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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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Dakshesh has had quite the lesson today, so he slithered down the halls and down toward the cafeteria.
Elliot yawned as he stepped out of the detention hall. Being late caused him some time alone in the bore-room, but since he got to skip classes, he didn't mind. He looked around the hallway, wondering if he should head to the cafeteria for lunch.
Lucius chuckled as the girl talked to him and he smiled to her charmingly "Good reason. I came here for the same." He said as he entered the restaurant leading her to a table and pulling a seat out for her. "Your seat miss."

Tsutarji Tsutarji
Thana knew full well she was very late to arrive at the school. When she got there she looked for signs that may lead to the headmasters office. Her big German shepherd, Shadow, was next to her. She was happy to finally be here though.
"In India we have a wide array of beasts and monsters, what do you have all the way up there" asked Dakshesh
Thana knew full well she was very late to arrive at the school. When she got there she looked for signs that may lead to the headmasters office. Her big German shepherd, Shadow, was next to her. She was happy to finally be here though.
Before she could get to the door, mary stepped out. "Hello Thana" She said with a smile on her face.

"In India we have a wide array of beasts and monsters, what do you have all the way up there" asked Dakshesh

"not much really" He said. "occasionally there is a witch.
A Yeti that about it" He said to him
"In India, we have everything" Dakshesh said "From unicorns and monkeymen to giant birds and two headed dragons!"
Thana lightly jumped and Shadow let out a small growl. "Oh hi sorry I'm really late. I had to help my mother cause she decided to move and go a little overboard with what I should bring." She said as she placed a hand on shadows head to seize his growling. "And sorry about Shadow. He's protective and sometimes get startled." She said.
"You should, it is lovely and interesting" Dakshesh said "There's all sorts of cultures, temples and places."
Thana lightly jumped and Shadow let out a small growl. "Oh hi sorry I'm really late. I had to help my mother cause she decided to move and go a little overboard with what I should bring." She said as she placed a hand on shadows head to seize his growling. "And sorry about Shadow. He's protective and sometimes get startled." She said.
"Don't worry about the dog. his is fine" She said to her. "Also ill handle your bags" She added

"You should, it is lovely and interesting" Dakshesh said "There's all sorts of cultures, temples and places."
"The only reason i havent went there yet is because of over population. I don't like closed spaces" He said
"My hometown of Dharmapuri wasn't that crowded, but if you went to New Delhi or Mumbai, yes it is very crowded" Dakshsh said "When in India, try the dharmapuri district, we have temples and a shit ton of mango trees!"
Thana nodded slightly she only had three bags. One containing shadows stuff, another her clothing and other personal items, and the other appeared to be a medical bag which contained blood bags. "Thank you very much. I am happy to be here. I'm hoping to make friends here as well." She said. She was a little shy for a vampire but could be very fun to be around once you got to know her. Shadow barked lightly as if saying hi to the headmaster.
"My hometown of Dharmapuri wasn't that crowded, but if you went to New Delhi or Mumbai, yes it is very crowded" Dakshsh said "When in India, try the dharmapuri district, we have temples and a shit ton of mango trees!"
"Ill have to go sometime then" He said. He began to plan in his head for the trip
Thana nodded slightly she only had three bags. One containing shadows stuff, another her clothing and other personal items, and the other appeared to be a medical bag which contained blood bags. "Thank you very much. I am happy to be here. I'm hoping to make friends here as well." She said. She was a little shy for a vampire but could be very fun to be around once you got to know her. Shadow barked lightly as if saying hi to the headmaster.
She nodded "Thats everyone's goal dear" she said to her. "You will be happy to know that you have to day off today" He said
Elliot walked into the cafeteria, but found nothing worth filling his appetite. And that's why I hate the food here, he sighed to himself as he wondered what to do.
Mike saw the other perosn that stood out fro the others. "Hello" He said to him

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