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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

".. I don't know... What, you think we're not alone in here, or something?" Alex asked.


"These ones!" He snatched a small pair of black aviators from the stand and placed them over his eyes, grinning as he did so. "Do I look cool now?!" He asked, linking his hands in front of him and hopping on the spot.

"You bet, buddy... We should go and find Alex and Cece, okay? That everything?" He asked, Carl looked around and then shook his head, taking Eric's hand and dragging him off to the other end of the store where there were some toys kept. Eric sighed. (@Soul OMU)
"Maybe someone else cleared the place out?" He said, looking around in slight anxiousness.


"These. I wanna' take these." Carl said as he picked up two boxed up wrestling figures; Eric sighed and nodded as he began to tear them open.

(I thought I'd replied... I'm so sorry. @Soul OMU)
".. That's true. No bodies or anything..." He scratched the back of his head and looked around more nervously now. He started speeding up a little more. "We really need to get to Carl and Eric. I can't see them anywhere." He panicked, glancing around quickly a couple of times. (Do you have something planned, by the way? @Soul OMU)
(I might... Especially since it seems like no one has really been attacked by walkers... I might have something... Like a marionette master sort of zed...)

Cece puts a hand on his shoulder. "They should be fine... You would hear and smell a walker before it has a chance to strike..." She said as she walked with him. "I still don't like that we left Riley in the car alone..."
".. Shit, yeah... We'll get them quick." He said, nodding and slowing down a little bit.


Carl held both of the action figures in his hands and then smiled up at Eric, he hugged his legs and took a deep breath.

".. Eric...?" He whimpered, Eric crouched down to look him in the eye.

"Yeah, buddy?"

".. Uhm... Do you think we're gonna' be safe?" He asked, Eric gently squeezed one of his shoulders and gave a half-smile.

"Why wouldn't we be, bro? You're a tough guy. You can keep us safe." He gently nudged Carl's shoulder playfully and got a second of a smile in return. Carl hesitated but then spoke.

".. I'm gonna' try, but I'm only little... I ain't tall and strong like you and Alex..." He said, Eric rolled his eyes and shook his head, pulling him into a full hug.

"You'll be fine, bro. Don't give up." Eric muttered, placing his head on Carl's shoulder. (That's fine :) @Soul OMU)
Cece walking with him, heads towards where the two boys went. "We have to remain smart and on guard.." She said softly while looking at him.

Riley slowly wakes and yawns a bit before looking around confusedly. (@DrTrollinski)
"Yeah, that's right." They turned the corner to see Eric and Carl hugging; Alex sighed in relief and then lowered his rifle down to his side. "Everything okay, guys?" He asked. Eric pulled away from Carl and patted him on the head, grasping his hand as he rose back up to his feet. He nodded at Alex.

"Yeah, we're good. You guys ready to go?" He asked.

"Yep. We just came to get you." He tilted his head backwards and nodded at Cece, followed by walking off across the store again. (@Soul OMU)
Cece starts walking with them. "Let's just get back.." She said softly while starting to head towards the exit before stopping. "Wait..." A woman stood near the door, shaking slightly and moving towards them slowly. "H-help..." Cece stops slightly and narrows her eyes. "...don't come any closer." She said while watching her closely. (@DrTrollinski)
Carl slowly moved behind Eric and hugged both of his legs, the action figures tucked into the pockets of his coat. He peeked around the side of Eric's leg and watched the woman in fear - Alex slowly raised the rifle to aim at her and force her to keep her distance. (@Soul OMU)
Cece narrows her eyes and notices something off. "Boys back up... That woman ain't alive..." She said while stepping back slightly. The woman gave a slightly growl as her body was suddenly ripped in half by nails the true creature appeared where the woman stood and seemed to have been attached to her from behind, using her as bait. The creature gave a road and started racing at them since it no longer needed it's fake disguise. Cece's eyes widened a bit. "RUN!" She snapped at them as she started shooting at the thing with her rifle. (@DrTrollinski)
Alex fired a shot off towards it's face but probably only skimmed it. Carl screamed in pure terror. Eric swept him off of the ground and then did the worse thing you could possibly do when being chased - Run upstairs. He ran upstairs to the department building to hopefully find a place to hide - he ran over to the far side and ducked down beside a solid wood table that held clothes. They were out of sight. He covered Carl's mouth with his hand.

"Be. Quiet." He whispered. "It's okay. Just hug me, we'll be fine." He whimpered, hugging Carl tightly.

Alex dived over the counter where the cash register was when the creature began to get closer. (@Soul OMU)
Cece dive rolls out of the way and keeps shooting. "Come at me you creep!" She snapped at it to distract it from going after the younger boys. The creature roared and ran at her, snarling slightly as it gained on. Cece narrows her eyes and takes out her machete and waits, she winced slightly as its nails dug into her flesh as she stabbed the machete through its jaw and through the top of it's head, the creature gave a last roar as it shuddered and collapsed, blood oozing out along with it's saliva, Cece huffed slightly and grunted as she knelt down on her knee, the wounds being quite deep. (@DrTrollinski)
Alex ran over to her and looked upon her, his hands instantly being applied to the back of his head. "Oh shit... Are you... Are you like infected now, or something?!" He yelled in panic, looking down at the dead creature in shock.


"I'm scared... I'm scared..." Carl sobbed loudly. Eric was just glad it was all over; he began gently rocking Carl from side to side and then began quietly singing 'Country Roads' by John Denver. He'd sung this to Carl before, and Carl loved it when Eric sung peaceful songs like this to him.



(Going to bed. I'll reply to your post when I get up. Goodnight! @Soul OMU)
Cece coughs up blood. "I'm sure it's a bite that changes one... Not being impaled by nails..." She said and winced. "But I think it's safe to say I should stay here... In case I am... Watch over them..." She said calmly and winced. (@DrTrollinski, night bae.)
"No, no, no... Ain't you ever seen the movies? A bite, scratch - whatever. They all turn and all that shit." He looked around in panic and took a couple of deep breaths. "That thing... That thing was covered in blood. If it ain't the nails that'll do it, it'll be all of that." He said, shaking his head again and looking around with his rifle. ".. Jesus Christ..." He muttered. ".. I'll take care of 'em, I promise..." He choked. (@Soul OMU)
Tina was getting bored again. It's hard to keep her attention on one point if stimulation is scarce...She kept looking at Levi who was going back and forth with some tools and materials.

"I'm gonna go and see what he's planning."

She got up from the desk and followed waited for Levi to pass through as she stood behind the wall out of his sight. Surprisingly this time Levi did not notice her absence.

He simply carried on with his business.

When he was about 6 feet forward she sneaked around until he got to the place he was carrying the equipment too.

Nick looked at her the entire time from the threshold of the room they were in earlier.

Levi went on with Tina behind him and Nick observing worried from afar.

@TheHarlequinnCat (I'm sorry I didn't reply I wasn't home)
Cece gave a small grin before taking her backpack off and handing it too him along with her rifle. "You know them movies weren't real right? But I guess I'll have to wait and see... You have to get going... Since blood draws... The scent of those things..." She said while holding her machete as she noticed the look on his face. "Hey... It vill be okay Alex... Your a strong young man... You've got this far..." (@DrTrollinski)
"Alright... Alright." He sighed and shook his head, looking up at the balcony level that was the second floor. "Guys! Come on, we're going right now!" He called to them. Both Eric and Carl were both shaken up; Eric carried Carl by them both in a jog to run him back to the car. Alex looked back down at her and took the rifle and backpack. ".. Thank you..." He whispered to her, he then turned away and hesitantly walked out of the building to go over to the car.

(It'd be more logical if she was infected by that. It would add a nice twist, too - I'd prefer if you had it that way, seeing as the other undead would infect you bites AND cuts. She going to turn? @Soul OMU)
Cece gave a slightly nod and sighed softly, waiting for them to leaving, holding her machete tightly, planning to kill herself before turning. "Your welcome boys..." she said softly while closing her eyes.

(She might, and it would. @DrTrollinski)
Levi kept his posture straight and his head high, going about to board up excessively at certain points, as well as clean every inch of what he passed by; it all reeked of lemon disinfectant. Strangely enough, most people overlooked taking cleaning supplies and went straight for ammo and food like all the apocalyptic stories would entail; he, however, chose to take things he knew were worth something. He had skipped most unhealthy food, acting like it were any other day at the supermarket; and took all kinds of things, all in these organic local towns that he even paid for if there was still a cashier sitting there scared witless. Unintentionally, he missed Tina running up behind him; but when there was another impatient moan from outside; he went to boarding up another place. When he whirled around, to grab something else, she was standing there in his shadow. His brows lowered and drew together, face pressing into this irritated scowl.

"Could I interest you in anything?" He asked, his tone not quite polite; but not intimidating. He just seemed unimpressed, like always, and annoyed about the interruption. Back in the living room, Nick was wondering why Tina had just left as soon as he actually mentioned real family problems with himself. She must've brushed him off because of her own past. He sat there, watching the walls as they seemed to hold the thinnest barrier between he and the undead. Normally, these thoughts would've sent him into panicking without Luke; but now, he mind fogged when it went into overdrive, keeping him at this leveled curiosity and caution that was controlled and stable. Nick watched as Levi stopped coming back and forth, hearing the softest indication that he was speaking now.

He sighed. He wanted to turn back and shoot her so she didn't have to become one - he couldn't do it. He thought of her dying so that she could see her little sisters again; he found peace in that. He went back to the car and engaged the child-locks so that no one could get out and go running back for her. While he started up the engine he looked in the rear-view mirror at Carl and Eric - Carl was sobbing and shaking, his arms around Eric's body and his face buried in his side. He looked across to Riley and then slowly put the car into motion. (@Soul OMU)
Riley noticed Cece wasn't with them and bit her lip as she curled up tighter. "...S-Something happened... didn't it..." she said softly while shaking slightly. Riley's eyes started to tear up a bit before shaking her head. "At least she'll get out of this place..." she said softly and put on a smile. (@DrTrollinski)
Alex didn't say anything. He took a long deep breath and stared out of the windsceen to keep his eyes focused on the road.

Eric gently placed a hand down on Riley's shoulder, sighing gently while using his free arm to hug Carl. He gave a half smile at her and looked by her to look out at the snowfall. ".. I'm sure things will be fine. At least the rest of us are alright, right?" He said to her; Carl sobbed and climbed over Eric so that he could sit in between Riley and Eric. (@Soul OMU)

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