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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

He knew he had heard something when he saw a darker shadow against the night. That didn't look good. Silently, he drew the fletching to his cheek, aimed, and fired. However, he did not know that there were more then just the one, thinking he was just a patrol.
Skyler looks towards the stairs and makes her way over to them. Once she gets there she walks up them and checks all the rooms, finally finding what looks to be his parent's bedroom. She walks in and looks around, heading to the closet, and grabbing the gun and ammo that was inside of it.
It was only a snub-nosed revolver, but it was still a gun. Maybe it was more suitable for one of the kids as it was small and compact? Regardless, while she was gone Eric went back to digging through the cupboards. He knew that Jake's father was a drinker, and right now, after the way the whiskey he had made him feel, he just wanted something else. He found a bottle of brandy, scotch, whiskey, and white rum - He decided to be adventurous and knock back some of the rum, but he instantly began coughing. Jesus, it tasted like paint remover. He sealed it and loaded the bottles into his bag, sighing as he did so. Now it was time to wait for Skyler to get back while the daunting darkness of the house began to overwhelm him. He knew he couldn't turn the lights on, but he felt so anxious. (@Aryn Harris)


Shooting at a man who had good cover was never a good plan. As soon as the arrow did so much as land near them they hit the ground and looked to the two lying down; he pointed off towards the gate and flicked his hand a couple of times - they knew what they had to do - they quietly crawled over, still shielded by the car, and carefully opened up the gate - they exited and closed it again. With that they carefully sneaked over to a trunk of a tree that had been recently fell. They both ducked behind it and rested their rifles on top of it, looking off towards the area that served as an exit point to whoever was around. The other two men both pulled out silenced pistols and stood up out of cover, sending a barrage of bullets towards the red truck, shattering the windows and even popping one of the tires. (@Beowulf
(For the purpose of the RP between myself and @TheHarlequinnCat, I shall be fast forwarding the time frame that THOSE characters are in - everyone else will remain at the same time until further notice.)

Almost a whole two hours later at a bright and early time of six in the morning, the two returned with the clean clothes that they'd been asked to get. They set them down at the foot of the bed that Delaney was passed out on and then walked to the man's side.

"I swear, if she doesn't pull through, Doug's gonna' hear about this shit storm you've put us through." He snarled.

"She will. She's fine." He said, standing up and picking up his coat from her before putting it back on. He then went and got the large winter coat that the two had brought back for her and covered her back over, sighing as he went to sit back down at his seat. "At least we survived the night... I'm surprised those savages didn't kick down the door while you were gone, or didn't stalk you into town." He said.

"They won't do that, and you know it. We have guns and put a dent in the amount of people they had. They're not giving any chase just yet." He stated with a sure nod.
"S**t." Conner whispered furiously. Of course there was more then one, how could he have been so stupid? He couldn't take men with guns that knew where he was, but where to go? He could make a mad dash back to the woods, back to his turf. But then he ran the risk of taking a bullet. Screw it, he could be shot here or he could be shot there. So, collecting himself, he sends another arrow in the direction of the muffeled shots and flashes before sprinting towards the woods. That was when all help broke loose for him. There must have been more still waiting for him to bolt, for they also opened fire. Conner was hit, twice to his right arm and one to his left leg, but he kept going. Bullets caused puffs of snow around him, but he could make it, he could make it.

(@DrTrollinski )
The riflemen gave quick chase and ran after him, knowing that he was much slower now that he'd been hit. One of them stopped and lined it up with his right leg, lower, in the calf area, that was the only way to take him down. He fired the shot, the red-hot bullet travelling through the air at the rapid speed. He grinned as he knew that he'd hit him in his last remaining strong leg. It was a clear shot, he stood out too easily in the snow, it was going to be too, too easy. And he was right. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. (@Beowulf)
The bullet went straight through his calf. Immediatly, he dropped, landing face firet in the snow. He couldn't go on, he couldn't crawl with just one arm. He had been captured, and then probably exicuted. He thought he could have done more, done better. But he had been mistaken, and now he had several holes in him and slowly bleeding out.

(@DrTrollinski )
Delaney came to, her eyes fluttering as she rolled her head up. She let out a feeble groan as the pulsing in her head fired up immediately. Blinking a few times as her eyes focused, she saw men around her; one of them vaguely familiar, but it'd been so dark the night before she couldn't remember who had been who. Immediately, she recoiled, nearly jumping up to 'escape'- but her legs wouldn't listen to her head, and so she just scooted back even more and looked frantically around the room for a way out. Pressing her lips into a tight, thin line, she watched everyone and shakily got onto her knees. It was apparent that she wasn't feeling well enough to decide rationally whether or not to get up and leave, or wait for their reaction to her awakening. "May I borrow someone's phone" She hoarsely whispered, voice cracking and hands shaking.


Levi woke up to the sound of brush moving against his car, jolting upwards; he couldn't see anything but a smeared haze past the windshield. His hands clumsily sought his glasses, landing on them when he reached the passenger seat. Cleaning them off on his shirt, he observed his surroundings coolly; not allowing whatever that sound was to intimidate him. Peering out the windows, he expected to see some sort of monster in the snow; but instead a deer jolted past his car when he started the engine up. Nearly jumping out of his seat, Levi took in a harsh gasp; the cold hitting his insides enough to make his heart ache. Shuddering, rubbing his hands together again, he noted that the candle he'd lit inside the car had gone out. Even if he hadn't been out long, he'd still had the car off; and despite the layers of wool blankets on top of him, he was still cold when he started the car and drove back onto the empty road.

It was eerie, seeing the streets so vacant. He felt as though he was meant to be seeing the mass panic on the news, or on the first day in New York City. However, none of that happened, so he kept driving; the fuel still running high. His car was obnoxiously stocked to the brim, his backseat neatly packed with folded blankets, clothes, and cleaning supplies. Not to mention the fact he had his makeshift weaponry; which was basically cooking material and a baseball bat. He was stocked well enough in food to make it if he rationed himself, since he had packed for two people and not one. His meal items weren't exactly ideal; not the natural fruits and veggies he usually ate. He had a lot of oatmeal, gallons of water, dried fruits and trail mixes, canned vegetables, and soups. It was the type of food that lasted long, made you last long, but wasn't pleasant to make or eat. He'd tried to pick up some fresh fruit and greek yogurts, but the large carton of strawberries seemed freezer burnt from the day he'd taken it; and he hadn't touched it in a few days. The yogurts had been unpleasant in the winter, and ended up being a dessert; since he had to eat them before they went bad. Levi was just thankful his fiancee had been smart enough to bring the camper coffee-maker, so he got his morning cup of joe no matter what.
All four men ran over to him, and before he could do so much as react he had the butt of the rifle delivered to the back of his, knocking him unconscious. Following that, he was dragged off into the unknown within the town; he was cuffed to a bed while someone treated the harsh wounds that he had, forcing him to endure hours of what felt like torture. (Hold off on this for a short while, @Beowulf)


"Good mornin', sweetheart." The man said in a raspy mutter, smiling a half-smile at her. She knew that voice. That was one of the men she stole from - her gun was by his side, whereas he held a rifle of his own in his lap - it wasn't aimed at her, or anything, but she saw that she had been given a coat as well as a pile of clean clothes that rested at the foot of her bed. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Delaney perked up at the sound of a familiar voice, but then visibly withdrew; the cogs turning in her head easier to read than the sunday papers. She was pleased she recognized someone who wasn't her antagonist, but knew that he knew she stole from him now. Not only that, but she'd lost everything but a duffle bag and her rifle. Clearing her throat, she looked up at him with those massive doe eyes and said quietly "I'm sorry." The clothes set out on the foot of the bed looked rather appealing, but she fancied the scent of Mason's cologne and cigarette smoke. It was like a reminder of home, and the army jacket had a warmer smell of spice and coffee grinds. She pulled her jacket closer to her, almost afraid to get out of the bed. "I would like to use a phone, please." She started again, strongly at first, but it quickly faded into nothing. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Delaney changed subjects "Where am I?-.... Who are you?-" She continued, ending with a whispered "Why am I here?"
He laughed. "A phone? You're kidding me, right? Sweetheart, phone lines are more dead than you almost were. Phone providers have gone off the radar, all the people that worked to give us some nice signal are either dead, on the run, or shamblin' around tryin' to eat everyone who's left..." He sighed and shook his head, looking off towards the door. The other man looked at him, then at Delaney, and then walked to stand in front of it.

"We're the people that got dragged through a thorn bush to make sure the savages didn't rape you continuously and kill you." The man at the door chortled.

"Ugh." The man in the chair groaned. ".. Ignore him... I'm Brad. We ain't got phones, nor do I think that any phone lines are even active any more... Just one question though... Why did you decide to steal and run from us?" He asked, leaning back in his chair and looking rather relaxed. In fact, he seemed to be the least angry person out of the three. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Without noticing Matty fell asleep again,his little condition was annoying,one minute he's talking and the other he's asleep.Why can't he have a normal sleep schedule.

((been away again,sorry.Once school starts for me I'll be less active which is tommorow))
"Matty!" Alex exclaimed, lightly slamming his hand down on the table. "You alright, man?" He asked. "You can go to bed if you want, I'm not sleeping again tonight." He added. (@DryPunishment)
Matty jumped.

"What? I'm sorry...it's just I have this thing where I wake up randomly at night and fall asleep just as randomly.It only happens if I don't get enough sleep though,so I should be ok during the day...as for a bed?Doesn't really matter,but I guess my back could use one...thanks"

He got up

"Is the bedroom straight up or-?"

(@DrTrollinski you should message me little character blips if they're gonna stay for a while)

Delaney's dark brown eyes cast downward, and she sighed. "I don't know... I needed to keep moving, to get away from someone." She pushed a wild curl behind her ear, her bun nearly fallen out. "But, then I decided that I'd be safer if I went back." The woman avoided directly looking at them now, staring at the ground; so she couldn't see their furious expressions and disdain. Hastily, she said "Thank you." It was delayed, but she had forgotten to say it out of the fear of other men attacking her as well. It seemed that they were all sent straight from hell, she doubted a man had ever treated her with genuine kindness before.
"Yeah... Go upstairs, first door on the left is the main bedroom..." He said softly. "None of us three use it as it was our parent's room, and... We couldn't really bring ourselves to stay in there." He said, sighing for a moment. "It's all clean in there, by the way, so don't worry." He added. (@DryPunishment


(@TheHarlequinnCat - Will do)

"I'm gonna' guess that this 'someone' is the fella' who gave you all the black eyes, and all that?" He said in observance, taking a soft and quiet sight under his breath as he ran his eyes over her.
Delaney's breath caught in her throat, and she immediately wondered how he could've known; and her expression gave all of it away despite the fact she stumbled to say she just got in a fight, an accident, anything but that. She suddenly seemed to shut off her willingness to comply, and got out of the bed; dusting her jacket lightly. "I shouldn't stay longer. I should head on home-" She was trying so hard to cover up the truth, but by the way all their brows lifted and their eyes softened; she knew it was too late for that.
"Sweetheart, you're in the savage county of the state, surrounded by snow, you've just been severely beaten and bruised. I didn't see any of those fuckers punch you in the face, and I was the one that saw the guy lickin' you and all that. We all have our secrets... We put our lives on the line out there - You stole from us, and for all we coulda' cared we could have just finished them off so we could take revenge - Of which we didn't." He looked at the man and the woman and motioned a hand off at them. "My two friends drove into town, went out for two hours in the dead of the morning to get you clothes that're gonna' be essential for your survival. We might have ya' figured out, but I want to know one thing... Why would you want to run all the way back to..." He nodded at her, looking at her face. "That?" He finished his sentence. (@DryPunishment)
Skyler looks at the gun and checks to see if it's loaded. When she finishes doing that she walks back downstairs and walks over to Eric. "Alright. Come on." She says, and walks out of the house, her eyes wandering, checking for danger.
"Yeah... We searching any more houses or are we heading back until the morning? It'd be safer during the day, we won't have to turn any lights on and we can see everything we need to see." He stated, glancing around the Cul De Sac. (@Aryn Harris)
Matty carefully picks up Caitlyn to not wake her up and goes upstairs and into the bedroom.

He puts her down soflty on the left side of the bed and put the beddings over her.He smiles.

Matty quietly goes to the other side,gets in the bed,exhales a big breath out of pleasure and hugs the pillow tightly.
"We'll come back tomorrow." She replies, and walks down the driveway, heading back towards the house they were currently staying at.
Eric went in through the door with her and walked to the table, placing both bags down on the floor and then looking across at Alex, who was blatantly drunk; Eric nodded at his shot glass that he'd previously drank from and watched with a grin as Alex filled them both up again; he also filled up one more and slid it off towards Skyler.

"Skyler... Join us for a drink." He chuckled before picking up his shot and holding it out towards Eric. "To bein' alive and trying to find a way to survive all this shit!" He said happily before knocking back the shot; Eric also did his own shot and punched his chest after doing so, lightly coughing afterwards.

"Shit--.. That's strong..." Eric choked, tapping his feet rapidly on the ground. (@Aryn Harris)
Skyler laughs at Eric and shakes her head. She takes the shot that had been passed towards her and also downs the drink, not seeming bothered as she feels it burning down her throat.
Alex was quick to pour them another round. "You know... Things ain't all that bad... Carl's safe, our parents are dead but fuck it." His voice quietened as he sentence came closer to the end of it; he laughed faintly as he shakily picked up the shot and held it in front of his face. "Life's good!" He shouted once again, followed by downing the drink; Eric also tipped it into his mouth and swallowed it, coughing lighter this time and merely clearing his throat, followed by slamming the glass down on the table. After a moment he shakes his head and looks up at Alex.

"Alex... I feel... Funny." He stated with a flimsy shrug, Alex burst out into laughter and shook his head.

"And it only gets better, bro." He said to him with a wink. (@Aryn Harris)

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