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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Delaney nodded, she was ready for this; she wouldn't let Brad down. She had to do this. Immediately, she followed his lead into the line of fire, heading for the eye of the storm. She was fierce, running on this exhausted energy that didn't lose fuel because of how much adrenaline was surging through her veins. She practically shook with the power fear sparked in her; using Brad as her motivation, she followed like the most loyal soldier and shot like the best of them. Since she hadn't eaten much, she couldn't throw up as her body commanded her to. It was becoming evident to her that this was a little more than a mild cold, possibly the flu. Pregnancy didn't come to her mind because she and Mason never conceived, but she was forgetting the night she was unfaithful; a lot of things can go wrong when you sleep with the neighbor. Arguably, Mason's friend took advantage of her hopeless romantic personality and the fact she was already in an abusive relationship; But Delaney didn't regret it yet. She had craved a genuine touch, Mason had been ignoring her; working overnights and late shifts, coming home to pass out and maybe scold her for making dinner too spicy or the bed with the wrong sheets.

Delaney had wanted to be loved again, not thrown from room to room and cursed for her existence. She had wanted it so badly, and one night when Mason's friend came over (as he did every so often to play poker or exchange papers), she lost herself in that sadness. He had always treated her kindly, referring to her as a 'little lady'; he never told Mason off for beating her, or degrading her, or anything. Suddenly when she needed him, he was gone and didn't acknowledge it. Her hands were still burnt, wrapped tightly in their bandaging. Now they had scabbed over, making even carrying the gun stretch the dry skin to near cracking. Wiggling her fingers, just to make sure the feeling in them wouldn't fade, she knew that it had been a close call. Mason had been in hysterics; she'd never once feared for her very life when he got mad at her until that morning. Not breaking her soldier-mode, Delaney kept at Brad's heels like a loyal dog and trotted behind his every step.



It took Levi a maximum of five seconds to see through what Tina was doing, but he didn't mention it; a lot of people ended up wary of him, on the sheer fact he was so eccentric and abrasive. He adjusted his glasses, pushing them up to the top of his nose, and kept looking forward. Levi clearly didn't see a point in talking to them, evidently not interested in the awkward comments from Nick; who first mentioned the hoard, as if to explain himself and possibly figure out why Levi was driving so fast. He got no more than a low 'hm..' and when he brought up Wellington, and how it was meant to be some new world utopia, all he got was a blink. Nick was spitballing conversation topics, and he only got quiet once Tina shot him a look. He knew what Levi was doing, but he was trying to pry through it; and Levi was smarter than that. With a defeated sigh, Nick looked out the window; the time it took for him to bring up all those topics had been extensive because he had to speak so slowly. "So where are we going?" Nick asked, like an immature child who couldn't stop asking 'are we there yet?'

Levi didn't seem to react, just breathing a little harsher than before; unclear between agitation and impatience. "I'm taking you two back to one of the hideouts I made." That was so very vague, and from looking in the mirror, he could see Nick's expression pull into one of immediate concern. "It's North... You can head to 'Wellington' from there, if you so please." Levi added, looking in the mirror to see Nick's response to that. By seeing the way he rubbed his hands together and shifted uncomfortably, the older man could see that Nick wasn't even so sure about going there himself. "I'm Levi." He finally added after another prolonged term of utter silence, as Nick and Tina tried to outwit him in the most childish manner possible. Not even a cold shoulder, but trying to cut off their natural personalities to conform to his reserved demeanor. The way Levi saw them, however, was very more perceptive. He could see this twitchy nervous aura from Nick, the underdog, the grenade just waiting to go off in a minefield of problems. As someone already suffering from anxiety, he could almost smell the panic; it was so obvious to him. Then, there was this woman; she was tricky too. But, again, easy enough to configure. She was defensive, not necessarily born that way, but from the way her body closed off so quickly and her eyes switched from each of them; she was waiting for someone to try and eat her. He'd seen enough women with cautious glowers in New York to know she wasn't born that way, she was made that way. It was the independence he saw in his sister, except it came in a fiery rage instead of a cold calculation.

The snow pelted down against the windshield, and Levi didn't seem to be fazed by it as he drove; looking back at Nick every now and then just to make sure he didn't die on them. The last thing he wanted was for Nick to turn while they drove. Even if Nick was someone he could probably take down in a fight, the younger man was around 5 inches bigger than he, with the type of muscles that could only be developed working on a farm. Compared to the city life, Nick stuck out like a sore thumb in Levi's humble opinion. The way he pronounced his words, the more-than-obvious ballcap, the weapons he brought, all the way down to the way his skin held a slight tan. It screamed rural life, although Levi couldn't pinpoint where. When they whizzed by a herd of stray lurkers, he visibly grimaced towards them; disgusting creatures, so full of filth and disease.

(When should they get there?)

Brad took her by the arm and dived them both behind a car that was in the middle of the highway. They had shelter from whatever may have been following; this was an opportune time for them to catch a breather and think out their next plan of action. He shot his eyes around the environment, his rifle at the ready by his chest.

"Okay..." He gasped. ".. This needs to be well thought out, but it's simple." He whispered, pointing off towards another car that was maybe ten or fifteen feet away from them. "On the count of three, I want you to make a run for behind that car - I have the ranged weapon here, so if any of them give chase to you I can take the heat off our tails. You think you can do that?" He asked her, taking a deep breath of the cold air. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Delaney nodded vigorously, getting ready. They slowly counted; 1,....2,....3!- She bolted, keeping herself low to the ground; rifle poised to shoot like she were in a genuine warzone. Again, thank the lord Mason wanted his woman to know how to shoot well. It helped that she'd already had her granddaddy take her hunting a few times, but on account of her gentle nature she never liked shooting anything more than targets in the range; come Mason, she went out hunting with him all the time. He made her as good as she was, even if she never actually killed much before this outbreak- She hit her targets like they were all just targets at the shooting range. It's how she was able to cope with blowing off heads like it was nobody's business. Delaney made it, and as she crouched behind the car; she motioned for him to follow her.

(Delaney took the shotgun, for the record. If you remember, when they left the gas station Brad gave her that)

As soon as she began running he jumped up from cover and looked down the sight of his rifle as several of the savages began sprinting towards her; he shot down all of them within ten seconds before they managed to get close, either hitting them in the chest or in the head. He kept calm, a slight bit of breath held in as he pulled the trigger and cocked the bolt over and over again until they all dropped. Before he walked over to Delaney he went and checked the bodies - he found one that had a hand-crafted Damascus steel Bowie Knife - it had a different shape than most knives like this one. It had a wooden handle that was polished but also blood-stained. While he was busy inspecting it, another one of them jumped from the grass and ran at him with his knife out - Brad saw him in no time. He dropped to the ground after a rifle bullet was lodged in his stomach - before he had a chance to attack Brad again he ran up and sliced his throat, sending him to the ground. He wiped the blood from it on the snow and tucked the knife into his belt, followed by going to Delaney.

".. You good? We nabbed the fuckers good. Good work." He praised, smiling at her. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
(woopsie poopsie sorry it's been a long day. My replies are gonna get really weird after Tuesday, I'm going to be working until 9 in addition to school every day. Oh I have some pretty cool ideas if anyone wants to message me that would connect Nick/Levi/Tina to more characters, I've been really awkwardly trying to hint at it... Ok obnoxiously...)

Delaney laughed, her heart racing; but her laugh a melodic little jitter of birdlike notes. She had tried to stifle it, but she was so relieved they had been able to get them now that the blizzard had calmed the slightest. Then the morbidity of their surroundings set in, she didn't heave or puke; just stared, and then kept walking. She moved efficiently too, keeping by Brad; ready to fight if she needed to.

He placed a hand on her shoulder as they walked along, smiling while looking around the surrounding area. ".. You know, if you try and ignore the bodies and the savages... The snow in this place is really nice, isn't it? It just fits in with the countryside." He said, shrugging. "I think so, at least." He chuckled under his breath, his rifle held at one side. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Cece put the small bmw into drive as they finally managed to hot wire a car with gas. Hunter sat in the back seat, while unwrapping her ankle to look at the damage and growls in annoyance for getting hurt in the first place and then losing Riley, she shook her head at the thought of her twin, just hoping she would be alright as Cece continues to drive to their destination, Woodruff. Once they got to the outskirts they stopped the car and got out so they wouldn't attract any unwanted attention as they slowly made there way into town. (@DrTrollinski)
".. Can you hear that...?" Carl muttered under his breath, hugging Eric while still sitting on his lap. Alex had rejoined them and finished his breakfast; he looked up at Carl and sighed.

"Hear what, buddy?"

".. A car..." He said, yawning. Eric looked at Alex and sighed, Alex stood up and walked to the front door, slowly creaking it open with his rifle at the ready. (@Soul OMU)
Cece puts an arm around Hunter as she helps her walk slowly. Hunter limping slightly and cursing everytime she puts weight on her foot. "I only...*huff* hope Ril...*huff*maybe it here..." She said while leaning against her. Cece nodded lightly while looking around for threats, her rifle at her side. (@DrTrollinski)
When Alex saw the rifle he slowly sneaked out onto the front lawn after closing the door over. He ducked down by the small hedge and stuck his rifle over the top, looking down the scope at the two - the rifle had a light green camo skin, so it blended in quite well. (@Soul OMU)
Alex slowly lowered himself into a prone position, completely out of sight as he stuck his rifle through the shrub to watch them both. He shivered in the cold but stayed quiet. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter let Cece sit her down and winced slightly. "I really wish Riley had came back and made me a brace for my ankle... I swear it keeps getting worse..." She said and hissed as she put some snow against it. Cece carefully looking around, eyes narrowed. (@DrTrollinski)
Alex slowly began to make his way along the front yards of the houses, keeping a close eye on the two while staying ducked behind hedges and fences. He continued going along the front yards until he had a view of their backs; he slowly climbed out of cover and ducked down behind a car that was parked on the edge of the sidewalk. (@Soul OMU)
Alex quickly rose up a little from the car and placed the rifle on the trunk, looking down the scope at the two of them - he just wanted a flank so he wasn't in danger. He felt the adrenaline coursing through his veins and he gave the slightest of shudders. He gripped the rifle tightly and shouted off at them.

"Both of you, don't move! Keep your hands where I can see 'em or I will shoot!" He yelled out to them. (@Soul OMU)
"This ain't a robbery or anything like that, alright?! Just a precaution! Put your guns on the ground and step away from them!" He yelled, revealing a little more of himself from behind the car. (@Soul OMU)
After a while she let out a sigh.

"I'm Tina...thanks for not being an ass and leaving us there..." which ended with a shrug.

She now crossed her arms which showed more emotion than the previous moments. Who was this 'Levi'? It's clear to her that he was definitely not your average survivor. This guy was clever. He didn't look like a wimp either, probably did some fighting back in the day. She didn't try to hide her eyes when examining him, let him know what to expect. Let him get tricked by her 'foolish' attitude. She was determined to get to know this interesting individual. Tina knew it would be difficult,but when did that ever stop her?

Nick, unlike Tina, was too preoccupied with the prospect of finding West and keeping his breathing level; trying not to freak out at the fact his breathing grew more and more labored. He eventually figured it would be smartest to stay quiet, hating that he saw just the smallest corner of Levi's lips turn up. Gazing out the window, he realized he'd grown accustomed to how fast they were driving; it didn't seem that way with how calmly and easily he manuevered the car. The towel beneath him was spotted with blood, which he expected to be from his leg; but he didn't know how many abrasions he could've gotten being slammed around in the car. It was hard to focus, his mind fogging up and his vision hazing around the edges. He couldn't tell if Tina was okay, the crash had happened so fast; but he assumed she was trying her best to cover up whatever happened to her.

(I'm going to wait for @DryPunishment


Delaney was quiet, her heart aflutter and her mind wild. She began to blend into Brad's shadow, keeping a close eye out as they trudged onward. She had this very strange sense of energy, the adrenaline still pumping in her veins as strongly as when she'd left home. There was something so sinfully freeing to be out like this, she was killing men- No, monsters. This strange man was someone she would never bat an eye to, she would've avoided him at all costs. It wasn't that she enjoyed it, it was that it was so painstakingly new that she wasn't sure how to feel with the new rush of life.

(It's meh sorry :P )
He slowly walks away from behind the car and approaches them both, picking up the guns from the ground and holding them at his side; he slung his own over his shoulder and pulled out the Colt M1911 from his holster, keeping it up. "Who are you?" He asked them both, taking several steps back. (@Soul OMU)
Cece supporting Hunter up, watching him slightly. "Cece. This is Hunter. We were from North Dakota till we started heading this way and lost one of our own on the way... She disappeared while searching for supplies but we found no body or Walker of her..."
".. Was she on-foot or in a car?" He asked, taking a slow and steady deep breath as the cold breeze hit him again. (@Soul OMU)
Cece puts Hunter down carefully. "When we went to see what was taking so long we found her stuff and another set of foot prints,

Boots... And car tracks."

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