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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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Arkia groans a little before she looked down at them " So i guess i'm a third year as well?" she asked still confused and she shivered " Man i need help..." she said looking a Mike and she touch his should, slightly burning his shoulder "don't sneak up on me again" she whispered giggling.

The Outcast The Outcast
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
He gave a small laugh. "Your a third year and you dont know what class is where?" He asked ignoring the burn. "Thats...something"
Lucius chuckled and smiled at the girl "No your a first year. At least I think right? Your new to the school?" He asked in confirmation before looking to her hand that was burning Mikes shoulder and a sudden coolness would engulf her hand and his shoulder. There was ice around it and Lucius smiled "Lets not burn our friends now ok?" He said in a playful manner as the ice began to melt
The Outcast The Outcast Tsutarji Tsutarji
"Relax" Mike said to him. "She woulden't be able to do anything harmful to me" he said "Same as you"
Arkia looked at him and she nodded walking over and she nodded "Yep First year because i'm new" she said looked at Mike and she groaned " Why can't i hurt you?" she asked confused and she sat down on a bench.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
The Outcast The Outcast
"I am relaxed. Just dont want her burning your clothes away. Dont want to see you naked." He said with a smirk before he looked to the girl "I dont really understand it eother but im sure a nice kick to the skull would hurt him." Lucius said with a smirk then he moved past the subject "Anyways now that you know you have the whole day off what would you like to do?"
Tsutarji Tsutarji
Arkia looked at him and she nodded walking over and she nodded "Yep First year because i'm new" she said looked at Mike and she groaned " Why can't i hurt you?" she asked confused and she sat down on a bench.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
The Outcast The Outcast

"I am relaxed. Just dont want her burning your clothes away. Dont want to see you naked." He said with a smirk before he looked to the girl "I dont really understand it eother but im sure a nice kick to the skull would hurt him." Lucius said with a smirk then he moved past the subject "Anyways now that you know you have the whole day off what would you like to do?"
Tsutarji Tsutarji

"My... 'power' for lack of a better word is that magic cant hurt me or foll me, magical imunity" He said to her than laughed at Lucius. "No i don't want you to see me like that either" He said
((Since Lucius controls the elements if he were to use natural resources rather than creating them out of thin air would it harm him? Like the rocks being brought up from the actual ground. It wouldnt be magic wouldnt it be more manipulation of the natural elements?))

((Also that would mean Lucius and him are similar. Lucius cant be affected by the elements. But blint force attacks and stuff that doesnt have to do with the elements affects him normally.))
The Outcast The Outcast
Arkia sighed before she rubbed her arms "Sleep?" she asked and she looked at him and she giggled " I don't know maybe explore the school so i can know more about it " she said smiling at him. a small fire ball appeared in her hand and she smiled at it before she made it disappear.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
((Yea, I meant that someone cant use spells or magical powers aghiesnt him, brute force still works)
Lucius chuckled and looked to her fire ball and he too made one in the palm of his hand "So you use fire?" He asked as he spun the ball of fire in his hand
Tsutarji Tsutarji
Arkia nodded "yeah...i'm a demon so...i guess Fire and a few other things i have to master.." she said rubbing her hand and she looked down " So what do you wanna do?"she asked
"Well you can both stand thier and looked dumb" He joked, "You we can all look around, and looked dumb"
"Well would you like a tour of the school with a stupid guy like me? Or perhaps brunch with a stupid guy like me? He asked as the fireball disappeared and he rolled his neck. It cracked a few tines and he smiled wide "Damn that felt good."
Tsutarji Tsutarji The Outcast The Outcast
Arkia looked at him and she shrugged "I'm saying no to the Brunch because i don't go on dates with guys who don't let me burn someone" she laughed and she smiled "just kidding sure lets go but this better not be a date i hardly know you"

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Mike had decided to walk off. He had a few guesses of where they would go, seeing how they had no real way to get around really fast.

Mary had also walked of at this poing, she had work to do after all
Arkia followed him and she sighed happily "thanks for the brunch i'm starving " she said smiling as she walked with him " I'm Arkia if you didn't get it " she said smiling at him.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Lucius smiled as he walked with her " Well met Akira." He said happily as he kept leading her closer to the main part of town."So what made you come here?"
Tsutarji Tsutarji
Arkia shrugged and she giggled happily before she looked at him " OH i came here because i wanted to fit in with other students" she said and she yawned a little.

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