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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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"Yea. It's a weird law but well my uncle is keeping the peace among the vampires." Thana said. She did notice he blushed and smiled. "But you have to be a vampire to be ruler." She said. Shadow barked lightly.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Thana found the paper that should have had her room number on it. "Um room number 20, I think." She said. It was clear that even she wasn't completely sure. Shadow lightly barked and nudged her side lightly.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Lucius nodded and he turned right out of the main lobby. "This way." he said with a wide smile, he lead her down the hall almost to the end, just before the corner where they would have to turn again he stopped. "Right here." He tapped a door on his right marked with the number 20.
Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf
Thana nodded and opened the door. Shadow was the first in. He wanted to sniff around first before Thana went in. "Shadow I doubt there be anything in there that may hurt anyone." She said and then looked at Lucius. "Do you have any animal companions?" She asked with a smile.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Lucius shook his head and chuckled "No. I never thought of getting one." He said with a nervous smile "Always thought animals wouldnt like me. Seems like more of a human or other people type of thing. After all most animals dont like lightning or burning flames." He said with a small spark coming from his hand and a flame from the other before the quickly go away. Staying only just long enough for Thana to see.

Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf
"That is cool and oddly enough shadow is a bit of an odd dog. He loves everything that isn't normal for a normal animal." Thana said as shadow returned to her side. Shadow barked and then lightly licked Lucius hand. Thana chuckled. "Shadow really likes you. If you want and if shadow wants we can share him." She offered with a small smile.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
"I couldnt do that. You two are like family, I doubt I could ever be as good a owner to shadow as you. Let alone try to take care of a dog. I've never even had a pet..." He said as he was obviously nervous when he spoke "I'd probably forget to feed him..."
Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf
Thana chuckled. "He normally gets his own food. And um to be honest he isn't a normal dog. I don't know what happened when he was born but it was clear he wasn't like other canines born to normal ones." She said and shadow barked wagging his tail. "But ok and shadow said you probably would have made a great animal owner in time." She said with a small smile.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
He blushed "Thank shadow." He stepped into the doorway of the door still facing into the room "You need any help unpacking?" He asked as he desperately tried to find something to keep him with the girl. She was fun and kind, unlike some others he had met, he also loved the dog. He had started to take a liking to the girl, definitely a close friend, possibly a future love interest for him.
Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf
"Alrigjt" he said, listening
Taking that as a sign to continue, Dakshesh said "In Hinduism, we believe in 33 gods and that Braman is the highest universal prinipal, he is the reality and time itself. Gurus meditate and read the vedas and overtime their soul gradually becomes immune to all types of magic. The guru's soul becomes much larger than his body and as a resault, his body is nearly indestructible, some can even teleport to the realm of the gods to receive divine wisdom"
Thana nodded. "Yea I wouldn't mind the help." She said as she entered the room and placed the three bags on the bed. "It's mostly shadows stuff my and clothing and other stuff." She said. Oddly enough the bags where marked. She then looked at Lucius with a smile. She rather enjoyed being around him. She can definitely see them being close friends and if more happened between them then well she would have to figure that out later.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Thana nodded. "Yea I wouldn't mind the help." She said as she entered the room and placed the three bags on the bed. "It's mostly shadows stuff my and clothing and other stuff." She said. Oddly enough the bags where marked. She then looked at Lucius with a smile. She rather enjoyed being around him. She can definitely see them being close friends and if more happened between them then well she would have to figure that out later.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Half the shelves in the room already had dresses, hijabs, stockings and the other bed had plastic bags of human organs sitting upon it.
Taking that as a sign to continue, Dakshesh said "In Hinduism, we believe in 33 gods and that Braman is the highest universal prinipal, he is the reality and time itself. Gurus meditate and read the vedas and overtime their soul gradually becomes immune to all types of magic. The guru's soul becomes much larger than his body and as a resault, his body is nearly indestructible, some can even teleport to the realm of the gods to receive divine wisdom"

"Divine wisdom huh?" He said and looked down. Deeply in thought. Mike didnt not believe in gods or religion. But this was a pretty interesting tale was a lot like his 'powers'
"Yep" Dakshesh said in admiration "the only thing that'd make you a complete guru is if you met the Hindu gods band let Vishnu bless you and your soul" The Outcast The Outcast
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Lucius smiled "Good you have a roomate." He smiled and stepped out of the doorway into the room "You two look like you'll get along quite well."
Lucius smiled and began to help her unpack shadows things and anything else she needed, even this was fun. He had been so bored lately he had forgotten what actually talking to people felt like, it was nice. His smile grew wider and he turned towards her "So, anything you want to do? Or want me to head out after we are finished unpacking?"
Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf
"Well maybe look around. And thanks for helping me Lucius." Thana said with a small smile. She haven't really talked to too many people over her time. "You said something about showing me around?" She asked with a small smile.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
"The catch would be you would have to dedicate your life to teaching Hindus about morality and the divine wisdom you learned straight from the gods." Dakshesh said

The Outcast The Outcast

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