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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Nick's breathing was shallow, his head pulsing as his eyes went in and out of focus; that car had come out of nowhere, going well over 100 miles. Being the person going only 60, or so, he knew that a head-on collision with that would've killed them in an instant. He didn't come out of that motel to die in a car crash, such a normal cause that he just wouldn't stand for in the apocalypse. Nick had tried to calculate how to make them live, but the back of the truck had been hit and sent him flying in his seat. Clearly the other car had been riding its brakes, and he was sure he would've died had it not been for the airbag of the truck and the fact the other car had stopped as best it could. He fought to stay conscious, hearing some familiar voice trying to cut through the fog of his mind.

Levi had seen the car coming, and tried to slow as best he could to hopefully stop; both driver and passenger seemed distracted, and by the time the truck took a harsh turn it nearly sent it into a full-blown tumble. He slammed on the brakes, unable to turn without giving himself the same fate, and ended up rear ending the car; giving it the final push to knock it over. The truck went straight into a tree, and he just prayed those people were okay, he hadn't run into people in many miles; and an unnecessary casualty was the last thing he wanted to be responsible for. The dark haired man jumped out of his car, observing the damage to the front of his car; it wasn't a big car, and it had been a nice one. He would've been irritated by the damage done to the front, but it seemed both truck-drivers were alive. He scampered over, grabbing a first-aid kit he had (he's like the equivalent of a hoarder in the apocalypse), to see what was gong on. The woman was bigger than he was by a good three or four inches, with muscles that seemed more on her upper body; unlike he, who was a runner and had been a dancer for a time.

He didn't fear these strangers, he was remarkably well-prepared for this; he'd been in kickboxing, he was a cross-country runner, and dance? Well, that was a phase... He still had more abilities than most, and was thankful that he was able to fend for himself despite his short stature. Both he and his sister had done there best to learn defense, since they were small people living in a big city; they had to, in order to survive. Now, those tactics were so much more dire. Levi watched as Nick's eyes fluttered open, such a light blue color that he was momentarily struck with awe. Then, he went immediately to the damage done on both of them; while Levi only had what he assumed to be bruises where his seatbelt dug into his chest from stopping, he could see both of them were in worse shape. Nick, had it not been for the fact their car was big and the airbag deploying quickly, would've gone through the windshield and cracked his head open. However, he was moved enough to be knocked up without his seatbelt. Despite this, he still had the ability to open the car door and fling himself out after the initial impact.

Levi had seen Nick practically fall from the car, dragging himself to lean against the tree; lapsing in and out of consciousness. What struck Levi as concerning was the fact this younger man's ribs were slumped down, heaving with exertion. That was something easy to heal, but excruciatingly slow- He prayed for a fractured rib and not a broken one. The man's leg also looked mangled, already bandaged; so he wasn't sure what was new and what wasn't. These two both needed to get to a safe place, to shower, clean themselves up, and get fixed up. He knew where they could go, since he'd just been driving for the past week or so; stopping at little hideouts he could return to on his journey. He'd mapped and marked them, making secret entrances and boarding them up. Again, with just him, he was more efficient than ever; and he hated it, because he missed his fiancee so much. His eyes flitted to the girl with him, she looked concerned and angry and confused all at once; he tried to decipher her wounds. She was okay enough to get up and ask if Nick was okay, but he couldn't tell with the layers she wore to fend from the cold.

Suddenly, Nick came to, his head nodding as he wheezed out "Yeah... Yeah, m'fine." He coughed feebly, before clutching his side with a low groan. "Fuck." He hissed, gritting his teeth and trying to pull himself up. Then his eyes met with this strange man, who he assumed hit them. The man looked younger than he was, with big dorky glasses and a stylish haircut. The man was clean shaven, which he found bizarre in the apocalypse; Nick had only been able to shave twice, and he'd cut himself both times. This stranger seemed okay, too, wearing a thick navy parka and what looked like a gray sweatshirt over some other shirts. His boots were relatively new, jeans just barely muddied by guts; he looked like a survivor if Nick ever saw one. "You asshole." Nick barked, voice dropping immediately into a stifled yelp; every inch of vile hate in his voice dying into pained cursing. He felt so alone, so useless, so much more of a liability.

"I have supplies. I can help." Levi stated flatly, his voice unexpectedly low for such a childish face.

Beowulf said:
"Thank you much." Conner said as he looked around his room. It was a nice place, certainly better then his lean-to shelter. "Oh, and before you go, I had some hides at my camp. If you could send some of your people out there to get them, I can have a bit of a head start on things." And after giving him the directions to his camp, he sits in the middle of the room, admiring his new puxuries. (@DrTrollinski )
(@DrTrollinski )
"Well. We'll be together a while, don't worry." He grinned sadistically. (@Soul OMU)


"Christ, Carl... Are you done yet...?" He said, thirty seconds after Carl disappeared behind the hedges.

"Almost..." He called back in response; another ten seconds later and he came back out from the hedges and reached up to Eric, expecting him to carry him. Eric sighed and pointed at the snow, doing so so that Carl would wash his hands in it; he did exactly that and then reached back up - Eric grunted as he picked him up and carried him back into the kitchen with everyone else.

"We're back." He said. He sat back down in his chair and left Carl sitting on his lap. (@DryPunishment) 
"Oh, you're welcome. I'll get someone to run you some clothes over. Make yourself at home and just holler if you need anything." He said, he then walked out; ten minutes later, a man walked in through the door and placed the clothes down on the couch, looking over at him.

"New here, eh?" He said. (@Beowulf)
"How ling did it take you to figure that out? Of course I'm new, when have you seen my beautiful face before." Conner said a bit rudely, but it was clearly meant as a joke. "Guessin' those are for me. Well? Bring them here so I can get them on." (@DrTrollinski)
"Yeah, sure." He went over and placed them on his lap, sighing. "You alright to take care of that by yourself? In the condition you're in, I mean." He said, scratching his head. (@Beowulf)
"I can still get a shirt on. Pants might be a bit of a problem. I'll holler if I need you." he replied. Already he was taking his original shirt off to replace it by the new one. He felt a bit winded by that simple task, however, and took a slight break between taking one shirt off and putting another on. Then there were his pants. "Alright, the least I'll ask you to do is help take my shoes off." he shouted to the man, true to his word about hollering. (@DrTrollinski )
He stepped back into the room and walked over to him, assisting him in getting his shoes off and placing him beside his chair. "All good, man?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
Tina was breathing quickly and taking in big amounts of air. She looked at the guy.

"Did you know how fast you were going...and don't worry we- *she looked at the truck's trunk* had...supplies. We had supplies..."

Her face quickly saddened as she sat down and leaned against the truck.

"Dammit!" She hit the truck with the side of the truck

"It's so cold...thanks,dude...really. I appreciate it. I really do! You got a time machine so we could take another way and avoid your speeding?

She put her palms toghether and rubbed them against each other and took more breaths.

Tina shook her head and shrugged.

"I had a bad feeling about this day since it started."

(@TheHarlequinnCat My posts are so small compared to yours and it makes me feel like I'm not putting enough effort into them,sorry if they feel small and effortless)
"Maybe. You stay close, I still might need you. As much as I hate to admit it." Then Conner gathered himself to take on the challange that was changing over. Hooking his thumbs in the back, he gives them a good push and newrly falls out of the chair. Reassuring the man that he was fine, he goes about it a different, and saw that there was none. "Alright lad, give me a hand." He planned on using the guy as a sort of support so he could get one leg out at a time. (@DrTrollinski)
(@DryPunishment - There's a post of mine that you can reply to.)

"Not exactly. A psycho... I wouldn't say that. Try psycho rapist." He said, grinning again in an evil manner. (@Soul OMU)
Riley sighs slightly and shakes head. "Still a psycho." She said while leaning against the door and thinking slightly, watching the land pass by. Hunter and Cece currently searching for Riley, Hunter getting a bit worried and frantic while Cece is keeping calm and making sure she doesn't do anything drastic. (@DrTrollinski)
(I am like one or the other; super crazy madwoman posts that go on for centuries, or I'm like pathetic one sentence like really sad. I also like to make super elaborate backstories and then I make stories for the characters in their stories, so I want to have like 30000 characters but I'm stuck with three, so I'm like trying to make people take characters in my character's lives :kiss: so. everyone on here. ya. hi.

thats a gsthing u can message me ic ant jsutt uhr)


Levi didn't react to her, he didn't even seem fazed by her being so upset. Not even batting an eye, he raised an eyebrow, "I can help." He didn't threaten them, just looked to Tina and then to Nick. He was reading them as easily as books, and it was unnerving Nick. Behind those thick glassed windows, he could see those grayish-green eyes deciphering every possibility for every situation that could come of this. He envied it, hated it, and feared it all at once; hoping that Tina could match this wit that he knew he couldn't. However, from their immature banter, he doubted she could either. Levi was an entire other level of survivor, and a different breed of human; he looked harmless enough, someone Nick wouldn't have looked twice at. But, he saw him in a different light; he didn't want to know if he could beat him in a fight. Just that his best option would be to cooperate, he had to get to West.

"Whatever." Nick grumbled, using the tree to ease himself onto one leg; every word burning in his lungs. He ached, he could already feel bruises forming on his tailbone and shoulders. Surely, Tina would be feeling hers soon too; she hadn't been able to pull herself out the truck. Then again, he wasn't really sure who came off worse; probably him, on account of his predisposition of injury. "Let's get going, shorty." Nick said, trying to keep the anger out of his tone; and God, was he furious. This had to be the worst day he'd had yet since the world went to shit. Of all the things to happen on the day he is betrayed, abandoned, and abused- he has to get in a car wreck because some cocky bastard had to race his car as fast as it could go. It'd taken what would've been 5 seconds reaction time down to 2, there had been no way either of them could've prevented any of this. Nick knew West would've told him that on the bright side, they weren't dead; they weren't paralyzed; and they weren't crashed into someone unprepared.

Levi nodded, looking at the crumpled front of his car; surely it would still move, it was a sturdy car. He picked up what he could salvage of their's from the wreck. Nick didn't protest, since he couldn't do it himself. Levi seemed to overpass certain items, which he deemed unworthy. The man was very cold to them, he didn't even need to tell Nick twice to hand over his weapons. Nick had fired up defensively, but it seemed Tina got the message once she saw how stocked up his car was; then, he handed over his axe and knife. Levi observed each of their weapons, judging them; throwing the axe to the floor. "Hey!" Nick hissed, trying to grab it, but Levi put his hand on Nick's wrist. "That axe won't be easy to pull out of a walker's skull, you're better off with the knife and whatever I can offer you."

Nick didn't want to ask how Levi knew this, by the vacant stare in the man's eyes; he knew that it would be a haunting story. It was cramped in the car, and he was mildly offended that Levi laid down towels to catch the blood; as if it would be so offensive to bleed on the new leather seats. During all of this, Tina seemed to be as perplexed by the stranger as Nick. Once they were in the car, Nick in the backseat, and Tina in the passenger, Levi turned the car around and drove off; and he drove off fast. Temporarily shocked, Nick made a disgruntled sound as Levi continued to drive at the quick pace; but he was a remarkably precise driver, never slipping up once as they took turns and passed the undead.

Maybe 30 minutes into Delaney's sleep, the snow began to calm and the doors of the service station creaked open. The moment Brad felt the draft of cold wind he quickly shook her shoulder. "Wake up, sweetheart... I think we've got company..." He said, bringing his revolver to aim. (@TheHarlequinnCat)


"Sure." The man went and stood beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder. (@Beowulf)
"Alright, help me up then just stand there. Not the hardest thing for you to do." Conner said, grabbing the man's arm and pulling himself into a standing position, or he pulled him, either one. Once there, he leaned heavily on the man. "Pardon me." he said before dropping his pants to quickly get the other pair on. I say quickly, but it was rather slow, first kicking away the old pair then unfolding the new ones on and putting them on one leg at a time like you're supposed to. But he got it, eventually. Dropping back into the wheel chair, he looks at the man and says "Thank you much. Now, if you don't have anything else to do, go find Kane and get something to do." (@DrTrollinski )
Delaney woke up a little slower than she would've normally, mumbling "What?" Then she thought about what he said. "What?!" She whispered, jumping up and looking around the room. Immediately, she grabbed for her rifle and got onto her feet. The cold was ruthless, but she was warmed up from all the steps they'd taken so carefully to stay alive. Cautiously, she tread towards the window of the store to see what was coming in. "Brad." She whispered, having him follow closely at her side. They both peered out to see what it was.

((Idk what it is xD ))

He sighed. "I'll be nice about it because you're new here." He said as he stood at the open doorway. ".. There's a lot of people here that won't like you ordering them about - If you try it, I can almost guarantee someone's going to get a bit too pissed - under the circumstances you arrived on, I recommend that you try and be just a little bit less demanding... I'll go and see Kane." He said, closing the door over straight away; he walked off into the building where Kane usually was and didn't find him - he decided to go to the infirmary as that's where he'd usually find him if not anywhere else. And of course, he did. He was with Dominic and his son - his son was sat on the bed with his hand bandaged up and his face pale - his clothes were stained with blood, but he looked a bit better than he did before, if not a little queasy; he watched him lie down and then approached Kane.

".. Kane... New guy said that I should come and see you to get something to do... Know anything about that?" He asked, Kane frowned for a moment but then smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. You need to gather up some men and head to his camp in the center of the forest beside us. Get all the animal skins you can." He ordered, the man sighed in disappointment and then wandered out of the room.


They soon came to a stop outside a little shack on the road. The man grabbed her and dragged her out of the car by her tied up feet and went into the shack - there was a mattress, a shelf, a seat and desk, and a locker - this must have been his survivalist shack. He tossed her down onto the mattress and smirked as he kicked her over so that she was lying on her stomach. He took some duct tape from the locker and bound her mouth again. "So... What are we going to do first?" He said, pacing around slowly. (@Soul OMU)


Brad looked around carefully in the now more peaceful snow. There was nothing. ".. There ain't nothin' there... We better get suited up. We can't stay here." He said, he dragged her back to where they were sat previously to get dressed into their coats and such; he then grabbed his rifle and bag of food that Delaney had found; he slung it over his shoulder and then held his rifle at the ready - with Delaney armed with a shotgun and him with a magnum and rifle, hopefully they'd be able to make progress and crack a few heads. "You ready?" He asked. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
"I'm getting old, there is my excuse." Conner shouted after the man before once more admiring his new found luxuries. Now what did he have there again? He was pretty sure he had some guts that he was wanting to make a new bowstring out of. But what kind of animal hides did he have? Deer were getting a bit harder to come by, but he might have had a few of those lying around, and he certainly had rabbit skins.
Riley narrowed her eyes slightly as she looked around discreetly for anything she could use to help her out of this situation, she glanced at her clothes to see if she could spot anything that might be useful. She didn't answer since her mouth was duct taped shut again and was too busy looking for an escape route or a way to get free first.

Hunter and Cece currently slowly on the move, found the foot prints in the snow and then tire tracks. Hunter growled in annoyance. "Damnit... Cece, do you think any of the cars are useable and can be hotwired?" she asked while Cece started to quickly look around to check the other cars, obviously noticing her worry. (@DrTrollinski)
Matty looked at Eric

"You guys got any milk in the fridge? I got these cereal for Cait and I couldn't pack the milk,cause it would break."

He put the cereal on the table and took a seat on the chair.

Caitlyn raised her hands and Matty put her on a chair next to him.

(@DrTrollinski )


Tina examined the guy before getting in the car. She noticed he read them like open books, and that he was good at it. Learning this,Tina closed up. She was not showing any emotion near him as she stood in the passenger seat. Every time a question would pop up either from Nick or from him she would respond with basic, emotionless words or just simple gestures as shaking her head or nodding. Nothing complicated. She tried to learn from his stature and actions too,but his shell was hard to shatter. Tina looked straight at the road,her position on the seat gave nothing away. She did not speak nor did anything else.

No hatchet...no bat.Just a screwdriver. She forgot to mention her bat which was probably thrown by Levi as she was not paying attention to him.Only enough to acknowledge getting into his car.

(@TheHarlequinnCat )
"Like I said, man. No. Nothin' that ain't gone sour. We've probably got powdered milk somewhere. That's the best I can give you." Eric shrugged, he smiled when Carl lied against him and hugged him tightly. He patted Carl on the head and also initiated a hug on him - Carl was so sweet like that sometimes, and despite how Eric sometimes acted towards him, he still showed love and affection like this quite often. Carl was a kid who liked to forgive and forget - He remembered everything that people did for him rather than what they didn't do. So, Eric taking him out back and waiting for him while he relieved himself got him in his good books. (@DryPunishment) 
"Mhm..." The man walked over to her and gently placed his hands down on her back while she was lying on the mattress. ".. Isn't it nice to be some place quiet?" He said to her as he began unbuckling his belt.

(And we're fading out.)

30 minutes later...

He stood back up and wiped the line of sweat from his forehead, grinning insanely as he walked over and took a bottle of water from the counter and gulped some of it down. He walked over to her and tipped some of the water onto her head; after he did that he went around gathering up all his guns, food, ammo, and water - he also got the essentials like clothes and toilet paper. He didn't take the duct tape away from her mouth; he got a blanket from the corner and threw it over her back to cover it up. All of her clothes were either off or torn up.

"Can't have you gettin' cold, can we?" He smirked at her and walked off to the door, opening it up and taking one step out. "I ain't comin' back - Thanks for the good time, sugar. I do hope your slow death ain't all that painful." He laughed wildly as he slammed the door shut and ran out into the car; he sped off. (@Soul OMU)
Riley, still unconscious, covered in blood, cuts and many bruises from him, still tied up, shaking slightly. As she slowly came to, she shuddered and felt sick and horribly horribly dirty, she felt like throwing up. (@DrTrollinski)
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