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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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Dakshesh was now slithering toward the cafeteria, he hadn't really had time earlier for lunch so he decided to have something with company. "You hungry" Dakshesh asked
"Ok just wish I had gotten here sooner though." Thana said rubbing the back of her neck and shadow lightly nudged her side. "Either way my mom came to this school herself when it was getting started. At least that's what she told me." She said wirh a small smile. Then something hit her. "Do we get roommates? Or a room to ourselves?" She asked.
Dakshesh was now slithering toward the cafeteria, he hadn't really had time earlier for lunch so he decided to have something with company. "You hungry" Dakshesh asked
"Not really" He said to the snake, He wasnt lieing. He had food in his room and ate before comming there

"Ok just wish I had gotten here sooner though." Thana said rubbing the back of her neck and shadow lightly nudged her side. "Either way my mom came to this school herself when it was getting started. At least that's what she told me." She said wirh a small smile. Then something hit her. "Do we get roommates? Or a room to ourselves?" She asked.

"At the momeent you have your own room" She said. "What is yur mothers name?" She asked wondering if she rememberes her
"You ok?" He asked

The teenager was not in the mood to converse on an empty stomach, since he tended to get moody. But he decided not to be a pmsing b-tch about it. "Yes. I just hate this school's cafetria," He sighed with a shrug.
"My mothers name is Luna. Luna Blood Rose. Although after she had me she took my fathers last name of Rage." Thana said with a small smile.
"Ah yes i remeber your mother. she was quite the student in the old days" She said with a smile
The teenager was not in the mood to converse on an empty stomach, since he tended to get moody. But he decided not to be a pmsing b-tch about it. "Yes. I just hate this school's cafetria," He sighed with a shrug.
(You can curse)
"I have some food in my room, its real food if you want it" He said
Thana smiled and nodded. "Yea she wanted me to come here when I was younger but I guess something stopped her from doing that." She said. "Um your Mary, right? Sorry my mom talked about you a lot." She said
(Lol thank you xD)

Elliot perked up ever so lightly at the mention of real food. "Oh that sounds go- What's in it for you though?" He asked, squinting at Mark.
He nodded "You're very welcome." He said in a charming tone and he moved to the other side of the table and sat in the seat across from her. A smile crawling its way onto hos face as he sat down and he said "So Miss Akira, what else can you do with that fire of yours?"
Tsutarji Tsutarji
Akira looked at him and she smiled at him "oh i can" she said holding his hand and she burnt it a little and she pulled away and she giggled " So if you ever try and hold my hand i'll burn you" she winked and she laid back in her chair "Nothing much yet but fireballs and a burn"
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
"really? What did she say?" Mary asked her.

Mike nodded at the snake and looked at the hyprid. "Whats in it for me?" He asked. "How about a friend?"
"How about a friend," Mark suggested.
"........ Yeaaaah no I don't do the whole friends thing," Elliot said, "How about partners in crime?"

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