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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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Tsubaki stood at the back of the school grounds, Tatsu showing her how to form ice schulptures, or at least attempting to to do so. "I guess we will have to exhaust that energy of yours then" he told Tsubaki as he patted her head.
Getting flustered Tsubaki spun around aiming a kick for her fathers head, only to have her leg grabbed. Tatsu lifted her into the air slamming her down onto the ground. The impact knocking the breath from her chest.

Laughing he crouched down watching her movements.

"That was just cold!" Tsubaki yelled at Tatsu, swinging and clawing angrily at him, as soon as she left an opening Tatsu punched her in the stomach sending her flying into a grouping of tree.

Ace had cought up amd saw them fighting. "Whatthe hell?"
Thana nodded and smiled. "Yea but it made growing up in an area of vampires only hard to make friends. I was the weirdo." She said as she then pets shadows head and he barks happily causing her to laugh. "Shadow says he likes you. And he hopes to see you more often." She said basically translating what shadow said.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Lucius smiles and pits a hand in the girl shoulder "We are all weirdos here." He laughed and he looked to shadow "I like you too." He removed his hand from her shoulder and smiled charmingly st her
Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf
Thana smiled and nodded. "I can tell. I may not have gotten to do classes and what not yet but from what I heard from my mom. Seems I'll like it here better than back at home." She said and shadow barked. "The others didn't like shadow either so back at home he and I were the outcasts." She said.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Dakshsh slithered behind trying to carefully maneuver his split tail out from underneath the lunchroom table "you appear as a normal human, what warrants you being here?" He asked
He gasped playfully "How could they hate such a cutie like him!" He smiled as he referred to shadow. He then turned his gaze to her and smiled "I'm a bit of a outcast myself. Being a keeper and all."
Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf
"In India, learned gurus become immune to magic as Vishnu has blessed them" explained Dakshesh slithering out of the lunchroom
"A keeper?" Thana asked tilting her head. "And um why they don't like him is because to most vampires agree that cats are better than dogs. So when I saved shadow they flipped but um flipped even more when I shifted into a wolf the one time." She said as she placed her hand on shadows head.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
He nodded "I'm sorry to hear that. And yes a keeper. Protecter of a element. Only in my case it was of all elements. There were very few elemental beings who voukd use all. Most have only one. I was the only one who could use all of them."
Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf
"Oh so they where jealous of you so to speak because of that." Thana said. "And it's no big deal I can shift into big cats too." She said with a small smile. "But being able to even control one element is considered a big deal among vampires if one could control all then, well with vampire law, they would become the leader or ruler of vampires." She said.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
"I forgot to mention, I'm one of your teachers here as well, due to my experience with Tsubaki and my own problems when I was younger I'll be helping those who have problems with their abilities " Tatsu, despite paying attention to Ace was having a flurry of attacks thrown at him by Tsubaki, and was having no problem blocking them.

The Outcast The Outcast

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