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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Brad slowly lifted his head and wiped his eyes, keeping her close to him; he picked up his coffee again and then made sure that the blankets were wrapped tightly around them both; he stuck with her now, his hands finally stopping their shaking after he drank down some of his coffee; he swept the rest of it down and then held his revolver at the ready, his arm around Delaney in a shielding manner. (@Fallen from Heaven)
".. Christ... If this ever ends I'll buy you a place to stay. Or you can stay with me - Whatever works best." He chuckled and looked around, taking another deep breath. (@Fallen from Heaven- Also, check AftS when you're free.)


"So. You travel alone?" He asked. "Just nod or shake your head, I don't care." He added. (@Soul OMU)
"Why should we get out of here, I spent the last week gathering all those stupid planks and nails to-..."

She could now definitely hear the footsteps of tens of zombies.

"Holy crap...Is that what I think it is?"

She watched Nick get up and after a brief time he looked at her with a questioning look.

"Shit shit shit...After all that work I've done..."

She got up and looked around for her backpack and hatchet.

"I suppose you don't have a plan, right?"

Tina put the backpack on her back.

The man slowed the car down and reached into the back, ripping the duct tape away from her face. He began driving again shortly after. "I'm guessin' all those supplies you were gatherin' were for nothin', then?" He asked, smirking. (@Soul OMU)


Carl slowly awoke and climbed over Caitlyn; he walked to the bathroom with his hands over his groin and tried pulling the door open - It was locked. He knocked a few times in desperation, his eyes close to watering.

".. What..." Alex groaned. Carl jumped on the spot a little and sighed.

"Alex... Please come out... I gotta' pee real bad!" He said in a loud whisper, Alex groaned.

"No, Carl... Go and wait downstairs... I'm not coming out yet." He murmured. Carl whimpered and dashed downstairs to the kitchen, slowly placing himself on the chair opposite Eric and bowing his head.

"You okay, bro..?" Eric asked, frowning. (@DryPunishment)


"Eh, I don't mind. It's been pretty nice havin' you around. If this ends, I'm not going to have anything else to worry about." He paused for a moment. ".. You're the first living person I've seen all week. It'd take years for things to recover, even if it did 'end'." He sighed a little and stared into the fire. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"You mean, things wouldn't just go back to normal?!" Nor realised, "Nothing's ever going to be the same again! Oh my god, I never even thought about that!" (@DrTrollinski)
Riley huffs a bit. "I suppose so... I was gathering them to help my twin who twisted her ankle... But she isn't alone so I'm glad that they still have some supplies." She said while shaking her hair out. (@DrTrollinski)
".. Yeah, I didn't think about that at first, either. It was just 'They'll be back soon, I'm sure they're fine' - Then I saw the news reports, the chaos in the streets..." He shook his head a little. "I thought life and the world was ours - But once you have something taken away from you that you thought was yours forever, you realize that nothing truly belongs to you." He said, shrugging. "Ah, well... It's going to keep going on, so we just have to stay alive and work towards a better future." He added. (@Fallen from Heaven)


"Cute." He grunted, shaking his head. (@Soul OMU)
"Carl,that wasn't nice..."

Caitlyn slowly got up and rubbed her eyes. She came in the kitchen and looked at Eric

"Hello Eric, where is Matty?"

As soon as she finished her sentence Matty came back from the back yard

"Whew...that was a long pi-...Oh,good morning,sunshine how was your sleep?"

"Matty! It was very good!".She raised her hands in the air asking for a hug.

Matty hesitated a bit,but picked her up and hugged her.

"Come here,love...Are you hungry? I've got some...let me check real quick,okay?"


He looked in his bag

"Peaches,pineapple or...what is this? Oh are those cereal? Oh what a treat. You'll have to excuse me,but I don't have milk and I didn't know which ones you liked so I got you fruity ones."

He looked at Eric.

"Got any milk?"

"Stop being so morbid." Nor said, "It's depressing. I don't want to talk about this. You can go back to sleep now and finish your nap. I like you considerably better when you're asleep." (@DrTrollinski)
".. Not any that ain't sour. You good, Carl?" He asked. Carl shook his head.

".. I need the bathroom but Alex's in there..." He whimpered, Eric rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Put your shoes on and go out back. He's going to be in there a while." He instructed, usually Carl would have said no, but he was too desperate. He hopped up and ran out of the room to throw his sneakers on, he then ran back to Eric side and tugged harshly on his shirt. "Now what?" He said as he looked at him.

".. I don't wanna' go out there alone..." He whispered. Eric groaned and stood up, patting him on the head and leading him out the back door. Carl looked around in worry - He didn't like this idea at all. He stayed on the spot.

"Go. Against the fence, or something. I don't care, and I ain't going anywhere so don't worry..."

"But everyone can see..." He said as he looked towards the kitchen window - they couldn't, but he was being paranoid about it. Eric sighed and lead him right to the back of the garden and pulled the two hedges that were by the fence away from each other, creating a big enough gap for Carl to step in to between the fence and hedges.

"There. Hurry up, bro. It's cold out here." He said, Carl sighed and nodded as he stepped into the gap; Eric released the hedges which came back together and shielded Carl entirely. Eric stood a foot or so away and just glanced around while staying in pure silence; he just listened now, closely, so he could know exactly when Carl was done. (@DryPunishment)


"No way am I sleeping now. I've got too much of a headache." He said, crossing his legs. "And I'm sorry. I don't mean to be so depressing." He chuckled a little. (@Fallen from Heaven)
Nick didn't even look at her, too preoccupied with keeping his own nerves at a level. He reminded himself, that all he had to do was to not panic. If he panicked, then he was dead. That almost stressed him out more, as his hands started to quiver just the slightest and he packed up as much as he could. "They're going to get in here." He breathed, hearing it come closer; he knew if his well-barricaded pharmacy wasn't going to stand it, then there was no way this cheap motel would. "Jesus fucking Ch-" He stopped abruptly when she asked if he had a plan, and that did it for him; he was already mumbling nonsense to himself as he got ready to leave. "No! I don't have a fucking plan!- My plan was to go with West" His voice raised, but not enough to draw the walkers- he minded that, but it was the biting whisper your mother would use on you if you were acting up in public. He almost forgot she didn't know any of these people he was talking about, he was too rushed to care.

When there was a sound from the other side of the motel, surely the walkers getting in the back. Hell, he didn't know where they were, so he and Tina both grabbed the massive amounts of luggage and ran out the front door of the lobby. The extra weight was extremely painful, he felt his knees buckle every time he tried to pull himself forward; but the adrenaline gave him the strength to keep going.

"Fuck. Fuck." He whimpered, slowing down once the cold hit them and they both had to choose quickly what to do; the creatures out there not noticing them just yet. He and Tina cautiously moved, side by side, taking a quick pace- but slow enough to not put too much strain on Nick's bum leg. They hid behind a low wall, and that's when Nick spotted the truck. "Hey!" He whispered, pointing to the truck. "Think we can make it?" He whispered, knowing they'd probably have to break the window if it wasn't already unlocked. If there weren't keys, they'd have to hotwire the car. But, it was their only hope at this point.

She looked towards the zombies and started counting them,but was abruptly interrupted by Nick Hey!

"What? What?" She immediately looked at the truck.

"You know how to hotwire a car? I have some ideas,but nothing solid."

"Allright let's go!"

She made a run for it Nick following her the best he could.

"Okay just-..."

Tina hit the window with her hatchet and opened the door.

"Who's driving?"

He sighed and held his rifle in his lap, looking out from under the bridge again. "Sure." He mumbled; he peered off into the distance for a few moments in search of anything, but there was nothing in sight. He took a deep breath. (@Fallen from Heaven)
Nick looked back, seeing that there wasn't any time to hesitate; he threw the bags in the back of the truck, as the walkers came over in masses to the sound of the window breaking. Nearly freaking out entirely, he could smell the rotting flesh; it was disgusting, and it made his stomach flip over. He tried to do what West would've done, something heroic and selfless; so with his good leg he jumped off the step to get into the car and straight through the window. With a strained yelp, he felt his entire body heave with exhaustion; every muscle screaming off red-alert as he dragged himself through the shattered window. More glass. Great, he mentally degraded himself for not being smart enough to clear out more before he'd gone through it. The keys were inside, thankfully, hidden on top of the dashboard. It seemed like his luck was beginning to turn now. He turned the keys, hearing the car roar to life. There was gasoline in the car too; at least enough to get them far enough away. Tina had gotten in with only a second to spare before Nick full-on floored the vehicle. They bounded down the road, skidding and screeching as Nick tried to avoid hitting too many walkers; driving like a maniac.

In the back of his mind, he knew it was too good to be true that they'd been lucky enough to get this car; with gasoline and keys still in it. He didn't even notice that as he drove away, some stranger (who evidently owned the truck) came running out of one of the motel rooms screaming. He didn't stop, in fact, he nearly ran the man over in his rush to leave the area. And leave the area, he did, he was going fast enough to even startle Tina. Once they got off the road of the town, which didn't take too long at the speed he went at, he slowed down to a comfortable 60 miles an hour. Nick couldn't believe he'd gotten out of there, and he did a small fist pump for himself; still awestruck by the fact his heart still raced and his hands shook, but he'd been the one to get them out of trouble. Even if his palms were lightly cut from glass, as well as random flecks of his skin where it had punctured his clothes, he didn't really care. His left leg was almost excruciating, since he had put more pressure on it than he meant to in the heat of the moment. But, he was alive.

((You can do the next one @DryPunishment))
"I don't know what's better, the fact that you're so resourceful or the fact that you're never seeing those people again." He smirked. (@Soul OMU)
Riley narrowed her eyes slightly but didn't say anything before thinking of something. "So where you dragging me off to old man?" She said while looking out the window. (@DrTrollinski)

Hunter and Cece looking for Riley in the hospital, Hunter limping slightly while Cece looks ahead slightly but still close to help Hunter in case of danger.
Riley shrugged. "So you going to kill me then bury the body? How nice. Also just wondering since I was just interested seeing as I might be killed or stuck with you for awhile." She said while blowing at her bangs. (@DrTrollinski)
"Dude it's so fast.Did you see the guy in the back?"

She got her head out the window


She got back inside.Her right leg suddenly started shaking up and down nervously and she crossed her arms

"Now what? We go where? God damn walkers I spent a whole week getting those fucking planks!"

She began biting her lower lip and was getting slightly mad.Nick was probably not far off too. She took a deep breath and tried to stop her leg.

"Okay...now...1 and a half week of work is gone. No problem...I got it. Now we're heading to...'Wellington'. Okay...I can dig it."

She leaned in her seat more and more until her head was around the middle of the chair's height. Sighing she looked ahead and started humming a song. Halfway through the song she noticed another car driving full speed right at them.

"WATCH OU-!" In a second Nick pulled the wheel to the left and the car made a full 180 degrees turn and hit a tree while the other car hit the backside of the truck and made it rotate again almost falling over.

One breath...eyes open slightly.

Second breath...eyes open again more and more.

Third breath...and a gasp for air.

"Nick! NICK!"

She found herself inside the truck which was on its side. The driver's door was open.

Tina grabbed the wheel and dragged herself out of the car. Nick was sitting besides a tree leaning on it.

"NICK! Are you okay?"


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