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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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Lucius smiled remembering his offer earlier. "Yeah, I can show you around if you'd like." He said as he stretched "And dont sweat it. Its my job as your upperclassman to do what I can to help." He said as he looked to shadow "You coming too buddy?"
Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf
Shadow barked and jumped into his paws. "Upperclassmen? I didn't know." Thana said with a small smile. She placed a hand on shadows head and smiled at him. "Well show me around I just hope I remember it all." She said.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
He laughed when shadow barked and he smiled to shadow. He then turned around "Yeah, upperclassman. I'm a third year." He said before he headed towards the door, stopping in the doorway "Dont worry, with a guide like me, you wont forget a thing." He gave a playful wink with a sly smirk
Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf
Thana chuckled and followed him. Shadow at her side. "Well it won't be boring I can say that much." She said with a small smile. So far her fangs never once showed. "So um what do most people do around here beside maybe skipping classes and going to em?" She asked.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
Lucius smiled and blushed "I hope not." He continued walking and he lead her out of the dorms and towards the main school building. "Well people go out to eat, and theres well magic classes where we spar?"
Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf
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Thana nodded and notices someone. She then tilted her head not really sure if she should say something. "Sparing sounds like fun." She said and shadow barked lightly. Shadow notices the person pass them and sniff the air before barking.

ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic Tonstad39 Tonstad39
Lucius smiled. He noticed her happiness and he said "Well, its always good to let off a little steam." He said as they entered the main building of the campus. "This is where the cafeteria and most academic classes are held."
Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf
Lucius began to walk down various hallways telling which are for spellcastong, control of your abilities, monster/beast terminology/history and other classes until they exited the building and he kept leading her on until they arrived at the A large building bigger than the last "This is the gym and sparring area. Sparring classes and gym classes are held here."
Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf
"That's enough for today kiddo, get to gym before you are late, and change clothes would you?" Tatsu kissed Tsubaki on the head and waved to her as she ran off with a bag of new clothes and shoes.

Once Tsubaki ran into the gym she went straight to the bathroom changing into running shoes, a tank top, and short shorts. Wincing as her hair turned her black and wings faded away into her back. After a few minutes she walked out stretching, she had cat ears and a tail with her dragon eyes. Starting to stretch on the gym floor getting ready to run.
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic The Outcast The Outcast
"Fun? That wasn't fun I was teasing him" Tsubaki finished stretching, reaching out to pet shadow, her ears twitching. "A first year too? Is Lucius being a good boy?" She asked Thana and shadow as she stood up looking at Lucius with a sly grin. "You two seem to be having fun though, so Thana what are you?"
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf

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