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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Looking around, the young man shrugged; unable to decide if Levi could or not, if someone had been talking like this about him he would've been in there in an instant to defend his honor. "Doubt it." He added, reinforcing the thought he'd had. Once Tina mentioned Wellington he felt his heart drop into the pit of his stomach, suddenly surging up this mass longing and sadness. He missed West more than he'd ever like to admit, but these little things and situations would spark his thoughts on him again. If he were here, he'd probably chuckle and poke fun at everyone just enough to get them riled up; but no one would ever get too angry. Nick remembered that West used to take his baseball cap and hold it too high for him to reach it before he hit another growth spurt, and even still he lingered an inch behind West. He used to toy with Nick's quick temper, but always make things better afterwards; just to remind Nick that even when things are bad, they can be fixed. That man was some kind of sunshine in his dreary little life. "What about you?-..Do you have any family?" He did little air quotations around the 'family' part, because he didn't know if she was one of the family-by-blood or family-by-relation type of people. Not that he really cared, anyways, it was just a different topic to nose around in.

"Right... So. We're heading... East out of the town to get to where you're talking about. Think you can point out when we're nearby that shack you saw?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
".. Okay... It's going to take a while. I'll have to drive slow so that we don't slip in the ice - The roads are crazy this time of year." Alex said, Carl clung tightly to Eric and shivered.

".. I'm cold... Can we have the heat thingy on?" He asked, Alex sighed and shook his head.

"Afraid not, buddy... We can't waste fuel, sorry." Alex replied.

"Awwwwwwwww..." He moaned. "Is there a blanket?" He asked.

"No... Hang in there, kiddo. You'll warm up soon, you've got a coat and gloves on, just give it a few minutes." Alex replied with a sure nod. Carl sighed again and set his head against Eric's side, shutting his eyes. (@Soul OMU)
He put the coat around his shoulders and body and then snuggled up to Eric, shutting his eyes.

"What do you say, Carl...?" Alex said to him in a slightly stern tone.

Carl paused for a moment while he yawned. ".. Oh... Thank you." He said, a shy smile on his lips while his eyes remained closed. Alex also looked across to her and gave a nod and smile as a way of saying 'thank you' as well. (@Soul OMU)
He continued driving onwards at a slow pace for thirty minutes, in which time Carl managed to drift off to sleep. He was slouched against Eric, drooling all over his side and snoring very very softly. Alex was driver along the one long road and the snow had picked up a little since they headed out - there was a small shack in the distance. (@Soul OMU)
Cece looking ahead, sees it.

"There." She said while pointing slightly at the shack.

Riley managed to keep warm for awhile, went and rolled in the snow to get clean, even thought she was freezing, slightly red and tinted blue, curled up in a ball. (@DrTrollinski)
(There was no way for Riley to get out of that. She was lying face-down and her hands and feet were tied with wiring. She was also inside the shack, so she wouldn't be rolling around in the snow :) )

"Alright..." He said, he soon pulled up to the side of the road about ten feet away from the shack. He turned the engine off and looked into the back seat at Carl and Eric. "Eric... Wait here with Carl, eh?" He said, Eric nodded and sighed as he put an around Carl's body and kept him close.

"I've got him, don't worry. I'll call you if there's any problems." He replied. Alex nodded to him and then quietly climbed out of the car. (@Soul OMU)
Alex lead Cece forward and to the door of the shack, of which was locked. He sighed and then threw himself against it several times until it flew open. He slowly walked in with his rifle at the ready. (@Soul OMU)
"Yeah...and they're all where they're supposed to be...in their graves!"

She sounded harsher towards the end. In this particular moment she couldn't hold those words in. Whenever someone would bring her family up she would always say she had none, except her coach who died too.

If he would've asked her any other moment she would've said she had no family,but in this moment of weakness she put a little bit of trust in Nick.

"Do you?"

Alex walked ahead of her and held a hand out to tell her that she should stay back. That made sense, as he was the one with the bigger gun here, and he'd be able to take down any danger in a quick way. He slowed his pace as he got close to the door of the back room. He placed his ear up against it for a moment and then busted in, his rifle circling around the room in search of danger; a few seconds later he looked down at the mattress.

".. Oh, shit..." He said quietly. (@Soul OMU)
Cece followed him in behind and quickly got the gist of what happened and looked around for Riley. "Riley..." She said softly before a soft whimper was heard and she quickly went over to where there was a form curled up tightly in the corner. Riley shaking hard, curled up in the corner, terrified. (@DrTrollinski)
Alex ran over to her and quickly pulled the duct tape away from her mouth - he began lifting the blanket but realize how torn up her clothes were and how beaten she was - He knew exactly what had happened, it wouldn't be hard for Cece to figure out either.

".. Jesus..." He whispered, looking at Cece for a moment and shaking his head - he quickly untied her wrists and ankles and kept the blanket wrapped around her. (@Soul OMU)
Cece already knows what happens and lightly brushes her hair back. "Riley... Hey... It's okay... Your safe now... I promise..." She said softly while trying to soothe Riley, who was still shaking but from the cold now rather then fear. "C-c?" She said timidly before slowly opening her eyes and biting her lip from crying out at the sight of Alex. Cece looked at her then Alex. "Hey... Shh... He's a friend... I promise... We're going to get you somewhere safe okay...?" She said while running a hand through Riley's hair as she started to calm down and nodded lightly. "Good... I vould give you my jacket but uh... I had to give it to a young boy who needed it... I might have something in my bag..." She said as she took her bag off and started digging through it as she pulled out Riley's jacket. (@DrTrollinski)
"Relax... I'm Alex. I helped Cece and Hunter. Sort of." He explained in a soft tone. ".. We need to get you out of here... If hypothermia hasn't hit you already, it will do soon." He said to her, his rifle hung by his chest. (@Soul OMU)
"Wait. We'll look around before we leave - I'll grab everything we can use. You got any major injuries... Riley, was it?" He asked her, lowering the rifle to his side. (@Soul OMU)

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