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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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"I told her to keep it a scereat. Otherwise people would participate for the worng reasons" she said then added "please keep it a secret as well"
Thana nodded. "I won't say anything." She said with a smile. "Mom gave me some of her recipes for me and others. Though ones for me also include blood the others don't have blood involved." She said.
Thana nodded. "I won't say anything." She said with a smile. "Mom gave me some of her recipes for me and others. Though ones for me also include blood the others don't have blood involved." She said.

"Yea please dont add blood to them, well wait" she snapped her figures. " there is another part vampire here, if you wanna make something for you and him. It will work" she said
Thana nodded and smiled. "I don't mind." She said and shadow lightly barked so she lightly pets him. "Shadow has also been looking forward to coming here as well." She said.
"Dont worry" she said to her and petted the dog."he will be looked after when you cant
Thana smiled. "Yea though he may not leave my side. He never left my side since he was a pup." She said as shadow licked Mary's hand lightly.
"Well when I found him as a puppy his own mother and the mothers owner were beating me. So um I beat the owner and pushed the mother dog away." Thana said lightly petting shadow. "From that day on i raised him and nursed him back to health because he was a sickly puppy and slowly dying." She said.
Tsubaki looked to her father "I need to get back and take a shower daddy" standing up she took Ace's hand and winked at him. "Cmon let's get going, I could really use a shower"

Tatsu waved to them, smiling as he watched them leave.

The Outcast The Outcast
Thana nodded and smiled. She always had a kind heart for animals. "Thanks I just never like when animals got abused t anyone or anything." She said calmly.

(Night outcast!)
Tsubaki led Ace into a nearby alley way, pushing him to the wall she pressed close to him, her forked tongue flickering out of her mouth as she licked his neck, breathing heavily as her face turned bright red. "I can't take it anymore" she muttered under her breath.
The Outcast The Outcast
Lucius after finishing his meal with Akira smiled paid for the meal and said his goodbye. Heading outside the resturaunt he waved goodbye to Akira "See you around!" He walked past the resturaunt he was at earlier and he heard a commotion in the alleyway to his left and he stopped turning he spotted two figures who were close and he laughed as he tapped his foot a thin piece of earth coming between the two "Its too early for that!" He said before he turned and began walking away towards the schook.

((Moving on. I waited but Tsutarji Tsutarji is apparently gone for a week.))
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf The Outcast The Outcast
Thana nodded and smiled. She always had a kind heart for animals. "Thanks I just never like when animals got abused t anyone or anything." She said calmly.

(Night outcast!)

"I dont either" she said to her. Changeing the supject she said. "Want me to show you your room?"

Tsubaki led Ace into a nearby alley way, pushing him to the wall she pressed close to him, her forked tongue flickering out of her mouth as she licked his neck, breathing heavily as her face turned bright red. "I can't take it anymore" she muttered under her breath.
The Outcast The Outcast

He shivered as her go tounge toiched his neck. "W-,what are you doing?" He asked her
"Yes please and thank you. I'm sure this place is big enough to get lost in if one isn't paying attention." Thana said with a small smile.
"In face" she began "the school is a lot larger on the inside than out" Mary told thana as the walked
Thana nodded and followed. Shadow was next to her. "I'm guessing some sorta of magic so it can fit a lot more people and what not?" She asked.
"dear" she said with a smile. "Everyothing in this school is magic" she said
Lucius continued onward towards the school, he arrived at the school after a few minutes due to him running at full sprint and his enhanced speed. He walked towards the dorms and he sat outside them in the courtyard, he was bored and tired. After all he had just ate.
Anybody Anybody
Lucius continued onward towards the school, he arrived at the school after a few minutes due to him running at full sprint and his enhanced speed. He walked towards the dorms and he sat outside them in the courtyard, he was bored and tired. After all he had just ate.
Anybody Anybody
(Sorry all my oc are taken)
((Well he is outside the dorms, anyone near there could interact, or possibly interact, also you never replied as to how he brought a rock barrier between Ace and Tsubuki
Thana smiled at Mary. She looked around as they walked. "This place is amazing." She said just then shadow ran off to what looked like a court yard area. "Shadow don't wonder too far." She said as she then noticed a male that shadow ran up to and licked the males hand.

The Outcast The Outcast and ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Lucius felt something wet touch his hand he flinched and looked down to see a a black dog and he smiled petting the dog gently with the hand it had licked "Oh hello there." He said to the dog as he leaned forward continuing to pet the dog "I dont think I've seen you around here before. Wheres your owner?" He asked the dog, obviously not expecting a answer it was more just a subconscious thing that he said.
The Outcast The Outcast Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf

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