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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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"Yea his name is shadow." Thana said wirh a smile. She then looked at Mary for a sec then back to the male. "My name is Thana, Thana Rage." She said with a small smile as she introduced herself.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Tsubaki looked up at Ace for a moment before letting go and holding herself. "Forgive me, I'm not feeling well" she told him as she started back towards the school, in hopes of finding someone to end her suffering.
The Outcast The Outcast
"Yea in new i only just arrived. Should have been here when it started up but got a little held back." Thana said with a smile. "And ya I wouldn't mind if you showed me around after Mary shows me my room." She said as shadow sat down close to Lucius.
"I know but some people can understand shadow. He can understand people when they talk to him." Thana said with a small smile. Shadow barked and then started to sniff around. Still staying within eye sight of Thana.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Thana taken her stuff back that Mary was carrying and looked at Lucius. "Well I guess your gonna show me around." She said with a small smile as she got closer to him. Shadow returned to her side.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Thana looked at him and smiled lightly. "Vampire mix with something else. I dont what the other is because my dad left a little after I was born." She said as she then placed a hand on shadows head.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
He sighed "I'm sorry to hear that." He said apologetically. It was a sad thing to hear and it pulled on a string in his heart. "I'm a elemental wraith."
"Meaning you control the elements?" Thana asked tilting her head slightly. She haven't heard of many other beings seeing she lived in an area that only have vampires.
Tsubaki stood at the back of the school grounds, Tatsu showing her how to form ice schulptures, or at least attempting to to do so. "I guess we will have to exhaust that energy of yours then" he told Tsubaki as he patted her head.
Getting flustered Tsubaki spun around aiming a kick for her fathers head, only to have her leg grabbed. Tatsu lifted her into the air slamming her down onto the ground. The impact knocking the breath from her chest.

Laughing he crouched down watching her movements.

"That was just cold!" Tsubaki yelled at Tatsu, swinging and clawing angrily at him, as soon as she left an opening Tatsu punched her in the stomach sending her flying into a grouping of tree.
Lucius smiled and nodded "Yes I control all the elements. Although most of us wraith only control one." He laughed as he walked with her "Vampires cant be in sunlight? Right? How are you out here?"

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