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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

".. What happened to her...? Who is she?" Carl whispered to Eric; Eric sighed and lifted him onto his lap so they could talk more quietly. He wrapped the coat around him again and hugged him.

"That's Riley..." He whispered. ".. Something very bad happened to her, but we'll talk about that later, okay? Don't say anything to her." He said, Carl thought for a moment but then nodded at him, putting his arms around him and resting his head against his upper chest.

".. Can you sing a song when we get home?" He asked, Eric chuckled under his breath and nodded, patting Carl's head.

"Sure." He replied, Alex continued driving onwards but went to the opposite end of town to where the house was. Carl hadn't fallen asleep but instead beamed out of the window to scan the streets and the environment. If there was one thing Carl loved about the winter, it was how pretty everything became once the snow had covered it. Alex pulled up outside the clothes store and shut the engine off.

"Here we are... We'll get whatever we can and then we'll head out." He said, he hopped out of the car and then went over to help Eric and Carl out as well. (@Soul OMU)
Cece nodded and got out and quickly started looking around for things for Riley and Hunter rather then her self, keeping a look out for walkers or anything else that might pose a threat. Riley sleeping still in the car, curls up tighter. (@DrTrollinski)
He lead them all inside - it was a big store with two floors. He looked around and a light smile came to his face. Carl pulled away from Eric and also looked around the big department store, dumbfounded by how all of the stuff was Christmas-themed. How had he never been here before? This place looked amazing!

"Eric... You want to stick with Carl and look around? Me and Cece could grab the stuff we and Riley need." He said, Eric nodded and took Carl by the hand.

"Come on, buddy." He said, Carl looked up at him with trust and squeezed his hand. Eric lead him off towards the children's section of clothing and other stuff, leaving Cece and Alex alone.

"Right. What's up first?" Alex asked her. (@Soul OMU)
Cece gives him a look. "Clothes obviously... And probably some underwear...I'll get that while you grab her some clothes. She usually wears dark or neutral colors." She said as she headed off to the ladies section. (@DrTrollinski)
"Yep." He nodded and then walked off to get some clothes for himself, Cece, and Riley. Meanwhile, Eric was with Carl and helping him try on some of the clothes there - Carl picked out some boots with laces and slipped them onto his feet - they were the right size, just about. He looked up at Eric whilst sitting on the floor and grinned.

"What's the point, Carl...? You don't know how to tie laces." He sighed.

"I don't care. I like 'em! You should get some, too! Can you help me tie 'em, Eric?" He asked, Eric sighed and crouched down in front of him, quickly tying up the laces on his boots. Carl looked at them and giggled for a moment, nodding. "Thanks! What about those!" He said as he pointed at the coats that were hung up. (@Soul OMU)
"Hey..." He said to her, holding a large bag stuffed full of clothes in his right hand. "Got everything you need?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
"We'll wait here for those two. Carl's going to be keeping Eric occupied." He leaned onto the counter where the cashier would usually work. "How old are you, anyway?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
"I see. What about Riley and Hunter?" He asked, rubbing his hands together to warm them up.


"I like this one!" Carl said in joy as he pulled a brown leather coat that was just his size from one of the hangers. The inside was lined with fur and it was specifically designed for the winter. He slipped it on and zipped it up, smiling and giggling as he did so. Eric rolled his eyes - he'd also found some boots like Carl's that were the same size, but he'd chosen a coat similar to his but in black instead.

"You ready to get back yet?" He asked, Carl shook his head and dragged him over to where they kept the hats, glasses, and gloves and began to browse. (@Soul OMU)
"Oh... I'm seventeen as well." He said, looking around. "Eric's fourteen, Carl's five. You got any younger brothers or sisters?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
".. Not much different to my brothers then..." He sighed again. ".. I imagine Carl getting hurt... He's just so... It's almost like this didn't affect him, you know?" He sighed. (@Soul OMU)
"Yeah. I suppose so." He smiled faintly at her. ".. We really should find somewhere else to stay. The house is getting crowded." He said, shrugging.


"These!" He yelled, ripping the thick leather gloves from his hands and shoving them on. He grinned wildly at Eric and gripped him by the hand, dragging him over to the place where the jewellery was kept - he tried to lift the glass but it didn't work. He looked up at Eric, hopefully, who stepped forward and looked around - he grabbed a small ornament and smashed the glass away. Carl stood on the tips of his toes and looked inside. (@Soul OMU)
"Yeah, let's go." He said, he began leading her across the store to look around for Alex and Carl.


Carl reached into the cabinet after looking around for a moment and pulled out three thin silver chains.


"We gotta' use these!" He said with joy, Eric raised an eyebrow and took one.

"What for?" He asked.

"Me and you and Alex! 'Cause we're brothers, so we can all be the same!" He jumped on the spot; Eric rolled his eyes but smiled at the thought of it. He clipped the chain on and then crouched in front of Carl to help him put his own one on as well - Carl looked at it and giggled in excitement while he leaned forward and tightly hugged Eric. ".. I love you, Eric." He muttered, his head on his shoulder and his eyes closed. Eric chuckled under his breath and hugged him back, rubbing his back with one arm.

"Love you too, bro." He whispered. (@Soul OMU)
".. What do you mean? In the store or in general?" He asked.


"This way, too!" He yelled and pulled Eric down the isle to where they kept the hats; he picked up a black knit beanie and slipped it on over his head, smiling. "This one's nice and warm." He said, Eric scratched the back of his head and laughed at him.

"It looks it... Is that everything you want to grab?"

"No!" He chirped, he grabbed his hand again and then lead her over to the glasses stand - Eric grabbed a hat of his own before he was dragged off. Carl spun the glass stand around and scanned over the sunglasses. (@Soul OMU)

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