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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Alex ran back into the car and threw it into four-wheel drive so he could quickly take off. Once he got far enough out he put it back into normal drive and began going slow again. ".. Thank god..." He whispered. "Who are you?" He asked. (@october_rain)
Adelaide leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes momentarily. She sat up straight in surprise as the car gunned forwards, nearly throwing her into the seat ahead. She glanced at the two young boys in the back seat who both seemed unaffected by the sudden motion. Her gaze turned back towards the driver. "My name is Adelaide." She paused and sat back against the seat. "Who are you?" She asked, twisting her hands together in her lap. (@DrTrollinski )
".. I'm Alex... He's Eric, the little one's Carl. Annnnnd... She's Riley." He said, nodding his head backwards towards Riley. A soft smile went across his face. Carl peeked past Eric's side and shyly waved at her. "What happened to you, anyway?" Alex asked. (@october_rain)
A smile tugged at the corners of Adelaide's mouth at the smallest boy named Carl. She raised her hand in a half wave. 'What happened to you, anyway?' The small smile fell and Adelaide pursed her lips. "What happened?" She repeated under her breath, her eyes turning down the her shoes. A series of faces flashed through her mind; followed by images of blood stained carpets and the lifeless body of a four year old boy. She shook her head in an attempt to rid the thoughts and turned her attention to the scenery outside of the car. "Just what happened to everybody else, I guess." She said with a shrug. It wasn't exactly the truth, but it wasn't a lie either. Adelaide chewed on her lip thoughtfully. Maybe she should have told the complete truth. It may be nice to just let everything out, but she hardly knows these people and she doesn't want to relive what happened by sharing the experience, anyways. Yes, for now the truth can remain buried. "What's your story?" She asked finally, her voice cutting through the silence of the car. (@DrTrollinski )
".. Started off in a normal life. Parents died, and here we are. We've got more people and a fair supply of food... Eric and Carl are my brothers, if you couldn't tell already." A gentle but broken smile stayed on his face as he continued to drive slowly onwards towards... Wherever they were planning to go to. ".. I'm seventeen, Eric's fourteen, and little Carl there's five." He added, taking a quiet and gentle deep breath thereafter.

"Hey..." Eric greeted in a somewhat anxious manner. (@october_rain)
Riley looked over. "...I find it odd how she shows up just after we lost Ce..." she said sadly while looking at her slightly before shaking her head and looking away. (@october_rain, @DrTrollinski)
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He frowned. "How exactly is it odd? We lost Cece from a place that's about a twenty-minute walk from here." He stated, one eyebrow raised while he kept his eyes locked on the snow-covered road in front of them. (@Soul OMU)
Adelaide frowned. "I'm so sorry." She said. Her eyes fell upon the two young boys in the backseat. It wasn't fair. 'They're so young, they shouldn't be having to deal with the loss of both parents.' She thought miserably. Her gaze slipped to the front seat at Alex. 'Nobody should.' Her apology suddenly seemed so weak. She wished she could find something else to say, something to make anything better, but she couldn't. Adelaide sighed in relief as the girl in the front seat began speaking. It gave her an excuse for not saying anything more. But then the effect of Riley's words hit her and she gasped quietly. Adelaide watched the small interaction between Alex and Riley. She could feel a tension between the two as they spoke. Adelaide couldn't help but think that it was her fault. (@Soul OMU )
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"There's no need to be sorry... We still have each other, that's what matters now." He said. "In case you're wondering. Cece was a friend of Riley's and another girl. She died at the department store we stopped at a while back." He added and sighed gently.

"Yeah... This big monster thing killed this other woman and--.. And then Eric carried me up the stairs so we could hide... But the monster got her, too... I think..." Carl looked at her while speaking in his quiet and shy five-year-old voice. Carl was clearly quite observant. (@october_rain)
Riley sighs softly and closing her eyes as she looks out the window. "I just want to get home... Or reunite with my sister..." she said while curling up tighter.
Adelaide sighed deeply and leaned her head against the window. She was never one who dealt with other people's grief well. It's not that she doesn't try, she just often seems to say the wrong thing. Still she felt like she should say something to Riley. Would it be cliche to tell her that Cece is in a better place now? Instead of saying anything directly to Riley, she pulled away from the window and looked down at Carl. "That sounds pretty scary." She said quietly. "Cece must have been pretty brave to take on that monster." Her voice raised enough so that Riley would be able to hear. (@Soul OMU )
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Riley looks at her slightly. "Of course she was.. She never cared much about the health and safety of herself before making sure we were alright first... She protects those she cares about without question... Doing whatever it is she can to keep them safe... even if it means to die..." she said softly while looking ahead. (@october_rain)
"Yeah... I was scared and cryin' and stuff." He placed his hand on Eric's leg to support himself while he leaned forward more so he could see Adelaide better while speaking to her. "Eric took me to run away... He was singin' a song to me when I was scared." He explained, he gave a thoughtful smile before reaching up and brushing some of his silky-smooth dark brown hair to the side. "We got these, too." He said as he reached by his coat and shirt and pulled out a thin silver chain from around his neck. His eyes went wide in realization and then he shot a hand into his pocket with a grin, pulling out a replica of the chain he had on. He climbed over Eric so that he was sitting beside him and Adelaide, he then went onto his knees on the chair and opened up the clip of the chain whilst leaning forward to get it around Alex's neck. Alex was confused, but he said nothing to him and just let him get on with it. "Alex... You gotta' wear this 'cause me and Eric have got 'em, too. Now everyone's gonna' know we're brothers 'cause we'll be the same!" He chirped cheerfully, falling back into the spot beside Adelaide and Eric, smiling.

"Okay, Carl... Thank you." Alex chuckled gently, he then looked over to Riley. "Yeah, that's right... God bless and rest in peace. She saved us, no doubt." He gave a gentle smile. (@Soul OMU)
Riley closes her eyes and shakes her head. "...Even in the short time she knew you... She already seemed to grown to like the three of you..." she said softly while looking up briefly from the window to look at him and the boys. (@DrTrollinski)
(@october_rain - That last post was for you as well. Sorry! I'll wait for your response before I post again.) 

DrTrollinski said:
"Yeah... I was scared and cryin' and stuff." He placed his hand on Eric's leg to support himself while he leaned forward more so he could see Adelaide better while speaking to her. "Eric took me to run away... He was singin' a song to me when I was scared." He explained, he gave a thoughtful smile before reaching up and brushing some of his silky-smooth dark brown hair to the side. "We got these, too." He said as he reached by his coat and shirt and pulled out a thin silver chain from around his neck. His eyes went wide in realization and then he shot a hand into his pocket with a grin, pulling out a replica of the chain he had on. He climbed over Eric so that he was sitting beside him and Adelaide, he then went onto his knees on the chair and opened up the clip of the chain whilst leaning forward to get it around Alex's neck. Alex was confused, but he said nothing to him and just let him get on with it. "Alex... You gotta' wear this 'cause me and Eric have got 'em, too. Now everyone's gonna' know we're brothers 'cause we'll be the same!" He chirped cheerfully, falling back into the spot beside Adelaide and Eric, smiling.
"Okay, Carl... Thank you." Alex chuckled gently, he then looked over to Riley. "Yeah, that's right... God bless and rest in peace. She saved us, no doubt." He gave a gentle smile. (@Soul OMU)
"Yeah, I can see that... You want to check out that mall?" He asked her, a soft smile on his face. (@Soul OMU)
Riley sighs slightly while closing her eyes against the window. "Maybe... It might give me a chance to change so that way I can finally be decent..." she said while shifting slightly to look at him. (@DrTrollinski
One Month Later.

A month went by and they came into early February - the snow was showing no signs of clearing up just yet, sadly. It was still cold and bitter outside, and Alex had now moved everyone to the mall where they ended up meeting Neva - they didn't have much to spare, but they gave her some food and water and decided to let her stick around. Much to Eric's displeasure - speaking of Eric, he'd only gotten worse as the month went on - he had little to no interaction with anyone, that includes Alex and Carl, and instead locked himself away in his room or stayed at the back of the group whenever they went out - when it came to clearing out the mall they were now staying in, Eric broke himself away to go off to a store on his own - it was a gun store. No one actually noticed that he was gone until he came back with a gun of his own, silenced, locked and loaded - he'd cleared the place out alone, but there was only a couple of the undead in there.

It took almost two weeks to fully clear out the bodies from the mall as well as making sure that it was actually worth staying there. It was indeed. They had enough there to survive for at least a year - in terms of food, at least. There were numerous food stores around, all having canned foods there. Alex made the call to have all entrances heavily fortified until they needed to get out of there - this stopped any other people or the dead from getting in without making too much noise to let everyone know about it. Alex kept to himself but was still engaged with everyone over the month - he was sort of the guy that was the emotional cart-hauler. People were welcome to dump emotion on him and he'd help them out the best he could. As for Eric, it was blatantly obvious that he had fallen into depression, especially when they actually found him passed out in the liquor store downstairs from where they were staying. Carl was caught in the middle of it all and couldn't really stay happy, but he started spending more time with everyone else so that his mood changed again - it did just that, and he was a lot happier in general, and more outgoing, seeing as he had to introduce himself and meet everyone alone while the lives of his brothers pretty much fell to pieces.

Where were they staying? They were staying in a store within the mall, upstairs, not too far from the main entrance/exit, that specialized in selling beds and mattresses and other bedding items. They had everything they needed there, but strangely, half-way into the month, despite the power and gas supplies dying out long ago, the water and sewer systems were still functional - obviously no one was going to take the chance of drinking the water, but they still had cold water to wash with as well as working toilets, which was always a good sign. The question was... Why? Why did it all still work like that? What was the mystery behind it? Who knew, but regardless, it made life that little bit more enjoyable, so all they could really do was go with it. They all stayed in one store, all together on either double mattresses (for those that were close, like Matty and Caitlyn), or alone on single mattresses. Every store had metal shutter-doors that could be brought down and locked, so every night, Alex made sure that the main stores they had use for were locked down, including the one they slept in - safe and sound.


It was the morning of February 3rd. It was cold, but they were surviving seeing as the store they were in allowed them to have mattresses, space, pillows, and nice warm blankets to wrap themselves in. Alex was the first to awake at about seven o'clock in the morning - or at least he thought he was - he, Eric, and Carl all stayed in the far right corner of the store by the counters with the cash register - it was a snug little spot that was mostly chosen for Carl's benefit. Alex looked to his right and saw Eric fast asleep on the far mattress that was against the wall, but the mattress between them both was empty. Where had Carl gone? Alex sat up and slowly climbed out of bed - he was only in his underwear, so the cold hit him pretty quick. He looked off at the entrance to the store and the shutter was still down and locked, so there was no way Carl had left - he looked over everyone else's beds to check to see if Carl had snuck in to sleep with anyone after a bad nightmare, or something - he wasn't. Alex sighed in light panic and walked off to the back room where the storage for the store was, as well as the staff bathroom; he pressed his ear against the wooden door of the small little 2x4 bathroom and gave a relieved smile when he heard Carl within. He was curious, though, mostly because Carl was singing 'Country Roads' by John Denver. Alex shook his head with a soft chuckle and pushed the door open, raising his eyebrows in surprise when he saw Carl sitting on the toilet.

"Heeey..." Carl said in sudden shock, but his frown turned to a soft smile.

"What are you doing?" Alex asked. "Are you... Are you singing on the toilet?" He added, Carl giggled and nodded.


"Why, does it help you go better, or something?

"Uh-huh." He grinned, Alex shook his head and turned to walk out the door.

"Okay... I'll keep that in mind... See you in a few minutes, pal..." He said, he closed the door over and Carl instantly started singing again. Alex sighed and walked back out into the main room to sit on the chair behind the counter. (@Soul OMU, @DryPunishment, @october_rain)


Brad had himself and Delaney continue heading North like he said. With sickness and health they'd finally managed to make it to the small town of Paynesville in Minnesota. It took them two weeks to get there, and for the final two weeks of the month they'd been staying in the apartment above a general store/pharmacy - it was safe, decently fortified, and better yet - the whole town was dead. It was almost as if they were the first living people to actually touch the place. Since the previous incident at the service station, as well as the sickness during the first two weeks, Brad found himself getting closer to Delaney now that they knew more about each other and had spent the most part of the month caring for each other more than anything.

At seven o'clock Brad slowly awoke and rolled over to check and see if Delaney was alright. His mattress that was dragged off of one of the beds was now only half a foot away from her own - it was safer if they slept in the same room and close to each other in case of an emergency anyway. He rubbed his head and brushed his hair aside that seemed to be getting longer by the minute and then took a yawn, stretching before settling back down under the blanket. (@Stew, @Fallen from Heaven - You still in on this or not? You're not following this any more, so... I assumed you're not, but let me know nonetheless.)

(If I've missed anyone, let me know!)
"There is a group in the mall... We could go get them, take their stuff." Tom watched the leader of his group discuss the plans to attack the group in the mall. He had been vocal about not attacking the group, but was out voted. The only one who had sided with him was the man who had been with him since Texas. So the others would die. He no longer had his 5-7, but he checked the glock the group had given him a few weeks back. They had been a decent bunch, at first they had they same values he did, but the snow had made them desperate. The group was outside the mall, getting ready to move forward. Tommy had volunteered to be with the sniper.

He dragged the lifeless body away from the scoped rifle, he had slot the mans throat, Carl. He had liked Carl. He took aim down the site and saw his friend, Jared. He hadn't told Jared his plan, because he wasn't sure where he sided, But Jared and voted no, so he lived for now. "4 left."

The first shot went through Kane's chest, the second through Steven's chest. The third through Blane's face, and the fourth through the neck Blane's sister, Sarah. Jared was now alone in the parking lot as Tom stood and made his way down, leaving a trail through the powdered snow.

"Sorry I couldn't tell you Jared."

@Stew @DrTrollinski

(Figured I'd throw us up north. Sorry I controlled Stews character a little :x )
Matty left Caitlyn to sleep and went in a small area he had improvised to scout the zone around the mall. He had managed to salvage some binoculars into a pretty sturdy scope for his rifle,now only one magazine left. He was rather proud about it. Matty put pretty much all of his ex-SAS knowledge into that scope which meant he pretty much used a ruler and a slender marker to mark all the important bits and numbers that gave away some kind of indication of where the target would be. As the month passed it was noticeable that his accent was turning slowly into an american one as he learned the way his friends pronounce most of them. Putting the final dot on the very center of the make-shift scope he let out a small "Yeah...." .With that he scouted the area out and saw something...it looked like a group of people. Were they friendly?

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