, mentally scolding himself for acting like a doting housewife. Huffing low, he growled, "Where are we going?"

@DryPunishment @DrTrollinski

(Will there be a timeskip? Or any new updates on weather/etc. Also, DryPunishment, where are Nick/Tina located? ^^")
"No, no... We're not.." He hugged her tightly, tears pouring down his face. ".. I won't let that happen, I just--.. I'm sorry.." He whimpered, looking across the service station for a moment. It was a bitter cold, but they were warming up quickly with the clothes and blankets.

(Maybe. I'm not sure just yet. @Soul OMU) 
(@Fallen from Heaven)
Riley sighed slightly and did what she was asked, slowly. She put down the bandages she was picking up and the two wood pieces she was going to use to make a brace for Hunter. She just hoped Hunter and Cece were okay and would be fine without here. "Alright... I did what you asked." she said while not moving. (@DrTrollinski)
"Ew, warm rotting flesh!" Nor wrinkled her nose, taking the blanket and spreading it over herself, "Do you think the heat would make the bodies decompose faster or slower?" (@DrTrollinsi)
"Faster. Think of 'em like steaks. You put steaks in the freezer, they decompose slower. Leave 'em out in the sun and they'll rot to shit." He said, sighing. "Not that, but there's also all the damn flies in the summer. Maggots all over the things." He explained. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Ewwwwwwwwww." Nor wrinkled her nose in disgust, "I'm suddenly really glad of how cold and miserable it is. Seriously, I'm never been more grateful of the freezing cold. Maggots are gross." (@DrTrollinski)
"In my BDSM cave.Where do you think we're going? I'm gonna dress you in tight leather and give you a mouth gag. I'm gonna make you so so pretty." She pointed towards the check-in.

After opening the door she looked inside the box with the medical supplies.

"Bondages...err I mean bandages...painkillers...you're really getting my best supplies,mister...I didn't catch your name...Tina by the way"

She had a rather playful attitude.

"Yeah. Think about it, though. Maybe the maggots will eat the fuckers - Maybe that'll kill 'em all off unless they have some sort of defence mechanism that makes 'em fight off flies." He sat down beside her with a grunt and wrapped a blanket around himself. (@Fallen from Heaven)


Before she woke up she was tied up with cables that couldn't be torn through by bare hands - her hands and feet were tied together, her hands behind her back; she was gagged with duct tape and lied down in the back seat of a car. It had been maybe half an hour since the incident.


(I'm honestly scared. Just wtf @DryPunishment) 
(@Soul OMU)
"Or we could just have a plague of maggots and flies that mutate and try to kill us." Nor suggested, "I bet that's what would happen. It's that kind of week." (@DrTrollinski)
Riley slowly woke and blinked a couple of times while looking around slightly to get her bearings slightly before realizing she's in the back of a car, she moved a tiny bit to get a better angle to look up and see who her captor was. (@DrTrollinski)
It was a man in aviator sunglasses and a cowboy-style hat. Maybe in his early thirties. He had a leather jacket on and a revolver strapped to his belt. (@Soul OMU)
"Maybe, maybe. Hopefully not, though." He said, chuckling. "You hungry?" He asked. (@Fallen from Heaven)


"Finally awake?" The man murmured after glancing in the rear-view mirror. (@Soul OMU)
At first Nick seemed visibly distraught, but not in an 'oh no my secret kink' way, in a genuine 'this woman is crazy' sort of manner. He was still so on-edge from everything that happened, and the realization that his safety net wasn't with him, so it was making him almost hyper-alert. This actually was working against him, for the time being, since he did not relax his muscles and he just stared ahead waiting for something to go wrong. Once he saw all the things she'd hidden, he wondered why Peter hadn't even tried to take anything; he probably assumed this place was abandoned, and he really meant to murder him (not just dump him on someone else). His fear of being eaten alive was so close now, so much realer, and he hated it.

"Thanks." He grumbled, sitting down so they could both look at his wound in the motel's cheap light. He spoke out loud, more just observing so she didn't misinterpret the wound somehow, "It's more swelling than anything.." He noted as he plucked out a glass shard. Wincing, he crumpled his face as he took the rest out; like ripping off bandaids. More blood started to gurgle to the surface. The only thing he really had to worry about was infection, it wouldn't need any stitching; but he would need to be careful nonetheless. The worst part was that he knew he needed to have it disinfected before applying bandage.

It was a pretty awful experience, and she wasn't kidding about playing with pain; even with the gauze tightly wrapped around the cleaned wound, he still shook from pain. He hadn't ever been treated by such raw wound; but refused painkillers. He did these things, he didn't want to be drugged up; He refused anti-depressants, he refused pain meds- he didn't want to be 'that guy'. Sighing, Nick watched her; perplexed by the unpredictable language she had. He held his leg protectively, trying to massage a bit of the pain out; but it wasn't going to well, since the tender skin rejected any touch. Looking around the room, then, he observed his surroundings; vision a bit distorted still when he moved his head too fast, hopefully just a bad bruise and not a concussion. Pulling his ballcap off temporarily, he ruffled his black hair; which was beginning to grow scruffy in the front. Then, he planted it back on his head, biting down on his lower lip.

He could hear it, the faint sound of dragging feet and groaning in the distance; it was drawing the harmless zombies here to respond. While the ex-junkie zombies were some of the most physically grotesque, most of them had already deteriorated so much as people that they didn't do much harm as lurkers. It took him a moment to realize he never answered her question about his name, and as he got down from where he sat; shaking as he tentatively placed some weight on his leg, "M'names Nick." Very quietly, he spoke; but his clunky hunting boots gave away his steps, also the fact he had to lean his weight primarily on the right one. "We need to get out of here." He nearly panicked, his voice raising as he hurriedly tried to put some of her items in the bags she had lying around. When Tina seemed to fire up about it, he shushed them both so she could listen; surely enough, the walkers were coming in massive numbers.

"Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck-" Nick whispered, his breathing shaky as he put anything he could touch away so they could bring it with them. This must be the herd that his group had been talking about, why they had to leave; he forgot completely about it. In this cold weather too? He couldn't go by foot. They needed a car, they needed to get out. He looked to her for a reaction, they needed to move and fast.


Delaney stayed as still as she could, nodding her head as she slept; she was warming up, her light slumber going uninterrupted by Brad holding her. (Sorry I dont' feel like writing another dream sequence xD )


Levi was driving, and fast; he was practically at the top of his car's speed limit, and he had been for quite some time. He only stopped to raid a place or two, that was definitely abandoned, and to refill his tank. He had one hell of a supply of gas, so he could afford to waste time driving; looking for some way to contact his sister. He knew it was so far-fetched, but without her he didn't have much else to hope for. He was driving nowhere in particular, but unbeknownst to the fact he wouldn't be travelling solo for long...

(sorry it's vague haha @DryPunishment @DrTrollinski)

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