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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Conner woke up slowly, his body stiff with pain, or was it old age? As he went to stretch, his right arm came to a sudden halt. Now why had that happaned? Looking over, he sees that it is chained to a hospital bed, and for that matter his clothes had been replaced by something less wild and more civilized. Then he remembered the night before. The botched raid, the gunshots, the pain. So, they hadn't killed him, and judging by how his wounds felt a bit tight when he moved, they had been stitched up. Now why would they want to fix him up if they were just going to kill him later?

Brad slowly rose up from his seat and walked over to the balcony doors, pulling the curtains open about half an inch; he looked outside and gave a sigh. ".. Snow's pickin' up." He said softly before walking out into the hallway that lead into the bedrooms; five minutes later he returned with two hats and two scarves, as well as two pairs of gloves. He handed one scarf, one hat, and one pair of gloves to Delaney and then sat back down beside her. "Suit up... You might already have a hat, but double up everythin' you can." He said. (@TheHarlequinnCat)


".. Good morning." A soft voice called out from behind him - the voice was calm and easy, like a gentle wave of an ocean. It wasn't abrupt or demanding, surprisingly. (@Beowulf)
Skyler lets a small laugh escape from her lips when she notices how drunk Eric and Alex are. Just as she's about to say something she yawns slightly. It had just occurred to her that she hadn't slept for 48 hours. She shrugs and sits down, knowing she can stay up for at least another 12 hours. Someone had to watch these guys until they were sober.
"Alex... Where's the thing...?" He asked, his head bowed and his mouth drooling. Alex slowly staggered up but collapsed to the ground in front off him, resting his head back against the ground.

"What thing...?" He murmured.

"The thing..." He yawned and fell forward, resting his head in Alex's lap. "You know... The thing I got last night..." He said, he then shut his eyes and his body went limp. He passed out, his mouth wide open with saliva drooling from it. Alex placed his hand on Eric's head and then turned his head to the side to lay it down. He quickly drifted off. (@Aryn Harris)
Swiveling as best he could while still being comfortable, Conner thrns to the voice. Who was here? Why did he care? That past part didn't matter to much to him, as long as he coud take them and they had the key to his cuffs on them.
"You can see you're cuffed to the bed at your ankles and at your feet. Those are steel, government-issued cuffs, so don't bother trying to get out." A man walked in from behind him and sat down at the foot of the bed; he appeared to be a doctor of some sort on first glance. He wore glasses and a white jacket, alongside some charcoal pants and some loafers. ".. I'm the doctor that treated you. They fucked you up pretty bad. What's your name?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
Skyler smiles slightly at them, and sits down in a chair. She lets out a soft sigh and runs her fingers through her hair.
Woodruff, Wisconsin - 6:32am - January 1st, 2015.

".. Ugh..." Eric groaned quietly as he began to wake up, his head pounding, his legs aching, and his chest sore. He didn't even want to move; his face was a few inches from Alex's crotch, so he decided to at least move his head so that it was on Alex's stomach instead. He was ice cold on the tiled kitchen floor; he shuddered and hugged himself, curling into the fetal position. ".. God.." He choked. (@Aryn Harris)
".. I feel so fuckin' terrible..." He coughed, slowly pushing himself into a sitting position against the counter, his mouth dry. ".. I need a drink, Skyler..." He whispered shakily. (@Aryn Harris)
Skyler nods her head and reaches for a bottle of water. She stands up and walks over to him, handing him the bottle. "There you go."
He quickly takes it and drinks down half of it, one hand rested on his stomach once he was done drinking. ".. What the hell happened...?" He asked her, slowly rolling his eyes around the room. (@Aryn Harris)
".. I'm never drinking again..." He groaned as he placed one hand on his head. ".. Can you have a look for some aspirin, or something?" He asked, groaning in pain. (@Aryn Harris)
Conner didn't say anything. It wasn't clear if he just couldn't remember how to or if he didn't want to. Instead, he got a good amount of snot in his mouth, and spat it at the man. That was what he thought of the cuffes, and of this whole little collection of people. Life for him would have been much simpilar and easier if they weren't there.
He stood up and punched Conner heavily in the jaw, tightly grasping his face thereafter. "If you ever want to get out of here alive, you should FUCKING cooperate." He snarled. ".. This town was here a lot longer before you and I were even born - You think you can shoot at OUR people and fucking get away with it?!" He roared. (@Beowulf)
"And what makes you so special that you can shoot at me." Conner said, voice rasping with lack of use. He could almost feel his jaw starting to tighten up as it bruised. They wanted him alive for some reason, but why? And who the hell was this guy? He was either some one important, or someone ambitious.
"When you attack us for no reason, you can expect it. We've done nothing to you. We live here - We have CHILDREN here... We help people, and YOU try and kill us - Tell me, why the fuck SHOULDN'T we shoot you?" He demanded. (@Beowulf)
He hadn't thought of that. When ever he had met a group of others, even another person even, they had not wanted him there. They also wanted what he had, but that wasn't important right at thqt moment. Guess he had to give him that one. "Alright, you got me there, but who did I see yesterday that shot another man for no other reason then in cold blood? I would have killed him if I lived in this town, to keep these children safe." He didn't have to believe that he was telling the whole truth.
Delaney layered up, wrapping herself in as many extra clothing articles as she possibly could. She pulled out her hair to fit the hat over it; crazy spiral curls popping out from under the knit cap; and the gloves must've been two sizes too big, but she wore them nonetheless. The young woman scrounged up what she could that was lying around the barren apartment, shoving it into her duffle for future reference when they were starving and cold. She did her best to keep herself together, all of this like one bizarre dream to her. Clearing whatever was left in the little abode, she followed behind Brad like a loyal soldier. "Yessir." She mocked him a bit, puffing out her chest for but a second before her dimples faded and her smile died down. "Brad, if we don't make it through whatever the hell this is- You've been really helpful." She was opening up, piece by piece, and unfurling to attach herself a bit to this man. They were an unlikely duo, this small woman from an abusive husband and a huge man who seemed like the ideal candidate for such a crime. Delaney had a habit of forming bonds fast and strong, resulting in a painful grieving period when they left her life. Now those stakes seemed so much higher, it wasn't like she was watching her friends go to college and her parents wither away in hospital beds. She was watching guts get strewn across gas station floors, and savage humans try to tear her limb from limb. Delaney shook, but not from the cold this time.

"He does whatever's necessary. You shouldn't make assumptions based on what you've seen from the outside - That man was brought here from another group we ran into. A reject. A criminal - A rapist. He was used, maybe. He was promised accommodation and safety in return for help on the town; he was too dangerous. We caught him several times showing traits that he was a ticking time-bomb of a pervert; he was killed for that - The men you shot at last night - they're fathers, or fathers-to-be - This world may be shit, but you have NO right to try and kill people that claimed this place as their home after their real one got destroyed." He ranted, sighing and then slowly sitting down in the chair again. ".. The only reason you are alive, is because of me, and the man you think is a criminal." He added, bowing his head. (@Beowulf)


"And I'd like to say it's been a pleasure." Brad replied, smiling. He lead her out of the building and down the street; they had maybe a mile or two of a walk before they got to the next town. ".. It's gonna' be quite a walk to the next town!" He yelled through the two scarves, his hands in his coat pockets. "You feelin' alright?! Tell me if you need to stop and rest up, okay?!" He called out to her, the snow blowing in his face; he squinted as he continued stamping forward through the snow. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Delaney tried to stay close to him, the wind blowing hard against her reddened face; giving him a thumbs up, she nodded vigorously just so he could see she heard him. She didn't know how long they'd be walking, but she already felt aches in the back of her calves and dreaded this journey to a (hopefully) safer town. Brad seemed to know the area, so she knew staying by him would be her smartest plan of action. Despite this, she was still afraid they'd come out and try to ambush them again. Holding her gun, ready to fire, she tried to breathe slowly; so as to conserve her energy. They traveled in relative silence, spare a few check-ins here and there. When the world around them, in both directions, seemed to just be swirls of white and fog she asked "How much longer?"
"And I didn't lose my home and family." he muttered to himself. He expected the man that shot the other one to have wanted to pull the trigger himself. "Why?" he finally asked after a long silence. Why was he alive was the obvious one, and the largest one. But there were many other why's he wqnted to know. And what, but that would be for later.
"If the weather stays like this... Another hour, about." He said, holding his revolver up and at the ready. "A lot of the crazies don't wear many clothes! If they wanted to give chase, they'd be a fair bit back and dressing up!" He yelled.


"Because we try and avoid killing whoever we can." He said quietly. (@Beowulf, @TheHarlequinnCat)
After the apparent doctor said that, Conner sat in silence. It was a tough world now, and to him it was kill or be killed for almost everything. That philosophy was probably what got him here in the first place. Then again, that philosophy had served him well in the past. "Why am I here?" he continued. His voice wasn't as rasping as it first had been, now it just seemed like his throat was rubbed with sand paper. 

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