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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"We're safe in this car for now. That's our best bet until this snow starts to clear - We won't survive in the cold. We were driving for about twenty minutes - We haven't got a hope of making it on foot, so it's lucky we've got water, food, and blankets. I think it'd be safer for us to stick around here for a while, and the storm will shield us from pretty much everything, so we should be clear and out of sight." He stated, reaching over into the back of the truck and pulling out the two blankets he packed, setting one down on her lap. (@Fallen from Heaven)
She paused for a moment, thinking.

"We can sleep in shifts." She decided, "So, you can sleep first." Nor said, "Because you hurt your head so you should rest and stuff. I'll stay awake and keep watch. I'll wake you up if anything happens." (@DrTrollinski)
"Hm... Alright." He said, slumping down in his chair and closing his eyes, slowly drifting off into a gentle sleep. (@Fallen from Heaven)


"You're in more dire need of a blowjob than any other white man in history, my friend. Holy shit, you're alive - Stop moping around and making enemies, fuck, things could be worse. I don't know what you've been through, man, but we've all been through a lot, and each and every one of us have lost something here. It's not my problem that you tried to make them lose more, is it?" He shook his head and looked around, sighing. "I'm not leaving you here so you can try and open a window to jump out of it. I can tell you don't want to be here, but you've already dug yourself into a deep enough ditch. What the hell happened since the outbreak last week? Seriously, what in the world happened to you to make you like this - I can tell just by looking at you that you were different before this hell rampage started." He added. (@Beowulf)
Conner just sat there, silent, pondering where to start his tale. "It's simple enough, s**t hit the fan. Me and my family holed up in our house, trying to wait it out. It was a pretty nice set up, windows all boarded up and all but one door becoming part of the wall. But some how, some way, one of those f**kers got in. That's when it all went down hill. My wife got bit before we could put the biter down. She didn't want to become one of them, so she left with a gun and determined to kill as many as she could before dying herself. Me and my boy took it hard, him thinking it was all his fault. But we kept going, we persevered. Then the bandits came, they were like they walked out of a mad max movie. I tried to protect him, but I wasn't good enough, let alone strong enough. They did the same thing you did, only left me for dead. When I woke up, there was nothing left for me, except for my bow, arrows, and the bayonet. And now I'm here." He chocked up a bit at the part where his wife and kid died, but he didn't show any sorrow as best he could, eyes shining with unshed tears. (@DrTrollinski )
".. You tried, man. That's what matters - The only reason it's considered trying, is because we can't succeed with it - You gave it your best, and it didn't work out. That's nothing to torture yourself about - I had to shoot my wife, my friend - she ain't here with me and my son. She got bit, just like yours. My son saw me shoot her and wouldn't do so much as even go near me for two days until I managed to get him sat down so I could explain - Yeah, I blame myself every day for what happened, and it hasn't been long since it did - She never got the burial, but my son lives life to the full knowing that what happened, happened. He gets on with it, and he stays happy, as you've seen - It's harder for us, but we should try doing the same." He said, nodding once. (@DryPunishment)
"The difference between you and me, is that I don't know if my boy is alive or dead. I don't know if he joined up with those bandits and is now twisted to something that I would be ashamed to call my son. That is what worries me the most, me not knowing what happened to him." (@DrTrollinski )
"All this unbelievable shit,man...one day I'm with my girlfriend and the next I am holding her while she gives her last breaths...what the fuck?"

"How old is he?" He asked almost instantly after. (@Fallen from Heaven)


"And one day I'm borrowing porno magazines from my best friend and the next I'm stabbing him in the face and putting him out of his misery. I don't know. When did this happen?" He said with a shrug, scraping the remainder of his beans into his mouth. (@DryPunishment)
"Let's see here, he was about 14 years old. Liked to pretend to act older then what he was though, said to new kids that he was 15." A slight grin flickered across his face at the memory, then faded with it. "How old is your boy? From the way he jumps around I'd say he was around my boy's age. Either that or you give him a lot of sugar."
"There's gotta be someone behind all of this I mean it's just not possible it breaks loose in EVERY continent...Seriously."

He took his jacket and put it back on. Matty noticed the cut in the fabric from the time he was breaking in a house

"I'm gonna go take a piss outside, allright? If you want some fruits or something they're in the bag. Don't get greedy though or we'll have to go and scavange again."

He went out the back door.

It took Nor a few moments to register what she was seeing. It took her another few moments to react. She turned to Jeff and slapped him in the face, repeatedly.

"Wake the hell up!" she said, "Please, please, please, please!" (@DrTrollinski)
"Ha! Fourteen? Hell no, buddy. My boy's only seven. Sure is excitable, huh?" He chuckled a little. "Don't worry. You can't morph kids that're that old - If he had a good upbringing, which I assume he did, he'll keep that at heart - Plus, you look devious enough to try and run out of this door if you had the chance, so I'm guessing your boy's got that streak in him." He chuckled softly. "If you want to see him again, you need to hope he's alive and not get yourself killed." He said. "And my boy does that as well - He tries to act older to impress all the grown-ups and teens around here." He added, smiling. (@Fallen from Heaven)


"Yeah, that's fine. Watch the vomit, by the way." He said in embarrassment. ".. I think it's an experiment gone wrong." He added. (@DryPunishment)
"Walkers! Zombies! The undead! Whatever you want to call them." Nor pointed at the figures in the distance staggering slowly closer, "We have to move!" (@DrTrollinski)
"You're damn right I brought him up right. And he tried to sneak out of his room several times when we grounded him, so I guess you say he's like me in that aspect." After he that, he sat there, a very thoughtful look on his face, and a grin playing across his face. "Ain't it odd how when you are young you want to be older, and when you are older, you want to be younger?" He finally said, which was obviously what he had been thinking.
The snow had only eased up in the slightest. ".. Oh, Jesus." He swept the bag over from the back and put it over his shoulder, hopping out of the car and going around to Nor's side; he helped her out and swept her up in both arms, holding her in the fireman carry. "You ain't making it up this hill on your ankle, and we'll just slip back down..." He glanced around and saw that there was a bridge in the near distance; that was their best bet. He was almost sprinting despite all the weight on him; he carried her until they were under the bridge and then set her down, taking a deep breath. ".. Hopefully we'll be okay here..." He spluttered, looking around. "Jesus..." (@Fallen from Heaven)


"It's a blissful ignorance, my friend. My son's always saying he wants to be grown up like me, but I'm always telling him how I'd like to be as young as him again - I think we've come to a mutual agreement." He said, chuckling. (@Beowulf)
"I left him to run around and make a fool of himself for it. Still didn't stop him, the determined little brat." Conner said fondly about his own son. "When you can, get the big boss over here so I can talk to him myself and try and convince him to let me do something." (@DrTrollinski )
".. I know we've not really done anything to make you stay, but... If your son's out there, he'd have a better chance of finding you here than he would finding you kicking about in a forest out there. Just let that play on your mind for a while - Now. You sure you don't want some painkillers? You're going to be killing soon enough." He offered. (@Beowulf)
"Fine then, if you so insist on making me have them." Holding out his hand, he waits patiently for the pills. Of course, his arm got tired and he dropped it down to his side, but it was the same thing. He may have lost a lot of blood and had several holes in him, but he wouldn't be fed by someone other then himself with his own two hands.
"Thank you so much." Nor whispered, "I'm sorry. I promised not to be a burden to you but I've been nothing but. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." She looked down, "Do you think they'll find us under here?" She gestured to the bridge over their heads. (@DrTrollinski)
He picked up a bottle of water and a couple of high-strength painkillers; he walked over to his bed and handed him the pills and the bottle. (@Fallen from Heaven - Check AftS when you're free, too :) )
Unscrewing the cap, he pops the pills into his mouth, and gulps down a few mouthfuls of water. "Alright, I took your pills. They better work, for both our sakes. Now go get that boss man, and tell him to brace himself." (@DrTrollinski )
"Trust me. You'll do yourself a favor to stay calm - Don't get too over the top with him. He's a good man, but he isn't one to let hostility slide. He doesn't like it at all unless it's necessary - and here... I don't think it is." He said, followed by walking out of the room and going out of the building. He took a walk down the street and went into a building to get the boss man - a few minutes later and he was back in the room with Conner.

"Morning." Kane said as he looked over the man on the bed. (@Beowulf)
"Morning. I here you're the one that can give me something to do while I lay here." Conner replied. His tone was friendly enough, as if this wasn't the man that told his people to shoot him. But that talk with the man (sorry can't remember name) had really changed his view on the whole thing.

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