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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Tom lowered his rifle and slid it toward them, his glock was tucked behind him under his jacket. "I've got a rule, don't point a gun at someone unless you're going to use it. So lower yours."
"'Bout time we got somehing that isn't from a can." Conner said. He wasn't real serious about it. He had met the community cook, a Filapino lady that said she could make anything taste good as long as it came from something with wings, hooves, or fur. "Did you cook this?" he couldn't help but ask. Taking the fork, he shovels the eggs into his mouth. They were good, need some salt and pepper though.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Fair enough..."

He lowered his gun and put it back along his leg.

"Now would you be so kind as to give to drop ALL of your weapons? I've shown you my kindness. I expect at least some from you too."

".. Relax..." Alex lowered his rifle so it wasn't pointed at him any more. "What's your name, man?" He asked. (@DrCompton
"No.. I didn't cook 'em. I'm not really old enough to cook yet..." Daniel said, shrugging. (@Beowulf)
"I can't reach mine faster than you can lift your rifle up, my generosity goes so far." Tom frowned but the beard masked it. "It's Frankenstein."

"You're kinda' like Eric now... He doesn't eat a lot and he's lookin' really sick and skinny and stuff... he's sad, too... I'm worried about him." He said, bowing his head a little. ".. I'm worried about you, too... 'cause you're my friend." He sighed.


".. Try again." Alex said. ".. I'm Alex. What's your name?" He asked again. He sighed when Matty walked away, but shook his head and looked back to Tom. (@Soul OMU - Top one's for you of the last post.)
Tom rolled his eyes, "call me Bill." He watched kid. "You the leader? You're what? 18? Christ..." He frowned and started toward the door. "You kill a man before, not the dead, I mean kill a man."
".. I killed both my parents, if that counts. I don't need to ask you if you have..." He sighed and followed him forward. ".. I'm not the leader... I don't think myself as one, at least... I just... I'm more of a Dictator, I suppose. I don't force people to do anything, though." He shrugged a little and followed him towards the door, locking it back up after they both entered. ".. What's your story? No offence, but you look like you haven't eaten all month and you could really use a shave. Just saying." He sighed and scratched the light stubble that was on his own chin, looking around the cold and empty mall. "And I'm seventeen. It's nice to meet you... 'Bill'." He added. (@DrCompton)
Elizabeth looked around for Brian, he had been wandering off alone a lot during the last week and he had been given a gun a few days ago. Elizabeth told him to keep the gun lowered and that it was not a toy but he was a stubborn kid and Elizabeth didn't know what he could do next. Elizabeth stopped for a second and saw Brian with tape, scissors and a baseball bat walking normally.

"Hey Brian"

"Hi Lizzy"

"What are you doing with that?"

"I'm going to paste the scissors to the baseball bat and it will be faster to kill walkers"

"Ok...have you seen any walkers around?"

"Nah but it's better to be prepared"

"Someone is finally learning"

"Shut up"

Elizabeth laughed at let Brian continue with his experiment. She started to look for the others and she eventually found them talking with a stranger, she approached them and made a serious face

"Who is this?"
"Your parents? I'm sorry." He walked with him, "I lost my family to bandits, so now I deal with bandits." He nodded toward the door indicating the ones he killed outside. "How many of you are there?" He asked before a woman started to walk up, "I'm Frankenstein."
"He's 'Bill', apparently." He said softly, looking away. "Well. We ain't bandits. We've got kids with us, kids younger than me - We're just trying to survive, and we help who we can... It ain't screwed us over just yet." He sighed again. "We're a fairly large group, you'll get to meet everyone... Can I get you a drink, or something to eat? If not that, at least a razor or some scissors?" He offered. (@EmilyPower, @DrCompton)
"I guess I'll take some water... And the scissors and razor. Do you have showers here, or is that just wishful thinking?" He raised a brow and watched the girl carefully. He wasn't a fan of her brash attitude.
"And while you're at show him where we keep our stuff too,would you?" An angered voice shouted from the back of a pizza place.

Matty had been looking for some bullets he lost a couple of days ago.

"Jesus!" his voice roared as he hit his head.

@DrCompton @DrTrollinski
"I'm Elizabeth, nice to meet you" Elizabeth said politely while she gave Bill a small wave

"Sorry for the bitchiness, there are a lot of crazy people out there and it's better to be prepared"

(@DrTrollinski @DrCompton )
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"You alright, Matt?!" Alex called out after he heard the bump and the yell.

"Well.. Sadly shopping malls don't have showers, but we have a public restroom that has running water - it's cold, but it's something." He said, leading the man forward and down the lower floor to where they kept the food and water and any other tools. He took a bottle of water from one of the bags along with some scissors, a razor, and some shaving cream. He gave all four items to him and continued leading him onwards. "Seeing as you ain't been shot or cut up and eaten, you going to tell me what your real name is now you know that we aren't bandits? I hate to obsess, but my brother doesn't easily trust people and he'd appreciate it more than anyone. After you shot down those folks outside I kinda' made sure you weren't gunned down as well. That enough to get at least the name out of you?" He asked, leading across the ground level of the mall - all the stores were cleared of the undead, and a lot of them were locked up by the shutter-doors - the shutters were all locked, too. Whatever they'd done here, they'd clearly done it right - there wasn't even any blood on the floor. (@DryPunishment, @DrCompton)
"Tom." He took the supplies and went into the bathroom and laid everything out. They seemed like a good batch. He wondered if he'd have to kill them eventually. He shrugged and started the razor.
"Yeah,yeah...don't worry....I'm fine..." He finally found those pesky bullets. He was looking for them almost all the time.

DrTrollinski said:
"You're kinda' like Eric now... He doesn't eat a lot and he's lookin' really sick and skinny and stuff... he's sad, too... I'm worried about him." He said, bowing his head a little. ".. I'm worried about you, too... 'cause you're my friend." He sighed.

".. Try again." Alex said. ".. I'm Alex. What's your name?" He asked again. He sighed when Matty walked away, but shook his head and looked back to Tom. (@Soul OMU - Top one's for you of the last post.)
Riley sighs. "I think my reason is a bit more different then Eric's..." She said and sighed softly running a hand through her hair and looking quite upset.
"Alright!" Alex called back. "Start waking people up! Get Eric up for me, eh?!" He added. (@DryPunishment)


"Tom... Well, Tom. It's nice to officially meet you." He hopped backwards up onto the counter holding the sink beside his own and sat there. "You'll have to forgive people if they're not trusting... We have a few kids here. Youngest isn't even four yet. We're all a bit hyped up on protecting them, so we don't really consider making room now that we left our original place." He sighed and looked around. ".. Thank you, by the way... For saving us, I mean. We aren't trained, no where near - the only person who's professional here would be my brother, and that's in guitar-playing and singing." He chuckled gently. "I don't like touching on areas like this, but... We've all been through our fair share of loss... When did you lose your family?" He asked hesitantly. (@Soul OMU)
Riley gives a shuddered sigh and hugs her knees. "...remember when you guys found me in that shack?... I was kidnapped and brought there... Bad things happened to me there..." She said sadly.
"Rubbish." Conner said. "You can never start cooking to early. It's simple. When you got eggs, you put them in a pan and cook them. You may burn them, but you'll get the hang of it."
"During the initial outbreak. I thought I could get my family to safety, instead when I stopped to help a man him and his friends killed my baby girl, then raped my wife. So I killed all three of them."


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