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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"Yeah, cool, man. Cool." He said, reaching down and swiping up his hand and shaking it; he dashed off to the girl and swept her up off her feet with a roar, holding her over his shoulder. "Now, what were you plannin' to do with that?" He chuckled as he began carrying her off; she laughed and squirmed, but she wasn't going to be escaping his grip.

"Nice guy, ain't he?" He said as he pushed him further down the sidewalk. (@Beowulf)
"Honestly, I'm surprised he let it go so easily." he said as he was wheeled down the walk. Now, he just had to know what was where and he could settle down easily enough. "Hey, I have a question. About how many bandit groups have you seen with a kid, for sure?" Dominic had a point on how he had a better chance of finding his son here then he did travelling in the woods.
"Hard to tell... We've seen some people goin' around, but they've never troubled us, and vice versa. I saw a couple of kids in the groups that went by. How come? Lookin' for someone?" He asked - he was pushing him slowly down towards where the fence was being constructed. (@Beowulf)
"Yeah. I don't want to go over it again. You can ask Dominic, he knows about it." Then he saw it, the fence that was being constructed. "Is that what your boy was so excited about helping with, Dominic? I'll admit, I'm impressed, but it's nothing I'd be excited about. Must just be youth I guess." (@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah, he was just happy to have some responsibility, that's all. It's all in the age, man." He chuckled, taking a deep breath of the cold air. (@Beowulf)
"Who else is there that I should know?" Conner asked as he was wheeled by the fence. "Oh, and who will I more then likely be teaching? Stay at home parents? Elderly? Who? Give me a basic idea here." (@DrTrollinski )
"There's no one else you need to know right now. I think you should find your own way around once you're up and moving." He said, he watched Dominic's son for a moment as he lifted up a plank of wood - he looked tired and overwhelmed by the weight of it, and of course, it quickly slid out of his hand and tore through the glove on his right hand - blood started dripping from his hand and onto the snow. Even Kane winced at that one. He locked Conner's wheelchair in place and then walked over to him. "You alright, buddy?" He asked, he said nothing and quickly shook his head - Kane took hold of his hand and looked at it - it wasn't a deep cut, but it had some length to it; he put an arm around his shoulders and spun him around. "I think that's enough work from you for today - Good job. Go with dad and get that fixed up, alright?" He said, the boy nodded once again and quickly ran to his father's side, whom of which picked him up and nodded a goodbye to Kane and Conner as he walked off. "Kids, eh?" Kane said to Conner, chuckling. (@Beowulf)
"They all mean well." he replied as watched Dominic and the kid walk away. "It's a bit chilly out here for my taste, especially in my current condition. You can wheel me back whenever you're tired of hearing me talk. That's all I can do right now." (@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah... I'll set you up somewhere proper that isn't a stiff hospital bed." He chuckled and began wheeling him across the street and over into one of the apartments. First floor. He pushed him into the living room and shut the door. "I hope this is alright for you. There should be food and blankets, first for, and I'll get someone to bring you clothes soon." He smiled. (@Beowulf last post, goodnight ;) )
Clearly agitated, Nick immaturely shook his head to iterate that he didn't want to. Want to what? Well, he explained himself in irritation "There is no way in hell I'm leaving this shithole without weapons." He gestured to his leg and then crossed his arms, suppressing the urge to bite on his thumbnail as he did when he was nervous. Before she could necessarily respond to his reasoning, he fired up again with "Unless you want to help me, I have to get to Wellington." Blue eyes flickering a certain drive, he nodded just the slightest bit to remind himself that what he just said was true. He had to find West and the little girl; he didn't care for anyone else but them. She was tough, even though she was young; he could tell she had more reason and guts than everyone in his group combined. Or, at least, his old group. Spare West's hero complex, she was someone who would survive this epidemic.

He, on the other hand, would apparently perish indefinitely; according to his own conscience and everyone but West. This girl seemed to believe in his capabilities well enough, but she hadn't been around long enough to see his blunders. Still reeling from the fact of what had happened, and that West was gone. Gone. Gone. He twitched a bit, the pain in his face nowhere near as bad as the mind-numbing ache in his leg. He was lucky it wasn't broken, but it was swollen up like it was ready to burst; bleeding more near his thigh than anything. Flickering from autopilot, he brought his fingers to his lips in contemplation; biting anxiously at the corners of his nail.


Delaney didn't respond to his apology, she just closed her eyes tighter. It almost seemed real now, as she drifted into a light slumber; and she was warm and she was safe. Mason wouldn't be home until the morning, and even then he would be sleeping until dinner. She usually made herself tea and dipped homemade shortbread into it. Delaney would take a hot bath, and then cuddle up alone by the fire; and it was as peaceful as she'd ever felt, with only the wind whispering in her ears. Jumping back to reality, taking in a harsh gasp of cold air; nearly shocked by it, she realized she'd spilled coffee on her shirt. Confused, she pulled it closer to her and looked to Brad. "Are we going to die?"

((I just got home, I need to sleep... And I do a lot of HW tomorrow so I might be a little weird with posts))
"Fine then,sit there and bleed to death. I don't know how you would get to Wellington like that,but either way...your choice. Can't help you if you don't let me."

She got up and went back to her original place. Tina picked up the bat and didn't turn towards him

She was expecting an answer

"Okay... Okay, good. But we can't just hang around under here forever. We'll have to find some mode of transport... Ugh..." Nor scratched her head, "I hate this! I hate it so much! I just want to go home!" She sighed. (@DrTrollinski)
".. Yeah, me too..." He said, sighing. "We'll find a way out, but... In the meantime." He said, walking over to the oil barrel and flicking out his lighter. He lit some of the paper that was in there and smiled as it began to burn. "This should hold us for a while..." He said. (@Fallen from Heaven)
Nor nodded and smiled.

"Thank you for everything. I'm... I'm really, really grateful." she said, "You saved my life like three times in the past few hours." (@DrTrollinski)
".. It's my pleasure... I try, y'know?" He said, chuckling a little as he swept up some sticks from the ground and dropped them into the oil barrel, holding his hands out in front of the fire to warm them up thereafter.(@Fallen from Heaven)
"I just wish there was something I could do for you in return." Nor said, "I feel so useless." She edged closer to the oil barrel and sat as close as she dared to it. She didn't want to get burnt. (@DrTrollinski)
".. Don't worry about it. You've done enough for me, Nor." He said, shrugging and smiling at her. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Tell me about some of your hobbies." He said, looking around the underpass of the bridge. At least this place didn't smell of urine; the fire seemed to flicker around and illuminate the whole area they were in, whereas the areas outside of them where just sheets of white. (@Fallen from Heaven)


"No, but--.." Brad began sobbing. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." He bawled, setting his cup down on the chair beside him and hugging her, his face buried in her shoulder. ".. I'm sorry..." He choked out again. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Currently in Bilings, Montana.

Riley currently wrapping up her arm after having had to jump through a window with Hunter and Cece to escape a horde that had found them while they were scavenging the building. She huffed slightly and looked at the other two. "You guys alright?" she asked while looking them over with her eyes slightly. Cece nodded. "Yeah..." she said while wiping the blood off her small cuts and checking her bag to make sure she hadn't lost any supplies that they had just gotten. Hunter grit her teeth since when they landed she had landed on her ankle funny. "Yeah... I'm fine too..." she said while slowly making her way to look through her bag to see what she managed to grab and sighed slightly. "Damn... I thought we got more then this.... Whatever... We need to keep moving." she said and got up and started to walk and winced a bit as the pain kept shooting through her everytime she put weight on her leg. Riley watched her carefully but said nothing as she got up and followed. Cece packed her stuff away and got up, following after the two to make sure she didn't lose them. Riley sighed slightly. They still had long ways to go if they were going to get to the next safe house. She just hoped there were actual survivors this time. She had seen some before but not all of them were nice and nearly killed them, she glanced at her map slightly that she had grabbed along their last scavenge. They had a long way to go before even reaching Wisconsin.
"Um... I run. I'm the fastest person in my year- or should I say grade? That's what you say over here, isn't it?" Nor said, "I... I go shopping with my friends. I'm learning to play the piano. I'm just really normal." (@DrTrollinski .-. I thought I'd posted.)
".. That's nice. That's good, yeah. Any favorite animals, anything like that?" He asked. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Forty-seven, I'd say. Based off a video-game character." He chuckled gently and looked around. (@Fallen from Heaven)

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