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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

Results are only viewable after voting.
Lucius smiled when she gripped his hand and he seemed unaffected. "The elements dont affect me. I control them therefore they cant harm me." He said with a wink as he chuckled and he sat back "I could teach you a little about using fire."
Tsutarji Tsutarji
Akira groaned and she nodded "alright i'll love for you to teach me " she said smiling at him and she sighed " I wish i could hurt someone with my fire" she said smiling.
Dakshsh was getting chicken tenders and a soda before slithering back over to Mike and coiling up in front of the bench as to "sit" at the table. "I'm back" Dakshesh said before swallowing a chicken tender whole.
"I will be right back" mike said to him. "Gonna give this pale guy food" he said and this thumbed a figure at the hyprid
"Okay, go ahead" Dakshsh said getting his phone out of his laptop bag with his lower arms and parusing social media.
"Pale g- what?" Elliot took offense to that and stared at him in horror, "Oh so now you're going to judge me for being pale. Marvellous," He mumbled squinting at him with crossed arms.
Lucius laughed at the comment tbinking it was a joke "Well most people you could hurt. Just not me." He said as his charming smile turned into a gleeful grin and he opened his mouth to speak but the waiter walked over and said "What will you two be having today?" And Lucius nodded and ordered first "I'll get a chicken club sandwich and a glass of lemon water." The waiter nodded takin down the order and then looked to the girl "And you?"
Tsutarji Tsutarji
"Pale g- what?" Elliot took offense to that and stared at him in horror, "Oh so now you're going to judge me for being pale. Marvellous," He mumbled squinting at him with crossed arms.
"Hey relax, im not jugging you" He said to him. "Im just kidding, if you dont like, I wont call you that anymore"He said
Akira thought about it and she sighed "Just a beef sandwich and some tea" she said and she looked down before she looked at him 'its like i'm on a date....' she thought and she began to smile "so whats your name i don't think i got it"

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
The waiter nodded and walked away and into the kitchen. Lucius looked to her and he snapped "Shit my bad I thought you heard. I'm Lucius." He said with a nervous laugh
Tsutarji Tsutarji
Akira looked at him and she smiled " Lucius what are you a rapper?" she laughed and she winked "Just kidding " she said and she held out her hand " Hey Lucius where are you from" she said lighting a fire in her hand.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
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He chuckled "Well the school thinks I'm from America. But Im really from a different place entirely." He smiled as he looked to her "But i cant talk about it."
Tsutarji Tsutarji
Akira looked at him and she shivered "What do you mean?" she asked leaning forward, her butt in the air so she could learn more of the details " opps" she said sitting down.
Lucius shook his head and leaned closer and said "Well....there is a special place that I am not allowed to name where elemental beings come from. I was born there. I was born a keeper." He said with a smile

Tsutarji Tsutarji
Akira nodded "Oh cool...i'm from Japan really i am " she said and she laid back "But when i began a demon when my ex. sold my soul for money...so when i became a demon i murdered him it was so much fun watching him burn" she giggled "do i sound ok?" she asked blushing "sorry i just really hated him"

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
He nodded. "You sound fine. Nothing wrong with wanted revenge on someone who sold your soul." He said before he whispered "I have done some bad things too." He said with a reassuring look as he winked at her
Tsutarji Tsutarji
Akira looked at him and she smiled " I even get to go to heaven because god said because i didn't make the deal i get to go to heaven when i die...isn't that great " she said smiling at her " What really like what?" she asked.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
He looked to her and he leaned even closer to her "I've killed other elemental beings. During a uprising the keepers were forced to fight for their people. As in their element. I had to kill many of my brothers and sisters." He said sadly as he drew closer to the end his tone grew darker and darker and he looked down at his hand "But those were different times."
Tsutarji Tsutarji
"Mom talked good things about you. Like how in some cases you helped her a good bit. I think she said she even helped out in the cafeteria with your permission and was the only one to help work in it." Thana said with a small smile as shadow sniffed around but stayed close by.
"Indeed she was" mary agreed. "Maybe you wanna follow in her foot steps?
"I wouldn't mind I helped my mom cook a lot for some of the werewolves and others that weren't able to take care of themselves." Thana said with a smile.
She give a giddy smile. "Great to hear!" She said. "Like you mother you will be getting paid"

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