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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

He sighed as he rubbed his forehead and looked around. ".. If you honestly want us to go out there, we'll go and look, but you stay here and rest." He said, nodding at Hunter. (@Soul OMU)
Levi looked to her, simply unamused by her comment once they got inside. Immediately, he grabbed a medical kit and motioned for Nick to come over. Feeling much like a dog, coming to this guy with just a gesture, he approached. He didn't exactly want to take his shirt off, even if it wasn't that cold inside, and the fact he needed to be checked. Hopping onto one of the office desks in a side room, he waited for Levi to react when he took off his thick jacket. The medical kit was splayed open, ready to go, and Levi handed Nick two mysterious pills. "What is this?" Nick breathed, his voice holding little support anymore. The older man raised an eyebrow, waiting to tell him until after he'd taken them dry. "Anti-anxiety medication, I had a feeling it would benefit you more than me." For someone like Nick, this was something he'd remember; he had deciphered something Tina had not, the man had drugs that were either prescribed or not. Maybe that was how he was so calm, but that also meant he was seemingly able to see right through Nick's exterior.

Hoping Tina didn't come around the corner, Nick took off the rest of his layers; revealing his bare chest. Shivering slightly, he tried to not react while Levi poked and prodded at his tender ribs. While he was horrified by the black and blue skin, Levi looked relieved; murmuring "You're lucky you didn't puncture anything. You need to try and breathe fully though, let your lungs expand. They don't need to be wrapped, it's just going to be a bitch to heal." He patted Nick on the shoulder, looking at him in the eyes; ignoring the other's body now. Nick hastily, or as hastily as he could, pulled on his clothes; to hide his lightly tanned chest, which was muscular but not in the way people liked muscles to be. He had muscles from helping out around the farm his whole life, not bulky and hidden under a layer of fat; his chest was feathered with black hairs and his stomach wasn't exactly super-model status. He wasn't ugly, just not what most people really wanted to see; he was just a guy, but compared to Levi he was sure he wasn't any prize bull. But, that wasn't what bothered him; it was the scars that licked across his skin, the fact his ribs were becoming visible, and a farmer's tan fading.

That was painless enough, however, and reassuring in an odd sense; that even though it might be significantly challenging, it wasn't going to kill him directly. As for his leg? Levi was observing it, through the tears in his pants; his brows furrowing as he adjusted his glasses. "I can do it on my own... I just need to clean it and bandage it again, right?" Nick asked, his breathing shallow. Levi knew that the man wasn't comfortable with this, and wondered if he was closer with Tina. The two hadn't shown much concern for each other since the first moment of the crash. "If it needs stitches, I can do it." Levi gave him the right to leave, pointing out where the bathroom was. Inside the bathroom was a pitiful setup, toilet, sink, and then a clean large-paint bucket with what looked like a washcloth at the bottom. Despite the idea of a shower being so tempting, that was probably the most time-consuming and uncomfortable way to do it; not to mention, inefficient. He wondered if Levi had used it; probably only to wash his face. The young man pulled his coat a little closer, walking to where Tina was; she seemed a tad disturbed, he prayed she hadn't seen something.
Hunter blinks slightly as she watches him before sighing a bit. "Fine... I'll stay here, but Cece has to go with you." She said while sitting back down. Cece watching them both, raises a brow slightly. (@DrTrollinski)
".. That's what I was implying. I'll get Eric and the three of us can go out for a while." He said, a gentle smile on his face. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter sighs softly. "Alright... Good luck... Stay safe." She said while closing her eyes and rubs her swollen ankle. Cece gets up slightly and stretches. "This is going to be interesting.. I'm ready whenever." (@DrTrollinski)
As she felt Nick's presence in the room she said

"Hey, Nick. I thought I piled boards and nails ,but this dude...damn"

She was looking around with mixed feelings. There's no way that little nerdy guy did it all by himself. That simply isn't possible. He must have found the place. On the other side she knew this place was safe. She wondered if the horde from earlier would hit this place too, slowly remembering that the walkers came from this general direction.

Tina turned to Nick

"You okay? What'd he do to you,hmm? Does he really have supplies like he said?"

One of the things she has yet to fully keep under control was her excitement only holding it in when she,saw Levi pass by.

She wasn't sure wether or not he saw her,but after a while she stopped caring.

"You should get some rest. There should be a blanket under the coffee table." He said to Hunter, followed by turning to Cece. "It's only early, but the snow's calmed down so I recommend that we get out now." He said to them. (@Soul OMU)
"You make bowstrings out of 'em. You dry them out, do some other things, and you got yourself wnother bowstring." he said to the man. Guess he was beginning his teaching role early.

(@DrTrollinski, I'm done for now, enjoy your day.)
Nick looked around and nodded, pretty impressed by it too. "He probably killed the people he was with before." It was a joke, but he couldn't help but question who was in the photos he found. Walking up to her, to get comfortable, he found himself attaching more to her than Levi; she was easier to talk with, but seemed to hold back when Levi sauntered by, with what seemed to be a spray bottle and disinfectant wipes. Nick's brows furrowed, wondering if Tina saw that odd display too.

Once Levi passed by, going to the other side of the building to clean; he must trust them enough to know they won't try anything. Then again, they had no reason to; Levi was the most valuable resource they'd stumbled upon yet. He probably knew more hideouts than the two of them combined, and had a better grasp on himself than either of them. Stumbling on his words, Nick said quietly "Well he did do one odd thing.." For some reason, whenever Nick had to talk about his mental health he always got caught up; like he hit some sort of barrier where he couldn't bring himself to say he was diagnosed with depression pre-dating the apocalypse. Then Nick shrugged, immediately choosing not to mention either the pills or his problems. "I found some photos of his family in the car... It was hard to tell who was who. I think he was engaged, though."

"You think his family...you know. And his fiancee? We're the only people here for all I know. Or do you think she's dead too?"

She undressed her hoodie, revealing the sweater under it, apart from the minor cuts on the left arm it was still wearable, but she left it on a desk and began searching it.

"He's not talkative,is he? You'd think he would've given us the rules so far..."

"Hold up. Don't get ahead of yourself." He said to Cece, he put his coat on and some gloves and then went out to the kitchen.

"Guys, we're going out. Eric, I want you to come with us. We're looking for someone." He said, Carl jumped up from Eric's lap and ran to Alex, looking up at him hopefully.

"I wanna' come too!" He said, grinning. Alex shook his head and he instantly burst out into tears. "Please let me come! I wanna' be with you and Eric!" He sobbed weakly, Alex grunted and rolled his eyes.

"Fine." He said, Carl wiped his eyes and went off to get his coat and shoes on. (@Soul OMU)
"You boys make sure you come home early allright?"

Matty just stood there trying to think of a way to let Cait eat the cereal.

(@DrTrollinski I'm sorry for being a dick and not replying to this end of the RP :( )
"We'll be back before lunchtime, don't worry." Alex said, Carl sniffled and continued to sob after getting all of his winter clothes on; he walked to Alex's side and wiped his eyes, his head bowed. Alex sighed and placed a hand down on his head with a soft sigh and crouched in front of him. "Don't be upset, little guy... It's okay. It'll be an adventure, eh?" He said, Carl nodded and hugged him, only to be picked up and carried out of the door. "Let's go..." Alex said to Cece. (@Soul OMU, @DryPunishment (It's fine, man.))
Cece nodded and opened the door, quickly heading out, keeping an eye out for any walkers. "We passed a small shack on the way here... It's just a bit North of here." She said while taking out her silenced pistol. (@DrTrollinski)
"We aren't going on foot." He said as he walked to the garage of the house and slowly lifted up the door. There was a Range Rover inside; he lead them over, got Carl strapped into the back, and then got into the driver's seat. Eric got into the back with Carl. (@Soul OMU)
".. Who are you...?" Carl asked in a squeak as he leaned over to cling onto Eric in slight fear. Alex began driving away from the house. (@Soul OMU)
Nick nodded, then he ran through his thoughts out loud for Tina's input. "Well... Maybe they got separated, y'know? He could be looking for her." The tone he projected with that was rather sad, however, and his expression was forlorn; as though he weren't speaking about Levi. It seemed far too personal, and he almost sounded hopeful. Then, it died down quickly, he shrugged off the fleck of emotion that came into his voice. "You could always just ask him." Nick tried to cover up the uncomfortable situation, jumping over the real problems once again. He shed his top layer, his coat lying beside him now as he sat with her.

Levi was cleaning, just as they had assumed, he could hear little bits of their conversation. Had this happened a few days ago, he'd be crying again; but he had shut off that, muted himself down and switched into survival mode. He'd always been very keen on self-preservation, but now things seemed so much more dire. As for Nick? He noted that the younger hadn't mentioned the pills, but instead the photographs. He could see Tina was able to handle herself, Nick, on the other hand was someone he would prefer to have subdued on his first night here. It was safe, no doubt, but it was frightening. He had found that even though the lurkers could get right up to the fence, and even look in through a few stray cracks in the boarding; they weren't able to do any harm. He wasn't sure they really could, they were all so weakened and deteriorated; as though they'd all starved to death. To someone like Nick, it wasn't something he would be able to perceive as safe. Levi had learned that this place was safe, but he also learned why no one stayed there; it was reinforced to the extent that even people who tried to get in couldn't. But walkers could get close, even if they didn't know their prey were inside, they still hooked their fingers against the side of the building; leaning and scratching until they found they could just walk around to go back into the forest.

"Ask him? Sure..."

Her sarcasm was still intact,after all she needed some sense of humor to not go insane.

After some more searching she came to the conclusion the desks were empty.

"But they couldn't have been separated, I mean he seems very able to defend not only himself. Look at this place,he's either very skilled or very lucky. You think he can hear us?"

"I bet he'd be a fine addition to Wellington" she murmured quietly so only Nick would hear it.

Tina sighed and took a seat on a desk beside Nick


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