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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

He looked at her shiver and then shoved Cece's coat over to her, sighing. "Use that... Carl doesn't need it any more." He said. (@Soul OMU)
"Yeah, she gave it to Carl when he was cold earlier on. He's got his own coat now, though. A new one." He smiled. (@Soul OMU)
Slightly annoyed by his monotone voice,unimpressed. Sure she wasn't the best at sneaking around and he wasn't even paying attention...

With a slightly playful tone she said

"Whatchu' doing?"

"Yeah. I get you... It's just like our parents..." Eric said.

"Don't talk about them!" Carl cried out, his cries suddenly becoming more desperate and heart-broken. (@Soul OMU)
Levi's brows furrowed again, raising the cleaning bottle and the rag he used to aid in this task. She'd completely brushed off his question for what she wanted, acting like a child who wasn't getting enough attention. He continued to clean, ignoring her in his shadow for nearly another hour; until he was satisfied with the spotless surroundings in the hideaway. Once he was finished, having kept relatively silent for the entire time, he asked again as he pulled out a greek yogurt that would expire within the next week; luckily, having been one of the newest at the time. Eating placidly, "What do you want?" he was blunt this time; leaving no room for her to shoot back another question. If it was food that she wanted, he'd pointed out the cellar to Nick; where there had been some less-than-optimal items from the man who was here before them. It was somewhere Levi didn't care for all it had was stuff he would eat only if he were starving, like canned mandarin oranges, maraschino cherries, moldy garlic bread, and one canned chicken noodle soup. Even looking at it reminded Levi of how his fiancee was a vegetarian, she hated the thought of meat; he'd been one for some time, but he didn't have much rhyme or reason for it. He just would eat what was available, and in his case he'd been living with someone who didn't eat meat; so he didn't care enough for it to bring it into his home. These minute things would remind him of her, still.

Thinking back again, he could've sworn his sister didn't eat meat either. He couldn't quite remember, anymore, his mind had been so preoccupied with survival that he'd completely forgotten about it to begin with. He wondered if he'd even eaten much anything other than fruit (before it went bad), yogurt, caffeine, and cliff bars. All the moving and minimal eating had taken its toll on his body, he had lost some of his muscle already; because he spent a majority of his time in the car once he got all the gasoline to find his sister. It was just a meager task in the spectrum of survival, just so he had somewhere to go and a thought to keep him from turning the gun on himself. Now, there were these two strangers who took his hospitality without a single question. He knew they couldn't be too smart about avoiding bad situations in this new world; placing a lot of bets on the fact that people had to help each other when the dead were walking. Somewhere faint in his mind, he could still hear her laughter; the sound of tinkling bells in the gentle summer's breeze.

Sighing, he walked with Tina towards where they'd left Nick.


"No! No! No! Noo-ooo!" Carl cried out, his voice muffled. Eric lifted him to sit him on his lap and then continued to hug him, sighing. (@Soul OMU)
"Don't be... It's just all got to him, that's all." Eric whispered to her. Carl broke out into louder cries, the tears pouring down his face. (@Soul OMU)
Riley says nothing as she lays curled up against the door frame. "You and me... were always with each other before we knew the other was ever there... you and me, we belong together... just like a breath needs the air... I told you if you called I would come runnin' across the highs, the lows and the in between." she sang softly. (@DrTrollinski)
"What's wrong, buddy...?" Eric asked while gently rubbing his back. Carl sobbed and hugged him, listening closely to Riley's words.

".. I miss mommy and daddy..." He whimpered, Eric swallowed hard and hugged him with one arm. Carl continued sobbing and placed his head against Eric's chest.

"Me too, buddy... I'm sure they miss us, too." He choked, setting his head down atop Carl's.

".. I want 'em to come back..." He added, Eric gave a shaky sigh and nodded in agreement, rubbing his back again.

"I know, bro... At least they're watching over us, eh? They'll make sure we're kept safe." He explained, Carl blurted out another small cry and hugged Eric tight.

"You--.. you promise?" He asked, Eric paused for a moment.

"I promise." He said finally in a shaky whimper. Carl sniffled and sobbed quietly - Eric's head was bowed, but it was evident that he was upset as well. (@Soul OMU)
Riley leaning against the door, starts to sing part of another song. "Everything is so small... when your on top of the world. It's hard to understand what''s still has yet to unfold. Pretending to be who your not... is a waste of what you got. Keep dreaming, keep dreaming keep on, keep believing." she sang softly while smiling a bit. (@DrTrollinski)
Carl looked at her while she sang, his sobs gradually being reduced to nothing but sniffles; he reached up with one hand and wiped his eyes. A very faint and broken smile went across his face once she stopped.

".. You're a good singer... Like Eric." He squeaked, Eric gave a sad chuckle and turned his head, burying his eye line in Carl's shoulder.

"Yeah, I agree." He choked in a whisper. (@Soul OMU)
She followed along behind him silently celebrating her attempt to surprise Levi.

She waved at Nick from behind Levi.

(@TheHarlequinnCat I'm really sorry for these poor excuses for posts, I just don't know what to write.)
(It's fine; We could do something where they talk about their pasts? Or maybe like, wait for a timeskip so they can continue on... I can see Wellington happening soon; NOTE: Anyone wanna be West? I hate RPing my own love interest ^^"... Also @DryPunishment I don't know what to write to that, so I'm gonna have y'all answer my like ideas and then write a reply ^^)
(Very 'The Walking Dead-esque' :D We can consider doing something like that, but if it's a major NPC group I'll be the one to take control of it seeing as the NPC scenes are usually under my dictation. A time-skip will be soon, I promise. @Soul OMU)
(@DryPunishment out with the writer's block ^^ As for Wellington, I think they'd be the kind of place that is like lots of curfew and like super-mega against people who sneak in/steal because of their lowering resources. Some sort of underground prison probably.. I bet it started out really nice, so it has that reputation- but since it can't hold itself up, it's falling apart from the inside and becoming more and more tyrannical. Poop.)
Adelaide ran through the alleyway, gasping for breaths. Over the sound of her feet slapping against the pavement and her breathing, she could still her It. The steps that followed her. Its moans that seemed to be growing louder. 'Impossible.' She thought to herself. Never before had a walker been able to outrun her. Most survivors couldn't, but still the zombie got closer and closer. Adelaide gritted her teeth together and pushed her legs to go faster. Her calves burned in protest, but she wouldn't stop. She couldn't stop. If she stopped she would have to face what was following her. Her stomach twisted in disgust at the thought. No. She had gotten this far without killing hardly anything. The thought of taking somethings life, even if they are sick and wouldn't hesitate to take hers, made her sick. She was weak. She couldn't do it. As Adelaide neared the end of the alley another sound filled the air. It sounded almost like tires on a road, but that couldn't be possible. It's been days since she last seen a car in movement.

Yet as she exited the mouth of the alley she noticed the metal contraption coming towards her. Adelaide sprinted out to the middle of the street and waved her arms above her head wildly. "Stop!" She screamed, hoping beyond anything that her plea would be heard. She glanced over her should quickly to the alley. The walker that had been following her for the last ten minutes appeared suddenly with a howl. Adelaide whimpered, gripped the kitchen knife in her hand tightly and prepared herself for the onrushing body. (@DrTrollinski )
(I'm going to give everyone a chance to get any characters of theirs up to date/join in on the RP, and then I'll write out a time-skip. That'll be within the next few hours, hopefully.)

"Any ideas of places we could go? I was thinking a big department store or the town mall. It'd take a while to get clear, but we'd have access to stacks of stores and all of that good stuff." He said, looking in the rear-view mirror.

"A mall sounds good to me." Eric said in agreement.

"A mall, what about you guys, Carl? Ri--" He slammed his foot down on the brakes and sent the car sliding forward; he grasped his rifle and then hopped out, quickly looking down the scope and capping the creature chasing the damsel in distress right in the side of the head. It fell to the ground, completely lifeless. He looked over at the woman and gasped in sudden amazement. "Get over here. Now!" He screamed at her. There was one space left in the back of the Range Rover on Eric's left. (@Soul OMU, @october_rain)

(@TheHarlequinnCat - It's all dependent on how long I make the time skip. Keep in mind that in this current state, it's been going on for around a week. We'll see, because I've got some ideas for it already :) )
Adelaide gasped as the walker collapsed to the ground, blood pouring out of the head wound.Without anymore hesitation she took off towards the Rover in a sprint. "Thank you. Thank you so much. " She said as she neared the vehicle. Adelaide felt a twist of nervousness in her stomach. Was it really a good idea to get in a vehicle with a group of strangers? Yes, the one who was driving did just technically save her, but is it really safe? Adelaide decided to take the chance. It had been days since she had an actual conversation. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she was craving a bit of human company. Besides, if anything were to go wrong she could always slip off into the night. Adelaide stopped beside the vehicle and looked up at the driver. She was surprised to find that he was so young. He couldn't have been much older than her. "I'm Adelaide." She said quietly, not sure whether to hold her hand out for a handshake or not. With a small shake of her head she slipped into the backseat next to a young boy who looked to be in his early teens. "Hello." She greeted everybody else in the car with a small nod. (@Soul OMU )

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