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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"I like her." Tom smiled, "Riley?" He started walking toward the store where he had gotten his outfit. "It's a camp my old group found a week back. They're about 3 miles West of here. If we walk we should be there in an hour."
".. No, no. That's Hunter." He followed him in uncertainty, feeling somewhat offended. "What, you stopped liking me now?" He walked off into the store with him and stayed with him until he had his clothes on. He turned on one heel and walked back towards the exit, making sure his gun was still tucked into his pants. "Come on, guys. Time to go slit some throats... There, that attitude more impressive?" He asked as he walked forward, his voice getting weaker and shakier with every word. He stopped at the exit and pulled up the hood of his coat and then bowed his head, his face hidden. He slowly buried his hands into the pockets of it in shame, followed by taking a loud and shaky deep breath. (@Soul OMU)
Connor walked to the store room, after making sure everything was where it was supposed to be. Reaching the store room, he was a little surprised that Daniel had made it before he did. He must have ran the whole time since he left his room. "Here comes the easiest part of hunting, getting your gun. Or bow, whichever you like." he said as he gave a nod to the people he walked by and grabbed a bow and a quiver of home made arrows. "right now, however, I'm going to have you grab a .22 rifle, we are going after squirrels first."

"Okay!" He replied cheerfully. "Kane was sayin' that I can't use anythin' too strong right now 'cause I'm too small and I might get hurt my the kick of it, or something." He shrugged while following him along. (@Beowulf)
"And you will. I fired a musket before, and it felt like someone threw a fastball at my shoulder. There are pistols, revolvers if you want to be picky about it, that are big enough to take down moose. I heard someone lost a finger because he held one of those wrong." Connor said as he waked out the front gate, waving to the guards. "When we get into the woods, here's what we are going to do, we are going to be as quiet as possible. If we take to much noise, we'll scare them off and go hungry."
He cringed at the thought of the gun injuries. ".. That's crazy... A whole finger?" He said, shaking his head in disbelief. He followed him with trust out of the gates and continued to listen to him. "Okay, yeah... I'll be quiet, I promise." He said, his voice already lowered. (@Beowulf)
"I like you Eric." He smiled and walked out into the snowy parking lot. He found the rifle Matt and Alex had made him drop and wiped off the extra snow and check it. He lead the two. "There are 4 of them. I am going to kill two of them, you two will each kill one."
"That was my old group Hunter. And we are killing them because they attack a group of three for their supplies, after deceiving them." He looked at Eric, "my old group had seen it, but voted to pass the four. I made a mental note to come back."
".. As long as these guys deserve it, I don't care. I'll do it." Eric said sternly, his head bowed. "Can we stop for a minute? I was going to the bathroom before you called me and I never got a chance to go." He explained, his pace slowing up a little. (@DrCompton)
Tom looked at Eric, then when he was away from them looked at Hunter, "What happened to your sister?" His face seemed uncaring.
Eric went around the corner behind the wall to relieve himself. He could slightly hear the conversation between Tom and Riley. He sighed in slight annoyance and kept going until he was done. Once he was he walked back around to join them. "Alright. Let's go." He said. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
"She should be out here. Killing helps. It would be better if she could kill whoever did whatever to her. But still." Tom shrugged and looked at Eric as he came back, nodded, and kept walking.
Riley growls slightly at him before stalking off ahead. "You know nothing! Besides even if she would say who it was we have no idea where the asshole might be. Plus you don't make the rules nor do you have the right to tell anyone what to do." She snapped and glares darkly at him her machete unsheathed.
"Calm the beef, for Christ sakes... We're alive, aren't we?!" Eric snapped. He shook his head and continued walking forward, not saying a word after that. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
After walking in silence for a while, Conner stops and turns to the boy. "Alright, we got to find the thing before we can get it. There is a trick to it. Some squirrels are cocky SOB's, don't tell your father I said that, and will chitter and shout at you. But most of them stay quiet. They leave a sign, however, everything does. Look around, see if you can find something."
"3 days after the initial outbreak, I took my family and we were going to my in laws ranch. In Tyler Texas, I stopped to help a man. When I got out he hit me over the head with a pistol. They took my wife, and raped her, they killed my baby." He stopped and looked at Hunter, "I killed all three of the men. I don't kill randomly. I kill those who deserve it, because I am numb." He started walking again.
(Oh dear, I bit off more then I could chew a little)

"There are. They are sticking to the trees this time of year, but they will come down. Look for some tracks, in the snow there definitely some"
".. I'm sorry." Eric murmured, continuing to trek through the snow.


"Okay..." He began scanning over the snow very carefully, treading slowly and smiling while he did so. (@Beowulf, @DrCompton) (I'm going off to bed. Night :) )
Delaney couldn't bring herself to look at him in the eyes at first, but when he held her she looked up with a quiet gasp. Something had happened, and she couldn't form the words to ask; just stayed still, not reacting as she felt the arms vaguely remind her of home. It was distant, as if she had lost a part of her soul in actually knowing she was pregnant; there was life within her when the world around her was dying. Closing her eyes, she sighed and waited until he let go of her instead of pushing him away. She glanced down at her hands, scarred from the burns inflicted by her first day out; it almost made her look like some sort of junkie with track marks lining her arms, just by the sheer scale of scarring that'd happened since the apocalypse. She didn't exactly get proper medical treatment, so she wasn't surprised when the tender skin was torn and bruised more than before by simply holding the rifle at the ready for so long. Now, Delaney looked to Brad for direction again; she didn't know what their next move was, where they planned on heading, or what would happen next. All she knew was that they were at a standstill, and their hideaway was beginning to loose both its appeal and safety. She whispered, "What do we do now? Where do we go.. from here?"


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