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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"Alrigh. First things first, pet me finish eating." Connor didn't have much left on his plate, so the wait wasn't long. "Now that that's out of the way, dress warm. Layers are important. And bring some dried food, trail mix even, we might be out there past lunch. Then we'll both walk down and get the rest of our gear from the store room.

(@DrTrollinski )
Riley laughs softly into her hand. "Heh, sorry Matty." she said while watching him and listening, humming along gently, smiling a bit while swaying a bit to the music.
Matty seeing his audience grow he started playing Frank Sinatra's Blue Moon. He was hoping someone would recognize the song and sing along.


"This is... Where did you get all this?" Eric asked, scratching his head. (@Soul OMU)


"Okay!" He said, smiling. He dashed back out and came back twenty minutes later with a backpack and a lot of clothing on him. A thick coat, a hat, gloves, two pairs of socks, boots, and thick pants, and a warm scarf. "I've got all the snacks, and stuff!" He said, smiling as he sat back down. (@Beowulf)
"That's incredible..." He picked up the Master Design Kingman by Fender and held it for a moment, a light smile coming across his face. "Why did you do this?" He asked her, looking around in amazement again.


"Okay." He took the can of beans and began eating them, smiling at him. After his first mouthful he looked up at him hopefully and looked around. "Do you wanna' play a game with me later? It kinda' gets boring here..." He asked. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter runs a hand through her hair slightly. "Uh well I figured you needed something to cheer you up... That's why I sometimes would come by your room and ask if you were up to coming out but when you said no, I figured to just wait..." she said while blowing at her bangs.
".. This is incredible..." He began to play a gentle tune on the guitar. "Thank you, Hunter... It means more than you think." He smiled at her. (@Soul OMU)
"Sure pal, you wanna play a board game or something?" He watched Carl. "We could find a game later, you ever play monopoly?"
"Nuh-uh..." He ate some more of the food. "I've never played that. Can you teach me?!" He asked excitedly, smiling. (@Soul OMU)
"Yup, there is a lot of the involved, but we can team up. I'll find some other people to play with us alright bub?" Tom smiled at Carl.
He placed the beans down and then leaned forward off of the counter, gently hugging him. "Thank you! It's gonna' be fun!" He said, grinning. He leaned back and then went back to eating his beans - he was happy that the perfect life he had before was starting to come together again. He hadn't known Tom for long, but he liked him - he loved how nice and friendly and playful he was, and he couldn't wait to spend more time with him. (@Soul OMU)
".. Worried that.. what?" He asked. His fingers started to hurt too much and he placed the guitar down on its stand again, giving a gentle sigh as he sat down on the floor and hugged his knees. (@Soul OMU)
He sighed and shook his head. ".. Regardless. If she is... we'll find a way to deal with it. Ain't the possible baby's fault what happened..." He sighed again and looked around. ".. The most we could do for her would be to get her a tester. There's a pharmacy downstairs, I don't think all the shelves have been raided just yet." He added. (@Soul OMU)
"Let's get going then." he replied, putting on a coat and a raccoon skin hat. Healways wanted to wear one, especially as a kid. "Run the plate back and I'll meet you at the storehouse."

"Let's go Carl, I'd like to meet everyone else now." He took Carl off the counter and let Carl lead him around again. He wanted to find Riley again, if she was apathetic like Eric and Tom were, she'd be a good partner.
"It ain't your fault. You got to us and you were too hurt to even walk - You think I don't feel bad? I let my parents go out there alone when I knew what the fuck was going on. In return, they get bit, and..." He paused for a moment and bowed his head, taking a shaky deep breath. ".. They turned in the middle of the night... I knew it was coming, so I didn't say anything... Alex had to shoot them both, and it killed him, Carl, and... And it just ruined me." He whimpered. (@Soul OMU)


Daniel swept the plate up and then dashed out of Conner's place again; he ran to the place where they kept and washed all of the dishes and left it there for someone to wash. He ran as fast as his little legs could carry him until he got to the storage house to wait for Conner to get there. (@DryPunishment, @DrCompton, @Aryn Harris)
Hunter sighs softly and hugs Eric. "I had to shot our foster parents... They basically were family..." She said softly while hugging him. "Still... If I hadnt left her... She wouldn't be possibly pregnant and wouldn't have almost died..."
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Matty waved and then kept on playing to his big audience of two,Caitlyn and Riley. He really enjoyed his sax and everytime he played it he felt like there was nothing wrong in the world. It was a little reminder of his former life in the UK. Every now and then he would turn his eyes to Riley who was smiling. Smiling...that didn't happen very often. It made him sad sometimes and he immideately tried to cheer the group,either with some jokes he knew or with his skills.

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