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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Doll Agia

Another day of protecting the weaklings of the kingdom from dangers unknown. What "joys" would today bring her? Perhaps another pig rapist? Hopefully not, rapists were boring. They never stood a chance unless they were attacking some lonely defenseless twerp. At least, that's the way Doll saw it. Every man or woman that said anything even remotely sexually inappropriate to her was met with a swift sock in the face.

Buzzing above the kingdom searching for trouble on this fine Morning/Afternoon/ whatever time of Day 2, all seemed to be in order. "How fucking boring." The bee woman had a pout on her face as she stared down at the streets below her. "Not a single crime. Have all the crooks around here transformed into quivering pussies?" she had a snobby vibe about her today, as if she was too powerful to merely monitor the city. It was highly unlike her, but really, she was pissed off from yesterday's incident with the King and that big doofy looking shiny thing. She could feel it in her gut, that thing was what needed to be watched.

As if nature, (or the humans depending on who you ask winkety wink wink winkle von winkberry) had answered her prayers, a giant flower sprouted into view and combusted. Now, use of such an aura was suspicious, but for a moment, Doll's sense of duty was over ridden by her immese interest in flowers. Without another word her wings beat furiously like a sexually frustrated 14 year old boy, propelling her toward the chaos at breakneck speeds. The aroma of the beautiful petals caught her senses and nearly made her melt. Like she usually does around flowers, she developed an intense sense of hunger. Whoever caused such a dramatic event would immediately regret making the volatile and tiny girl simultaneously hungry and dutiful. Before she landed, she caught glimpse of...another weird metal thing?! But this one was even stranger than the last, as well as an attractive red fox lady.

With a short stopped buzz the Guardian landed in front of the two with her giant heavy lance preemptively raised and pointed between the two suspects. "GUARDIAN. ON. DUTY! WHAT THE HELL IS...ALL OF THIS!? PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM, BOTH OF YOU!! NO FUNNY STUFF!!"

@StoneyJr @MrLlama
Vinera sighed as her meditation was broken by someone calling out, "Whoever you are, show yourself. I won't ask again!" from the other side of the spiritual tree.He couldn't be referring to her since she'd been silent in her meditation, which meant someone else had to be there as well. 'This could be fun' She thinks with a mischievous smile. Unexpected intruders could be quiet a chaotic occurrence, she was also concerned that the confrontation may end in injury. Standing up she climbed over the root she'd been nestled against and dropped back down to the ground. 'Visitors the day before Blessings of Gaia, interesting.. I still need to do preparations too..' She thinks as she moves silently around the base of the spiritual tree.

@LeSoraAmari @Pretzel Heart @Blackrose7
Zareh said:
As Arona rubbed Inutsuki's back with the shampoo but she also notices that her belly appears to be little bigger than expected. She blushed a little at the sight of it "You must have been enjoying yourself with all the cake, cookies and other food....haven't you?" she whispered in her ear with a slightly giggling voice hinting about her stomach and started to rub her stomach from behind her as she continued to clean her body. Horatio looked at the girls cleaning each other, seeming to be enjoying the bath while he continued to clean himself and wondered why they would have such fun at a time like this.
After the bath, Horatio dressed himself back with his hooded coat and satchel while the girls went upstairs to the bedroom to get changed. Arona was searching her drawer for clothes that could fit onto Inutsuki.
"Here! I got some clothes for you!" she said happily as she laid down a dark red button dress along with white undergarments. "I think these will look great on you!" she said as she returned back to her regular outfit. "Don't worry about returning them, I got a lot of clothes here!" she said with a smile and laughed.


Horatio is waiting downstairs for the girls to be finished with the outfitting, he went into the living room and saw Fero who seemed to be shivering from something.

*On Horatio HUD*





he shouted trying to get their attention from upstairs. Arona and Inutsuki rush downstairs to the living room and see Fero shaking with cold. "What is wrong with Fero? Fero? What is wrong?" she said while shaking him and scared of the fact that he might be in danger.

"He has a problem with his body temperature...he is at low heat." he said in a worried voice. Arona felt his hand and looked back to Inutsuki and Horatio. "He's having problems with his Aura, it's too much! We need to get an Aura Stability potion" she said in fear. Horatio looked at him trying to figure out a possible solution "Where can we get one of those potions?" he asked Arona.

"They are royal potions only...made by members of the royal healers and can be found nowhere else.....those are hard to get and really expensive plus we don't know anyone who is a part of the Fauna Royalty...not even someone who even works there..." she clutched onto Fero's hand tightly as some tears flow down her cheeks. "Please stay strong Fero..." Arona says in a worried sad voice.

@The Mythic Dragon

Inutsuki blushed as Arona brought up her stomach's size 'yeah... thing is I'm barely fed at the palace and I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning...' she thought to herself blankly, she shivered slightly as it was rubbed, a facial expression of both pleasure and shock over-taking her face.

Once they went upstairs Inutsuki stared at the clothes wide-eyed and smiling
'Thanks!~' she wrote, holding it up before quickly getting changing, folding her maid outfit and placing it down, the new clothes felt great! she nodded, looking down at her stomach thought she still looked kinda-... fat. this caused her to blush before she heard Horatio and rushed downstairs, staring at Fero wide-eyed.

As Arona spoke Inutsuki gulping, stepping away slightly
'what' I do!? should i tell them?-... but then! But Fero!! I mean... i could get one but!-.. what do I do!?!' she thought frantically and sweating slightly before taking a step forwards and holding up a note for Arona 'a-actually.... you may know someone... me. I'm, err... a royal maid. that's what the outfit was about... I could maybe get one but-... I don't know where they are...' she he'd it up to her with shaking hands.

@The Mythic Dragon

When the parties had been instructed on what to find, if it looked shiny or red and sharp take it, really she hadn’t been overly specific as by the extent of the damage she had seen she knew expecting anything more than piles of rust, a new development came to her, something she had never expected. One of the village children had been stung by wasps, or rather from what EI saw a fusion of wasps and bees when she examined a body of one of the dead that had been brought with the child. The ran a quick analysis of the bee insect and found that despite the physical changes the bee had not changed much in the sting department aside from no longer leaving its stinger. EI looked over the child and after a few minutes found nothing wrong she had not gone into shock, she was just well shell shocked from having a hive fall nearby.

Now this presented a good chance to use the bees as they had been in the past, to help bother the bees have more hives and promote plant growth. EI had not been sure if bees would make it they had been vanishing during the time of humans, they must have made it and evolved rather rapidly. Still the basic mechanic of their life cycle did seemed the same. Beekeeping had been included in human knowledge because despite it being rather unheard of it was in truth a vital part of keeping plants growing correctly so keeping them had been included to help grow society.

It seems I have a new lesson and a new idea to help you grow, this one even comes with extra food that does not spoil” She said “ Though the carpenters will hate me for making them work so hard” She said as a joke. “ But first I must see this hive, so I can have a chat queen to queen” She said to elicit another slight laugh from others as they started to walk into the nearby forest and she followed after them.
IceSolstice said:
So he doesn't know.

Ren casually answers the stranger in front of him, "I'm just a mere wanderer. Tomorrow will be an auspicious day with the Blessings of Gaia upon us. I'll be on my way then to make preparations."

He begins walking away, intent on on arriving at the Spiritual Tree before nightfall.
Teal watched as Ren walked off in the distance. He closed his eyes and waited a few moments, content with the fresh air, and the shade the ally way was bathing him in.

When he opened his eyes there was a dangerous glint in his eyes, and a sadistic smile plastered on his face. 'And the predator begins to hunt his prey.' He swiftly followed after Ren, his hands shaking with pure excitement. The hunt was on, and nothing will stop him from obtaining his quarry.
Larentia Shikari

Larentia jumped a little when a loud, quite strong voice yelled at her. She turned to see a short girl pointing a lance at her and her metallic friend. The girl looked quite cute in appearance, but had a feriocious look across her face. It didn't take much for her to deduce the girl was partially bee, and as such, a small grin crossed Larentia's face.

"Took you long enough, Little-B" She chuckled slightly, looking back over at the metallic creature, "Y'see, my friend here needs to get through those gates there to speak with someone from The Arkhaios Guild. And you're the lucky girl who gets to help us."

Larentia's hand wavered over her satchel, her eyes once more set on those of the Bee Kemonomimi. A small, slightly devious grin made it's way across her face as she awaited a reply from the slightly less than intimidating, lance wielding girl.

@MrLlama @SirBlazeALot
"I am positive that nobody saw me, Leon, since nobody likes to wake up in the morning." said Mary, since all three of her brothers like to sleep, while Mary is the only one, who wakes up in the morning.

Mary was happy that she was going to explore the kingdom with Leon, but when he said that someone was here, she was extremely shocked by this, since she always escape the castle flawlessly.

"What! But I swear that I did that flawlessly." said Mary, since she can't believe that someone manage to follow her here.

She then listen to what Leon had said to her, since he wanted to protect her from harm.
"Alright, Leon, and I hope Gaia will protect you if that does happen." said Mary.

She went to hide behind a tree, since she doesn't know if the person that did followed her here is after her.

'Why does Gaia have to punish me this badly?' thought Mary, since she was freaking out right now.

@LeSoraAmari @Pretzel Heart
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Arona looked at Inutsuki while still holding Fero's hand. "Really?! Thank you so much Inutsuki!" she smiled at Inutsuki with hope and looked back to Fero "Alright!..the potion should look a white sparkling mixture inside with the label saying Aura S Heal ...also Horatio...please take this..." she looked to Horatio and handed him a small sack of golden coins which he took and placed it inside his satchel. "I'll stay here with Fero and monitor his condition....you and Inutsuki try and find a way to get that potion!" she said with a worried glance as she held on to his with both of her hands. Horatio looked at Inutsuki and nodded. "Alright, lead the way Inutsuki. I'm right behind you." he said.

He and Inutsuki went out the front door to find the potion of Aura stability.
"Please hurry..."

@The Mythic Dragon
Alexander listened to the woman's reasoning for helping him, and noted the slight shift of tone in her voice when she mentioned him, whoever this 'him' may be. She spoke more words in the mysterious dialect from before and it caused the rose to grow even more before they took off into the sky. His puzzlement over the female had grown but he said nothing, instead admiring the scene.

His gaze was broken within a few minutes when a strange woman was running at them. No, not running. Flying. That wouldn't have been much of an odd site except for how backwards the entire kingdom was with their building techniques and materials, not to mention the basic weaponry. He didn't expect something as advanced as wings but then again the lady next to him had just grown a flower from a seed in less than a minute. The current woman was coming extremely fast and suddenly stopped right in front of them. Her giant lance was pulled out and pointed at the duo and she yelled quite annoyingly about how she was a guardian and for them to put their hands up. He assumed guardians were their version of a cop, albeit a bit more into their duty. Alexander simply stared at the woman. That was mainly due to the fact he didn't ever actually 'close' his eyes unless going into sleep mode, though if he did he would be intentionally staring at her right now. Silence was all that came from him and he didn't put his hands up and he listened to the other person ask for assistance.

@StoneyJr @SirBlazeALot
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Zareh said:
Arona looked at Inutsuki while still holding Fero's hand. "Really?! Thank you so much Inutsuki!" she smiled at Inutsuki with hope and looked back to Fero "Alright!..the potion should look a white sparkling mixture inside with the label saying Aura S Heal ...also Horatio...please take this..." she looked to Horatio and handed him a small sack of golden coins which he took and placed it inside his satchel. "I'll stay here with Fero and monitor his condition....you and Inutsuki try and find a way to get that potion!" she said with a worried glance as she held on to his with both of her hands. Horatio looked at Inutsuki and nodded. "Alright, lead the way Inutsuki. I'm right behind you." he said.
He and Inutsuki went out the front door to find the potion of Aura stability.
"Please hurry..."

@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki nodded, grabbing her maid outfit she went out the door and started walking down the street, making turns every now and then and staring, full concentration at the path they were taking, suddenly she stopped and looked around blankly 'I'm totally lost... Oh, wait! that way!' she thought before starting again and after a while of walking in circles they made it to the palace.

Inutsuki took a deep breath before knocking on the door... after a moment and no response she smiled and put the key in, unlocking it and going inside, sneaking and gesturing for Horatio to do the same, she eventually got to where they needed to be
'It should be in here. you go look... I'll... keep guard.' she wrote, holding the book up before giving him a reassuring smile.

After a few minuets she heard footsteps and gulping
"Oh, lookie here little miss foxy has scampered home after leaving all the hard work to us." one of the other maids said sneering, Inutsuki took a step back "what's up?... hiding something behind that door?.." another asked smirking, Inutsuki shook her head frantically, another stepped forward and stared at her "Hey, is it just me or does your stomach look a lot bigger when your out of the maid clothes... and here I thought you were skinny." she laughed.

On a normal occasion Inutsuki probably would have just blushed and cried.. but this time something took hold of her and instead she slapped the other maid... hard. they all stared at the normally timid fox in shock, Inutsuki then took a step back
'wh-what have I done?... why did I do that?!' she thought, tears coming to her eyes and just as quickly as the anger came it had slipped away to confusion 'they deserved it though...' another thought then made its way into her head 'n-no! they didn't!! what am I thinking!?' she quickly followed up, by this point the other maids had run away, slightly scared of the girls changing expression.

A few moments later Inutsuki simply fainted... most likely from confusion.

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As she neared the other side of the tree Vinera could hear faint voices coming from within the forest. 'They must be meeting in one of the clearings.' she thought, 'sounds like the interloper hasn't revealed themselves yet.' She leaned against the spiritual tree, enjoying the feel of concentrated Aura coming from within. She watched the tree line where the voices had come from, not sure if she wanted to become a second interloper but still concerned someone may get injured if a confrontation happened.

@LeSoraAmari @Pretzel Heart @Blackrose7
< @Zareh >

--There he was, laying in a pool of his own blood, beaten to an inch of his life by some thugs. He had just wanted food. He was so hungry... it pains him to stand, but he does so, and walks out of the alleyway. "Please... someone help..." He whispers, dripping blood as he stumbles through the streets, either being ignored or even pushed to the ground. "Why..." He thinks he would be better if he just died... he wouldn't hurt anymore...--

"Ar...on...a..." He whispers out, body shaking violently from the cold as the tips of his fingers, toes, ears and tail begin to be encased in ice "I... I'm... sorry... I should never... had come into... your life..." His breath became steam, and a tear flowed out of his open eye, freezing on his cheek. "I..."

"Ni-hi-hi-hi. You say Aura can solve everything. Sure... Puff! And all problems are gone. Except there is no Aura that can solve foolishness."

Name: Giss Blackrat

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Species: Rat

Aura: None. Couldn't use aura since birth.

Occupation: Arkhaios Guildmaster.

Rumored to be a wicked magician (he is actually something like a scientist or historian).


Arkhaios Guildmaster. Lots of weird rumors about him are going around the guild. Neither Guardians of Aura or Fauna Royalty favour him much, but received advice from Giss a number of times.


Giss is short and skinny, hence he is often mistaken for a kid. His messy grey hair is long enough to completely hide his rat ears. The eyes are bright red, they tend to ominiously glow in the dark. A large rat-like tail is attached to his body, It is about as long as Giss's height. He prefers to wear dark robes of rough cloth, always with a long black scarf on his shoulders covering everything up to the nose.

Overall he looks like an evil person.


You know how humans used to scare naughty children with bogeyman? For a lot of Kemonomimi, Giss is exactly that kind of existence. Although he wouldn't be chased away if he entered a town, he would still receive lots of piercing glares.

The first impression that Giss usually makes is... terrifying. Even if you forget that he looks like someone who could ambush you at night and steal your wallet, his manners are similar to that of a wicked magician. The way he laughs, the way he talks, everything makes him look scary. And yet, he has never hurt a fly in his life.

Giss prefers to avoid conflict. Normally he is not concerned about the matters of other people, but if he can save a life - he will do it.


For some reason, Giss was born Aura-less. He was inferior to other children. Giss's parents thought of him as a cripple. Perhaps, because of that young Giss became interested in the laws of nature. Even if Aura was out of his reach, he believed that the same results could be achieved without it. It was soon that others started to whisper behind his back "That rat is using the craft of Humans! The magic that once destroyed the world!". But they couldn't stop Giss. At some point Giss had to leave the town, even his parents became terrified of him.

Giss used to be quite a loner at that time, but he would always help there where Aura was useless. Treating rare diseases or making lands fertile again, his knowledge saved the lives of many Kemonomimi. But this much couldn't cure the reputation of someone who practised "evil" Science.

A portion of those whose lives were saved by Giss came to believe that the source of his wisdom were the texts of ancient Humans. Gradually more and more Kemonomimi embarked on the search of the artefacts of the all-mighty ancients. Thus, "Arkhaios Guild" was formed with Giss Blackrat as its center. Even though the latter denies ever agreeing to this matter.

Sexuality: Straight. Probably, not the type to easily fall in love.

Other: Combat is not his forte, but being a rat makes his legs quite powerful. Probably useful for running away.

"Hmm, indeed why..."
Giss said and thought about it. After several seconds of hesitation he continued "You see, some, if not the most of the questions I asked our mysterious friend yesterday... Were intricately worded in such a way to make him spill out a weakness."

"And yet, he masterfully avoided all of my traps and only told the bare minimum." Giss looked far into the distance "Machines. We've actually recorded more than plenty of mentions of them. Powerful and unbeatable, these beings cannot feel pain or emotion. They are cold blooded warriors who exist for the sole purpose of bringing death upon their enemies."

"If one of them were to... We wouldn't be able to stop them. Not with our weapons." Giss sighed and leaned on the window.

"It is not that I don't trust Charon. But I don't." He said abruptly "I am not such an idiot as to let a weapon that could bring down gods roam freely around the kingdom. Even I have people... I care about. That's why it would be better to keep an eye on him close by." Giss's posture seemed especially bad now, almost as if pressed by some heavy weight.

"We need to have a means of defending ourselves if more of his kind were to appear. That's why I want to find the~ " Giss suddenly cut off his speech. Some things shouldn't be said in public. He turned and looked into Ciel's eyes. "Well? Does this sound like something a responsible person could say?"


@Verdas ((because plot. He isn't plotting against Charon, but is more like, extremely aware of him))
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As Horatio and Inusuki walked through the streets of Fauna, he analyzed everything in sight such as the architecture, people, business and almost everything around them was busy and quite peaceful. Horatio knew before hand about the Kingdom of Fauna, thanks to the book he red so he didn't feel so lost or alienated. When they reached the palace, it was even more beautiful than shown in the book. It looked much more bigger than he expected it to be and everything in general just seemed much more larger than life itself.

He and Inutsuki sneaked into the palace quietly and got to the place where they needed to be...a room full of medical supplies and herbal remedies. As soon as Inutsuki opened the door, he nodded to her and went inside. The room appeared to have shelves of potions stacked up along with chests, medical procedures and supplies of the ancient kind. He analyzed the room for the potion and found it sitting on the shelf on the far end of the room "Aura S Heal" labeled on a white sparkling mixture just like Arona described it. It was surprising that this potion wasn't available for the public, he wondered why. He grabbed the potion and placed it inside his satchel.

Horatio made his way out of the room to see that Inutsuki has fallen unconscious...he tried shaking her rapidly to wake her up but it was no use at all. As he tried constantly to wake her up...he noticed something very strange. All the symptoms matched a particular case that only organics could have. He decided to focus on the current situation at all and worry about the other situation later.

A few minutes later, when Inutsaki wouldn't wake up, Horatio decided that the only way to get out of here would be to carry her and escape this palace somehow...suddenly he hears some guards coming from behind him. Realizing that he would be in trouble if he was found being here, he quickly ran while carrying Inutsaki with both his arms, trying his best to avoid the guards.



*Cue Mission Impossible Music*

Horatio ran as fast as he could away from the guards, he heard some maids come in the opposite direction. He was
trapped and cornered between the maids and the guards who were coming from opposite directions of the hall. He looked at the large open window which showed the outside of the palace and below was the royal Fauna Garden. He only had one option...Horatio prepared himself and jumped through the window which landed him into the royal garden with a loud THUMP on the ground which kind of cracked the ground itself. "What was that noise?" one of the guards said. Horatio immediately runs out of the garden through all the vegetation and back onto the streets of Fauna still carrying Inutsuki.

As they arrived, he saw Arona crying and holding onto his hand
"No..No..No! I don't blame you! You are my friend! Don't say that!" she cried still holding on to the hope of Horatio's and Inutsuki's return. She turned around and saw Horatio carrying Inutsuki, he quickly put Inutsuki on the other sofa and quickly reached out of his satchel and gives the potion to Arona.

"Oh my gaia...thank you! thank you so much!" she said with relief. She pours the potion into Fero's mouth and hopes it will work. "Drink this...it will make you feel better..." she says as she comforts him.

@The Mythic Dragon

[Last Night]

He noticed the guards and nodded towards his companions who immediately ran leaping over the guards heads and ran faster than anything. The Grey Wolf smiled under his mask "Well Princess.... Have a good night....." He then turned towards the guards "Wanna know why I've never been catches? Cause ain't nobody faster than a wolf!" With that he took off jumping over their heads and running like a feral wolf on a hunt chasing its prey. He ran past the princess and guessing what room she slept in left a note describing where to meet him if she decided that she wants to meet up. It describes an old abandoned warehouse in the market area. With that out of the way he went to the balcony with the grappling hook and unhooking his sheathed sword in the scabbard he began gliding down on the rope to safety.

[Next Day]

Poor people woke up to see pieces of jewelry and gold next to their beds as Silver rose up from his bed in a stretch and yawn. He got dressed in some normal clothes and went out into the city just doing nothing important.

Zenario Zeid

Today is a national Gaian holiday. Zenario had made plans to visit the tree like most other Kemonomimi. From what he knew, there was no such record of the humans celebrating such a holiday, but Zenario had to keep up his appearances as a simple medicine man. That wasn't his primary concern, however. Zen's in a bit of a pickle. He's running a top secret cult, and has plans to cripple and destroy each and every faction of the Kingdom in order for them to be reborn and enlightened. But do you know how hard it is to recruit people into a human worshipping cult? Very. The more members they had, the more chance there would be of their group becoming public. To say that would put a damper on his schemes would be putting it lightly. He was stressed and concerned, but you would never know by his face. The butterfly is a master of concealing his emotions. He'd closed his shop today, understandably due to the holiday, and he'd left early in the morning to make the trip to the Forbidden Ruins in secret. By the time the butterfly had arrived he'd been exhausted.

Yesterday's trip to the guild proved successful. He and Indigo had spied the metal statue that the rumors spoke so highly of. It didn't take a genius to see that such a thing would be valuable to the 'Hood, and the guild didn't suspect a thing. Zenario had organized a meeting with his brothers and sisters this morning to fill them in on the details.

As he entered the top secret awesome base, he encountered Megumi. "Good morning, sister," he said with a cheerful smile as he gracefully ceased his fluttering and landed upon his feet delicately. He placed his hands behind his back as he strode, motioning for the cat to follow him. "Did you sleep well?" he asked casually as he began to ascend the tall staircase toward the planning room. He greeted the other brothers cordially along the way. The meeting was about to begin.

@Kayzo @Pretzel Heart @kaito9049 @wizard nibblers

Doll Agia

The pissy little bumblebee became red with anger. For a multitude of reasons. Doll despises having her small stature acknowledged by others. Add that to the robot's noncompliance, the fox's condescending and rather suspicious tone, and the fact that she felt like she was starving, and you've got a livid Dolerus. It was taking every ounce of self control in her adorable little body to keep from impaling one of the two. Doll had gotten in trouble yesterday for her rather violent treatment of the boar rapist, and it'd be a bad idea to piss off the captain two days in a row.

"DO NOT call me little! And I'm not helping you and your 'friend' with JACK SHIT until I know what the hell is going on here!" The abrasive honeybee hovered closer to the two perps, raising the lance to neck height. "Just what are you planning, Red!? Hmm?! Why are you using such a...such a..." Doll became momentarily hypnotized as she thought of the flowers again. "WHAT'RE YOU DOING WITH YOUR AURA AND THIS BIG SHINY BASTARD, HMM!?" she snapped when she finally came to. She remembered Hidden saying something about contacting the guild yesterday when she saw her first bot, so Alexander had become less of a concern. It was the fox and what business she had with the peculiar metal man that bothered Dolerus. "Just what are you DOING with this thing, huh?! Answer me!!"

@StoneyJr @MrLlama

< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

--Finally, Fero resigns himself to die, falling into an alleyway, bloodloss beginning to black out his vision. The final thing before it all goes dark is the face of a fox-girl...--

Fero does his best to drink the potion, but a good amount spills from his lips as he is unable to swallow powerfully as Arona pours the potion into his mouth. "Ar...on...a" He says after the potion is gone. His tail is now completely encased in ice, and his breath comes erratically. "Arona... I lo..." He doesn't get to finish as his eye closes and his breathing stops. His heart beats still, but slowly... and it is weak.

To any who could not scan his body, it would look that he was dead. But his core temperature had begun to rise back to normal, although his bodily functions were slowing.
Zareh said:
As Horatio and Inusuki walked through the streets of Fauna, he analyzed everything in sight such as the architecture, people, business and almost everything around them was busy and quite peaceful. Horatio knew before hand about the Kingdom of Fauna, thanks to the book he red so he didn't feel so lost or alienated. When they reached the palace, it was even more beautiful than shown in the book. It looked much more bigger than he expected it to be and everything in general just seemed much more larger than life itself.
He and Inutsuki sneaked into the palace quietly and got to the place where they needed to be...a room full of medical supplies and herbal remedies. As soon as Inutsuki opened the door, he nodded to her and went inside. The room appeared to have shelves of potions stacked up along with chests, medical procedures and supplies of the ancient kind. He analyzed the room for the potion and found it sitting on the shelf on the far end of the room "Aura S Heal" labeled on a white sparkling mixture just like Arona described it. It was surprising that this potion wasn't available for the public, he wondered why. He grabbed the potion and placed it inside his satchel.

Horatio made his way out of the room to see that Inutsuki has fallen unconscious...he tried shaking her rapidly to wake her up but it was no use at all. As he tried constantly to wake her up...he noticed something very strange. All the symptoms matched a particular case that only organics could have. He decided to focus on the current situation at all and worry about the other situation later.

A few minutes later, when Inutsaki wouldn't wake up, Horatio decided that the only way to get out of here would be to carry her and escape this palace somehow...suddenly he hears some guards coming from behind him. Realizing that he would be in trouble if he was found being here, he quickly ran while carrying Inutsaki with both his arms, trying his best to avoid the guards.


*Cue Mission Impossible Music*

Horatio ran as fast as he could away from the guards, he heard some maids come in the opposite direction. He was trapped and cornered between the maids and the guards who were coming from opposite directions of the hall. He looked at the large open window which showed the outside of the palace and below was the royal Fauna Garden. He only had one option...Horatio prepared himself and jumped through the window which landed him into the royal garden with a loud THUMP on the ground which kind of cracked the ground itself. "What was that noise?" one of the guards said. Horatio immediately runs out of the garden through all the vegetation and back onto the streets of Fauna still carrying Inutsuki.

As they arrived, he saw Arona crying and holding onto his hand
"No..No..No! I don't blame you! You are my friend! Don't say that!" she cried still holding on to the hope of Horatio's and Inutsuki's return. She turned around and saw Horatio carrying Inutsuki, he quickly put Inutsuki on the other sofa and quickly reached out of his satchel and gives the potion to Arona.

"Oh my gaia...thank you! thank you so much!" she said with relief. She pours the potion into Fero's mouth and hopes it will work. "Drink this...it will make you feel better..." she says as she comforts him.

@The Mythic Dragon

Inutsuki felt herself being carried and woke up on the couch back at Arona's house, holding her head she slowly sat up and looked around, looking at Fero, Arona and Horatio she hoped the potion worked, for a moment she opened her mouth whilst smiling "H-" very briefly a small H sound was produced from her mouth but suddenly she doubled over in pain, lying back down and curling up, the chains glowing brightly 'Inutsuki you idiot!? you. tried. to. talk. WHY!?!' she thought, her eyes tightly shut.

Megumi heard the faint flapping of Zenario's wings, and knew that he was back. "I'm sorry...uh...girl, but I must leave you. More pressing matters are at hand." She said to the small crab girl she was talking to beforehand, and turned to face the leader as he came in. "Good morning sir!" She replied and he landed, and have her a smile, a smile that made her have butterflies (hue) in her stomach Every time she saw it. Megumi began to follow him as instructed, giving him a warm smile back, not actually sure if he saw it or not. "I slept very well, thank you for asking." She said, her tail swaying happily.

@SdrawcabDaer @SirBlazeALot

Let's take the necessary precautions.

Ren saunters casually until he reaches an abandoned alley and sneaks quickly into it. Checking to see if anyone was watching, he rapidly shifts into a bumblebee and zips away as fast as he can to the outskirts of the Kingdom. Upon reaching it, Ren shifts into a peregrine falcon and flies, feeling the warm thermals under his wings. Ren planned to walk a portion of the way there in disguise later.

I hope that shook off anyone who noticed me in town. I can't wait to see my family again!

@Marcel Alexandross
Ciel bit his lip while contemplating Giss's words "If he is telling the truth then he would be the most qualified to find a weakness..." Ciel thought to himself while trying to decide on what his action should be. Breaking the silence he had held Ciel quietly asked "I won't lie I agree that this machine does seem dangerous so I can't seem to understand why you are asking me about that, instead of the king who would surely let you use it to find what you are looking for." With a pause Ciel looked over the rat he seemed honest, but that party just didn't make since to him. Why would he address Ciel instead of getting permission from the king it just didn't add up.

@SubSonicSausage @Verdas
Larentia Shikari

Larentia let out a slightly girlish giggle, before looking up at the now hovering girl.

"Awh..Heheh you don't have to be so mean! I'm hurt..." She feigned a sad expression before quickly reverting back to her former smiling self, "I just think it to be quite rude indeed to leave someone such as my friend here outside the kingdom's gates all alone, don't you? The crowd that was here before should've been a big giveaway, but.."

She shrugged her shoulders and stared up at the girl, looking straight into her eyes now.

"One should not be so rude to someone that has committed no offences. I simply detest such rude behaviour."

Larentia's hand continued to hover over her satchel, unwilling to let down her defences. Even though the girl with the lance looked cute and innocent, she didn't get into the guard without doing a damn good job at being fierce.

She did, however, look over at the stalk of the plant she'd left behind and whisper again in a slightly different tone, her eyes once more glowing a faint green.

"Komdu Nú, Aftur Ríki."

The many different vines and leaves that made up the stem of the plant, all seemed to shimmer before pushing away from eachother. Curling up towards the ground. And just as quickly as they'd grown, the seeds were once more mere seeds in a hole in the ground.

Larentia, keeping an eye on the lance wielding girl, walked over to the hole and picked up the seeds. She slipped most of them back into their places in her satchel, but kept two in her hand, hidden from the girl.

@MrLlama @SirBlazeALot
Arona looked at Fero as he finished saying his words...she did not understand what he meant but it must have been important. Horatio slowly walked by her side and put his hand on her shoulder and looked at Fero together with Arona. "He will be fine, I analyzed him. Fero just needs some rest and his temperature will rise back to normal." he said. Arona sighs with relief as her muscles loosen up a bit "Thank...Gaia..." she said. "When will he fully recover?" she asked. "Probably by tonight or tommorow, I still don't understand why something like this would happen to him at such a random time." "Me either...this is really rare...usually if we overuse our Aura for long periods of time...sometimes accidents like this will happen but...we just went for a bath and he didn't even used his aura at all..." she said while trying to figure out what happened. "So it only happens when people overuse their powers?" Horatio asked "Not exactly, sometimes it might be other reasons, physical and emotional but again nothing really happened so why did he suddenly freeze up?" Arona went into the kitchen to prepare some warm water towels and some food.

Horatio looked to the other Sofa to see Inutsuki awake but appears to be tired, he walks up to her and takes out the maid outfit from his satchel to hand it to her. He then kneels besides her while taking a scan to confirm his suspicions about her condition and state.










Horatio is surprised by the results of the scan, he did not know what to say at the moment and realized he would only be adding more salt to the wound if he told something like this to Inutsuki. He decided to keep quiet about it for now until the time was right. "Inutsuki? What happened to you back there? When I found you, you were unconscious? Did something happen?" he asked with concern in his voice.

@The Mythic Dragon

Like most crows, Indigo was an early riser; his father would say something about getting the early coin. Unfortunately, Indigo's daily routine was interrupted by Cap'n ZZ's call to all Brotherhood members to the base. Their infiltration of the Guild had been successful, with both Indigo and Zen recognizing the value of the statue. He himself had thought that the artifact might have information on Human history, but he wondered if his brother planned to use the thing for more...militaristic purposes.

Ah, but wondering is for wonder-ers, as they say--

"I'm pretty sure no one says that," Indigo snapped. "And 'wonderers' isn't even a word."

--and breaking the fourth wall is for losers, as the old saying goes. So Indigo very obediently made his way to the hidden Brotherhood base. He was never a huge fan of holidays, though he enjoyed watching others participating in events, but they did give supple opportunity for sneaking around in plain sight. Indigo yearned for the day when the worshipers of Man would no longer have to stay hidden. But until then, he would pray and scheme in secret.

Indigo arrived at his destination soon before the meeting started. He fluttered over to where the other members were and waited patiently.
Raktos finally made land fall and collapsed on the beach. He'd learned what could happen if he overused his power and so it took him several years to make it to this new shoreline. He let out a sigh of relief as he crawled up the beach with his staff in his hand. He looked up briefly to see the ruins of some place. I crossed the very ocean only to find that the world here is gone. Raktos' curiosities had been destroyed within a minute of landing. He forced himself a bit further before he finally laid down to rest. His eyes closed and for the first time in a long while Raktos actually began to rest peacefully. His dreams were filled with the mysteries that those ruins held for him.

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