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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

He walked over to the locker and opened it up, looking around inside. He sighed. There was nothing; he went over to another area where there was some shelving; he managed to salvage a dusty old blanket; he shook it fiercely to remove the dust and then tossed it over to Cece and Riley. "That's the best we've got here." He said, sighing. (@Soul OMU)
He lead them back outside and over to the car where Eric and Carl were waiting; Carl was still asleep. For now. And Eric scanned over Riley in shock, but tried to cloak that as much as he could - he saw how beaten up she was, and he figured out what happened almost instantly. He said nothing and didn't even bat an eye while they approached the car.

"There's only room for one of you in the back with the two guys. Who's it going to be?" Alex asked them quietly while holding the back door open, looking over the both of them. (@Soul OMU)
Riley shrugs slightly while shivering. "I-I don't mind... Plus I-i think it would be warmer for me back there..." She said as Cece held her and glanced at Alex.
"Okay, that's fine... That's Eric..." He said, nodding at the older boy in the back of the car; Eric raised one hand away from his side and waved at her, forcing a brief smile. Despite what had happened to Riley, he still didn't seem like the sort of person to trust someone straight away. "And that there's Carl." He whispered, nodding down at the sleeping little boy leaned up against Eric and wrapped up in two coats - one of which was Cece's - he was fast asleep, but had squirmed and shuffled a little when the cold air hit him from the door being open. Once Riley got in the back, Carl would be between her and Eric. "Let's get out of here." He said once everyone had gotten in; he started the Range Rover's engine and pulled away from the side of the road, slowly driving off once again. "On the way back we'll make a stop by a clothes store... We can all grab some stuff." He added. (@Soul OMU)
Riley nodded slightly as she sat in the back beside Carl, she turned to look out the window. "Sounds like a good idea..." She said as she shook her head. Cece currently sitting in the front, thinking deeply and seems to have a dark look on her face. (@DrTrollinski)
Carl slowly awoke after Riley got into the car next to him; he looked up at her with tired eyes in utter fear and inched as close as he could to Eric. (@Soul OMU - I thought I replied... I'm sorry.)
(It's okay.)

Riley shivering slightly while leaning against the door, looking outside, has the same face as Hunter obviously but her hair is different. Cece glances back. "How you faring Riley?" She asked while looking at her. (@DrTrollinski)
".. Alex..." Carl whimpered.

"Yeah, buddy?" He called back, still driving slow. Carl looked nervous for a moment and then sighed as he flexed himself upwards and whispered something into Eric's ear. Eric sighed in disbelief and then looked to the front at Alex. "Is everything alright back there?" Alex asked.

"He needs to pee." Eric said bluntly, Carl instantly went red.

"Erii-iic..." Carl whined in embarrassment as he buried his face in Eric's side, whom of which only laughed. Alex continued driving onwards for a few minutes until they were at an area surrounded by shrubbery and trees.

"Take him here, Eric." Alex said as he pulled the car over and looked into the back; Eric slowly shook his head and leaned back in his chair.

"Already done it once today. Your turn." He said, Alex grunted and stepped out of the car followed by walking around to the back, opening the door and helping Carl out.

"Back in a minute, everyone." He said, he then lead Carl off past the side of the road and down a small hill until they were completely out of sight. Eric shivered and slammed the door shut before glancing between the two; he ran his eyes over Riley a few times and sighed, awkwardly remaining silent as he was unsure of what to say to either of them.

"So... I don't think we've properly met... I'm Eric." He said with a sigh. (@Soul OMU)
Nick sensed the awkwardness that came over both of them, he knew she didn't intend to tell him that; he wasn't that stupid. Taking his hat off to muss his dark hair, he pulled a slight face. "None that I could really find now... My ma's dead." He sounded a bit choked when he said that, grimacing at whatever memory it was, before sighing and continuing. "Whoever the hell my dad was bailed on her when I was a baby, I never really got to know him except for the times he'd come to get her back." Shaking his head slightly, yanking his cap back on, he continued with "I was basically raised by my grandfather, and man was he a dick." The guilt from even thinking to say that out loud about his grandpa made him feel slightly sick, but this strange euphoric sensation came over him right when his heart started to pulsate. It must be the meds, Nick thought to himself, they really work... But why did he give me them?

Just as fate would have it, there was an unholy scraping of nails against the boards; a walker running its rotting hands down the side of the building; making the awful sounds of blunt fingers being withered away against the wood. Nick nearly froze, but the haze got stronger and he shook his head in utter confusion. His thoughts were fuzzy, as if it just wasn't registering in his body to tremble or panic; he could only wonder what it was and try to clear his head about everything. He was calm. It was bizarre, he still knew that there was something wrong over there- But he felt like he could analyze the situation in real-time, if not a little slower than before. He noticed that the scraping went horizontally, the thing was finding its way around to go back into the forest. Looking back to her, he added (unsure if she even noticed the sounds in the way he did), "I need to get to Wellington because the closest thing to my family is there... Or.. Going there."

Riley glances at him slightly. "Riley... That's Cece." She said while nodding to the older blonde haired woman in the front who gave a slight nod. "Hi." She said briefly while keeping an eye out for danger. (@DrTrollinski)
".. Nice... I play guitar at a professional level. I've been playing it since I was seven or eight, and I put a lot of time into it, so... I guess you could say I developed with it at a pretty fast level." He smiled and shrugged. "What about you, Cece?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
".. Singing?" He chuckled for a moment. "I do a bit of singing myself, only when I play guitar though - I don't know if you heard before, but I play the guitar at pretty much a professional level. My singing is... I don't know, intermediate, I guess... I sing a bit of everything. Owen Campbell, Jamie Lidell, Johnny Cash, John Denver, Stone Sour - There isn't really much I can't cover. What about you?" He asked, leaning back in his chair and hugging himself due to the cold. (@Soul OMU)
"Ah... Shame... There's songs I've always wanted to cover, but they've always been a male-female duo." He shrugged and then wrapped the coat around him for a moment. "Thanks." He said, looking around and out of the window beside his seat. "Jesus Christ... I swear, Carl's going to end up getting us killed with stuff like this - he's been like this even before all this shit started. Long road-trips always started with everyone asking him if he needed to go the bathroom before we left - He said no, and then look what happened thirty minutes later, we're stuck on a highway in traffic and there's nowhere close where we can stop." He sighed and placed his head back against the chair. (@Soul OMU)
"I wouldn't think so." he said to the group. He then began to actually wonder what else ge may need. "I may need some needles, and thread. If I got some good stuff to work with, I'm going to make that raccoon into a hat." Conner finally said after much thought and gestured to the raccoon skin.
Alex and Carl soon came back; Carl had put his gloves back on and was now holding Alex's hand; Alex helped him into the back and he scrambled over to Eric's side to hug him again. Eric sighed and moved one half of Cece's coat around him and then hugged him.

"Better, bro?" He muttered to him, Carl gave a faint smile and nodded.

"Better." He said, Alex got into the driver's seat. Alex began driving again.

"Everyone alright?" He asked. (@Soul OMU


The man nodded to him and then walked out of his apartment; another ten minutes later he returned with a small box; he handed it to Conner. The box contained a wheel of thread and several needles. (@Beowulf)

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