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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯


Ren sat cross-legged on top of a roof, admiring the sunrise and watching as the bright beams slowly colored his surroundings. A feeling of contentedness swelled inside his heart as he gazed upon the scene--a silent sleepy district with some of its occupants just beginning to stir. Ren stretches his insectoid wings and leaps from the rooftop. His wings catch the air and he lands gracefully onto the street below.

Browsing the various food stalls that were opening up, Ren selects a single pristine apple from a fruit vendor. He had to make sure that his claws were normal hands as others tended to be intimidated by them. He silently pays for the fruit and nods when the fruit seller thanks him for his business.

Ren munched on his apple while walking down the street, letting the crisp, sweet flavor permeate his mouth.

I wonder what today will bring...
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Lyre.jpg.4c948194b3c76d914d00764aedf7c00e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79048" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Lyre.jpg.4c948194b3c76d914d00764aedf7c00e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Thanks to the acrobatics show that happened at around the same time as the circus, Noah's Ark had lost a lot of attendants and audience and it had greatly hurt their profits for the night. He couldn't stand for this; coming home to see how upset his mother had been that no one had come to see their fortunes. It really bothered Lyre... so plucking up his courage he strode towards the other Entertainer's camp base, head held high and shoulders back. His tail swished in the breeze and the soft wind ruffled his feathers, but that was the only spot of imperfection that could be spotted on the bird. He had made the rest of his appearance absolutely immaculate- one had to look one's best when interacting with other people. Especially when wanting to ask a favor...

Lyre spotted the monkey girl he had seen performing the previous day on a laundry line. Her fairly familiar face had him beelining towards her, despite the fact that she probably wasn't head of the circus. He stormed towards her, weaving in and out through the other people milling about the encampment before he was standing right in front of her. He opened his mouth to complain about how they had stolen the Noah's Ark circus audience but found... now that he was here... he couldn't utter a single word. He ended up closing his mouth, jaw clicking shut after a moment before simply saying:

"Are you purposely trying to be competition for the Noah's Ark circus?"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Neha.jpg.f95116267af2b05ec1e9dbe9506a3f9f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79049" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Neha.jpg.f95116267af2b05ec1e9dbe9506a3f9f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Well yesterday was a complete waste." Neha said as she scribbled some notes of importance down in her book. Though she had spent a good portion of the day with Vera and that had been pleasant enough. she hadn't been able to track down Giss and find a new mission. She had ended up spending her time pouring over books she had already read 3 or 4 times, seeking out any kind of new information but finding nothing worth noting that she hadn't already written down.

Having gotten up at a decent hour and eaten, Neha began her mission a second time of seeking out Giss in order to discover what plans there were for her. She was really itching to travel to a new area and see about digging through some new tombs, but she couldn't go on the Guild's behalf unless she at least got Giss' permission. Still, it was amazing how difficult it was to hunt the rat down. Even though he wasn't much of the 'get out and do things' kind of person he still never seemed to be in the locations expected.

Well Neha was going to get the jump on him today and search the entire guild before he had the chance to disappear for a second time in two days.




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"I hate mornings..." Teal muttered silently under his breath. The sun was always to bright here in the city, and the cheerfulness of the morning wanted to make him ga-


Teal stopped in the middle of the street, glaring embarrassingly at his stomach. "Looks like the first thing i am going to need this morning is food." He swiftly began looking around the area. It was still quite early in the morning, so most of the city's denizens were still sleeping, but there are always a few early risers who are wandering about. His feet started taking him towards the fruit stall closest to him, his stomach taking over his mind. Teal merely glanced at the fruit selection, before ordering one of apples, content on the fact that he was about to fill up his stomach with delicious apple goodness. He walked passed Ren, giving him a passing glance, and then sat himself in the alley near Ren.
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Finishing his apple, Ren catches a raccoon kemonomimi glancing at him and settling down in an alley near him. Is he one of my pursuers?

He sighs and tosses the apple core into a trash can. Ren gives the kemonomimi a good look. Raccoon kemonomimi...Don't tell me he's that infamous freelancer known to use any means necessary to accomplish his task.

Ren preemptively rolls up his kimono sleeves and confronts Teal, "Are you after me too?"
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Larentia Shikari

Larentia looked around at the creature with a slightly confused expression, then noticed it looking up at the castle. With a small grin, and a plan formulating in her head, she walked in front of the metallic creature and spoke with quite a devious tone.

"You want to get in there, don't you?" She slipped her hand into her satchel and pulled out a variety of seeds, "Well. I'm willing to bet if I create a disturbance and get the attention of some of the guards, you might not be standing around for so long! Just..promise me I won't regret helping you."

Before it had a chance to answer, Larentia gave the creature one of the most genuine smiles she could muster and walked a couple metres away from it, before crouching down to carve a small hole in the ground, and proceeded to place all the seeds inside, before covering them up.

Larentia raised one hand in front of her, and spoke with a tone that sounded much more powerful, demanding even, than that of her previous.

"Völd Náttúrunnar Holdtekna, Kalla Fram Líf Undan."

Her eyes started to glow a very faint green as her hand slowly rose into the air, and as if to match her movement, the ground in which she planted the seeds started to tremble slightly, before plants started sprouting from the ground. Many different coloured stems shot up into the air, wrapping around eachother, growing to various thicknesses, and finally collecting high in the sky in a ball like shape.


The ball of multi-coloured vines seemed to burst, and from within came the petals of a rose, each one a different colour than the last.


The glow in Larentia's eyes faded, and she turned to the creature once again, with a smile across from cheek to cheek.

"It shouldn't be too long now before someone notices!"

Vinera yawned as the warm morning light awoke her. She smiled as she got out of bed. Tomorrow was the Blessings of Gaia and she couldn't be more excited. It was her favorite day. There would be people from all over coming to give gifts and praise to the goddess at the spiritual tree. A day of spirituality and love for Gaia. It brought with it an air of sweet chaos as people from all over came to join in one place. There was much to do to get ready for the coming morn and Vinera was looking forward to the chaotic preparations. But first she must go to the tree of course. Getting dressed she slipped out the back door and ran barefoot to the spiritual tree. She hummed lightly to herself as she removed any fallen leaves from around the base of the tree. Done with her daily cleaning round she climbed up one of the roots to a nook she had found soon after she first came to this small town to live. Curling up against the tree she closed her eyes and concentrated on her connection with Aura.
Jakob wandered about aimlessly, trying to avoid any contact. He slowly made his way to a wolf den where he grew up. "Evening..." He said quietly. The wolves howled and laid down.

Alexander questioned whether or not the robot was still in there. If he wasn't this would be time wasted and time that he could've spent actually looking for his master. Going into sleep mode was most likely a bad idea but it allowed his internal programming to repair itself a little. He slowly moved his head to look at the woman as she spoke again. She pulled out some seeds and mentioned creating a disturbance for him. Walking away, she dug a hole and planted the seeds. He didn't understand how that would distract the guards anytime soon but then she spoke some odd language and a weird, though very soft, light came forth from her eyes. He was so puzzled by it that he didn't realize the seeds had sprouted, revealing a beautiful flower, until a few moments later.

How is this possible? Humans went pretty far technologically speaking but they never invented some technology capable of growing plants that quickly. It puzzled him greatly especially due to the fact that she didn't have any sort of technology that maybe her people had created. The flower itself was quite beautiful. The different colors that adorned each petal caught the light in such a way to make them seem almost magical, which was probably due to the fact they were but he didn't know that.

"I have many questions to ask but now may not be the time for all of them. I do have to ask though, why do you help me? Why do I not cause you fear like I do the others?" It didn't feel right to him to not communicate with her due to the assistance she was providing both earlier with the crowd and now this soon-to-be distraction.

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EI had started to teach the healers by mid day after showing the workers in the field better tools to use and how crop rotation worked which would net them better yields without needing to ever truly stop farming an ancient skill discovered by science now forgotten. She had found their medical knowledge beyond lacking they all relied on healers that had some ability that EI did not fully understand they let the heal others to some degree. Some might call this healing magic but to EI all things could be explained with science if studied enough. The villagers had by now seemingly given to letting her teach them or rather un the village either because of fear or because they felt a human could help them grow, still there were a few that clung to superstition something she could not stand. Either way these children knew next to nothing about how medicine really worked. That was exactly why for those that professed themselves healers she demanded they not use their ability but rather used the knowledge she would give them. This was not because she had yet to understand the power, as it had seemingly proven predictable but because it was a crutch that made them weak, why learn when healing could make some sick well again.

" Now remember that when you are doing anything the number one worry you must have is infection of a wound, as that can kill a patient you have already treated . The simplest way to avoid this is never use a tool twice unless it has been dipped into clean boiled water that is still steaming. " she said having explained what really caused sickness and that it had nothing to do with evil spirits or humors, or vital forces. " Now you should not use a tool to many times as the blacksmith can not yet make prefect blades and such instruments will quickly lose their edge regardless and you will cause more damage than harm." She continued looking to where a clock would be but finding none so having to check her internal one. " That will be all for today please try to remember what you have been taught and resist the urge to use your crutch" She said as the five healers left.

She had more work to do as the day was young and there was far more to teach these children, but at least they were willing to learn, and once they had some skill she was interested in seeing their healing mixed with more scientifically understood medicine. now she had to do other work, namely she was showing the foresters renewable harvesting. It was a style of cutting employed in first world nations where all wood was not cut down from natural forests but rather from forests grown to be harvested and replanted, she had altered it so that they could have a 10 year time table where they would for the most part be cutting forest for ten years but planting a new tree for everyone cut. This would reduce the amount of wood taken from the forest and keep the wood source closer to town.

Inutsuki enjoyed the night, she fell asleep quickly in the bed, gigging at Fero's 'last message'... 'do I... really deserve this?.. after all... to think... if the chains broke... all I would have to say is one word and!-... no. don't... don't think that way Inutsuki. they-... won't brake... right?' she thought, that night she had a nightmare of the same memory from earlier.

She woke up at 7AM, sitting up quickly and covered in sweat, her breaths short and cut off just like that of someone who experienced a night terror... as she came to a bit more she realised she had slept in her maid uniform and gave a small smile
'that's right. I'm at Arona's house.... it was just a dream. calm down!' she repeated in her head before a wave of dizziness came over her, she covered her mouth again, gulping once more before suddenly getting up and rushing outside, throwing up again 'wh-what's...wrong with me?... maybe I ate something weird...' she thought, standing up slowly and steadying herself on the wall of the house.

@The Mythic Dragon @Anyone!? :3

< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero had been up early, as usual. This time he had been making pancakes for four (since he had no idea if Horatio actually ate or not). The batter had just been finished when he heard the door open in a hurry. Puzzled, he goes to the door and sees Inutsuki throwing up. "Are you alright!?" He asks, running out and helping her back inside. "I suppose pancakes may be a little strong after that... I'll make you some oatmeal as well." He says, nodding.
[QUOTE="The Mythic Dragon]< @The Mythic Dragon [/size][/b][/right][/b]

< @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero nods again as he leads her inside. "If that's the case, plain oatmeal would suit you better than sweet pancakes. Bland food can help much more with upset stomachs." He puts her down on the chair in the living room. "Just stay here. Your food'll be done soon." He notes as he jogs into the kitchen to finish breakfast.
The Mythic Dragon]< @The Mythic Dragon [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21926-zareh/ said:
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< @TheHappyPikachu @Zareh

Eventually Fero fishes cooking the food, carrying into the living room a bowl of oatmeal, a platter of pancakes and a pitcher of syrup. He places the pancakes and syrup on the table, and gives Inutsuki her oatmeal. "Enjoy!" He says happily, before settling into a chair and watching the stairs, obviously waiting for Arona.
The Mythic Dragon]< @The Mythic Dragon [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21926-zareh/ said:
Larentia Shikari

"Why wouldn't I help someone who needed it?" Larentia gave the creature another smile, with an ever so slight tinge of sadness this time, "I swore to him I always would..."

It took her a few seconds longer than it should've to realize fully what she'd said, and quickly moved onto the creatures second question,

"And you're not scary! You're..intimidating, for sure. But that doesn't mean you're bad! Not by any means." She chuckled a little, once again looking over at her creation, and whispered the words that'd complete her plan.

"Verða Fræ Af Loftinu"

With a small shudder, the multi-coloured rosed stretched up a couple metres, before thorns began to grow around the rim of each of the petals. The main part of the flower then proceeded to fly up into the air in a small puff of green mist, above the street and all it's surrounding buildings, and burst. The petals were sent flying across the sky in a colourful array of mists, each finally coming to a fluttering halt and shimying to the ground.

Throughout the sky the mist seemed to hover in place, each trail leading back to a point. Leading back to Larentia and the metallic creature right next to her.

@MrLlama @Any guards who noticed the fireworks and wanna come say hey!
(I'm sorry for the character sheet incident, I apologize to anyone I was rude or mean to...I was acting childish, but if you dont ind I'd like to start up in the rp...could someone please tell me what's going on?)
Guards that were doing their rounds heard the commotion by the open vault door. Frowning, the two walked over and saw those stealing. "OI! NEED BACKUP OVER HERE! THIS BASTARD IS EMPTYING THE VAULT!!!" Then, about 12 more ran over and rushed into the room, surrounding the man. Most of them were large, thickset Rinos and Bears, ready to give a fierce beating. On of them looked to Mary "Princess is please stand back, we don't want you to get hurt." Frowning he continued "I'm going to have to tell M'lord that you didn't sound an alarm either."

@Blackrose7 @Archdemon
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Rumdarjun Feynhardt

Sitting up in his slow and deliberate manner, Rune’s bleary eyes stared at nothing in particular as his hands clenched around his ragged bedsheets. It took him a few minutes to realize that he was back in his own room and not teetering on the edge of the rainbow-colored dream he had just tumbled out of. He couldn’t recall what, exactly, the dream had been about, but the general shape and feel of it somehow reminded Rune of the illusions Casper used to make for him when they were kids. Putting a hand up to his head he steadily began to massage his temples. Overusing his powers to such an extent always gave him more vivid dreams, for whatever reason. At least the headache that had kept him inside all the previous day had subsided.

With a sigh he finally resolved himself to climb out of bed. Since he had ostensibly been gone from the Guild for two days, he figured that it was probably time for him to get back into it. Not that he suspected anyone would take any particular notice, being that he tried to keep his presence as ghost-like as possible to avoid any questioning after a few days', or even week’s, absence, even if such absences were common among the Guild’s researchers and explores. Sometimes, like two days earlier, Rune just needed to get away from other kemonomimi, and it was during these times that he did his best to practice using his Aura in order to extend his capabilities. It was often said that you couldn’t change the Aura you were born with, but how was Rune to know that he wasn’t always meant to be able to use his powers on others? He wouldn’t know unless he tried, and so try for six fruitless hours he did. Every so often. But that usually gave him headaches, thus the extra day of rest.

Shuffling about he gathered the nice clothes that his parents had commissioned him for his birthday not too long ago. That was back when they actually had a bit of money to throw around, and he remembered excitedly showing them drawings of what he believed to be something called “Bishop’s robes” that he had stumbled upon in the rotten pages of some book. Now they lived on the fringe of the Fauna Kingdom, which made it easier for Rune to reach the ruins for his “Guild work,” or, more importantly, meetings of the Sapient Brotherhood, but it also meant that their house was little better than a slum. As he made his way into the crisp morning, leaving early enough that not even his parents were awake, Rune hoped that he would be able to move out soon once and for all like Casper had, for the constant uncomfortable waiting for his brother to return for a visit at some inopportune moment, or the day that his parents would inevitably want to know what exactly he was doing out all the time, made living on his own seem a paradise.

As for now, he would continue his milling about the Guild, gathering savings where he could. While he had been mostly holed up the whole day before, he had heard some shouts of excitement coming from around the neighborhood, and it seemed as if something exciting had happened that was cause for investigation.

They’re sure to have information at the Guild headquarters, and then I can try and find Zen later to tell him about it.

Rune’s only regret was that he had let this unknown wonderful information get a head start on him. But that was just unluckiness, no real fault of his own. He’d just have to make up for it by being a good little Guild member this morning.

-On way to Guild house-

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"Ah Grey Hound: the hero of the poor, and the enemy of the rich. I did hear about you, but it kind of slip from my mind for a bit, because what I had to deal with today. Now about neglecting the poor. I know what you are talking about, since I have secretly visited the poor in a disguise." said Mary.

As she was going to say more, a guard ended up appearing.
'Crap...why does Gaia have to give me the bad luck on Malin's birthday?' thought Mary, since now Hidden is going to be angry at her for not calling the guards.

She standed back as the guard told her to do so, and mouthed
"Luck isn't on my side today." to Grey Hound, so he can get a idea what is happening to her today.

Mary knew that the guards wasn't going to get Grey Hound, since he is a very smart thief, so she just went to her room, because she needed her beauty sleep, plus put this portrait that she is still holding away.


Next day:

Mary immediately escaped from the castle with her disguise on, since she didn't want Hidden to ended up yelling at her for what she did yesterday.

'I am a idiot princess, and I can't believe I manage to talk to Grey Hound yesterday.' thought Mary, since she likes Grey Hound, even though he did ended up robbing the treasury.

'Ok. First on my list is to visit Leon, since I want to see him in our secret spot again.' thought Mary.

She went to where the Earthly Spiritual Tree is, since there is a secret meadow there.

Mary sat in the field of flowers, since she was patiently waiting for Leon to arrive.


She is pretending to be a deer, and yes, medieval times do have wigs.

They don't have contact lenses, so her eyes are normal.

@StoneWolf18 @Archdemon @LeSoraAmari
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Amber was working at the cafe as she was serving the costumer as she smiled it was a nice day to go outside @anyone
The sun shined on Arona through the window, she slowly opened her eyes and realize that she is in her bed. Her mind still trying to return back to reality from dreamland. She slightly turns her head to the window next to her bed on the left.

"Oh...I guess it must have been a dream...I can't believe it...that was one crazy dream...it's too bad it was only a dream though..." she said in disappointment.

"Well I can assure you, that was no dream..." Horatio said in response to Arona.

"Eeeeeekkkkk!" she said from the shock of Horatio's response and accidentally falls off her bed onto the floor and looks up to Horatio who was standing while reading a book. "Good Morning" he said as he extended a hand to help her up. Arona accepted his hand and stand up while she laughed at how ridiculous that bed stunt was. "We should go downstairs, I believe they are waiting for you".

"Well a new day! a new adventure!"
she said excitedly.

Horatio and Arona made their way down from the bedroom upstairs to the downstairs living room to have breakfast.

"Gooooooood Mooorrnnning everyone!" she said while sniffing the smell of what appears to be pancakes cooked by Fero. "Pancakes! Thanks Fero! you're the best!" she said as she took a plate of pancakes along with some syrup and made her way onto the sofa who she sees Inutsuki eating oatmeal "Hiya Inutsuki!...you know...you've been wearing your maid uniform ever since yesterday..." she giggled a bit as she took a bite of pancakes. "Maybe later after we eat, do you want to take a bath with me? You must be really dirty and plus I got this new green apple shampoo! It smells really nice! Makes you smell like green apples!" she said with a smile.

Horatio who was leaning on the side of the living room wall watching everyone but had some suspicion
"Ahem" he said to get everyone's attention "I don't mean to interrupt this peaceful breakfast but...you both been acting really normal around me with my armor on" he lied in order to not have his true identity revealed. Horatio pointed to Inutsuki and then to Fero. "You don't seem to be disturbed that there's a 6 foot 5 inches person with heavy armor on?" he asked with suspicion in his voice.

Arona started sweating a bit from the questions that he asked...hoping he knew what he was doing and also hoping that they don't find out that there's a "zombie" among them.

@The Mythic Dragon

Zareh said:
The sun shined on Arona through the window, she slowly opened her eyes and realize that she is in her bed. Her mind still trying to return back to reality from dreamland. She slightly turns her head to the window next to her bed on the left.
"Oh...I guess it must have been a dream...I can't believe it...that was one crazy dream...it's too bad it was only a dream though..." she said in disappointment.

"Well I can assure you, that was no dream..." Horatio said in response to Arona.

"Eeeeeekkkkk!" she said from the shock of Horatio's response and accidentally falls off her bed onto the floor and looks up to Horatio who was standing while reading a book. "Good Morning" he said as he extended a hand to help her up. Arona accepted his hand and stand up while she laughed at how ridiculous that bed stunt was. "We should go downstairs, I believe they are waiting for you".

"Well a new day! a new adventure!"
she said excitedly.

Horatio and Arona made their way down from the bedroom upstairs to the downstairs living room to have breakfast.

"Gooooooood Mooorrnnning everyone!" she said while sniffing the smell of what appears to be pancakes cooked by Fero. "Pancakes! Thanks Fero! you're the best!" she said as she took a plate of pancakes along with some syrup and made her way onto the sofa who she sees Inutsuki eating oatmeal "Hiya Inutsuki!...you know...you've been wearing your maid uniform ever since yesterday..." she giggled a bit as she took a bite of pancakes. "Maybe later after we eat, do you want to take a bath with me? You must be really dirty and plus I got this new green apple shampoo! It smells really nice! Makes you smell like green apples!" she said with a smile.

Horatio who was leaning on the side of the living room wall watching everyone but had some suspicion
"Ahem" he said to get everyone's attention "I don't mean to interrupt this peaceful breakfast but...you both been acting really normal around me with my armor on" he lied in order to not have his true identity revealed. Horatio pointed to Inutsuki and then to Fero. "You don't seem to be disturbed that there's a 6 foot 5 inches person with heavy armor on?" he asked with suspicion in his voice.

Arona started sweating a bit from the questions that he asked...hoping he knew what he was doing and also hoping that they don't find out that there's a "zombie" among them.

@The Mythic Dragon

Inutsuki had stopped eating the oatmeal after only making it through half of the bowl, seeing Arona come downstairs she smiled 'Hi!' she wrote quickly and held it up turning to face her as she took a seat 'a...a bath?...like, as in... n-naked? together?...' she wrote holding it up and blushing a deep red 's-sure... I guess... I do like apples... and I could do with a bath... d-do you... have any clothes I could borrow? Sorry for asking but-... all I have is this uniform...' she finished and held it up, smiling awkwardly.... she still was pale and in all honesty not feeling the best.

'I guess my stuff can wait... after all there's only two things of real value there. I mean-... I'll have to go back but I'll think of this as a vacation' she thought, nodding to herself confidently before blushing again at the idea of a bath with her, she quickly snapped out of her-.... 'slightly' perverted thoughts as Horatio asked his question, shrugging 'Not really... plus. your-... not like us... you don't smell right.' she wrote, holding it up as her ears perked up and tail wagged 'you smell like metal. and I don't mean armour kinda metal... I mean-... I don't smell anything but metal.' she wrote, holding up the notebook and tilting her head innocently, the smile dropping from her face as she suddenly rushed outside again 'dammit... I just ate too... and I'm still hungry... wait. how can I be sick and hungry?...' she thought as she came back inside blankly.

@The Mythic Dragon


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