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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Eric sighed and slowly rolled back over to face him, his eyes gently lined with tears. He nodded up at him and held out a hand, asking for some assistance in standing up. (@DrCompton)
George walked through the streets of Winsonsin thinking about his situation, usually he would try to look at the bright side of it but there was nothing pretty about not having any supplies, no shelter and being completely alone. He had survived the first month at it was a really big miracle. He had been alone all the time and he had faced a lot of danger but nothing had killed him yet. He saw a lot of blood and dead bodies near the mall and his first thought was to leave but he really needed supplies so he loaded his rifle and walked towards the mall.
Brian found his sister a few minutes after, he ran towards her and gave her a smile.

"Hi Lizzy!"

"Hey kid, how did your experiment go?"

"Better than expected, I found really sharp scissors and I used them with the bat. Check it out!"

Brian showed her his new weapon and Elizabeth smiled.

"Cool, I'm really proud of you"

Brian and Elizabeth walked together and laughed. Brian begged to go outside to test his bat and she finally said yes. As soon as they got outside Brian saw someone in the distance.

"Look, another survivor!"

Elizabeth made Brian get behind her and placed her hand over her gun, ready to take it out if she had to.
Alex was curious to what was going on, so he left Tom to talk to Eric and went and lurked just outside the store everyone was sleeping in. He looked off towards the door and sighed when he saw that they'd gone out without telling anyone - he went over to the door and stood at the side of it, his sidearm at the ready; he stayed out of sight in case anything happened. (@EmilyPower, @wilowisp21)
"Are you old enough to hunt." Conner said, for all the world sounding like a judge. "Let's see here. Do you know one end if the gun from the other? Do you know how to fix a jam, as unlikely as that may be? Do you know what a deer track looks like and can you tell which way it was heading? If yes to the first one at least, I'll take you out on a couple of lessons. If no to all, find Kane and get him or someone else to teach you how to shoot a gun. If yes to all, find your dad and ask him. Or beg, which ever you have to do." And with that, he got back to eating. Shame there wasn't any toast, he could have made a good sandwich out of all of this.
".. Yeah, I know the first one, and I kinda' know what deer tracks look like." He said, looking excited when Conner spoke of the lessons. "Lessons would be cool!" He said, grinning. (@Beowulf)
DrTrollinski said:
".. Well... We can talk about other stuff too." He gave a friendly smile and dropped back onto the mattress, leaning back onto his arms. ".. You can talk to Alex... he's good at talkin' to people, and he talks to me when I get sad and stuff." He added, shrugging. (They eat in the pizza restaurant a couple of stores down from the place they stay in. I wouldn't imagine a bed furniture store to have a kitchen :P - @Soul OMU)
Riley smiles a bit as she hugs him a bit. "But thank you for checking on me... I'm glad you did... Now how about I tell you a story?" She said while settling down slightly.
"Yeah!" He bounced on the mattress and then lied down at her side, wrapping himself up. He grinned up at her and waited in anticipation. "Tell me a good story, a funny nice one." He requested, smiling. (@Soul OMU)
Riley smiles and laughs softly. "Alright... I think I have one... Cece actually told me this one..." She said softly and frowned a bit before smiling.
".. I hope so... God knows I could use some right now..." He muttered under his breath, his head bowed. ".. Just walk to the pizza place a couple of stores down from here... Should be some food there." He said, sighing a little. (@Soul OMU)
Delaney's eyes opened slowly, fixating awkwardly onto Brad; he had been getting up faster than she had been. At a little over two months pregnant, she had found out (much to her horror.) It had been a disaster, when she started to recognize the symptoms from stories her friends shared with her; and spent the night sobbing, near hysterical, because the one time she actually conceived it is with another man and when the world is ending. She had always wanted to be a mother, but not like this. She could hardly bear the world today herself, she couldn't imagine bringing a baby into the equation. Delaney had never confronted Brad on it, but she could tell he knew by the way he tried to be sensitive to her heightening emotions and varying ability to cope well with the physical symptoms. The pharmacy had a few stray tests she'd used, and she wasn't quite sure how far along she was; but she knew it was early enough to possibly try and terminate the pregnancy. Of course, despite her thoughts on it about survival; she felt even guiltier that she was selfish enough to want a child despite the circumstances. Most nights she fell asleep weeping softly, unable to decide on why she had been so cursed.

Watching him, she sighed; turning to gaze up at the ceiling. Thankful that they'd been able to stay safe for the past month, and surprised she had survived this long without Mason or much other than her own wit. Beginning to drift back to the half-conscious state of dreaming, she thought about her oncoming child. Even though it was early, she could feel something within her; a growing light, as though some sort of love was swirling up in her throat and taking hold of her heart. Jolting up, she sprinted to where an empty bucket was; puking into it. Continuing to feel the acidic bile come up and out of her, she figured that maybe she had misinterpreted a spiritual moment for the blunt reality. Still reeling from standing up from her warm bed so fast, she wiped her mouth with a stray cloth; groaning as she pulled herself together again. Turning to see Brad, she noticed that sympathetic gleam in his eyes; clearly he had an opinion on it that he refused to tell her. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to know what he thought, being pregnant in this hellish world was probably one of the biggest fatalities; especially for a first-time mother without any father to help out. Brad was the closest thing to that, and even he didn't hold the exact ideal of a dad for her unborn child.

"You alright, sweetheart?" He asked, resting his head above his hands on the pillow of his mattress. He looked around the room for a moment and gave a soft sigh, rubbing his forehead as he did so. He soon ran his eyes back to her and scanned her up and down - he knew there was something up, and the morning sickness certainly wasn't caused by anything they'd eaten, seeing as he'd be having the same problem if it was. The days only felt like they were getting colder rather than warmer despite it coming closer to Spring. They were running low on food and medicine, but Brad had seen it - the morning sickness, coping with the cold, giving up more food so Delaney could eat, staying up all night to make sure nothing happened (Especially when the morning sickness started), and of course he'd seen the stray pregnancy testers - his eyes told her that he knew, but the way he acted showed that the words he wanted to say to her were stuck in his throat - after all the tears and close-calls they'd been through together over the course of the month, she'd found the first thing that was starting to break him down and cause him to crack.

Brad slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, followed by scratching his grey-faded beard. He needed a shave, but over the past while he'd been neglecting himself and instead going out on more food and medicine runs - it'd helped them last this long, but they were running dry. (@TheHarlequinnCat
Eric dragged himself over to sit on the table furthest from everyone else and then looked up at him, shrugging. "No pizza... there should be beans and all of that shit in the storage. Just make whatever." He requested, slumping his head down to rest it on the table. (@DrCompton)
(You've arrived at the mall everyone else is at. You arrived with Tom. Go back to like page 100 or 101 and the time-skip's there.)
Tom did as Eric asked and grabbed two cans of beans and found sporks for them to use. He opened the cans using a knife and walked back to Eric. "Here you go. I made it myself." Tom grinned and sat down.
DrTrollinski said:
".. I hope so... God knows I could use some right now..." He muttered under his breath, his head bowed. ".. Just walk to the pizza place a couple of stores down from here... Should be some food there." He said, sighing a little. (@Soul OMU)
Riley laughs softly. "Alright alright. Settle down and get comfy."
Eric took can and spork and began prodding at the food, looking quite sickened by the mere sight of it. Yeah, his attitude had really died down over the month. (@Soul OMU)
Delaney knew that he knew that she knew, as confusing a way to put it. She, in short, knew that this was the least of their worries; and in hindsight doubted she would live to even give birth, much less survive the actual notion of delivering her child. Without any doctors or pain medications, not to mention the lack of knowing if something could be wrong with the baby, if he/she was placed in the womb backwards or too big for her to possibly deliver; an emergency C-Section would kill her, if it didn't maim her enough to leave her unable to survive. It was painful to realize that these would probably be the last 9 months of her life, if she even could manage that. She had to stay alive for her unborn child. She could see Brad was falling apart, and wondered if he knew too. She glanced down, pulling her wild matting curls into a messy bun. Her normally bobbed hair was beginning to get more than a little unruly, not that it had ever been quite tame. Now, however, it was ridiculously curled; sticking up as though she had an afro. It was easier to just pull it back and out of her face. Looking up at the massive man, whom she'd grown so close too over this past month, she nodded meekly "I'm fine... Just a little sick to my stomach." She shrugged it off, having it be a nearly daily occurence at this point. And he always asked how she was doing, just waiting for her to tell him. Glancing down, she finally broke the ice with a quiet "We both know I probably won't survive... this." She couldn't bring herself to say the actual words themselves. Pregnancy. Her lower lip quivered.

He sighed and slowly stood up and went over to her, sighing as he looked down at her stomach. His eyes lined with tears and he shook his head in disapproval. A thing she noticed about Brad over the time she'd spent with him was that he wasn't a man of the past - he spoke about the distant history of his childhood and teenage years, but he never spoke of what his instant past was like, what his most recent years consisted of. Perhaps there was something in the past that he was hiding from her, something that made this whole situation tear him up so much. He walked up to her and said nothing, but he quickly hugged her, sniffling as he set his head down on her shoulder. He just held her close without saying anything for a couple of minutes - this whole thing was killing him; he'd lost weight, his hair had got more grey, and his eyes were tired. He gently rubbed her back and took a shaky deep breath.

".. Don't think like that... okay...? We'll find a way to make sure you walk away from it. I promise." He whispered, closing his eyes. His body was trembling, but he showed that he wasn't giving up on her - He'd been dragged through snow, through death and destruction and injury and sickness, but he didn't once turn his back on her, and it didn't look like that was going to change any time soon. (@Soul OMU)
"Eric, do you think your brother would kill someone based on a gut instinct? If he knew the man was bad, or would he give him a second chance ?" Tom ate the beans and looked at Eric

(OK then.)

Jared walks around the mall, it's been a while since he's gone to one,

"Ba-bum bum-bum di-di di-di di-di do." He sings The Gonk as he strolls through the mall.​
DrTrollinski said:
He sighed and slowly stood up and went over to her, sighing as he looked down at her stomach. His eyes lined with tears and he shook his head in disapproval. A thing she noticed about Brad over the time she'd spent with him was that he wasn't a man of the past - he spoke about the distant history of his childhood and teenage years, but he never spoke of what his instant past was like, what his most recent years consisted of. Perhaps there was something in the past that he was hiding from her, something that made this whole situation tear him up so much. He walked up to her and said nothing, but he quickly hugged her, sniffling as he set his head down on her shoulder. He just held her close without saying anything for a couple of minutes - this whole thing was killing him; he'd lost weight, his hair had got more grey, and his eyes were tired. He gently rubbed her back and took a shaky deep breath.
".. Don't think like that... okay...? We'll find a way to make sure you walk away from it. I promise." He whispered, closing his eyes. His body was trembling, but he showed that he wasn't giving up on her - He'd been dragged through snow, through death and destruction and injury and sickness, but he didn't once turn his back on her, and it didn't look like that was going to change any time soon. (@Soul OMU)
Riley smiling as she tells the story, waving her hands around as she tells the story, get very into telling a story and makes thinks quite dramatic.

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